.Wsdnserlay. .Angus! 9, i)i . AtJK 1WO THE DAILY rfEWB THE DAILY NEWS. PKLVCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. POLLEN ilaJiagtng-Edttar SUBSCRIPTION' RATES Ctty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For tester periods, paid in advanoe, per week By aail to ail parts of British Colombia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, par year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, par inch, per insertion - Classified sdvertlsina, par weed, par mt Milan Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Local readers, par insertion, per mse DAILY EDITION $5.00 VHad-esday. Augur. 1983 HANGING ON TO OFFICE Quite a little stir has been caused at the provincial capi f A HIGHWAY believes it can hang on to office ahnoet indefinitely re-1 were joint Fairbanks VICTORIA, Aug. 9 Motorists of 30 the future may be able to drive f ram a jo Baenos Aires, capital of the Argentine Repebrie. to Fairbanks, Alaska, on the International Pacific Hlgh-1.40 way. with British Columbia provtd- M. lngani impostaat link, assorting teJ .IS Ernest McOaffey. manager of the Jt raejsaurne bureau of the Atttome- Mae Club of Southern California. and farmer secretary of the Vancouver Island Development League, who it now visiting the city from Los Angeles. Mr. McGaffey is confident that the much-talked of British Colwn- tal bv an announcement that it was probable the Tobnie bu-Aia$a hnnwav wtu eventuauv government w ould not resign until after the- legislature be bout and that it wot be a eem-mat next soriniL The Colonist, the Conservative organ, accent part ex the interna - ctotQc itioll,.- ttonal road by meana of whiea it is DroDosed to link os xie HiUKCici utc inuivi ui uic jjiutunxr il vuiuptitm VQfn mtft SOUJgJl America. forthe government to remain in office until the new legis-: The financmc at jm great high. lature has met and given a definite and nnai decision on way scheme wtu be the merits of the administration. The legislature is the rovemmenta of the countries legitimate organ of the people." I IJ The Times, the Liberal evening paper, takes issue and to TnS aViu closes a rather lengthy article with the following para-! it was the AetoasoMM eM at graph: Southern qawfonrta, he saw, which "Unfortunately for this unique aspiration of the aov-:firet bnm utuseaai te betid gardless of the will of the electors and a government ' birthday party given to honor of whoe leader a year ago publichv announced its inability Mr" c w of Mxa.! to carry on notwithstanding its control of two-thirds oi;??er .f?r,l'Ti,,w ,or! the legislature, the legitimate organ of the people.' " rSZt Mseees Irene Farknd and Marjerie' Street-sweeper Rides in Style HKammmmmmvolB mmmmmm Believe u or not- this road sv.ee - r is . ii- ..ia to his Job. John McCu.lough. veteran swee :cr of Hollywood, has an unemployed step-son who "earns his bed and board" by driving the old f. l!(w f'-.m place to place In vxpoii iv- .sedan ggVjnaggsT augggggggggggggggnxuxuk IvW tmul Twt wfT ia trr wita oor titWoanl jKJL vHaB Z-Bk- TVitbWUjTUna S!gT (Bsmml ,ctio" srteri U&4aiiBna, hmm 1 txtc faUmmU d poiua ai in ck. ctMa Wliag, H (Weeks poured. In the afternoon beating and swimming were en-! Joyed cm the lake, while a dance , was held in the evening. Man in the Moon Oood .w'ternoou Are you buying in Prince Rupert instead of sending your money away? The McBride Journal has the following advertisement: "Found hoyr new cap in the United ' Chnreh Only designation murk T : Eiton. If Tim or Tom will call at j the Manse he will receive it " For , h information of the Journal we . ::! like to say that Tim la dead foods st ffl continue to make the small towits smaller and the people poorer. Let us talk about some thing new the weather frlnstanee. ' When the sun is shming bright, Tne world eems quite aD right And we're happy; But when the skies are lowering. People go round aojowetfng , And M'a "Make It snappy." Jake was wondering what made the c loads so heavy this morotog and he came to the eonctuetofl that It was because General Batbe and his squadron had left the continent When Is a ConaervaUve not a Conservative? Otve it apt When he s an tndepepdetit 1 TO ALASKA I s H Plan Evolved to Connect Buenos Aires In South America With ernment. there ar certain insurwu-ahlo nhta.lp in tr,on utomssle mwjmajr mam tnefT-t. j-g, i-4 way of its realization. One of them happens to be the'u SJHHTHitl t lieutenant-governor, who has the power of dismissal at