WE - HAVE - FOR - SALE (CROWN GRANTED) NECHACO VALLEY PRICE: $15.00 PER ACRE, EASY TERMS Section 9 ses Me . an excellent section and was one of the first to be staked in the Valley. Samuel Harrison & Co. Brokers and Financial Agents, Prince Rupert This (ren DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO rrr, to subjects of special interest to women. are invited to contribute to its columns, Cosy Cerner” will fili a social need. The Best Engine for Northern B.C, waters is The “Frisco Standard” Cut represents three- cylinder type “ Frisec Standard” Gasoline Engine, sizes 25 h.p. to 125 h.p. : $ Quick delivery of all sizes from 4 h.p. single cylinder upwards. ~AGENTS— Marine Ironworks & Supply Co. Rupert ‘fice Phone: Blue 53 P.O. Box 515 Works on Wharf: Phone 318 WELL BQUIPPED REPAIR SHOP ACCESSORIES CARRIED wat) ~-r— = THE COSY CORNER = & ~- DINNER GOWN OF LACE AND CREPE METEOR THE DAILY#NEWS THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN et re This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert and to take part in its discussions. Sug- gestions and criticisms are invited by the editer. The hope is expressed that “The anese long ago discovered ears as a rule adjuncts, else why did they adopt are side of the head? Well-shaped, indeed a rarity. large and thick and red, solutely lacking in delicacy purity of cut. Red not be tolerated and are the result of too well-set One ears tight pink. While earrings are the ear has gone out. custom, for the lose their proper shape. But let us not despair. present fashions will be aid to us in skilfully of our ears. The new cap, the present style dressing, the “pudding bag”’ the small helmet hats—all hel; that the so successfully HOUSEHOLD HINTS ere / For most delicious Bread, that unbecoming the fashion of wearing bunches of flowers or rosettes of ribbon at the are sees them, and ab- and ears should usually clothing. Only the lobes should be faintly again the fashion, it is pleasing to know that the barbaric custom of boring The ugliness of many ears can be traced to this tings pull down and elongate the lobes until they The of great Gisposing theatre of hair- toque, to hide the unwelcome appendages beauty censors will not be able to grumble. pnw | Dainty Biscuits, Ete., use Robin Hood Flour Your Dealer Has I The Digby Rooms Located on Sixth Ave., near ear Fulton Three to five minutes from cen- tre of business district. Nine- teen newly furnished rooms. Hot and cold water, bath and telephone. Newly furnished. Under new management. INSPECTION __- - INVITED FRED. STORK | —¢ —4-4— 4 -0-@ Builders’ Hardware | Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves : Graniteware Tinware e SECOND - AVENUE ) For the train, boat or that ap- pointment if you haven’t the cor- We are official watch there- rect time. |g inspectors for the G.T.P., WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BEERS WINES AND on : LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN STOCK-— To destroy moths put the moth-|% fore we keep all the standard - noe jinfested articles into a baker’s | watches, We do repairs and HERE ARE THREE OF OUR SPECIAL LINES——_—________ love *n which has just been used for| 4 have everything in jewellry. : E baking. Let the ‘mais | 5 ooo Budweiser Beer, We are sole agents for Northern B.C. Crepe meteor, than which there ee tah. : T ae e _ eI o ° 7 : 3 rie , tek i Hs ) : arn< n . ori ng} ¥ , heal d weg ned Aten t Yelne bottled whgpis Sa ms effectiv fOr Touaty | take them out and shake and R. W. Cameron & Co. ;Uaranteed to be 12 ye e we oO ‘ve y rOwnns ¢ Oo rt 3 Sole agents for Northern B. C. oe = ; ern nm Ria 7 vp, | beat them in the open air. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. Vi P shade of apple green serves as. the oo. PHONE 82 ctoria Phoenix Beer foundation for above gown. Over ‘ ; ae as a ta 5 : 3 Buying in small quantities at aotearoa ——_—_——_ this is a white Chantilly lace|,,. ‘ ; ; —7—7——————————— bodi sot dae te ot Fa haks |this season is the wisest plan, if yodice and tunic draped over k ° Phon, Ne. 7 : ; one has no cellar or cool place to| We’ve just received from Cassidy’s, Northern B.C. Fee Ciuisaay! P.O. Bex 577 shoulder with a black satin scarf he : : i re wees - Montreal, the great glass manufac- AteM Aenea eht ‘of etn a store the wares, as a warm kitchen turers, a big new shipment of PILL POLIS | WHE IS CAUGHS AL FENt MCE Mt S| closet’ is hakiiy conducive: to. te large buckle of brilliants. Pane : , | taining the freshness of even can- a ined commodities. —WE ARE SELLING IT CHEAP— NEWSET IN EMBROIDERY z | Nx “eee hi ' Here are other goods we have OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL =. 