Tomorrow's Tides of niird Church Munsc. Van-- on April 19. Rev A Wilson r.nt. of Arthur V. Kerr. st son of Mr and Mr. O. W. :.rmerly tit Prince- Rupert, Vim Eileen Emour. eldest ' r f Mr nnuur and the late Emour. 'rrmony was followed by a n at the home of the :nothcr 1 i honeymoon In Victoria the will return to Vancouver and rrktdence at Maple Ridge. SERVICES ANNOUNCED I'mii.o Kupert to (iet To Pull Turn and Two Mied Trains a Week This Summer 1 .11 passenger trains and i'ued train each way per week ii. mute the train service on h i line of the Canadian Na-Hailwaya this summer. It Is n f ed The new service goes Meet on June 18. passenger trains will leave Wednesday and Friday eve-t B 30 and mixed trains wlU k Monday and Saturday eve-it the same hour. ' passenger trains will arrive " ' ' and Saturdays at 2 IS In i ' i noon and mixed trains will t 10 15 Tuesday and Thurs- 'iitngs. irmu schedule of Canadian i il Const Steamships will be ''intinued on Page Fouri MARKET IS UNSETTLED Nw York Traders Itcilnnlng to Wonder How Pur Inflation lias Keen Discounted Street Surfacing Material Ordered City Council Aeerivta Tender lor Some SIM Worth of Special .Mixture After considerable discussion, the etty council last night, on reoom mendaUon of the board of works. decided to accept a tender of the Canada Roof Products for 6000 gal km of Ace Mix A" surface patch ing material (or use on the streets te 12c. per gallon fob. Vencouver. the city to look after the transportation of the material here. Acceptance of the tender was decided up on by majority vote of the council on the understanding that Aid Rochester. AM. Casey and Aid. Wesch. who had dissented from acceptance of the tender until they had been able to get more definite Information as to the efficiency of the material In question, would be i given the opportunity to satisfy themselves on this point before the order was put In. The tender ts open to acceptance up to April M after which date the price will go up three cental per gallon. Mayor M M. Stephens and Aid J. II. Pillabury. in the absence of Aid. John Currie. chairman of the board of works, urged acceptance of the tender The material would be needed this year It had been used last year and. in addition to being cheaper, had been found by the city engineer to be quite aa satisfactory as that which had been used previously The understanding was that the city would not have to pay unUI after August 1 when the i taxes would start coming In. Aid Rochester, pointing out that 'an expenditure of some $1000 was involved, wished to satisfy himself I further aa to the efficiency of tha, material. He would like to know where it had been used last year. Aid Wesch and Aid. Casey agreed with Aid Rochester's point. After further discussion, the recommendation was adopted alone the lines as stated. Aid. Pillabury. Aid, Basso-Bert, Aid. Ruddham .and Aid. Dlaek voting In favor of 'acceptance of the tender and Aid. Rochester. AW. Casey and AW. I Wesch against. The mayor under-i took to see lha the sending In of ihe nraer was oojujfcm uumi M w YORK. April 26: (Canadian the tnrM. dissenting aldermen had stocks and commodities HoH thu onoortunitv of 1 today as the United States lnemMiTes. 11 wns steadier and traders be-1 111 ' wonder how far prospective ' "" m had already beon dlsooun-1 Heavy profit-taking swept '""i!" the share list, depressing ;' '"v iHsuea one to three points but '"' Hi irket tlff..nH unrl lnuuun Pr-Mi Wheat was quoted at 50 'fee M'tuiiy regained In the forenoon, on the local Exchange today. ttlsfylng Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Awl 38 (Canadian Hie etty council last night passed through Its initial readings a bylaw whereby, under authority of a new amendment to the Municipal Act paased at the recent session uf the Legislature, total penalties for the rear in event of non-payment of general and local Improvement lanes are reduced from fifteen per cent to ten percent. Under the plar. which la row being provided for nc penalty of five perernt will be up- ptte dafter August 1 on general tax's and one penalty of five permr af ter October 1 on local' Questions Regarding Mclntyre Hlock Arc Asked by Aid. Mack The following questions with respect to Uie Mclntyre Block, which reverted to the city last fall for unpaid taxes, were asked at last night's meeting of the city council by Aid. James Dlack, Aid. Rochester, chairman of the finance committee, Mating that the answers would taxes, second penalties of five prr- -cent on both general and l v.ii :m- provement taxes becoming iiiH''. -! able after December 1 Aid. Rochester offered the in gestion that collections miuht t rr' in better If the ten percent pcrulty ware hapoaed In entirety on August I and .October 1 if five percent gft ataxy ana, wun CTtrtsUru ap preaching, there might be temptation to further postpone paying from December 1. Aid. Rudderham felt that. In view of the difficulty the city was having In financing, It might be advisable to put on the penalty on general taxes on July 1 Instead of August 1. After some further