vfMtnf.iAjr. January iff. 1033 LSqhiwUfh Emnomiy KA.' . '--.f'TWsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVSBam-i rjpO Aire money on ydtir rletirle JTglit lilMsV -follow the example of large buildings. TnJfnowifiafEDlSrtY MAZDA Lamp'snor naiuclras Imitation jrlve RfratVf value foY f'tirrrtif ArtuumCil. rYtiy tlirih by rtie carton. MAOE IN CANADA EDISON 1 MAZDA LAM PS Pdplf tfho shave Want the best in every-ftihTf tHy we. Let ms how you what we ftilVe tof your eoBVnfcip and plofiiffre. Riuor and blade of tie best makes. Soap and creams that make shaving easy. Lotion? and talcum powders. It la a mistake to buy in f trior goods for use err the face. You i ir. not be too parurular You can depend upon what we sell for wv look to the luturc .in wll a to the present Ormes ltd. JJia Pioneer Druqgists DEPRESSION PRICES Ejfg Coals, per ton $11.00 & $11.50 i Not Nut ("oall f.unlp Coal, per Ion $120 IKise Coal, $1.00 per ton less All Conls are in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy foal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bieauieri leava Prtiw Bulrt tuf Vanoouw T.S.. CAUOKNA P.VEItY TUr.SDAY. I 30 P.M. Via Or.n rll m.rt WhikiIiiu mrt.ntir anriionii t.su vmenn every tiiukstimy Minxrr.nT. Arriving Van-ouvr BuivdaT n urnina Wetklr SallUlu to Port Stmpaon. Alice Arm. Anyol. niter pnlnu atmitay. P- , . ' sttctitL ViNTEn excursion it vm k6unv trtrp. rrtrScE x ItUPr.KT TO YANCOUVEIt, 3t On Ml N 10 In Irh S. rtlurn tlmlt Man-h SI. FOR SALE Fresh fish Daily Aboard Helen II Cow Hay J.-11 Iir j -a jlA j mUJH THE DAgiY NKWa .i if r.Vt PAOB THR33 VMnemiVer Ttturmllf rurther Information rardlB aU alln( and tirseta at U3 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. IJMITF.D FOR MEN WHO SHAVE Slewsri and Nlaa riione Ml RENT,, A Radfe,' SevnngMit(ifcin6f Typewriter' INfcRAE RROS.f LTDV " ' - - 'JUL. Kccnusc It doesn't pay to1 advertise poor protlurJts, It docs pay trt buy those advtirtntfd. LOCAL NEWS NOTES I Unemployed Hatfd Time Maa;ue- lWtll!Jff Jart. 24; CL Pi. Hall. Vard'rtTs sbetaii Metropoto Hull. Prlctay 20Mtt dM. Program in The fire department had a call it 10:30 this morning- to the home 1 F. B. WeYmif. 531 NmtH Ar- ,entw Went; wtotffe there was u (smoke seare. Mo damage was done. Mrs. Bruce fertile and son of Southbanlc arrived in the city on' last night's train from the loter-or and" will salf tomorrow nigfct on. the Prince Rufjert for a trip to! I.Vancouver. a V Arnold, auditor tar the Bureau of Circulations with head office in Chicago, is in the cky making n audit of the circulation records o the DaUy News. He aiHyttf from the south this morning. Rabet W. Haontngton. regional LcounseJ tot the Canadian Mattonal Ra41waya Wltti headquarters in Vancouver, k paying a brief visit to Um titty on offtesal duties. Re arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupori this morning -md 1 wHI saM tomorrow night on his return south Mrs O. E. Ouliek is expecting her mother to arrive on the train 'tomorrow nigsH from Woodland Michigan. She was met at Bdotoh- : ton by Mr. (Tvltck and is travelling here with him fmm that point. pShe is pfenning t make her home !ln Prir.