T,,.. i v April .'JIW ' ?A02 THRE3 i i LOCAL NEWS NOTES YAKIJLKY S Special Gift Offer ! ft 65c. Bottle Old English LavehtW With Each Purchase of a Dollar Uox of -LAVENDER TOILET SOAP 11 ESTIMATE T1IK NUMBER OF ESI IT Y FILM SPOOLS IN tltft WINDOW First IViie: a Kodak; Second Prlie: Ten lYee Enlargements Ue the new pane hmmnttc roll film In taking snapshot and have them developed by us. OrmesLld. The ItrsallfiSlore "Jit Pioneer Druqriats Sutherland Clears the Decks y special arrangement wllh one of Canada's largest clothing manufacturers I am cridhled to sell 100 SUITS 100 tot these rthidrkahly low prices 17.50 to 27.50 l vrrv (lirmrnt Unldn Slade Tailored to Individual Measure Deliveries l or Slay 24 th this sate O Matheson. special representative of the Berger Tailoring Co will be In attendance to lend hU expert advice Rcnicmlicr the Dates! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday April 26, 27 and 28 hi-, are sold on the double guarantor of tin- merchant manufacturer Hundreds of patterns to choose from iily and iret first cholre as the yaniauc is limited In Mime rloths SUTHERLAND THE TAILOR and Avenue rrince Kupert. IVC. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoiis "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C. 1 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer, llsti Print HHert W " S cmA F.VKRY TUESDAY. 1 : Ml. . ' 'Jcean Fulls and Way Points. Due Vancouver Tnursaay p.m. C AltneA EVF.UY IMDAY SlIDNlHHT. Vancouver Monday a.m. :v .Mitt,,, u Port Simpson. Alice Arm. Anywt. intnrmMion rtearrttni all aallii- '" J'rlnre Rupert Agency: Second Avenue. Suwtrt and N iu at Phone 5C8 PhonM: 81 & 82 On motion et Aid. Rudderharn. seco-tted by Aid Dlaek. Ote oty cmuleii, last night grnhted permission to Vtjt Unemployed Oekh-?l!s to use the Acropoits HUI ' grounds for an open sir meeting in observance of It tematlnhal Labor i' iv on May 1. A'd Casey, at test nagM' meeting of the Mty eooncil. brought in a complaint from II. Mocftfda it the necessity of the luster having den on Eleventh Avenw. the in-: rumen t being taltei out each xm;er It was felt that this fee Hotel Arrivals r Prince Rupert c OinutMe ahd E. R. Pearte! Oceanic; F, R Wilson and R. O. John.-tor. Inverness: J. A. Motfcer-ve:i Vsnatniver. Cchtril D. Pattlson. R. W. MscLedd. C. A Hanson, V. Usyavoyett. A. Ah-erw. lhn nrsetti nd Andy Simonsen. etty. Savoy T ttose, etty. Royal Charles Johnson. Lara island. Announcements Rt Peter's Chureh Spring Sah ,, April 27 Royal Purple Uridge-whttt oil Thursday. April 71. AngMmn Y.VA. play April Y7-3 UkUey1 itAme basAar. May 4. Comedy United Church May and S. Mbbse tMneea May 6 ahd at. ObHtadlan Iglon Women's Auxll iar; T and Sale of Home Cook tngV AVhieufy, Saturday, May 6. : to C .Variety RnWtalnmcrit Prcsby-tartan Church May 13. Basketball DencNt Dance May 12 Dig Dance, Moose Hall May 10. Carnbral Chapter Tea. May So, MANURE For Sale $100 a Load Dominion Dairy Phone Net) GOS ! was excessive. Mayor Stephen felt that any - sp?al. vhth might bV atabv wnW only uften the ddor for abuse The ratt ier wn referred to the 'JUtttiet committee for report. For day and night Taxi service Phone 32. tf Oarden Earth, Manure, Phont 303, Oaiey Cartage, Prompt Service, ti Annual meeting Regiment Foot ball Club Wednesday, April 38. 8 cm., .at Armory. beau, left kfcst night for home lh Itaxcltoo. Miss II. W. Dutiran. Miss. Margaret E. Stevens -and Mitt Hannah Nicholson, M'XlaWs of the nursing staff of the PdK iRwiMon Hospital B. E Morgan, manager of theUfir a wSe.nrf vixit tn the rttv u iim .r Spruce MUU Ltd sawmill I returned yelUrdly morning tr the i Billmor. arrived In the city thlf I neighboring vtilaa;e. "uirnmg irom porpoue Harbor idr 1) i 'f business visit to town. It U unlikely that the pvt will cut lumber this year. It a stated by Mr Mori an. Deiayec. by ttnml condition In We Nsti River, Vnton steamer Ca to pay a $3 connectteti fee armdal-1 iy fcr a telephone whtata he had I 0,1 installed each Hmmr at hi nr. i COrd'd by Mty eotrttcB list olBht formally ap-dTOted 'he consottdmted estimates tar the year. These had been cdn- ved. -red try the cogjAdl tn commit - amrifemrhtl'e d"rfct