banking hazardous." A' financier of equal eminence had said that "science is a peril." What no one had said was where scientific research-sHbuld be stopped Fruits of Scientific Research Reviewing some wf the fruits of scientific research in the course of trie past century. Mr Broctiesby Inquired' of his listeners in what fields it might be desirable to bring sc'ierltifie research to a halt. In the field of medicine, he alluded tojtifiers, incandescent light bulbs some accomplishments, that had which were four times more effic-beeff achieved by bfcflogtsts, chem- ; lent today than twenty-five years lstsand medical men. Vitamins had ago) and uhra-violet ray. been developed to saeh a point that i Would it appear to be desirable today no one needed to suffer.! to eliminate or halt scientific re-th rough lack of knowledge al-; search in any of these fields? Was tHdugh, of coarse through lack of ' the scientist to be blamed for the distribution, from dietary diseases, i things he Had accomplished? Sclen- Then there were the chemical re-' tists did hot reap large rewards tor guMtorr such as m&Hln, for tire their labors, particularly in the hu-treAtntent; of sagar ntebfttan in manltarian fields although, o: the" dread disease of diabetes: ad- course, there were the Nobels. tbe rerioliri, for the treatment of blood Vkkers and" the Maxims, who had pressure; arid thyroxine, used for developed instruments of warfare. thY treatment of eretenism which and Edison, whose inventions had' stunted both physical and mental been largely along the line of com-devetepment. There were such forts (or humanity, ail of whom had scientific developments for the al- died millionaires. On the other levfaUon of suffering as the hand, Herts had died a pauper, variety of anaesthetics in surgery Fleming a humble college profes-and dentistry, the safe hypnotics sor. and Lavotsster's reward had for the relief of insomnia, and dial- been the gufflorine. litis for the regulation of the heart "Plato's Empire" activity. In recent years particularly in closing. Mr. Brocklesby alluded much had been accomplished in to the economic ideas of Plato, the the perfection and safeguarding of great philosopher of i'jM years ago. such aids in the medical field Many of the Ideas of "Plato's Re-Through scientific research in the (colic" might well be applied to field of chemistry ureal strides had present day conditions, been' made in the bringing about of At the conclusion of his address, immunity from disease and the the thanks of the club were ex ten -treatment of such disease as ma- ci-d to Mr Brockkaby by the nre- larla. dysentry. leprosy, hookworm, -ident, William Crukkshank. C. D. syphlhs and tuberculosis. Mr. Brocklesby then referred briefly to the subect of chemistry In civic life by means of which great Improvement.' Ivirl been made pos- Morgan of Vancouver was a guest at the luncheon. The club decided to hold the Installation of 1933 officers on Mon- fi.i pvpninw: f next week Ibls' advertisement is n it puoiistnti or displayed oy the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I Bulkley Valley TUB IlimTIl COAL A Locaf Product Three oat of five games were played m last night's Junior Billiard League fixture between Lea Cana- rftna ami Rmnfesa. the flB'UMl talt- w .r ..vrmt )Md of 999 to 40 afxt to Americans by scoring, as a result Individual scores were as follows: W. & Hutaon. Las Canadiens. 269; Dou FrfaaelL fbtpress, H. O. AnttnelK. 209; Owen rhmet, 146. R. Phtehard. US; J. NIlecheltoTi. 200. The third game in last Friday nigh ft ftxtttre between &npreaa and Jewelers ws alio ptad last night. Barl Batt mning tor the Empress ovtlt Chrts Perry by a score of 260 to 1. With two games yet to be played la trite fixture, the Empress Is leading 9M to 4M. Billiard Averages a. O. AntoneUl LC 7 W. E. Hatson LC 10 A. Zadaroski C8 . 