Tomorrow's Tides IWJte THIS WEEK mm The New Chevrolet High 9:60 ajn. 17.2 ft. pjn. 183 ft. Is on Display at Low 3:30 am, 82 ft. 15:52 p.m. 6.4 ft. Kaicn Motors Show Room NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER All Cordially Invited Fhone 52 V XXIV . No. 101 a. PRINCE RUPERT, IXC, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ERUmON UNITED Volcano May Become Active As Result of Earthquake Tremors Old Timers Recall That Recent Disturbances are Similar to Those Which Preceded Blowing Off of Mount Katmai Top Years Aro ANCHORAGE, Alaska, May 4: (Canadian Press) With ' mors felt intermittently since the earthquake of last v t k. the heaviest in years, another severe shock was felt tcrday morning in Western Alaska. Hduses were sha k. ii and sleej)ern awakened. Old timers are looking for-v ai d to the early eruption of some volcano in the west- v i from Cook Inlet. It U recalled ' . 'urth tremors similar to thoae M ip pant week fait dally pre-: .u, eruption which Mew oil m of Mount Katmai volcano a r of year ago. volcanic aah ' time being spread all alone :,ik;i coaat aa far aa British .nib, a. OATH IS REMOVED InMi Err- Male Complete Kepu-; dtsOon of Allegiance to j British Crown t Ul.lN. May 4. iCanadian Thr bill removing the oath .iiiviance to the King from the dilution of Ihr IrUh rree SUM ix law lant nlghl whan Oov i Oeneral Daniel Buckley sign ' rurifnt Katnonn de Valera la-H-clired that he would ulti- lv ask the ieple for authority i !cl.ilm a republic Not Secession NUON. May 4 'Canadian Rt. Hon James II Thorn aa. t iry for the Dominions, an-H In the House of Common . ' hat the government had been mm! that abolition of the oath Mi dunce to the British crown i Iriah Free State Dall Kreann not amount to an act of se- Building List Last Month Value Wat WOO, minting Total l or Year to $1,715 Ji" following uutkHng permits v i.ued in the city during the ' tit of April thla year: Superior Radio Service, erection "wer. Second Avenue. $10. n E Walker, porch. Hays Core ' l $150. T lllllman. moving houa and kuiK addition. Sixth Avenue Baat, f .'Mil T Busaanlch, aenerel reilr. ' mi Avenue Watt, m. C Thomson, general rtpalra. ' : Hon Six. $78. Tin- total of $&00 In value of r-1 for April bring the total fot 1 1 n ycur to date un to 14715 as corti- l '"''I with $M.8C0 In the firat four iuonthH of 1032. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, May 4: (Canadian r" '""i -Wheat was quoted at (HWac en the local jeMeniay. STATES MARY ELLEN SMITH DIES Tint Woman Cabinet Minister in IliilWi Empire Succumbs to . Cerebral Hemorrhage Vw'VANWlOVUtr ty aFCana dlan Pre) 4lra. Mary tJIcn Smith, aged 73, died late last night in the Vanes w Cieiieral Hospital. She ssffcrrd a eerebral liemMTlwigc tHi April t! and had not since regained reimiousncs. The name of Mrs. Mary Mien Smith will be filed in history a the f (rat woman to hold eabinet rank in any government in the nrltUh Empire, but set this was only au Incident in the career of a remarkable woman and a re-markable peeonality, the fruits of whose work are written into Mime of live most forward social legislation in the world, and whoc aetitillea ranged from Victoria to (leneva. Mr. Smith wa born In Devon-hire. Enalaml. awl educated in Vortliumbeiland. She eame to nHtKh Columbia with her husband in 191. witling In Nanalmo. She is survived by one wn, Capt. Jek Smllh. who served oterMHt wilh the 7tnd nitUllon, and one lUitahter. Mrs. W. fl. I'ul-lerlou, both resident of Vanrou-ver. RIDK STKALKUS JAILED Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that four men have each been fined US. with option of seven days" imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate R W. MacOowan of Burns 11 on charges of stealing rides on yie Canadian National Railways. MEAL TAX PENALTIES C.overnment Puts Teeth Into New Hospital Aid l,ctlation by Providing fines VICTORIA. May 4: (Canadian Press! -Teeth were put into the new hospital aid meal tax by a ser-nf government regulations pro viding penalUea of up to $50 for ueneral Infraction of the Act and special penalties on those who evaded It in certain particulars. The penalties on cltlaens who refuse i neglect to pay the tax when ,. . ........ mill lw "not. 1mm Ihfin CiUlcn uh $5 and not more than $25. " IN ALASKA IS STOPS BOND INTEREST GOLD PAYMENTS GRADUATION OF NURSES Annual Ceremonies Held Last Night In First rresbyterian Church Nine Graduates Krreption in I.O.D.K. Hall Follows Diploma and Tin Presentations Annual ceremonies In connection with the graduation o nine student nurses from the training school of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital and on from the Port Simpson Oeneral Hospital training school were conducted teat night In First Prcs bytertan Church before an audi-, erce which waa so large as to nor -! essitate additional seating facili -1 Ucs being provided in the spanou-l auditorium. The graduation ex- i erclses were followed by a re cp- Uon In the Imperial Order Da ugh - ters of the &nplre Hall, at which; another large gathering assemble?4 to celebrate the occasion and offer felicitations to the graduates "The graduate were Misses Edna A. HoWOrirH. TiosN An nlc Mosn Walker. Agnes M Ou yan. Helen M. O. -MeAuley. isabil 8. Tyner and Iris A. Watt of Uv Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital and Miss Wtnnlfred Dunn, who took her first two years' training at the Port Simpson Oeneral Hos pital and her final year at tfco Vancouver Oeneral Hospital. As the graduating daas inarched Into the church, having been preceded by members of the gradu ate and undergraduate staff in a body, a processional was played by J. E. Davey. organist of the church. Rev. W. D. Grant HoiUns;-worth. who presided, called upon Very Rer. James D. Otbson. dean of St Andrew's Anglican Cathe dral, to pronounce the Invocation The chairman then made a few brief but appropriate remarks, congra tula ting the members of the gradu a ling class and alluding to the in teret which was taken hi them bv their friends and the community al large as evidenced by the abas of the gathering. Address to Graduates Fallowing a vocal solo "Who u Hytvta" by D. D. Finn, accompan led by Mrs. Finn, Uie address to th graduating class was delivered b Rev. O. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church. Mr. Clarke reflected upon Uie meaning and significance of a diploma such as each member of the graduating class waa about to receive. Its presentation marked the end of one era and the beginning of another in the career of the young nurse. With the diploma would always be attached recollections of three years of learning, work, discipline as well as happy associations. The diploma might be considered as a token of accomplish ment and qualification to render- a definite servlct to mankind. The speaker dilated upon the meaning of service, especially as regards nurs ing. Sickness and suffering played no distinctions In class, color or creed, he pointed out. and true service came in the fair administra tion by the nurse to all. As the nurso continued her profession following her graduation, her knowledge and talent would Increase. ! Some of the graduate! might go on to high standing and high position In the profession while others might parry on the work In a more unos- . , lI.IU... I I I iviiwiiuu hiiu lew luunmiriii wtty. . The knowledge of good service well I (Continued on Page Fourl Again In RJSJBSBBBBBBBBSBBBSBBBBBBBBB3rS l L.-p:i-m 1:'u!,: i under llu A:nt vice. After p tied up lot st vt bach, 14,000 tons, teamed from lumber for Assizes Opened This Morning But First Case Came to Sudden Halt as Result of Technicality The Supreme Assize Court case of Rex versus Dawson in which Ernest Claude Dawson of Smithers is charged with arson by tetting fire to his mother's dwelling house in December last came to an abrupt halt this morning after the jury had been sworn and the prisoner had formally pleaded "not guilty." The crown prosecutor, in placing the Hcaae before the Jury, mentioned MARKET IS IRREGULAR Kaily Afternoon Gains Not Main-Trading taiiml in New York NEW YORK. May 4: Sunk prices were widely irregular yesterday with fn-qurnt changes In trend, a brisk afternoon rally turning into retreat as shares on the New York Exchange responded to inflation measures with broad advances which, however, lasted only about an hour, the gains not being held and the list turning Irregular In the late trading. Some closing prices, were as follows: U. S. 8teel. 4. American Can, 80Vi. American Teltphons. 99 Allied Chemicals, &d4. Consolidated Oas, S0. Halibut Arrivals Canadian J. R,. S.000. Ofttd Storage. 4c and Sc. Cape Deale. 