r ir do 'Such i her f Tnc Chef tujgttfi. . .a slict of critp buttcrcJ tonlj imeAireJ in hot. Rofd City Tomitoci . . ,wMK, cute of butter en top. ukts. iiin ulny ny, Managing-Editor THE DAILY NEWS. I'MKNCK KtlFEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Pibluuvd Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dilly News. Limited. Third Avenue N F. POLLEN SUBSCRIPTION RATES City tJtJfgfty, by mat or earner, yeariy pened( paid in advance vii teAef periods, pa la hi advance, per week By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British: Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ,-, .. . ,.,..., By anil to all otter countries, per year ., - ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncha per Insertion Classified adfrtsina. per word, per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line . Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone IdUar aKl Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations DAtLT BDfTlON McGEER'S POSITION 98 88 $5.00 .10 3.00 0.00 1.40 .02 .25 Thursday. Nov. 30, 1933 .Tr Vancouver moiTiing paper, the News Herald, on Monday published the following editorial article under the heading "A Sorry Spectacle:" "In a final attempt to discredit the leader under whose banner he had campaigned, G. G. McGeer on Saturday night delivered himself of such a tirade as has seldom Wen heard by Vancouver electors. ings as these would make the whole episode were it not for the fact that the spectacle of iy :iijaiwe section of the public." In greater relief, for It was here the Germans first introduced gas Into warfare. It is common knowledge how the regiments of French Colonials broke before this new and awul agency of destruction and how the Canadians, flanking the Allies, stood in Uie breach to bear the brunt of the German assault Currle and his men performed magnificent service, the Seeond ian tuffiing upon Uie leader to whom his entire loyalty I Dr!ade ,n particular being singled . , . . J y i out for unstinted for Its i . i . i - praise en- are due, merely because of supMi-t personal pique, is!duronce and lu hardihood. emHy nauseaUng. Mr. McGeer will find that it will! lie continued with the second Bri- v sly 'deprecate the esteem in which he was formerly 'gade through the engagement of T COAL! COAL! i i' iinoua Sdson. .AlberjtA una k,. v Valley Coals are guaran- i i iv sathfiictlon. Try No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf il Timothy Hay. Wheat Oata'and Barley Vine Rupert Feed Co W Jhnnf SSI Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Festubert May, 1I5 andulvenchy June. 1915), and on the relinquishment by Oeneral Alderton of command of the FJrst Canadian Division In September, 1015, Currle was appointed successor with the rank of Major-Oeneral. In July, 1916. with the organisation of the Third Canadian Division and the grouping of. the Canadians into a complete army oorps. a commander had been found in the person of that brilliant officer. General Sir Julian Byng. who as Baron Byng of Vlmy eventually (became Governor-General 0f Dominion. Bvnrh'e1d tW'fcnir i - THP! DAIfcY NEWS 4 .'ffT Open Air Prison Latest At Churchill Currle. He was not unprepared for the tremendous drain which the fighting of that year would be certain to Impose upon his forces and be realised success or failure depended entirely upon maintaining his linns at full fighting strength He labored hard training reinforcements and Infusing through