9 Bart Bait E . S P. Prttchard LCi 10 J. May CS 9 W. Stone C8 10 B. Windle C8 S Nick ChenosU E t F. Aldrtdge 'LC 9 R. Prttchard iLCt 2 J. S( her land J 9 S. urmatn J 1 P. Vaccher iC 9 J. Marehelton K F. Kenny LC 4 D. FriaseU iB 10 Owen Fisher S XL Bckert B 4 J. Bulger 'J Chris Perry J W. E. Funnell J A. Strachan LC) W. Stuart 'OS' 9 9 $ 1 Ttl. 1490 1994 1T9B 1S99 1996 1719 1997 1494 1993 1999 399 193T 1991 199X 1997 791 1799 1979 997 191 1991 1399 707 000 Av. 909 199 199 196 191 199 199 187 199 199 193 191 199 M 176 176 173 173 164 m 199 19l 14I 1400 BILLIARDS Jan. 39 Jewellers vs. Cold Storage. January 24- Empress vs. Cold 8 tonne January 27 Les Canadiens vs. Jewellers Januai y 31 Cold 8 to rage vs. Les Canadiens Pebnmry 3 Empress vs. Jewel Febi'inrv 7 Les Canadiens vs Empns Febuan 10 Jewellers vs. Cold Storace Februiiry 14 Empress vs. Cold 8tora(ir Feoni.iry 1" Les Canadiens vs Jewellers February 21 Cold Storage vs ' Les Canadians I February 24 Empress v. Jewel-' lers. 1 February 29 -Les Canadiens vs ' Rrtrptsss March 3 Jewellers vs. Cold Stor- nee. ' March 7 Empress vs. Cold Stor age. March 19-Les Canadiens vs. Jew-! ellers. United Farmers Aporove Action Of Calgary City CALOARY. Jan 18- The United Farmers of Alberta. In conference here yesterday, voted ertdorsatlnn of the action of the city of Calgarv In refusing to pay $300,000 In ex change on loans maturing In NewJ York. ' '! a close victory over the kmf-snf-l fertng Canadiens at OtUwa j Last asgnrt scores MttntrVaf. 3: absion. 0. Oahadtene, 3; Ottawa. 3. WW fotf Rangers. 0: Ik-'roft, 1 Tofonto. lh itttt York AuiuKitu, 3. ffockey Sfaridm'gp fritrmatlrtnai DtVHloh' W. D L P. A' Toronto B 4' ' Ottawlr 4 Maroons . 8 2 Canadiens .7 '2 9 91 55' 39 IT 47 3 -irt W M -TSaM .... American Division Detroit 14 jg 9 97 Rangers 13 4 6 99 Boston 13 4 3 64 Chicago 8 6 10 41 rs n w rotet Hfwm a 14 IS 54 39 69 54 51 4T 49 51 CRIBBAGE January 23 Canadian Legion vs. Moose. Seal Cove vs. L O. 0. F. Empress vs. Bagies. Orotto vs. Musketcets. Swift vs. Biles. January 10 Canadian Legion n. Iter les Seal Cove vs. drotto. Eropress vs. Elks. Moose vs. Swift. I. O. O. F. vs. Mtniceteers. February 6 Canadian Legion va. I. O. O I Seal Cdve- vs. Bagjes. Orotto vs. BUes). Km press va Swif t. Moose vs. M,qkteW. February 13 Canadian Legion vs. Orotto Seal Cove vs Empress. T O. O F vs 8wlft Moose vs Elks Eagles v Musketeers IS 16 31 39 39 I 'I' 1 1 t ms saasasaBmi wmnmty, January i& mi PAQEJTWO, THE IJn.Y NEWS S.- ' THE DAILY NEWS. FOR HEAD wsttsfegrtite Pb'Hsned' Every PRiS'CE Dally AU'eniooh, lltJPEllt News, Limited. Except - BltlTlijH Third Sunday, COLUMBIA Avenue by Prince Rupert COLDS News of The Sport World j H. F. PUI.I.KN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATfcS City delivery, by mat) or carrier, yearly penod; patd'tn'sfavariee'" SOT For lesser periods, paid in advane per week 10: EymftU all parts of British 6olunfl)te. tfflf dHttsfT iftipW frid tfriltea States, paid in advance, per tar 3 .00 By' mall tb an dther' countries, per isar S.u0 AliVEKTXiNd ictf Classified advertising, per Insertion! pei .word . .02 Legal notices, each insertion; per agate line" 15 Local readers, per Insertion, per line ,, , . 25 Transient display advertising, per per insertion 1 40 Contract rates on apclleatlonr Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor" and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation's. DAttV EDitlO.V Wednesday, Jan. IS. 193. New Social Era in whicli Science Rather Than Business Will Play Great Part Predicted by Speaker (Continued from Page 1) had been made by the scientists." A-notd banker, in a much-heralded sT&teriitfrit, had declared that "all research is good for is to make sible in the purification of water supplies, the production; preservation and distribution of food. ewage sanitation and industrial pOisdntng. Then chemistry had played ,in important part in the industrial field. Alloys of metals had insured great strength for structural undertakings such as grvat brieves and buildings. Stainless steels had oeen developed and tbe war against rust had been prosecuted. Then there had been the development of photography, x-ray. movies, vacuum i tubes, radio, electrical current rec- tes Canadiens Lead Empress In Billiards DETROIT IN llitJri Bnl(ni jirln' New Yrirtr ltan;rre For Second Place jn rtbctJey&airimiif DETROIT. Jan. lfe Detroit Red Wirt :s blanket tHe NW Ynrk Rstisr- In x crucial game here lust night and muved Into the !er.dcrsh:p of the American Division o! the National' Hockey Heap tie At BosOm. the BAilfw rbn-ted the Montreal Maroons and ad-, vanred to a lie with New York Rangers fr second place in the American Division. Tntbrito Maple Leafs, although beaten by the Americans at Jfewj York, held