-e Rupert with her dnunh-ter on Borden 8ttcct. C N R steamer Prince Rupert. Capt H B. Nedden. arrived in port at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Oeean Palls and will sail at 4 O'clock this afternoon for Anyox; Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tc-mororw night southbound. Tb. vessel brought north a good siaed list of passengers. Hotel Arrivals rilWCtf RUPERT R W stneiatr. Inverness; Mr? Xtartln MkUer and Mum Maryann Miller. Blllmor: Mrs Bruce Little, Southbank; R W Hannington an! O. C. Arnold. Vancouver. S. V Miller Bdmohton. Rnlph Parsonv Winnipeg j Announcements Oddfenows January M. Old Time Dance BIT iTlHlAorl flkne FtMayt Jan. 30 Itefreshments. Oent.'s 90c Ladles. tK. PrebyterUn January ,36. Bums' Baasjuel LrfWh Nrlty Dance Jan. ft. M6oM Hall. 3. Canadian Bodfe," Benefit Dance Pb. Legion and Moose Boy Bfrta 5tch Danoe Feb. 10 Annual St. ValenUna'a dance, Cambrol Chapter, I.OD.E.. Feb. 14. Moo 'Valentine Dance Feb. 17 O.N.R A annual bail. Moose Hall. Febritary U. ....... ' - ' LOW (o Vancouver lirtum Limit .farch 31, 1933 f jitt fMrltmUr trim any N AT 1 if X A ti m For day arid Vice riidne 32?' Drfcd Pdaches- per lb. night1 Ttfrf ; United Cbweh Tea at Mrs. San- Basketball tonight Port Simp- i ItefbahtfV 404rrAve . W. ttrrrfcrrow j son vs. d. N. R. A in feature game from UU c: Admission 26C Provincial Constable Harrison returne Ap the William i city oni cluded humorous play -Wee Dirt ' the Prince Rupert this morning j Ijefcer Be." Adm4. 35c. Bvertxxly I from brief trip to Vancouver oni Welcome. leacort duty. Indian Agent W. E. colliaon vis-lte Meilakatt yesterday Mr tlie nomination- of native councillors for 1933. The election will I piace on, lurausy neat ween. D H. Burrewa, who has been ppAMttng the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting In tak , Vancouver, returned to the city fiom the south rti the ss. Prince Rupert thi morning. The Bach choir of Vanccivtr will be on the air tonight over CN RV from 74 to 8.30 One of the prominent members of this choir is Miss Cathie Jones, formerly ot Prince Rupert. This will be their scond broadcast WhenTeetfiirtg "I find BABY'S OWN TABLETS e-cWhnt for (evred, rcrtlm child rrn whea cuttisc (etth. a they rue tc gams sad easMe Um babiet to ilep wrilei Mis. S. C. Smith, Ctrp. Oat. Crow, (rcdul, dtotreswd little fOHts arc nfttV happy and rwnforuMe by the rofxtctirt tctioo o( BABY'S OWN TABLET. GH yovr rMId thue tweet, Kttpttblt sh! s!W)lutry SAFK lattte TibteU for the relief of CoUs. Colic, Coouipation or disordered Stomadi. Safety guarantee ia eadi 25-cent padure. UT Dr. wnnaW BABY'S OWN TABUtS Four Generations In One Home Makds Almost a Record Mayor and His Mother. His Son and His Grandson All at Present Living at Emmrnon Place The Vernan I aewMMper aewMMper re reentry published a news item telling about a family in which four generatiotfff were living on the same street. Ed" monton then dlacoterfa that there1 was a family in that City with four generations living oh the samel street. Prince Rupert can go one better. In this city Uer4 are four fenerations of the same family liv- tsst in the same house and the family is that of Mayor Stephens. In the mayor's home is his mother. 86 years of age. hansel f, 00 years old, his son. Fred and " his grandson Fred Jr They Mve for the time being at the family home. 412 Kmmer-son Place. e The Dally News can be pur- 4 chased at e Post Office News Stand. 