38,000. left for New Westminster. Service : ir. I. :.U!. Jji.ii rl Ui scr- ral m'Ki'.h.s. the Lewis Luckcn-a Seattle with full cargo of the east that there had been another fire three years ago. Tills Mr. Justice Murphy claimed was sufficient to prejudice the jury in the case and he suggested to J. T. Harvey, attorney for the defence, that, if he wished It. the jury would be discharged. Mr. Harvey admitted that his case might be prejudiced and the Jury was thereupon dismissed. As the other jurymen on the panel had been previously excused until 11:90 tomorrow morning. It will not now proceed until that time. The Jury that was discharged was as follows: Robert Qordon (foreman). Frank Dibo. Petr W. Anderson, Charles E McKeown, Sidney Arthur Bird, Oeorge Arthur Erifi-cumbe. Bert J. Bacon of Prince Ru; pert, Clem Houldsworth of Pre mier. Dugald McLean of Woodcock, Oeorge Bailey of An vox, James B. Agar of Terrace and James Gall of Usk. This was the first assise at which Registrar Andrew Thompson, who succeeded 11 F. McLsod, officiated Bitting with the judge on the bench was Judge w. m. nsner ox the County Court A large number of exhibits were In court in connection with the case which is expected to last for several days. Crown Prosecutor L. S. MeOlll of Continued on Page 2. EXPECTED Breach of Say London Papers of Washington Move American Administration Holds Position That Security Holders Abroad Should be Treated on Same Basis as Those at Home WASHINGTON, D.C., May 4 (Canadian Press)-There will be no gold exports from the United States for pay-abroad. The administration has taken the position that bonds held abroad should be treated the same as those in the hands of persons in the United States. There will be no nicnts of interest on Libertv (government) bonds held ;old payments of interest on rxmd ... i , in this country. LONDON, May 4! (Canadian Press i "Breath of contract" is the blunt phrase used by both the Fin ancial Times and the Morning Post ! m attacking the United State government on the ground that. In future. Interest on American bonds is o be paid in paper. "It would be difficult," the financial editor of the Post declare. " to find a paral lel tor so unbjuaning and caucus a brcaefWfmmirr ne very basis of craiH and sanctity if contracts." POISON IS DISCOVERED Findings of Vancouver City Analyst Make Circumstances of Teacher's Death More Baffling VICTORIA, May 4: (Canadian Pitm Pohnn was found In the stomach of Stewart Ashley, young Vancouver school teacher, whose body was found in a Moufh here on April 23. according to the testimony given today at the adjourned inquest by J. F. B. Vance, analyst of the Vancouver police department. Inspector Vance was of the opinion that the poison was taken in the form of a capsule while Ashley was sitting on the slope of the hank and that the body rolled down the hill into the slouch. Ashley disappeared from his home In Vancouver on the of April 1J and it was at Tint thought (hat he had been kidnapped. ISSUANCE OF STOCK MONTREAL. May 4: (Canadian Presa To permit liquidation of short term loans amounting to $30,-000.000 and other maturing obligations, shareholders approved an Issue of additional coiw4tldated debenture stock at the annual meeting of the Canadian Paciric Railway here yesterday. Toronto Stocks Yesterday's Closing rriccs Nickel, 16.24. Dome. 30.00. Granada, 1.44. Ekiorado. liO. TesJc Hughes, 4 41. Mclntyre. 38.50. HolUnger. 9.10. Contract" Justice Murphy Speaker Today Supreme Court Judge Address Joint Luncheon of Women's Canadian and Rotary Clubs Mr. Justice Denis Murphy of the 8epreme i&iti of British Odsum. to r at af joint lancsfceon of the i women s utnaant) Club and the Prlrce Rupert Rotary Club in the Cdmmodore Cafe. Ills Lordship's subject being The Status of Canada as a Result of the Statute of Westminister." Mrs. A. T. Parkin, acting preslcent of the Women's Canadian Club, and O. A. Woodland, president of the Rotary Club, shared horors la presiding ovsr Catherine. There was a large attendance. GANGSTERS NOT REDS Blamed For Bombing IlLwders In. City of Chicago on May Day CHICAGO. May 4:-As a result of continued invsttlsatlons by the. police. It has been announced that " bombing disorders which took place In the city on May Day wen? caused not by Communists, as was first supposed, but by two rivst factions of gangsters fighting fot-e supremacy. ST Wheat Prices t'lllOAOO " Yesterday's Closing Prices May. 71 S. - I July. Tt&s. September, TH. December, t WINNIPEG Yesterday's Closing Prices May. . July. 63 V4. October, Oft. TO MAINTAIN MAN' UtlltlA "OPEN BOOK" PIllNCirLE WASHINGTON. D.C May 4: (Canadian Press) Ths state Denartment announced vast. day that It has been officially Informed that the principle of the open dear in Manchuria would be strictly maintained and that a Manchuokuoan spokesman who gave the con- . trary opinion recently had spoken without authority.