PHtlK TWO Tar ul it ill drtf n4 rnrl item W Th T. Minua Co.. UA.. ToronW, OuL DAILY EDITION pedA) and checkers. On. behalf of the Jolty Pedro Club, a bouquet was presented, to Mrs. Hart who cut a birthday cake which had been spe-1 ciaify made for the occasion, , Boils So Bad Could Not Work Mr. Sk.. irx- Wm. Davydukr, Hrotatoi. . . i inm i wrucn: iimji I Wftl TntuMptl with btiflfl ME A frieml told me objuod sWiJ 1 liml ami ailvim-tl WeTio tile Burdock Blood Hitter. I didn't know any nwdirine eoiild put ufh a sudden stop to uth iniry, ki on lK)ttlc put the IjoIU to an end." m4ftrtar4 tn ik t SS.rwrt, ! I THE DAILY NEWS. puinceT iurEi;T - "iKitsii qqiuMBjAj Published Every AtterruTon." Except Sunday, by Prince, Rupert "" Dally News, Ltmjted, third' Avenue- H. F. PU1JLEN - - - Manalgj, SUBSCRIPTION RATES j . City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid uj advance Fnj l.e,r pjixj.s. palci tn advance per week, .' By man to" all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire, aryi. Member oi Audit Bureau of Circulations United States, paid In advance, per year . Byraall to all other countries, per year A NEW EXPERIENCE at the pleasure, of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Anyox Cloudy, calm. 50. SO 10 3.00 son ADVERTISING RATES. Transient display advertising, oer inch, oer Insertion 1 40 ;UMifled advertising, per Insertion, per word , .IegaKnotlces, each insertion, per agate line LAKflliraUCO, PCI UUCI UUU, Kl UUO i .ii Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters" Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone .86 .98 Thursday, May 4, 1933 I'nnce Kunert is to have a new experience. A commis sioner has bqen appointed to' have charge of the city's afr fairs in the nerson of W. J. Alder, a former resident, well kiipwnto many. He will be in the city before the middle of the month and will be empowered to take over all the act! vities of the mayor and council, the school board, the lih rary board and any other city authorities if. there are any. It w ill be his diitv to handle citv relief and to nlace the fin? After Iay 15 there will be no more city council meet intts. no more aldermanic fireworks, no mori. deputations. Tie,. affairs of the city, it is presumed, will be conducted juslik'e any other ordinary business. DUTY ON HALIBUT Just now every possible effort should be made, it vvould efim, to secure the removal of the two-cent-duty on halibut snipped to the United States, If there is to be a reciprocity treaty between Canada and United States, this item i onjj that should be included. Removal of the duty would injure ri.qhe. American fishermen would get just as high prices aafQrjnerly but Canadians would also get higher prices. Almost every day we see fish brought in frprn the open,, sea' By Canadian boats, caught on the same banks, as American, fish and shipped to the same market yet local fisher-pfUl have, tb take approximately two cents a pound less fr their catches. The condition is galling to Canadian fishermen and particularly so at a tiihe like this when every cent counts. ay Party For, ! TodayiWatheii Mrs. Hart is Held) Prince Rupert Part cloudy, Ugh! southeast wind: barometer, 20fc Jolly Atfglr Last Evening at Home ! Peratu;e, SI; sea smooth. of Mr. and Mrs. MrKlnlev . ruwi-viwir ' southeast wind; barbmeler. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J W. temperature. SO; sea choppy light McKlnley.' Fourth Avenue Bast, was " Triple Island Overcast, light t scene last night of a delightful ulhi!rly wind; slight .avail, blrlhaay pty in honor of Mrs. F. Ungara Island -Part cloudy W, Hart. The evening was happily moderate. snpl, in playing of bridge, wtyst. Terrace Part cloudy, calm. 48 Stcwprt Part cloudjr, calm. 44. Haaelton Clear, calm, 57. Smithers-4jlear, cairn. 54. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 40. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian, Ffish: & Cold Slorage Gq, Hi PKINCE RUPERT, R.C; BAZAAR IS Annual Kffort on Behalf of IUdley, Hook UejnMlclcl I rrl. .. 1 U ,. I,, nlA f Mia In reply to J. Roberts' letter that )vfit inserted In the May 1 issue of the. Daily New stating, that, at a B neeunt oi ntttfrmenxAmoauons heJ in Vancouver. pipagarda ha4 bean circulated saying that th Northern B. C. Fishermen's. Amo- ada, may I state any such pro paganda is unofficial and. wllhott aiy, foundation whatsoever. Tne nshennans inauarwu un km of Canada la an orKa'lzation tfiat has had many dlffkulUes to uvincwtr una, a rcaou, n is. uie latitat fisherman's union on the "mm the F-tst Tuesdays. Tharsdays and st", yw 10:15 p.m PEP I. tSU IRAN HU.ll 3t I 0-""'WMff-" mWRmm wmm W f HrjtLTit and energy lirinr nrvr fnn o( liv Injg. Things lo Jo. Place s to go. Keep fill Est well sml W,Kefiogf PEP Brsn Flakes f sre energy food. TTie nour ! Mimcnt of whest. Delicious. Crisp. Frrh. Vlut enough hraii to lie mildly laxative. Wonderful with milk or cream and freuli fruit. Cr! PKP from your grp-rcr ,Sjdr liy Nclloirg in m dou, Ontsrlo. mm BEING HELD I a Pacific Coaat. otthe F. I. U. ard ready at any aao an, tunes to unite, with other flshermrrrs unlorui on what is commonly known as a Un! led Front Basis, Thanking you for this space. A, nOMlRDUD. Fisherman's Industrial Union of Canada. aecretary. CV.R- TRAINS 'or the Eat , Mondays' Wednesdayr and Frl days 9:30 pjti etfm THE DAILY NEWS News xtic annum iwuini aiu u mc m W TT T Kksik & BOOTH WON1 ; Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishop of Caledonia. n xti IA wide varlet of articles Is beiut IIVI R-'K ijotfered forsale at many tetngj M.VViStfX jstalis ntd i thtea room Is. as usual,' a.ieature. Defeatejlltonlen Street List NJjht Mrs, Robert Blance anjd Mrs. II. 1 & Two Ooals to , Nil T-dross are general coriyiiners with . ' the following ladles la charge ow . jhe various "tails: 8. PV" frame oi tyc ? y . . half l (,. -.-on V4ft Tlritll ' ' wartime telling. Mrs, John urejn- T5iS u p.iWiit."l" : Memorial ar.d Borden Street Tea room, Mrs. D. a Stuart in charge for Imperial Order, Daugb- era ot Empire. , Country stall, Mrs, Thoqias An- remand Ms. A. H. Yaddtneton. Fancy wore. Mrs. ii. r. uross. Plain sewing. Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. Fowler. Candy. Mrs. V. H. Goodsell and) Mrs. F Stamp-Vincent. Home cooklna. Mrs. J. W. McKin-1 ley i First Presbyterian Church La-dies' AJdi. Plants. Mrs. O. A. Kelsear Wo man's AuxlUary. St. Peter's Church. Seal core). The Letter, BX: ITSlIFJtJIAXINIlUSTRlAI, Editor, Daily News: arices of the municipality on a sound financial footing. rUf&ttan had goqe orer tb the fish-is probable that he will retain office for several years oHepnn, mdustriaj titat itakm oi qao- Schools In the Junior Football League last evening was very evenly cpntajsted witHT Booth finally wlnnlst b? two uoals to nl). Play witt 'vr:i from the star' Veitch showed to advantage for Harden and Dybluivn cleared well Monkley stopixd i Booth rash and Irvine and s hubrrt threatenett danffer until R.t hi cleared. Booth was rewardrc. itti a al whe Cameron shot well He later mLssi a KQOd chance Monk'ey oid Mah and Vtitch went tl-.roiiRh tn tflii. Ok Mk'.i) rle:ir;d well Le-ar rj, nliTiy ly past and Borden, af toe oxnex enn. iorcca two corners Mrqr se :it hh wing away and ldipaf cjws-.-d the ball nh across the. go.U mouth but no on" was up to p-it it throul. postak sang) a long shot trom MrOreish. and. vifieri Bopth attacked, ax-un Camerpn got offside. Bo.1 now itad the hill but Borden had a full share of the game vjrjtcfc made a grand run but wa forced off the ball. Jo es and Dyb havn detnded strongly andPosuk leareo wen. Houston made head- vay for iwaen but Mauumoto n- daarsd. hy's good shot was sto&M&.by Poj;Uk. O'Neill was and WiUUcrofl combined to m&Xf a rjin titat Nelson stopped with diflkmliy. HtcMeefcln had hard nea. with a hard drive and Mc- '."64 narrowly mlsaec. There wu 3t, much la U- game but, Cam-ron padj up a loose clearance rtd' vftnX through to score a fin ioa) ar.d' Booth won by two clear den npstak, Dihhavn. Mah, ?ones Veltcb, Monkjey. WUllscTaft. luusn. 8whert. irnne. liooth-Keaoix. Ritchie. Mit-umoto. Shy. MeOfviah. Hale. Lear. Cameron. KULeod. MeMeektn. elept re- t ASIUS OI'ENhll TIUSMOIMNT. (Continued from Page 1 Smithers stated, at the openlnc oi. the court, that Robert Brann of retrace yras deatlMWMW. be abused. Eleven more names were ad J .1ed io complete tbe.psnel. The pan.- i as maae up uus morning was aa follows; Ueome Walter Adams Anyox). 'eter W Anderson. Bernardino Al-erio Anyox Qeprgf Hlckok Arnold. Louis Amadlo, James B, Agar Tttrraco. Clayton &' Anderaon Anyox . George Uandln i Anyox i, Urla Sloan Bryant, Oeorge Bailey Ki.mcls FUlon. Columbus Watson Ftiit.s. Robert Oordon. John Our- New York virii. Herbert Francis Olasaey, WU- Waahington , ber John Oreer, John Gabriel Cop- qhlcago I'kt City. Frank Oordon, James Cleveland Oull Usk. William lienry Oood- Detroit 'll. John Alexander' Hlnton. Max. Philadelphia illellbroner, Clem Houldsw,orth. St. touts 'Premier Mine). Claude, Charles Boston Ketchum. Robert Kydd, Robert La- iitu, noranam uijmiu. i rrry vuiu- eron Miller. Charles Edward , Mc-Keown, John MacLeod. William Moifatt. Jack Melllhg, Ditasld McLean (WoodcockV. Ef. II. Mortimer, W. H. Wright (Ocean Falls). The, Dally News.ctm be,pur-! eraed att- 4 Post Of,fice.Nejvj Stand. 325,. nranviiie.Bt.. Vancourer. t and! Views of A Heavy Bat For a Havy Hitter A heavy b.r : .. iM - -.i. - Babe Rut''! v:-!. i '. ;, .). ,. .;. . Mint between '1' V ' .: ! :. K il S-.v ' i' i i! -Uuliuxii THREE TIED IN STANDING Ilravfii Dodgers and Cujyt In Deadlock lf Thfrd l-tatr In National League League. In the, only other Big League gap; yesterday, the Boston Red Sox werj vVtprtQui. oyer the tt LouH Iwns bALajy stili la Uie American Laagptfljr. Vasterday's scores: Anyox . Syrlney Arthur Bird, Ro- (ertBi .iun Terrace , Nprrls Barnes Pittsburg u k'. Bert James Bacon, Charles New York ' te: Bahrain. Ernest Campbell Brooklyn U ki. f wills Couture. Frank Dlbb. Chicago William John Duke. 