junta tton was asronetv m skkxk any time, and whose course must be determined by the will . of the intemitianai mehwey wMet of the electors as expressed at the polls. If that decision ' J weini iiu to drive from should make it clear that the government and its policy i800 p8" h?" en rejected by the electors-ami the returns of the j cltZSmJ c show that it will be his duty to- call Upon the ! and TrouMtiiidft the Panama Cr- .oatw-r oi me party witn tne most elected representatives ai. j to form a government He can not watt six months of log- J rolling and manipulation without transferring the ioue n 1 C t from the defeated government to hinvelf. sinee in that uOCial LVent 111 case ne would be a party to a proceeding which would be unexampled since pre-Confede ration times. Up to this time there are supposed to be seven wonder m the world. There is nowanother one a government in a BfftisM country which, with only two supporters m an election. AIVAN8H. Spencer Naas Valley Aug Mm. 9. Mrs. B. A.) Levis Forkrud: at a delightful News and Views of Sport TOURNEY IS CONTINUING Number of Tennis Games Played Tuesday in Elimination Contest Of Prince Rupert Club . Taking advantage ef the good weather a number of tennis games were played yesterday in the eli mination tourney of the 1 nee Rupert Tennis Club The : owing were the results Mixed Doubles Mrs. Jabour and .Dowlas beat Mr. and Mrs Staines 3-1 6-3. L. Film nil and A. Mitchell beat Mrs Jabour and Deamlas 7-5. 7-5 Miss B. Bdacumec and Tobey beat Miss L Mitchell and CM. McMerdie Id -3. -r Mrs McMerdle and Seam ford beat by therC Mitchell and 8. WUdfeiK 3-4. 3-3. Ladies' Singles Mrs R. Warner beat Mrs E. Car-rie M. 4-ft. i-t i. adgeamoe beat Mrs. E Walker 5-3. -3. Betty BJaeamne bant L Men's Doubles A. MttclmD aa& "Hbey bM W. MaAfee and a Batiest ft-S. S-l. O. 4-1 Men's Singles Young beat J. Memugt S-g. MeMerdse (Moulted to R. owing to injured knee. Victor and Spoils mi! &w fcV Sir 1m ftBS suuuuu asuuBUusssB IA sssumw aessssssssu V i)s-. K :!.':.. Mcuarch A C. Tuio: to Car. jus, shown ith h- t-d States Netsenal A A t. ttunhr. wnich he won in the second annual 15-mlle marathon race at Wafhlnnum. Over 131 of the best long distance runners took part in the race. Baseball Scores National Leagi. New York 0. Brooklyn 1. St. Louis X CMeago 4 American League Washington I. Mew Yet k Boston 6. Philadelphia f. District News SK1DEGATE H. R. Frost ot Maasett Ha been The following Is the scale vtalUng at Sttdegate with d. Ohast- ' ot eharges made for reading ney for the past week. notlr.es t Marriage and Engagement Rev. J. OiUeU, Indian agefit, ae- announcement $2. aampasued by Mm. OtUetthtt-been umn Notices 50c. spending two weeks at SkWegatel cunerai Notices SI. Mlasten Some Target To Throw At IT nT ' ! Boys, oh boys Ac? pit cr t.c & ."' tJn who could Vt get 'em over witn a an! !j as t; . ' w no business m thr irjot This camera freak was -:::i,i'-: . D-rroit and the bark- behind the glove is Johnny Ribcr Tmer's youngest catchbif recruit And te is m maskman Football Game SMITHERS Tomorrow Eve GOLF CLUB Legion Versus -The Rest" Will Be Trial Match to Enable Team j To Be Pickrd 1 The Prince Rupert Feeteatl Asv- i ioriatsou held a meeang to the I Grotto Ogar Store last ntghi. Pee-sident Bert Morgan oecuptcd the chair. Delegates present represent ing the dtffentH teams were Hugh Klllan. Canadian Legion: Peso Be-Jong. Regiment: Jaek CmropbeU. c L D L, also Vlee-Pfeeidesrt W Murray. The Canadian Legean vs The Rest" were seieeted to psy a trial match en Thursday evening for the purpose of sei feting a all star team te near H. M. S. Bra gun for the Banson Gup. The execuUve also appointed a jrurnmittee te pick the ail star tssuu. 1- u composed of W. Merray. J. campbeU and W Barton The team playing under the of The Rest" is requested to it the Regiment headquarters on Tfursda evening before the ame Following i the team which has : i v(i by the footbaB exe-ive lo piav against the Lesjhut, r h Mitnaxer DeJong m charge Stiles Legion. Blake Recti. Canadian Legion team will be: Pearr. Oreer. Curris: MeOuu old. Hedden. Otlker: BapUe. Murray. Dickens. Buaaanich. Comadlna. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront A number of trolling boats were in port yesterday, mostly from' North island. They mcJaded the Seaward. Terrible, BatOoii, Hast. Nygard, Dot and Ideal. ! The Tnkla. peeking fish for Edmunds and Walker of New Westminster, came fci yesterday from the south and awaited orders here before going to the trotting grounds. One of the bright spots on the waterfront is the flower garden at the entrance to the Imperial OH doek. It to understood that It it the work of Miss Oertrode McKeneJe. SOFTBALL August lOv-Bmprese vs. Kaiens. Ausust ll-E3ka rtiu' Cards of Thanks. i vs. OraUo. Funeral Flowers lQe. per The trolllna fleet is 'itwod tal Auemt iAr- m p a . nv. 4 nXme U M Nnrth TslanH mgtnr. tnr A ! I.U.. -i . 1 .. cohoes at 8kldega(e Bai th' price , August 20 O rot to tiCNR'A: of cohoes here ia 5c a p-.'und. iNavyys Elks. TOURNEY Big Annual Open Event te be Ueld At Interior Centre Augast 20 For Davidson Cup SMtTHQeS. Aug, The SnU then Ootf aub will hold hs second Northern British Columbia open amaleur geif tournament here on August 30. This event Is open to all residents of one your or more in the country between Prince Rupert and Prince Oeorge and north of that The Bob Duridsen evsauvnae cut is at present held by Charles Rest, manager of the Royal Bank here and It Is understood he is expecting to win It again. Names of entrants aheuid be sent in- before Monday next to K O Houghton, Jmithers Grotto Went Up Notch in Softball Beating Empress Thurber 'Re n . um iRegtK Rdg- . nbe. capUm . Regit. Whbgham Orotte went up another Peg ti; RuMeii Regit. McKay natco w sottuall standing and c L D L Lokken C L D L.i, Chenuskl C L. D. L.i. Ncertngton ' Retrt' pa re. Magulre. Chris-tensen Daviet the repress down as a result of the holism lg to 3 defeat of th . Utter seised mat evening The lobaronisU with their four runs gatheied in the second canto, lust about took the heart oat of th" Roteimen who tailed to get to1 Stiles on the Or.tto mound for many hits and but two runs. C10I3 INTO DRYDOCK SEATTLE. Aug. 3 The steamer Northwestern arrived here today from Eagle River and will go tnn dry dock- Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of- the day or any other subject of public Interest but letters mutt be brief and to the point. The long-winded cor respondent has no placo In modem Journalism. Every letter must be signed by, the writer, not necessarily for publication but ai a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character most have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only Correspondents must avo'd personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rales'of debate. IMPERIAL OIL TENNIS CLUB Excellent Court Built on Waterfront By Voluntary Labor at Small Cost, Used Great Deal A great many people are awaie that there la on the wh' front a first emag tennis court ti. uwl k'-pt up by the Imperiiu ' Iei...i. ' lull ll ha. 24 men i,. hen :(! in W.ilti-r Huwarth t mm jiih .nut rriief factotum wa Uricly responsible (or it tag buut The court is located right ad; . Uik the imperial Oil werehou.u or. Imperial Oil property Th. cinder court of last year not pi Ini; very Mtllsfactory a club . formed in the ipring to bm. board court on the site. Lumtv .- , other materials were purrh.iv.. a total cost o( $143 and the brail the work themselves ec ! the staining whwb repotted pe expert workmanship supplied MM oertruoe MrKensie ar. v. T. Peterson The men wtu their services for the manual . were Walter Howorth, Laurie Um Mey Allan Hill-Tout. R. C Pa:-J. Hartwtg. A Lindseth. I F-r , usd I luglrightaen A small puvllion was erect -: the court was surrounded b-. net to the usual height as a oorarr expedient Later it i posed to use chicken wire d . leas to keep the esstettens in The court Is an excellent unit is being used regularly b. members and their frlendx Famous Jockey Makes Comeback NBW YORK. Aug t -Barl S, who rorasook the saddle thorooghbreds. is on hi to the top again. After a dlaanpehiting Ur v the stable he assembled n- for Maxwell Howard of Tolet t Is riding the wave of pripeii'. receiving the cheers of the rr. j much as he did during the iuM teen years when he rede to f .. and-fortune aboard seme of An)--U's greatest t hornughbred His stable couiprises onh horses but within the short i of six days he won four ran . hree of them st Empire nn Huberts ciotured two event. Misi Snfiw and 8' Stephen uce each Have us Install one of our new sets in your boat No U or C Batteries required, operates directly off any six volt lighting or Ignition system A demonstration at our shop will convince you of the simplicity and economical operation of this set. superior rfm t v I Radio Service 32 Second . Avenue,. wv a rhone Blue 320 r. O. Box ist A. Q HAKTLSTT f II IN8ULANDEU 11