all ranks the theory and spirit of the offensive, it was fitting that since the Do minion iruops naa rontriDUtea so much toward the undoing of the enemy utey mould be selected for the honor of advancing Into Germany. Two divisions were chosen, the First and Second and on November 1, lrt, began the long march from Mens, to Cologne. One month later saw Sir Arthur Currle at his headquarters in the city of Bonn with nil troops in garrison on the hills east of the Rhine. Sir Arthur and the Canadian Corps had brought a glorious chapter to a successful conclusion. I!l(lirtl In PannU i Up at Church. 11. prisoners in Ca nada s newe-i jail an it-ariiing that prisvn bar do a prison make. With temperature around zero e ven in September and October these ceils are usrd tor only the real tuuxh nifiv. ).;s ol .hi Noted Soldier-Educator Died This Morning in Hospital at Montreal (Continued from Page V , be Malor-Oeneral Arthur W. Cur- 1 The return of Sir Arthur Currle f to Canada and the demoblnsation f the Canadian Corps brought the iroy of the Dominion back to lis 'leace-time footing, hu aetivitiea ere transferred from the sphere of arms and armies to that of earning, for McOIll University of Montreal, quick to estimate the ?reat advantage lo that institution jf having at Its' head s man of Ourrlo's caUbre, offered him the ooslUon of Principal and vice-chancellor In succession to Sir Auckland decides. subeKiusntsv icmic institutions of Uie world. Ills 13 years at McOIll w;is a period of jrogrese for Uiat lnstitmUMi. one new buMeUng after another sprang -ip arewra we campus, new depart-nenla beta frmed and okl ones itretHsMiened. in which he held of- ttee shewed the wideapwad nature of his Interests. Montreal general HoejiUJ, Ufe governor; Ban; of Montreal, director: United Services Clue, honorary president; Tuberculosis and Oeneral Health Lmm rhfllrman MnnLraaJ !.! to other cbaanels. such as his viee- til June. 1917, wten Jbe wa ad van-1 committee chairman. I ehanceltoaihlp and principalship of ced to the command el the Third j Att, ' . ' " merely continued to exercise the tare he urged the neat comman- )hnr to genius as au wrEMiiiTr jk iimu uvwi w mv j w ; spnere oi ai iik. i hhw iowi imim , Mny -Mirnary i ratn.ni i rfe Th- recommandsUon ... " " f - ( "His time was nJirnon tlio rU'inrr Iihuk rf iU. Napoleon's saying that every sot-, .. . , r.l,ik;, D ,s,i;..u. t r. , '.Idler carries the baton of a field- . rs.w r Tttlah Colueahm vAere n can , r T mm-'Vi ulu re iyi marshal in his knapsaeic te aptly ,.7" at Sydney and . eiore re marcn 10 me pons lo record their vonlict .upported by the car of Mr jSZCTZT d hV "His inediuifi; the radio, was enu Mermitted uainterrunted delivery of -l.-Uh l!M.!J : r 5 -i . , , -HIS milttll aci 'i a a numicr ui TW- .b,.. ,w. ublic figure. ie Burrard Liheral Association, which nominated him, is the affairs of the service and he ttributable to his intense disappointment because McG.'eMmbed the ladder progressively Moaa, and not he, was selected for the post of attorney- Htu he was rewarded in mo by be- Onerai. I " ITrn wuunaiia v lite irytuoiij. us- J..S.1. u .mi ..it . . 