on. she mm race lorsnt nsr oui nao not been formally approved the ran- voUiated estinrse for thc year bat had not been formally appro 8peial summer excursion fare from here to "astern points wit! gr attJH effect this yoar on Mav if H la announced at local offices of (he Carawtan National Railways. stmHsr apeetal rates for passengers Old Coantry tickets be-effeetrve Jaay 8 The sea 's ftaiit at sond ret urn In Oc tober 31 but. under forty-fife dav salt, the special fares are even : iwer. The round trip summer ex-rut sten fare from here to CaUrsrv or Edmonton this year is down $5 while an innovation la a special 21-day return fare of i4.65 from heir to Jasper Park. YE OLDE Sawmill and Mining Machine ry Repaired and Overhauled Seasoned Box-en'dsj $4.00 per load. Albert '& McCaffery. tf. Werrren df the Mtfote bridge and MVtnst dffve Tflesday, 8f30 35c. City account for two weeks ending April 21 totalling $3783.16 Tere passed for payment at last night's !tf cotrne.il rrteeilng. All youaf tBn interested In ath-1 Ilugh McArthur. fdr drimken-tetic work meet toiJght at 8 o'clock , Wn, was nned Ja, with option of In Armory tor purposes of organiz ing Prince Rupert Athletic Club. For drunkenness, Anton Anderson wtu fated It, with option or ToDrteCh (Jays' bttprisormcnt. in city police court this morning by Magistrate IteClymont Mrs. H. fl. Sarfert and daughter. Margaret, who Have been visiting m the etty with Miss A M Bar- fourteen days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate Mtttytnont In elty po- uce onm this WomWfg The esty jmim. at its putting last nifJrt. nrBBy 1nsidered and adopted the bylaw titag the mill rate for she yoat At fifty-five There was ro f IttsU discussion on the subject. There was rc lahebeon of the their , Prince Rtooert Hyro Igiub today but Instead, there w Be a dinner meeting tonlgtM to followed by an evening of Mage wben the service Hib meinors wil be guests c! the Elks. A recommendation from the olcuera' housing domsiTltee that A J. Rdlund'a payments far his house on Altin Avenue under the Soldiers' Houai-g scheme be revised whe&by he shall to future pay a la. Capt. A. t. Dlesjson. returned j P" raontn was noopted by o port at 1:1ft this afternoon from thc cltv cluneal at IU meeting last Anyok. Stewart and other northern , nl?ht points ancP-wtll Bail about an hour 1 Mer for Vancouver and waypoirts. 1 A recotnnwndatlbn from the sol- ners' hvusln MmnrCCee thJrt the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur. sr .U:fcv lt4r be lnstMMad to gar-nf this cHy have .received worn lyh If necessary, rents from hat then son. Robert Artur. Jr. the nous " ttth Avenue Bast who now resides tn Victoria, mm Mld nw the Soldiers' Housimj -le recently to be removed from Stf.eme tract to Simon A. Hospital to his home in the Capl l city following an operation a Sw-nson and proceed to oaneel the contract unless a satisfactory result of which he is now teellrr? e'.'ement Ls tride without further itrcotty benefitted.. 1 o Aid. Aid Pillsbury. Basso-Bert, the ('clay was adopted by the elty counMl at Its meeting last night. Her BACKACHES m i M 1 Fraif-a-ftre English Fish Shoppe jnd Finetea liaiwut. per id. iuc Wt.He 8print Salmon, per 'b. 7c. Red Spring Salmon. 2 lb 25c Red Cod Fillets 3 lbs. tSc Ling Cod Fillets 3 lbs tfte Smoked FKh a Specialty 1'h.ne 851 Second Street Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,110 tons Shipbuilders ahd Ship Repairers for Steel ahd Wood Vessels (ton and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 54-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts have GONE! Quick, tare rtlitt with Frmt-a-tittt trmriy uctti ikrt tonic to ajr featm .B ll mj tlut I pnuMn t lllaicMl U uin. I ,. oommiaUy mtont4 M Birtt Itmu the uk cuiu--. Dtity. ark kvMdactrt ,ima li fmir me Ire! pnfrctlr ""w' ,'w "'-"ill to y..ur woMniyl jwt-m . 1 am rniurtn ilt .mn - all drug ttorti JONES' Family Meal Market BU'ak. 2 lbs Beets. 4 lbs iMlonc S51 We Deliver Sirloin Bleak. 2 lbs. specials rniyn fish , 1!! Loin Polk Chons Sliced Halibut. 3 Ida. f ., ,hv . Vcul Chopf- 2 lbs Veal Steak per lb Loin Lamp Chops. 