PAGE FOUK Exquisite Quality and Flavour SALADA TEA "Freih from the Gardens TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Maw Iaabc: Mcintosh of Toronto, night's train for Burns Lake Vat-genera! serre'.jry of the MLw.1 n- lting numerous points enroute. ary So.iety ol tli? United Church Miss Mcintosh Is now on her re- oi Oa-adv jf lor h-Tln. xpec' a tarr: East after a Tiatt to this few days !n the city left oa last oo official duties. FN 10 BgB-S-S-S-S-S-S-S Boy.V li Voutu. Running 8i je all styles Prices 89c, 99c, S1.15, S1.25 Save your dollars by buying at the Cut Rate Store where we can deliver the goods at a very small margin of profit. So why pay more? Men Dn&i, Bouts and Oxfords, good range of lle to choose from. Prices $2.45, $2.95, $3.45, $3.95 Men's Black or Brown Calf and Oraln Leather Work Boots Panco soles or leather Price $1.95, $2.45, $3.65 Men's Tennis or Running 8hoes. Bool or Oxfords, all colors. Prices $1.10, $1.15, $1.45 Boys' & Youths Dress Boots ti Oxfords all kinds of leather to meet your requirements Prices $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.95 Fishermen s and Cannerymen's Rubber Footwear at very low prices on Qf" Mens Knee Boots t?-5.ID Men s CJfl Off Men's Hip Boots . VlsOw BooU Consumptim. m uidav exceedinx production Thi- depression, like a fever, to developinn its own antidote and will cure ltsell Roger W. Dsbaon. SPECIAL Have your clothes cleaned with the new circulating system. Then you know they are atom. Men's Suits and Ci nn l.UU OvereosU Ideal Cleaners Second Street Phone 81& We Cull and Deliver $5.45 'meeting was to discuss the predi-I cement of manj atwraipioyed raie- payers who land to lose thetr due to inability to pay sun. It waa decided to seek the co-operation of other labor organisa- Uona and a meeting of delegate wfll be called at an early date to eonatder bow beet to atop these threatened proceeding- and pre-aent the news to a mass meeting of clttiei'a. The piopoatd road op Moant OtdfMd was char-assert and condemned as being of no utflKy rahw. tt being merely a winter playground It ahould. tharefore, be bam by thoat who can aftord to see a or be paid for at standard rate of wages. A vote of than waa rendered to Prank 8terens of the Knox Ho tel for bis donation of a haadsome I twelve volume encyclopedia for the at of the unemployed Oscar Lareao occupied the chair Mrs. Irwin Brawn and family, who hare been spending some time m the aooth. returned from Van-eou-er on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning. Y DOMINION DAY! Buy the ixiys and girl running and tennis shoes so they can compete in the games and buy yourself a pair of out ing shoes, giving you that smart holiday appearance. SATURDAY IS JULY THE FIRST Women's or Q raising Girls Tennis or Running Shoes, any color. Prices 95c, $1.10, $1.15 Ladles' Pine Dress or BporU 8hoes. any color. $1.95, $2.45, $2.95 VCall VaaaBBaBaBaBaaiV Women's Latest 8tyle In Bands is, color to suit your areas trice S1.75 Women's Boudoir Suppers, good selection IQp of colors. Price Misses' and Children's Patent Leather Strap 81ippers it Oxfords, black or brown call Prices 98c, $1.15, $1.25, $1.65 Infant's Shoes. Strap Etc Prices- 49c, 59c, 79c, 89c Misses' and Children's Running Shoes Straps or Oxfords, all colors and styles Price "TILLIE THE TOILER" 79c, 85c 59c, 69c, CUT RATE SHOE STORE TOT DAILY KFWS Thursday I WORKLESS 'Churches Will MEETING Savin r of Home From Tax Sale Chief Subject of Discussion Co-operate in Summer Services The Frebyterian and The meethnr, of the ttnemntaved Churches of Prince Rupert have Council held taut wight in the Ca-: srrangad to co-operate during .the nadatn Labor Defence League 1111 rammer months in order to eon- vret attended. The protest against low wages containing 124W sign stares was or dered to be sent to toe Minister of Labor at Ottawa and Olof Hanson .Treebytorlan Church momlnga MJ. for Skecna. notified. land .the Baptist CNurcb evenings wiU be efosfd until after the noli- days when both will resume Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success Enjojablc lunation IleM Yesterday Afternoea at Home of Mrs. J. R. Morbon Two Young Men Are Drowned in Lake in Cariboo aged 30. and Edmund Mutton. XI, of Alexis Creek, ware di owned in Puntzi Lake, about sixty -fire mists juth of here, when a sailboat up-wt in a squall Mrs. Marshall clung to the boat and drifted safely ashore after being In the water for wven hours The bodies have not vet been recovered Mrs E C Stevens of Skidagatr. ifter a business trip to Vaacoa-vtr returned to her home on the Queen Charlotte Islands by the' tteamer Prince John this Notice. Rupture