4 ,, I Alter id years wwi me mo oriuojB, nv ever, win nurtuy carry weigni, and ail loughtful citisbns who heard Saturday night's address ill give him and his motives their true valuation. "LnfortuijsimV for Mr. McGeer's case, his much too-ng speech included inconsistencies in itself and contained so statements inconsistent with his pre-election utter-ices. ; "He ootecTfttf instance, the alleged boast of the liquor iron, who wiw reported to have faid he had 'owned' two trmer governments, and he then added that this same ewer would nqw be able to boast that he owned a third. i et, in another place in his address, he observed that he ould have been prepared to support A. M. Manson, K.C., . ; attorney-general, a gentleman who, since he was at-rney-general for a number of years in one of the 'owned' jyernments, must, if the allegations are true, have par- Lipateiiun the-fuilt of the -owned ones. "And then again, how does Mr. McGeer reconcile his Pf the "t Canadian Brigade, fvw psent fVars ommrnmnnf flnmmntol lf limine intnv. ' engagement of the war stand out - . w,. . v M O iiV IIUIIIUIIUVII 4 i 1 j L4 W t IlltVl its with the stout assertion which he mnde during his el-tion campaign, that the charges made by the C. C. F. of !U0i money in the Liberal party chest were merely a red 'iring? He may have learned much to change his mind in e short period that ha6 intervened, but, unfortunately Mr. Jgcvjeer, a grsnt many people are going to have rteon Artillery, at Victoria. His pro motion was steady and three years later saw him presented with the Queen's Commission. As an officer he threw himself vigorously into Ounners' Currle withdrew from that arm and transferred his acUviUes to the infantry. In 1913 he assisted In organizing the Fiftieth Regiment of Foot, the Gordon Highlanders of Canada. The outbreak of war found him placing his wide knowledge of military matters at the disposal of his country. He volunteered for active service and his worth was immediately recognised by the government appointing him to the command of the Seeond Brigade of Infantry. It was with this unit he pro ceeded to England In September, 1914, and February. 1916. saw him In France. The Seeond Battle of Yprea. in j April, 1915, was the baptism of fire Middiesea. Dec. . Me was edu- the call of the west and left in uMH Vlctorts. Srhere in 1SW he transfer- wl kltMAi n Ik. . - i wur wmt n winy uu4tyeu a accolade from HU Maltstv and w. i , ally well chosen, as it hant for mlUUrjr matter, .ndj? lZt Snlr rt S one of the most re-"! 189.7...at tne or an , Order of st mw,. and at oeo.. p "..r"" "u" "T : '"'r cA.uu.nuns ui personal fepieen ever venieu Dy aitt) Fifth Regiment. Canadtan Oar- H ZJ i TZSZIZ. ZL TZ: Earner Armsby. and a dautDter "Mr, McGeer denied, in his lengthy and vituperative adr l ess that his is a case of 'sour grapes,' denied that his de-ertwm of his leader ami his party, and his renudiation of cMifwuiu. sav s wrser suil, -j .., - tli- 1- ,n T " in IB u Wm XMrm A a T t rial rial Mia and vu first attracted to the pwiliasinn. of teachlnc. At the aae of IS he beard nrfai nu ... . . uit uiuiuiu. banc cuttle ,l. I. . j. . . . . . war Is indiaeoluWy bound . . ,K- .4-1.4 , . ..TZ..taged up f for ,. 13 years In the sale of naa jsv.wtsmw w Oil AIWUTI Insurance and real estate on the roast But his heart's Interest lay in mllMawy si fairs and ISM gave hlan his chase te pswte himself a veat soldier and a great leader. He "served high honors for his nM-tary servtee from the HsMssh and ll Allied government. I'OMCK CO 1 1 It T KINKS THIS NOVRMHKK $106 Police court fines In Prince Ru-)ert lor the month of r -Timber nding today totalled SIM as esm-ared with Us In the same month ist year. So far lain year fines have otalled $2126 .is uKSinst $2K1 in the ir?t elev