323 4 Granville SU Vancouver. 4 Karl A rd. e r s o n. Prince r"6eorfe, B.O. VR. " W. Jtatey, Terrace, B.O. 4 Oeneral Store. Anyox. Smithers Drug Store, Smith- 4 ers. B.O. 4- GET THE HABIT and look for' MUSSALLENrS AD. Our Values are OuarrtreftT and the Prices are the: Lowest Prunes Oood quality 25 C Royal City Baby Beets' 4 7 a NabtfTomaUxw 23's (This is a gootl buy) Lump Sugar 2t)C Jamaica btangea dbod size sweet 3 dot. 11c 6e MUSSAIXEM'S Economy Store 317-ld Third P.O. Rot 373 Avenue tVesr rhoner Uf DEMERS' Stock Clearance HATS now HATS Reg. $3.95 now NOW ON - PRICES SLASHED . pVlnce Rupert Pari dourfy, Bght porthfriy wind; bsomteY, 38.01". i tenperature, 34; sea smooth. j Dead Tree PbintCvercasf, calm; i bafbmfttcr, 29!58f; temperature. 31;! Mt weU. i nonneasi wina: ngnt sweu. Terrace ClAidf. north east wted temperature, tt a Wove. Xnyox Clear, calm 20 above. Clear, north wind, 22 4ewart re. Haselton Cloudy, calm S above. Smither Cloucy. 8 above. BWns Lake Cloudy, calm, 7 aboe. Steaiiisliip Sailfagjj for Vancouver Tuescay , Oardena . 1:30 pun , Thurs. sS Prince Rupert; tv pjn Friday SS: Prin. Adelaide 10 tun Ss. Venture midnight ' JantfiV 20 a. Prin. Norah- pjn. i frtrnt1 Vancouver'' j aonday-ss. Cardehsf pnr i Wed.-ssS: f hnee Rhpert 9:3o ajn j rnday . Prin. Adelaide pin. ; 8 Venture pjn. j JmnfiHrv i6 a Prin Nbralt arm ' oV Ni' IMVer and fort Simfrion ; Sunday ss. Cardena 6 pjn. j I nnr Naasr River Jr Tort SlmpMin Tuesday ss Cardena 11 30 aja 1 for Stewart sod Anyox ) Sunday as. Cardena 8 pjn. j Wed. ss. Prince Rupert. 4 pjs.i Frpm Stewart arid Anyox 1 TuesdTy. Cardena . lf:3fajn.! Tbursr-sc Prtnee RupeVt, g pm. ! For Ocean Falls . Tuesday as. Cardena 1 30 p.m. 1 Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Prin Adelaide p.m Frorrt' Ocean Fan-i Wed ss Pr Rupert 9:30 a.m' Friday ss Prin Adelaide p.m. '. Ss. Vein ure p:m. For Qaeen Charlotte Islands- i . I ' Jin 13 and :'T n.-; F John 10 p m i r JONESy Family Meat Market 057 Plionc 937 Shouldtr Pork. 4 lbs. St 3 lbs; Apples Lon Potk" Chops. 2 lbs it 3 lbs. pples Le of Porta. 4 lbs. & 3 lbs. Apples Rolind Steak. 2 lbs. St 6 lbs. Carrots Sirloin Steak. 2 lbs. Si 4 lbs. Onions Rump Roast of Beef ' ibi T-Bbnu Roast, 4 lbs. St t dbs. Bftiner Sggs" Sho)ilderiamS- , per lb. . teg-of Limb La?nb J&w- 4 lbsl Bacon Ayrshire 5 lbs-. Slleed B&ls Bacons' ' lbs; ?orlc sausage 2 lbs: 50c 50 c $1,75; WOO&LE& StJlfS--now, up from ; VERNON Apartments, 130 Second i Avenue. Housekeeping rodms ' newly renovated. Phone Red1 421 LOST toST WalUiam wrist watch with metal wristband. Finder pleas return to Dairy News. Reward. IS FOUND FOTJltD Five keys on ring. Owner may have sasne by ealling a Daily 'News and paying for this advertlsment. HAIRDRESSER "RINOLETTE" Permanent Waving Finger Waring- Hair Cutting Nelson's Beauty Sftoppe. vffiLAOt or srfEwxnT NOM1WIIOX NOTlfi: fiillc notice hi tieroby glvon StT thi Kr-t jt of ttm MusdBSMllty of Osr Vu laajr of Me wan tnsc i.ivquu w pre- mc ot the cap: Ofrwss. bBdmr. oonsstbts BBSOSgr at tne Mun.