Sufferers!! All Ruptures Yield To the Inflatable Air Pres. sure Treatment by Beailey, the Famous Britlth Expert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed Thi rnreat British invention has the approval of the medical profession sverywherr. It is accepted as stands I u oy icialng hospitals Once lsed Always Approved Write "Ileuley" (Canada) M4 Burrard 8t Vancouver, B.C . r i hi . ISLANDS ARE BUSY Moresby ltand Particularly Aetive With Various Industries Opera Uwr. With three logging camps ue T. jni a m n n ih m 1 the J. Jt- Morgan Loggaw Oo. at Bonday ta August Ret. Dr F W r jftL" gT-Dafoe will conduct aerrices in the J im a - ur r uinm. i uvcisuog at inn nram, ua von-, solidatsd Whs That Corporation s " " " " - idle for two ww. i """- mines m Baptise cnuren ana evenings m the Presbyterian Church. ' ' The Saoday Behook at Weatvtew and at the Preahyterian Church been yawn and several gold ocjamtou with many pioapiMaan a the fMd on both the east and west rasa-, Moresby Island of thr P-i Ourk-t in aeverai years As far as the nahing industry on t-e-Qam Charlotte Islands is eoaeeTnad, there hast bean saany troUars oat both on the Hippo and North Island gnuni a reports, the willing to work at find ing oparaUonst hwai racial ately profitable, the pra gar rad s-artats nsagtog tram Mgc. to BcH The troOmc fleet rroas Msao b4 been , mormg w worm iinaJ vmife the A vary enjoyable and successful O-htog has been belter The tact' tea and sale of home cooking was;tn- off year for plaits and ' held yeaatrday afternoon by the tnuin and that no taiiadn' can-UdaW Aid of First Presbyterian nerte U1 n operation will! Chareh at the Item of Mrs. J. H.;"- Maaaett inkt quiet. Mortaon. First Mraet. Many ladies' ealled dating the sitarnasn to patronise the affair. The rooms ware prettily decorated bitb flowers and foliage. Mrs. Mariaon was sikesd in re-eetvtnc the guests by Mrs. D. McD Hunter, president of the Lames' Aid and Mrs W D Orant HoUing-worth, write of the pastor. The am room waa in charge of Mrs J M ; Walker asauted by Miss Jennie Watson. Mrs Rod Morrteon ani i VARIETY SPECIALS SOONOMY B OTTER per lb Mr H H PooU Mrs M McRooble RUjNUMY COrTfcX-unc. Mrs. J W McMnley poured ; per w and Mrs. D MeLeod acted as ler The tame cooktrs table was io rharge of Mrs C Q. Mam and Mrs. Robert Cameron COMOMY Tamper m MACARONI RaVIDYCOT S ia COWANS BULK COCOA far lb. ATLMOt TOMATOCS- 2X sot.. 3 tins FXaFJH HOMS-aiDC BREAD, per loaf ! 8TRAWBCHRT JAM-4 s t aer tin BRUNSWICK gAROIlfES per tin MtUmt PORK A JMAHB Talis. 2 Urn PRUNES-AO-ss good star 3 lbs RIO 4 lbs WHITE BataaV- 6 lbs DRY ORKKN 4 lbs 3 do. 24c 26c 26c 20c 19c, 29c 6c 49c 5c WILLIAMS LAKE June 29 Cm- 1M nmm nadlan Press - Alex Marshall I . .. VrP , . . . . a una ww 15c 25c 15c 25c 17c 50c B. C. Oranulatcd Sugar Z 73c Z S1.45 Limit 30 lbs. to each customer Fresh Fruits and Vegetable at I ted wed Priest Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 11-15 Third P.O. Box 575 Avenue Wetl Phone 1 A Clear Conscience Wednesday A' Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 A 9 p.m. reatnre Starts T 46 A: S 40 Admission 15c A 50c FRIDAY and SONGS - MUSIC - COMEI1V EIIV "King Kong' RENATE MULLER st aim "MARRY ME" With the Famous Comedians GF.OKGF. ROBKY and HAItHY "awh f ., A British licit-- COLORED MUSICAL TEST PARCF' NoTtlty "BABE OF MINE" FA RAM 0 1 NX D B Pxnn. director of the Prince weekly luncheor. Rupert Fisheries Kxperunental pert Rotary Club .: Station, deaciblng the recent Pact- dare Cute Uxu . p . fk Congress In Vancouver a.vl Vic WoodJand w-a i: torts, whsch he attended, was an there waa a ruth. tnasrestmff speaker at the regular : members and ur- fl fK Like a Shower Exarr settex! Keller's Corn Flskrs help you fed cooler all day throuxh. Tfaee deliciottf flakes are o eaiy to gest they don't "beat yoa tip." For comfort tbat Isitt, enjoy a bowl of Kellosg't imtsad of bet, heavy feeds. Breakfert. luneh. the ebiklren't eveanr meaL Maile by Kellogg in London, OnL By Westover. ZJBt-l. , THC8B ) aMBT ' I ' . -h i I'srwfc ibswi ' Mh . i. ak ll . I II I I 1 I s s i u i 1 a I 11 'J I WW I I I F - li . - I I lav I I a, r""w CORN FLAKES CMW.. i'.'l DIAMOND T SPECIALS! For Saturday No. 1- No. 2 C00KKI) MEATS PUBSirKItXEUHnVl Boil Ham. suced. lb Mc 90 Baked Ham sliced, tb U .r Bokigns. sliced, lb. llts Werners, small, lb. tee , , Luncheon Loaf. lb. 3c No. I Stood Saamg. lb m S,0IJU)EK (( , WT No. ,T- rOltK RIB ROAST HKBP 19' c KOLLKI) 8C 40.q No. T ROAST IORIv SIIOULDKK ROAST 15C VBAL 12-C -rib. N.8 No. ' 7- 1 uvm am? VKAL CHOI'S ,b,HAa,NA ic 20c M.DU per ft. Kt D Phone .eiSfiPL. Pone Quality Service ionccr I hit '"hers list W