ii months of 1M2 How Acid Stomach Makes Itself Known to You British Ambassador to Washington, i in niaoioee as Principal of Mt-Olll, Sir Arthur Currle brought his fresh and vigorous mind to nlav on the prebkmf attend . nt upon ad ministering great modern unl-verslty, and his sucrcs, u attested by the place of honor tiiat MtOIll continues to hold among u)m aca- HERE ARE THE SICNSl ; NmwnHi rrrqutol llMduh i NturtltU nlliii(WrlklMM i IndlaMltvn UoplMaDM j LomuI App.rll MaulhAtitfilf lite! Aulo-lnioikailoa WHAT TO DO FOR ITi TAKE 1 tHKKfi44Cf ITulhiM Milk Mu. rmu in (tat of mmtrt vtry niurninc tr up TSt Uupocnlul J") I iff ntwf . Ami (MMhr cnurt ou go 10 boo. OR Tilt lh nw Phillip' Milho(MMt TchMi - on UM for tach Impoonful M fKId abovr. mimiSm M.Ik of M.gne.I. -' If you have Acid Slomaeb, don't worry ubout it. Follow the timple directions (riven lve. TliU wnvll dowitfe of I'dilliK MHkof MKneia acts ui onct lo nsulralie- Ihs-ucklt that catiie headsche, iloniach pain and oilier diMm. Try it. You'll leej like a new fiewon, Hut -be rarrful you K't UK A I. milk of mafinesia wlien you buy lenuliH! PlfllXllS, Milk of Af,. nei, Sve tlutl the name "PlllC LIPS Lou the label. AltO IN TAtllT rotM f'lh limr tdM Ii tfe f MiiM. gggggggggggg Thursday Wotembor Jo tQ, Moil. I u, BIO Tfc j 1 't.-.n k, lui( I I i-i. j . i: Krai m " r ! n, ..I. I, Doing One Thing Supremeiy Well ! Tip Top Tailor ClotlirM are made liy i)rc!sl. Isln lu cuttom-taUorcd clotlirf. All the vait rt'MMiirrs of lliellitTupTailornorgauSzatlon larriDt one-prire luilor lit the world are coiirrntrali'il on rlolliiti Cunulioni nilli fine custoiii'luilorcil pannruN cul fnun rhotre wrofi-ulrlclly fuillifiil lo Iinln onl iNrw York t)l's. Coin uu Jiulfe for yourself the unequalM valm of Tip Top TtiiUired-Ut-Mwnure Cl-elhci. PRICED AMAZINGLY AT $24.00 TIP TOP CLOTHES MADE-TO-MEASURE P. CRAVETT0 Mail Schedule f the I'aU Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 pja. m Halt Tinsdsrs, Thursdam tatf Satw . M ttttS SJa TlMrsdafu :l pM. Fvet ii pjr esidaya and Wignmdsya (by 4:St 1MB. indy , ,. pm Wednwtof 10 ant Fimgj Bm Tueadaya, Thuradaya and Satur- nays is train) November IS and ft "or Anvox and Slewatt Sunday Wednesday From Antm and Stewart 10 p.m am 7 p.m t p.m Tuesday ll:toam Thursday p m r Na ltlfr snd 1'ivrt Slnipon- Sundfiy 7 Bni m Nans liuer snd Porl Simper Tay 1 1 -3Sg.nl l or Oueen ( harlolir Mamlt NnvembfT 3 and 17 0 a m GOLDBLOOM'S FUR SA.LE All Furs SelliiiK- at 20 Percent Less Than Cost .Mutt l) Mitri rcaue eah U M-drd to buy raw furs, lift me of Iheoe real fur lttltJl hi! Hunters! Sportsmen! Hav your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs n ted In any style. Oeme IV.i'is spertaMy All work guarn-tead fvret alaM. PVM8 MAM UP Write For Prices K. nix, Taxidermist Trrrsre, IIC - S. It. s. ftp lune in rp lopics HIGH LIGHTS TIIUK81IAY. .NOV J 0 (Hi- 81ioW Soul KOMO, 8 IS Seattle Smph" rlu -tin. KUMU. l.v Yudvung Cowboy t'vr U 3- Jack Dale. CFt N Fit I DAY. I)IC 1 7 00 First NlsSler. KOMO. 9 Ifc- OSmeee Circus. KuM" HATiriCOAY, OtC I; 6.00 - Haemt anrhiiuvi KOMO fi'SW Symphonic Htruif-CPCN. 8:00 Concept Opera. K)MO SUNDAY. DIX. 3 6O0 Rddle Cantor k Kubii jfts Orchestra, KUMO 7:00 Angelo Petri. KOM 8:00 -Fireside Hour, K.sl KOIN. 8:30 - OeaUi Valley KOMO. , , IB OO-lteme OM Ordiestra CRCV. ami Itrmriulwr Wa f ia a nioUrrn. rffivltnl anil f liable Itadio Scrke i Superior Radio Service I'lione lllue 310; 33fl 3oI- AM look ran Tin: Towr.it