discussion. the bylaw was passed as originally sjesssnted. Id answer to Aid. Wesch. the mayor stated that the city was still allowing six percent per annum on all taxes paid in between now and August 1. Introduction of a bylaw to provide reduction of up to fifty percent on Densities and Interest on delinquent taxes from previous years in the event of arrears being paid up prior to the date of the annual tax sale was deferred until next meeting by which time It is expected there will be more definite Information as to Initiation along this line which was passed at the recent session of the legislature. be forthcoming at the next regular ' meeting of the council: What rent has been reoeiml from this building since October 1, Has the money so received been paid over to the city treasurer and. If not. why not? What is the valuation of UiU building and what amount of fire insurance Is carried? Who are the tenants and what are their monthly rentals? Telephone Surplus For Month of March The city telephone department allowed a surplus of $688.83 on operation for the month of March, according to a report presented to the elty council last night by Sa- IVnuel Mftssey, superintendent. Esti mated revenue for the month was $S0S9.13 and expenditure $331033. T1IIS WEEK The New Chevrolet High 1;45 a.m. LEOISLATZWf rr 14:26 pjn. H2 -7BMlJV is on Display at Low 8:24 a.m. RUAMOn- n, 31 20:17 p.m. -OS. Kaien Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Phone 52 V .,1 XXIV. No. 08. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTR WITHERS HOTEL DESTROYED TODAY BRITISH CHANCELLOR OF EXCHEQUER PRESENTS BUDGET Well Known Interior Hostelry Is Totally Wiped Out by Flames Uss of $12,000 is Partially Covered by Insurance Build- ing Was hrcctcd in 1922 and John McKenJc Was Proprietor MiTHERS, April 25: (Canadian Vrem) At 1 o'clock moraine fire of unknown origin completely destroyed Smithers Hotel, one of the best known hostel riea of town. The estimated loss is $12,000, partially covered insurance. 1 he hotel was built in 11)22 and was owned In'.n McKenzie. WEDDED IN VANCOUVER Mi- Lmuur lleromc llride Arthur V. Kerr PENALTIES ARE LOWER Those Defaulting on Tax Payments I 11 Ita PhitnJ Tan !.... .J I " " V vilMJiH ill! auvicAU VI fifteen Percent This Year Steamer Capsized At Wharf Liner e.ip .. ,i:.ti -ink a u.r. . one man imsMng. A view of tin n. ail Lii'T Preside t Madison, after she capsized while in repair duck at Seattle. With three plates removed from her side, she suddenly listed. Damage may exceed $300,000 VICTORIA IS LOWER Report on Living Costs Presented to City Council at Meeting Lt Mint Reporting on behalf of a special committee representing the city council and the Unemployed Coun cils which was delegated recently to make a survey of living costs In Prince Rupert as compared with Victoria. Aid O. W. Rudderham reported to the city council hut night I that this committee had compiled1 from the Labor Oasette. a govern j ment publication from Ottawa, fi gures on food staples, fuel, coal oil. etc.. and had found that there wa a difference of approximately eight percent on the cost of living In fa- I vor of Victoria. The committee had also compiled lists of "specials" from the newspapers of Vancouver and Prince Rupert, these showing twenty percent In favor of Van- coaver. Under the present system of dlsnenslne relief, it was imnos- ible for the unemployed to avail themselves of these so-called "snee-lals." Aid Rudderham pointed out. AM black Inquired If it was the Intention of the city to go back to the scrip system. Aid. Rochester, chairman of tha finance committee, replying that no such arrange ments had been mads following the FISH BID FAVORED IliitUh Columbia Fishermen Are Disposed to Accept 10c Per Pish I'or Sockeje NEW WESTMINSTER, April 25: (Canadian Press) At a meeting of the Itritbh Columbia Fishermen's Protective Association the canners' offer of 10c a fish for sockeye for No. Z district, which Includes Rivers and Smith's Inlets as well as the Naas and Skeena Rivers, was looked upon favorably. A general meeting of four fishermen's organisations will be held here later In the week after which a conference will be held with the canners. MINISTER EXPLAINS Rhodes Tells House Why Bond Ke-dcmpllon Payments in Gold Have Reen Susperded OTTAWA. April 35 (Canadian Press) Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes, minister of finance, explained to the House of Commons yesterday that the suspension of redemption refusal of many of the merchants!01 Dominion notes in gold was and the wholesalers to accept city for the purpose of regular- scrip. Aid. RInck felt that. If Dosslblc something should be done so that wenl those receiving relief might avail themselves of "specials." Aid. Casey thought that scrip could still be used and was continuing to speak on the matter when the mayor ruled him out of order and declared the Meeting adjourned as there whs no resolution berorc the chair except one to adjourn. Every day ts a fresh belnninK. every morn is a world made new. I sing the situation which has been In existence slre (Heat Britain off the gold standard. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera-ure 43. Aiyansh- Part cloudy, calm, 4$. Anyox Part cloudy, calm. 44. 8 te wart Cloudy, ealm, 4t. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. SO. Smithers -Cloudy, calm. 50. Durru Lake Clear, ealm, 48. Chamberlain Reports j Deficit But Figures Surplus Next Year Those Who Had Expected Concessions in IncomcTax Arc i Disappointed War Debt Redemption Again Not Provided For ; LONDON, April 25: (Canadian Press) Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his budget speech to Parliament today, reported a deficit of -32,000,000 for the past year including unbudgetcd war debt payment of 28.900,000 and application of 17,000,000 to the sinking fund. Expenditures were 777,000,000 and , ''revenue 045,000.000. PARTICULARS OF DROWNING Silas Lockerby and David McLean Had Deer in Tow When Former Lost Life Saturday visitors to the city from Es i Port Port I slngton have brought further particulars of the drowning fatality there last Saturday afternoon In which Silas Locker by, 20-year old native youth of that village, lost his life In the Skeena River. The drowning occurred between Port Easlngton and Raspberry Isl and. Lockerby and a com mn ion. i David McLean, also a native youth, were towing a loe with an 11-foot clinker built skiff when they sight ed a young deer swimmlnc In the river. Rowing to the animal, they seized it by the horns and were en deavoring to take it ashore by hold- ins; on to it by the horns. The deer started to struggle and. In the en suing seuifle. the boat was over-tamed and both youths thrown Into the water, the deer making Its es cape. In the rowboat. to which both Lockerby and McLean were clinging, there was an anchor and. wheb this became fast to the bottom, the boat was pulled under the surface by the current. McLean managed to get hold of the drifting loe but Lockerby disappeared. The former was later rescued at the point of exhaustion by boats which put out from Port Esslngton. Although the cspsised rowboat came to the surface again after the anchor rope had. apparenUy. parted. Loekerbv was not seen again. Provincial police officers left here yesterday to conduct dragging op- pratlniM hut Indiana had alrmmAv ! recovered the body not far from the scene of the tragedy. Inquiry having established that the circumstances of the fatality were entirely accidental, no inquest was deemed necessary. Burial will be at Port Esslngton. Old Chinese Custom The Indians employed Uie Chin, esc custom of using a rooster to aid them In dragging operations. Taking the bird out with them. It was silent for some time and then sud denly began to crow. At this point, live grappling Irons were put down and the body Immediately brought up. This means of recovering bodies of druwned victims Is said to have been previously successful hereabouts. NO FISH SALES No boats being In with catches, there was no sale of halibut on tho local Fish Exchange today. There was a net redemption of debt during the past year of 114,- 600.000. Excluding debt payment, there was a net surphu last year of about 116060. For the coming year, the Chancellor budgeted an estimated sur plus oi iii.zui.uuu aisappointing those who hod expected concessions In Income tax. No provision was marlw for war rirht rMVmntlnn f ThV-Mb-'T-"was -reduced a penny a pint. , RENTAL OF BUILDINGS Aid. James Black Files NoUce of MoUon Regarding Reverted Properties The following notice of motion for conskferaUen of the elty coun-; dl at its next regular meeting was' filed at last night's meeting by Aid. James Black. "I move that where buildings havei reverted to the etty that the treat"- urer be authorized to collect all' rentals and that He (the treasurer)! be made responsible for aU business, transactions In connection with said buildings, reports on all matters pertaining to such buildings to be submitted to the finance committee. The motion was st first offered -as a peremptory resolution by All. Black but was declared out of order by the Mayor who ruled that it should be submitted as a notice of motion. The etty solicitor, supporting this ruling, it was then presented by Aid. Black as a notice of GOOD PACK EXPECTED Canned fish is pretty well cleaned out and the outlook is that packers In this district will be willing to take all grades this year, according to Major J. A. Motherwell, chief supervisor of fisheries for British Columbia who arrived In the city this morning on the Mala spina In the. course of an official tour. He says that more Intensive fishing than in the past two years may be expected. Much of the fish was sold at a loss to tlx canners but it U out of Uie; way. Asked as to the, possibility of a big an. Uie Major said It was never safe to prophesy aa so many factors entenxt Into the calculations such as weather and tied but he said it was safe to look forward to a good: avenge run at the least. . Malor Motherwell Is returning, south tomorrow. He Is here en a trjp-of ImpecUon in connection with rtuV regular work.