2 lbs. Pens, 1 tin Shoulder Lamb- per lb. Shoulder Pork 4 lbs Leg of Pork- - per lb. Pork Sausage - 2 lbs. Fresh Spare Ribs 3 lbs 957 Phone 957 RENT 50c 50c 35c 35c 20c 50C 15c 50fc 15c 25c 25c A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. New D FOR SALE JOHNSON outboard motors. New I low price Write or call for cat-1 alojue. Let us demomtrafe. W. 1 R. Love Electric Comparry. Prince Rupert, District Agents. 1ml TSNDCR3 v.ill be received until, Tav MVS fni thi ntiriiriBik rtf I9i9 Model Chevrolet Six Sedaii delivery as is. Can be inspected at Kaleh Motors Ltd.. adores n.aien Mown ua icnaer. i FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE, Ifre rooms and Bath, tth Range, $16.00. Phone 8 tt FOR RENT Fine Bungalow, mo dem, oak floor, prominent coiner. Half price. See Hart. tf FOR RENT Store on Third Avenue resses New Dress Shipment just arrived Prices $7.56, 8.50 & 11.50 New Two-Piec!c and Three-Piece Dresses tn latest Khittbtl 'Goods Mannish Sailor HjUs at $2.75 DEMERS Prince Rupert Third Avenue Classified Ads IIAIRDRESSER PERSIAN ENT WAVING I "Oil iS0. "Ringlette" S5.00. Nelson's Rcanty Shoppe PIANO TUNING 1AN03 Turied $3A). Walkers Ma sle store. tf PAINTERS I VAINtInO and Paperhanglng Moller, Phdne Red 802. CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable Benkendorf, . Third Ave., next door to Dally News. ..M ACT Nollrr t Intention to apply to ta FVtnee RutMt biar MeorSlnc Dt- I In centre f business seettob Will w oaaslet. p4 . -t WUM( frantlnc Lot 999. QCi. ! renovate to suit tenant. Thomas t aSTthM J. t. uorm of M'cClmdnt. ttf) rnn mspm. oociSajon antmma. tn- roer ........ . w " 1 --" u i-i iuw rinai Kuru, i munHi rice iwb. fcr 1: k letwe of the M- C msam-lrq at past pit iinMrl at the All in fint-ClaSS OMMkUee. fur- uth-W corner of Lot MS. Q.C.I.. nlsked Bath and Hat and fctfd 1lAs hn to th SoochMt: niM.ee cum ana net ano uora its .j,.r, dutu to m. south.vnt: Water Phage Red 607. ti cucd io chin to u Norta-wvat rad I i i iii. ' atoMi; hish tote WANTED WANTED FurntihW bedroom and sitting room with partial board by married couple, preferabry, with private family. Apply Box .LULPJaXNra or sm 98. , J I.1M ACT Nntrrr l In Tuition ( Apply ISrrbtve IM In Prt&m Rupert Law iNeartiae Dl-, T'-t f.f ftn Four OoM Olatrtet. aod I ttu.te tbsot n uvav trcVb ttwmcirUv , a' the XMttw River on he hM rifk-i i Take notcr that I. WUllam Legnnf lOUNrt of Taneotiver. B.C . arcUpaiton ! Ultie 0ienor uKencta V apply lot , ; rrrUTUun to ptrchaar the fotloaliut ' fteertbed iarma OMUeiliWH at a pct pfanted on ': t dWaiu from the WUdm pot ot 'h We: W of lt ITS. ttetW SO ehSBM. taewoe aantharty 30 rbaloa. thence aMtrty SO (haU)s. am MMbFTty to enauu. and ran-; alMHt ItW acra. mMe or Mm CWtd WI1XJA.V uAQJttANOB OILBERT i aoii I7ih. iftss wat kit xtivur. TAKE NOTieC CAM 1. B. WoOwrth. addrfM SAS7 Point Orey Road. Vancou-. rer. DC. tll apply for a HpeOae to tak I mm ow IW M ft per aeeoad, UKll itor t90M0 acta (eat out of Ouaatl tm Mto BUM TMet. Thta bring the' recondKlontrMt et ed1iorMt att II- IVt-S Ttih vmtar wUl be used for. putpowM Thta notlc Vraa ratted' nn the tebuMI on thc elchteenni o i of bniar)r ISSS. A ropy of thla so tee and an application pursuant tneea-, io and u the "Waver Art" WW be: nied la to ortv of Um water recorder t PriDor BurxTt, Objection to the ao-, S4rCVteh a be nted with the aaM Sa4r reeicder or with the Osrootroller ot waser wc nu, caniaateni auiiaiufir WMOria. B C . wtthtti thtrty rMy srttr the tint atprrar of tata Btotlce In locl ttewapaper The datr ot th Tlral SloMlna of this nottco M March IS J B WOODWOBTH. Apefleaat ' eonaoranmmt, and eontaJoUnf SO ae- r-. n .Lir or lem. I John bllis uorris. tdated-AprtUtath, tats.. PRINTING Office Supplies Rdse, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 The AUCTIONEER Parking Crating Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. ). DAWES Phone mack ISO For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) tlreen 241 Phones Green 519 Ekchahge Block Coal! Coal! MINEHEAD EGG Per ton $11.50 MINEIlEAD LUMP Per tdnv $1250 JASPER DUMP-Por ton $12;50 .IASI1RR tlGCr-Per tdh $11.50 Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ti" your paper does not arrive telephone thc office