- olWtt !er 3f Strwart. B.C.. on . Nrtnimavtlcai. aald the nans, rtfctdoner and i OWrlpUon of aoch ch ' fueft masker a ucb osndMaS. noil betng . oponed on tt City Hlii aaeaon s attflVtenUT In tbe V11- MOMUV. JAM ART V1. ISB3 it 1? o'eMk ooOtk. aw t purpoae ot ?)eotlns penfcut to latiiilui thean u CXmuniaslMdhj of ttst CoeporaJion o. -1m- Village of SXrwart The mode of noosnsuaat of oanril-!tava attaU 6 aa HIMXJa i The eandMsts ahalf IM nomsteted ir 1 vntlnv. th WTMUW (Ml be ataW nben try t olMora of tlie Municipality, an , prcfKmer and woondcr. and ahaU be d l:rretj to ia Roturstlnc OOtrer St nt . imr beraawo the data ot thia aettr :d two (1:00) bjh. on th dale ot n The u I M writ .nlM. ah. OScupa in to iddbur and. in the erent of a iTV aucli poll haa be rmrnBDAT, tkz asui day or jam vskt. 1M a Ov UunletpSl Omeea abora deaoM. d. froso nln (Si o'otook am to aerea i7) o'eteck pun of which ttj paradi la requllM to lake nouoa and forarn hlmarlf aesordlngly. On en undae my hand at Stowort. B C . thia ttb day of January. A.R.. 1S33 sDWAKb t. Amsnnuttri ttaturntag Otneer 75c COAL! COAL! 50c: 50c 75c! S1.00 15c 20c 50 c 35c! 45c 25c! Our Famous Bdson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to five satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 538 PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta rhone 231 Sale NOW IS TItE TIME TO I1UY AT DEftESSlO PfttCES Todas Weather S7.S0 WOOLLEN HOSIERY, GLOVES marked right down P Ci A T WELL TAILORED, A GOOD QUALITY, CLEARING llHlO AT PRICES YOU WILL APPRECIATE Classified Ad; FOR SALE Triple Island- Omeast. llgfit ; northwest winch sear chetmy. i FOR 8At Cary safe in excellent Langara Island Cloudy, light condHlon Apply Elfi x.Jf! FOR RtfNf tfUWL Renovated modem flat. Rand Block. Max Heilhroner. tl j STORE for Rent. Third Avenue, j adjoining WrathaH's. low rental i MeOiymont tt PERSONAL OBNTLRMEN Purchase Personal Drac Sundries by Man-tBargalh Prices. Assortment of' fifteen nigfc Crade European fmporU-tSdWs' setit postpaid in plain wrapper for $1.00. Aduis Only. National Distributors, Box 443, Reglna. Sask. 19 t TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood Coal moving, chairs for rent . tt " CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES Third tfewaf. reasonable Benkendorf, Ave'., next door to Daily PAINTERS PAINTTNO and Paperhdnglng. M oiler. Phone Red 802. PIANO TUNING PtANOS Tuned JJ.00. sic Storif. walked -iUVEKNIEXT LKJI OK ACT" notice or MKUTiON oa cos- NUT TO THAimm OT BCBR uema: hCM ICC afl Oontrof BtsMn baW UetK'e'jifo. buUdlna? So4m m ( at the ccMrr of HaAB7 OfVaet tlaat on rt upon tag lands 1 a-en ill 1. Tvam rr tnd Pburtew 1U1. oS Section One 1 pert Land Beftatntl Province at BrtSlat Mrtaary am the unto asw S too Lfeiuor t matm tp tranaeer or HVl S SMIWd la re- Oniral Hotel UmUed. llubeUi attaA of PriE tut aa nrinea Hu- t!ah OumbtS the tranafl DAT8L at Prtnee liunbia. Uikf i3th daf tAmjtm (101, f). Hn W Prtnoo Ru- OOBA E UMikef to Odm 3 ffiben. Brt- afVsrr: Buoert. tt of January MlXCR Applicant and Tranaferree. -1: tah Oo- 193. Kl.MacArthur , The Shocman Hasf moved next to the federal Bltock and is now open for bvilneas and will devote his me to Shoe Repairing For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 519 Exchange Block The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating- Wrapping St Qenera.1 Furniture Repair! Lfet your goods with me C?E0,J. tfAWES Phone Black 130