'Alice Arm), Boston t" eph Llewelyn Edwards. Oeorge Cincinnati Ai ihur Eficrumbe, Oraham Stewart St. Louis f nilnit. Oeorge Ferinaon, Jfaeph Philadelphia American League I Boston a. si. Louis z. Claelnnatri Boston Others, rain. Baseball' Standings .VATION'.tL IJlAdirn W. II L 10 An;i;iqAN i.iunui; u 10 w 14 t 8 7 4 SURTAX Stalrs.Dollar 5 6 7 7 8 10, IS 12 Pet m MO SOO M0 xn m m m MO 4 BE PUT ON j, France Preparing to lyotect He melt A Avittntt tli.vnlii'i 1 Iaii nt tr.itl,l PARIS.. May 4: (Canadian Press,) The ministry of finance has tire- Karl Anderaon. Prince Pr9 " 'mpoae a uiteeo percent m. .. mj nt llnOa 0l. ulL urorue. u.u. It. W. Riley, Terr?,?? n a deneral Rtore. Anvox. 8mlthe;s Dnig Store. 8mlth- era. IfO. surtax on uniieo auties goods. e Tills degree, it Is leajned, Is to be V Issued wfjen the tnlted States dot- lar apnroaches twenty francs which oftlcials expt''t. Such a surtax. Is already In effect upon British and Japanese poods. SPORT CHAT The annual organiutmn meeting d! the Prince Kupert Baseball As-wlatiOh it being held ihsf mis when plnns for the coming season will be discussed. Although several BOSTON. May 4: (Canadian ,f yeaJ-s players have left the -Asaresnltofavktaryover ,. (hat . ,nw. the Cincinnati Red here Hterday, the Boston Braves moved into a tia lffam wUi ta ope"""" with Brooklyn Dodders and Chicatro again with vacancies being filled Cubs for third place in the National ' y players from last year' Inter - medial? loop Sons of Canada snd Flks ir cxnected to again enter teams in the league while Jimmy kron. who owned the Old Bm-rrs tmm last yetr. hss not yet Jef.nltely derided what course he dll t ike. A aood turn-out of prw-;Ytlve players will do much In the w iv of asshtlni org inlaatlon . Fiction to be woithy of tttlrn-Moff at all. mu b. planted solidly on fact - Geiirude Atherton SALES Every $onth in the Year Km Sulci Date May 8 ' June SO July Sft, August W September so Octobers November SI December SI Special Bales Held on Heftiest of Shippers Advances WUJ Be Made nl Usual When Requaatatl. Tfans-ferted by Taletraph if Daalred. T,IK SRATfrLR 11R BXCIIANOR 1Q0J . Western Avtuue Seattle. UMA, Sport Campbell Wins In Billiards rinal jn Canadian Ufm The final .,t i!,, c,Uia;1 Klon blurd, ii.,nj,CaP umr U place .,. ,v,,llm, Campbell wtnniit fvim j by zoq. to l. Campbell lesd all through u,- .- im win was never In i. m, son caught up o.i, : .i, : last fifty points COMBINE ON COAL .Mines of sjcui Inv QTTAyVA. May Prqasf AJt i ,n im. erfng sevet .!: fk., y registrar in-i' i th. ha report ; to ii Oordon. mimrr , ., bor. theejrl ' :r ..r , in Canada c ruti;u ment of the c nsunn : Scottish aothranu prlrr v-ti;iUf Go to Kaien Hardware tnr Sporting Goods Most Kvenbod )oa We sell err Hum TKNMS I talks. Mr Krt FOOTHM.I. Mwn. Si HASKHAI.I. llsuV. I'm i i B SOITIIMI Kaien Hardware MODI.ItN . ItADIO SKTs Kxaiulne a new del radio and ' i I the8 new Impt meais alio. l)iiaaPJMn ie. tone llfe eonti' I give vou the ijsmm tn thu at i rates. For inforn Uongbonc Blue ' 1,0 rouTiu ! Superior Radio, Service 330 Second vitw' Pjipne. Blue 320 ' P. O. hot IT' A. O. BABTLKI l io;H,lNs0LAnn ;i 'A... .1