a safe tea In the In- ', ternattersal Division. The Ottawa Senators moved into third place Making Fasf Time' iff Switzfei'te rid 'Berneing' up '-he trails we mixht say A: KM. ki r .ir- nnlttiiit Mine tXuwu mountainside near Berne. Swrterlami uthippiv. up clouds of snow a they whhm by Flashes Win :. cPftR.TfHAT I- ENGLAND k Hoop Game! itt T p A n i , The regutar schedule of basket- Hi LuLjaXIJ Oereated rfacketeersltrnith'Sthool 6(4 sttVWUBrl of rttm4 dame freely Fer Invsdrf lUixelbair iC; ft R A playtaff m the senior nlno Third ftf FlMhbs sheheed the super- mmm in yesteUy basketball Mxttire by a one-sWed sert of 30-17 Ttr was the tfeta rtiltoatvt loss gahie with the ana spy Pott S9mp-soa MswetbaH dub A torrid battle bmw snMted'SSt both Iff are ham proved a valuable addition to nancies m wnisus. the Flashes while Smith also play- ..... ed a good atnwf. XMMIiti and ifee game between Canadian Ns-Forbe wr tfte pteli ot tJW fesers. uonal Rlrmtlen AsaoruOion and The &dteU ouUcoredthe RuneU Port Simpson Athletic Club proro-m the jimr same and. as a re- isafro be of the satne-rilfh calrbre At, are m seabnd pastUon Is the M Ae game a wiMc age this vtatt-leagtte standmg. The game was mg team, although not the same as ragged in the flrsT half but the se- the V. P K. A. team of Port Stmp- Laond half showed some suae baa- ton. which was here before, is ketbeU. The BoUeta rallied in the plenty good and wUI make the C Tet Match ADELAIDE Ausi, Jan. 18 determined to win this gasde to 9fan Pre' Kans came ( for Kng land ve.terday in the -Northern further prove their leadeobia la British Columbia Brick 9ng of the third test ce .a, a. I . . . . . Oktn 411 MiUa 9ft atMtlAf IIH1CT1 WJXH rtUWt mS9J ;tlltl i 2T1-9a ffftU T9mMVadmmm 4Ml 9JUPJ IUH 91 was vasv wasw :asws ... W V fVWS,MV wtfM mw . . w. stHne. Both teams no" 1931 nlavad a sneedv came from start PPy ' V " o finish but the Flashes had a de- I! knowing from experience elded edge in the shooting Wing- f to W baaaegspu wnen clfat of oUr the invaders h! ran for six wVkets. ghring lead of 999 run so far In ilw n i A powerful oettlnt dkpiav R Hammond Olonretiterslnrt fesssonaV featured the inn rv notclwld eighty-five nin Today's Play Faced with the task of r.r least 693 runs to beat Enit the third match. Aaatralia bat today and when thr ' were drawn, had pot tos-tln runs tor Iom of four ww-k '.-Bradman was tne only one ui dying moments bat the Midgets jr. r. A. boys play their hardest The any stand, knocking up 96 rm managed to stave them off until ota MagW fbrtarts will roontfotM fore bein caught by Venn ull time. Tbe final score was 9-6. 'Alaska (jntae BoatiivHefe Twe motorboat Sea) of the Al- KMka Qasie Oenunsnion wtlb bead- Quartan at Joneav, which is on a patrol of the southern end of th-Akwka panhaniUe. arrived In port last night from the north and will make this port her base for the next f" dnv Homer Jewell i,t he Alaska Came Commiuion is i:i 4 charge the nlghtfs entertainment and a was bowling lot of thrilling basketball may be expected the Port Simpson Athletic Club team arrived in town this morn trig from Port Batinatmi where they played' a series of two gaajea Btafc- ing a clean sweep' of both. la the Brat game, the stmpaon team won 37 to 16 and. la the second were victor by a score of 39 to 8 Incidentally, they entertain no doubt but that they will win again tonight whert they face up against the Canadian National Recreation Association team he'e Both Port E-vsine'on names were largely British Sportsman Victim of Injuries In Fa5J of Horse Um(t Jan. 18 Tsr.' Pre ' ("apt R k Sshsooii tir rider and mllloaau ip r man. died yesterday from in "i enffered when his mount i' ' Wednesday Anver'Kr m the t 1 1 1 v N' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS lie P'tililislied NEXT SATURDAY InThfa Kapti' on the FRONT PAGE Ariybh(Th1iig'aVtTclb for sale, houses for rent, propcrt ftTrsale, nrticlea loit or found) household goodj. merchandise for nlo,,muiIc or other lettona, tfademen srifecralists, doctbrk,. IftW'yers, wholewlo or r'etiii) goods, wfll have ttfliii pUblMefTon the frontpage of CHTa paper next Srtt'unlay, January 21". The rates will remafVi asr usual at two cents' a wonK rl(h a minimum of 60c. GWe thin rt trial. THe cdst littlb arid eVpfybM? Vlli be reading tho little adi. 1