0 one enjoys washing the | Furniture Crockery DAY Makes ee Pretty Scarfs and broiler on the gas stove. This | Stoves Glassware usnhion Tovers unpleasant task may be avoided | Linoleum Lamps ATURDAY, JULY Ist, DOMINION DAY : ‘ : if chops or small steaks are placed Enamelware Table Cutlery scceahiniallidpiasinndabiisine A new kind of embroidery, which jin tin pie plates and set on the — pss Puwstpe ITY VWotrT . LT . : a ae goad ah Sin le urtains creens BUY YOUR GROC¢ ERIES EARLY bids fair to be unusually popular | broiling grate. The meat is cooked Quilts Pictures TALK on as. * the simplicity of the just as well and the plates are} Blankets Washing Ss W 2nd Ave. and McBride work and the inexpensiveness of easy to clean. Mirrors Machines ER & ELLS, ° - Phone 187.... the materials required, is an em- Sie ous Ostermoor Mattresses broidery done in a German cross ii siasc e Gin akan Every Description of pase. . : . gs House Furnishings. - stitch on foundation linen of a} ,, heavy quality and tan in color To one cupful of molasses add B i hiae! Sheer eae ‘lone teaspoonful of ginger, a half The LKED THROUGH AFRICA, in a country never before traversed Dresser scarfs and cushion covers aire Ye emacs vee ig teaspoonful of cinnamon, quarter by white women. They traversec waded swamps an attacked time, | | de nse jungles; lrivers; were by wil beasts, and at one | Kerri country, were in peril o ‘wot | DEVELOP COAL AM | | we iP | j |R.C., oeukeitt Johnston, M. E. is now at Work up River. Mr. he Mr. Campbell Johnston, M. E party of twenty miners who have despatched to the head- of the Skeena River development work on er accompanied been waters em Start coal lands owned by the a syndicate on of Eastern capitalists. Mr. has obtained and transferred t« railway basin. the building of a Hazelton to the coal enthusiastic about bilities of establishing a large coa | | |industry. His holdings adjoin tho is the possi controlled by Senator Cox. Ground Hog basin, where coal exists, is at the Cok lonial Press De spatch) iss () live Mac] od, daughter Ir Ry €ginald MacLeod late varying from 78 to 89 per cen hanent | in fixed carbon. They nd r-Secretary while . passing through the dreaded Kerri- . Tes | their lives from attacks by natives. ON SKEENA With Party of Twenty Miners Leon Benoit of Winnipeg, has returned from Hazelton, whith- esi aie . anda to Benoit the syndicate a charter authorizing from He se controlled by a Toronto company the headwaters} is Correct for Girls to Conceal of the Skeena and Stikine rivers. The seams are said to consist of anthracite and semi-anthracite coal are said to {jand table centerpieces are {| the articles used in this new work, 1jA fe in treme durability. among is its ex- its favor Mercerized cot- ature shades are used the tons in different { without exception, and close designs give the best effects. Some of the centreprices are edged with linen color lace an inch or two in width. CANADA'S HEROINE Laura Secord Will be Unveile on July 5 by Sir Geo. Ross The monument to Laura Secord erected on Queenston Heights by the generosity of the Dominion | Government will be Wednesday, July 5, by Sir George Ross and placed under the keeping | of the Niagara Falls Park Com- missioners. >| Mr. J. W. Langmuir, of the Commission, will receive the »|monument on behalf of the board. five of the unveiled on Chairman It is expected that surviving grand-daughters of Laura Secord will be present. EARS ARE OUT OF FASHION Beauty uniet Pictaved That It Them. for the The rea- the beauty Ears, it seems, are t| moment unfashionable. son for this is plain Pand, dressed iy for have a thickness of from four to] experts hé ot eee po aay 1s] 1 the costume|eight feet. is a potent factor 0 ; , 5 sh oar 'e during her journey} Mr, G. $. Malloch of the Dom- or TpATTAG a iy — e ; 3700 miles of African |inion Geological Survey, says the | has - been nee a os Lod, . i months Miss|Vancouver Province, is now at) st itement on WD sve . rll kether with Mrs. P. the coal fields to prepare a report) man possess : ‘ ie 3 * “nd Mr, Talbot, were for the Dominion Gowernment. together hopeless. A : of a teaspoonful of cloves, quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, three | tablespoonfuls of melted butter, or tea- Stir add one-half cupful as quickly two ¢ upfuls of sifted | England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in and baking other shortening of well tog th re; on spoo iful soda. iof boiling water and, as mixed, | pastry flour. Pour thc batter one inch deep i1 a well greased pah and | bake in a quick oven, d| Patriotic Service in the Empress Theatre A special service in honor Dominion Day will be held in the Empress Theatre on Sunday even- ing. Rev. F. W. Kerr will take} las his topic ‘Canadian Nation- jalism and the Imperial Futtre.”’ As gateway through which |the nations will pass to enter our }great Dominion Prince Rupert |must especially cultivate a high and intelligent patriotism. The service will 7.30 p.m. Morning also held the 11 o'clock. a commence at service is in same place at WATER MELONS GOOSEBERRIES STRAWBERRIES FRESH TODAY All kinds of Spring Vegetables New Groceries Ideal Provision House Third Ave., near 6th St. Phone 190 of BIG FURNITURE Store Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. F. W. HART PHONE 62 S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m. F. V. CLARK, Sec., P. O. Box 812, Prince Rupert Appicaionlls for Charter for a Railroad NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Par- liament of Canada at the present ses- | sion thereof, for an Act incorporating la Railway Company under the name of “The Pacific, Trans-Canada and |Hudson Bay Railway Company,” with power to lay out, construct and operate Province of Alberta, at or near the City of Edmonton, thence northerly by the most feasible route to, at, or} near Athabasca Landing; thence north- westerly north-east of Lesser Slave Lake to Wabiska or Loon River; thence northerly to a point at or near the junction of the Loon River with the Peace River, or at a point near the junction of the Red River with the Peace River, below Fort Vermillion on the Peace River; thence northerly to Fort Smith on the Slave River: From a point on the said railroad near its crossing of the Wabiska River or the Loon River easterly to Fort McMurray on the Athabasca River; thence easterly along the Clearwater River and Chur- chill River through the Province of Saskatchewan to Fort Churchill or Tort Nelson on the Hudson Bay: From a point on said railroad near its crossing of.the Wabiska or Loon River, westerly to Peace River crossing on the Peace River; thence westerly on the north side of the river through Laurier Pass to Prince Rupert or Portland Canal on the Pacific Coast in British Columbia; with power to construct and operate telegraph and telephone and cable lines for general public purposes; to carry on, construct, maintain and op- erate boats and ferries for the purposes of the railway and other pur 8; to acquire ud take use of lan water- lots, wharves, docks, dock-yards, slips, warehouses, elevators and other con- veniences; and with polar to enter into Agreements with other Companies, SMITH & JOHNST ‘Solici itors for the jae BS Dated at Ottawa this 21st day of a line of railway from a point in the| ITEMS OF pt SPORT! A. Maul, the former pitcher, has been scouting around Vancouver during the Vancouver-Victoria se- ries on behalf of Connie Mack. He has been watching Brown's new twirler, Rasmussen. ooo Jimmy Wiggs, the elongated twirler secured from Oakland in the League by Marager Tighe, in the hope that he might prove a life saver for the Giants, has been turned back to the Oak- land club. Coast oeowe The veto against’ the proposed Morris-Flynn fight at Sapulpa, July 4, anrounced yesterday by |Governor Cruce, in @ letter to | Sheriff J. W. Berry of Creek county, in which the governor threatened to call out the militia if necessary to prevent the bout, was widely discussed in Oklahoma City churches. eee Jim Flynn, the Pueblo fireman whose proposed fight with Carl Morris was called off after Gov- ernor Cruce of Oklahoma decided that the contest could not take place in that state, abandoned his training camp at Kansas City ard left for Pueblo last night. | He said he would resume training when a new date and place for the bout were selected. ; President Lynch of the National | League, has announced that, fol- jlowing an investigation and the l caking of testimony concerning the blow Umpire Klem_ struck Roger Bresnahan manager of the pe Louis club, at the close of last |Friday’s game in Cincinnati, he would fine the umpire $50. Bres- nahan was cumplimented for not retaliating when he was hit. eee The Cleveland American League baseball club will educate Joe Jackson, the outfielder recruited from New Orleans team of the Southern League. President Som- ers, of the Cleveland club, has notified Memphis relatives of Jack- son that he will put Jackson in college at the close of the American League season in October. Pres- ident Somers considers Jackson one of the greatest ball players in the game and believes the mental training of a college course will ;make him more valuable to the team. oe e For Vancouver Victoria AND Seattle Mondays, at 8 a.m. Special Over Sunday Excursions to Stewart Prince George sails Sundays 8 a.m. Reduced fare $9.50 including meals and berth. ss. Prince Albert sailg for Port Simp- son, Naas River, Masset, aden Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. and for: Queen Charlotte Island points, Sat- urdays 1 p.m. Railway Sefvice to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed- nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re- turning Thursdays and Sundays 5.20 p.m. The Grand Trunk Railway System cormecting with trains from the Pacific coast operates a frequent and conven- ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicage, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila- delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings arranged via all lines. Full informa- tion — tickets obtained from the office of A. E. MCMASTER Canadian Pacific Railway B.C. Coast Service Famous Princess Line _ en CANADIAN ar a RAILWAY §.S. PRINCESS MAY Monday, July 3rd, 9 a.m. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE J. G. McNab - General Agent fates and Tickels Tickets To All Psints —BY ALL LINES— ROGERS’ Steamship and Railway Agency Second Ave. Phone 116 S.$._INLANDER ...FOR... HAZELTON Take the fast light-draught steam- er Inlander for Hazelton, ———— H. B. Rochester Agent That Orval Overall, pitcher, now on the reserve list of the Cubs, would be traded to some other team in the National League if such a thing is possible was not denied by President Murphy. Dis- patches from Philadelphia indi- cated there was a deal on between Fogel and Murphy. This Mr. } Murphy would neither deny or | affirm. He declared, however, that at the request of Manager | Chance circular letters were sent to each of the National League teams asking what they had in return for Overall and Willis. Many replies have been received, but the offers were not what Chance thought they should be and were rejected. yvy This is how the Vancouver What Prince | Typos challenge each other. a pity they can’t meet Rupert's great team! W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenze and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILiY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ALFRED CARSS, Cc, V. BENNETT, B.A. of British Columbia of B.C., On Sas- and Manitoba Bars. katehewan Al- CARSS & BENNETT' BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc, Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue vat Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a mpecialty, | Al dental tions skilfully treated. “The baseball team playing in the City Commercial League un- ics administered for the s. Goo ex- —o nor teeth. ultation free. Offices: Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 der the cognomen of the World think that they are ball tossers, but they are even in the running when it comes to playing against The Province ball sluggers. The Province has proved some not Alex.M.Manson B.A., WE, Williams,B.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C’ this time and time again and they think that they can do the same on Thursday, on which evening they would like to tackle the Homer street team. The Province . . . Pr is willing to play for money, P. O, BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING UPIL OF WM, FOXON, EBSQ., A.R.A.M.,"1.ON., BENG marbles or fun and if their fellow type slingers think that they would like to learn something about the great and glorious game they have only to accept this challenge.” SIXTH STREET GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS PRINCE RUPERT At the Fountain Ice Cream Cones 5c, Ice Cream Sodas 10c, Sundaes 15¢ and 20c¢, rIce Cream 25¢ pint, 50¢ quart.— C. H. Orme, Pioneer Druggist, June, A, D., 1911, Phone 82. Fruit : Produce :; WHOLESALE H. H. Morton Feed 3rd Ave. J