'V , 4' . i v lit 41 .in a r- W tTVUTfl PAQE SEX WAUii nx.no . , KSiJBHBBlHaHHHMaWBB Thwahy November M SEND SLIPPERS For CHRISTMAS Old Country people particularly appreciate moccasins or Canadian flippers as presents. They may be purchased this year at very low prices, so low that MEN'S SHOES Fine Dress Oxfords up from . Sturdy Work Boots, soud leather; up from Everything in Rubbers CUT RATE SHOE STORE - KfitSfi CONSISTENTLY We m ! for less and can sell for Us because ne sell for cash. Take this opportunity to save. MQTHfcii S BISCUIT A11X-per 29c pg RICB-tio. 1. 3-lb. pkg. 17c pcr i RID Gl WAY'S TEA 77c . 5 o'clock, per lb. FRY'S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE, 24c No. 1. Vlb. pkg. AYLMfcR MARMALADE 32c i quart Jar. per jar -CHRISTIE'S RECEPTION 35c WAFERS. 2's. per tin SMYRNA FIGS Fresh 25c stock. 3 lbs QUICK QUAKER OATS 8c Small, per pkg OXO CUBES Large 25c per tin EAGLE LOBSTER 16 's 29c . pyr tin KLUI l's 79c per On , ROWNTREEfS BULK 35c COCOA, 2 lbs. We Accept City Scrip Lettuce, Celery, Spinach, Brussels Sprouts, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Cocoanuts, Grapes, Etc. at Reduced Trices MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store I "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Ml-19 Third Avenue West PO. Box 5 Phone IB Perfect Diamonds Of superior rutting and color are mounted In our new style mountings. We have one fine eneace-ment ring with large diamond in the jcentre and six smaller diamonds in step bet thus on the sides in white gold for 1150.00. Others with diamonds, in the sides, $133.00, $100.00, (85.00 450.00. 5 Some with smaller 4 4 . y diamonds, $35.qq, 4;pr' $25.00, $15.00. I 4? nlFWRLLERS l lilHE STORE WITH THE CLOCK No other gift represents as good value as this Snappy New Styles In Pumps, Straps, up from Oxfords In Black and Brown. New Shawl Tongue: up from 2.95 S2.95 CHRISTMAS BROADCAST; IVcHs of Bethlehem to be Heard Over Empire Network on December j 21 Special Messages j OTTAWA. Nov. 30: (CPi Thei anadlan Radio Commission an-1 winced plans yesterday for the irrymg over the Canadian Broad vstlng Commission's Dominion-de network of special Empire inistmas broadcasts on December 4 and 25. On the Sunday (December 24) all trts of the Empire will hear the! Mling of the bells of the Church .' the Nativity in Bethlehem and pecial Imperial religious services 111 also be broadcast. On Christmas Day greetings will exchanged over the air between he statesmen of the Motherland and the various Dominions and colonies and the special broadcast-ng will conclude with a Yuletlde lessage from King George from nndringham Palace where ihe ioyal Family will spend the day; "ay Use Only American Food Important Order Made in Retard to United States Army Victualling WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov 30: United States Army authorities or dered yesterday that henceforth only American grown or manufac turod food may be used in all Army departments. Watch For Our Four Big Display Windows of Guaranteed Good Value CHRISTMAS Merchandise You will find the Kaicn Hryrojware. a. satigfac-' tory place to shop Bring the Children to See the Toys. Large Variety. Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop In PHONE: 3 We Test Iladlo Tubes WOMEN'S SHOES $1.95 j S3.49 ; - 3rd Avenue ; j HOLD BOOZE , FOR STATES Canada Has Big Shipments Ready; What Will Be Effect of PresL dent Roosevelt's Policy? OTTAWA, Nov. 30: CP It was revealed here yesterday that some forty million gallons of Canadian nquor is being held in bond in this country for shipment to the United States to supply the market there Immediately, alter repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment becomes effective and sale of liquor In that country is legalised. There U some speculation here as to what the effect on this country will be of President Roosevelt's an nounced policy that United States M grant liquor orders to foreign countries in accordance with the ictkm those countries take to lower tariff barriers against American joods. This. Undoubtedly. -will present another problem for the Ca nadian government to deal with. vVeekr End Specials! oiiened Wamuts Pieces 25c per ib. ttdDob Sliced Peaches 2's 20c per tin inipbelt's PUn Tomato Buup 10c AiDerta Eggs Seconds 65c 3 doz. .trait Pimento Cheese 20c H-lb. pkg. .. Mince Meat In bulk 25c 2 lbs. 3wift's Bacon Sliced 18c 1-lb. pkfL Johnstone's Fluid Beef 81.10 16-oz. bottle . D.C. Small White Beans 5c per lb. Sweet Peas-No. 5 11c per tin Smyrna Layer Pigs . 15c per lb". Aylmer Bonefess Chicken 30c W. per tin Llmburger Cheese 50c 1-lb. pkg. Quaker Pork ii Beans 2's 9c per tin B. & K. Pastry Flour 45c 10-lb. sack Jap Oranges 90c per box l Bundles of ' S1.75 2 boxes Tree Delivery Alberta Market Fifth Street Phone ?08 Ad rertlse In tne DaUy News RIVALRY REGARD JUNIOR CHAMBER ESSAY CONTEST i 1 Considerable Interest Is be- Ing taken In tne aniwunce- ment made this week that es- says are to be Invited from the I V pupils of thp schools giving h reasons why people should buy at home. There seems to be some school rivalry In regard : to the matter And efforts will be made by each school t have 1 1 a pupil among he winners. An ; advertisement is being pub- lished In this paper Saturday I In regard to the contest The whole movement Is being spon- sored by the recently-formed Junior Chamber of Commerce and is nart of a campaign of education It is planning. ! ! Ill-Treatment I Of Children Is Alleged in East WINDSOR. Ont. Not 30: -Some-: what of a sensation has been caused here as the result of an Investigation Into the death of five-year old Buddy, a ward of the Children's Aid Society and of alleged Ill-treatment of eHber children at the Shelter. It Is alleged that the children were badly used by the matron and attendants, beaten, forcibly fed and dragged by the heels. The child that died had been given a chemical bath for the purpose of re-! moving bruises on his body. Southern Merchant Dead at Age of 62 Benjamin M. Clarke Had Been in Business For Years at Victoria And Vancouver VANCOUVER. Nov. 30,: CP-j Benjamin M. Clarke, aged 64, tor many years a prominent dry goods merchant of Vheeuver and Victoria, died here yesterday For! many years, before going Into business for himself, he was identified I with the Hudson Bay Co. ' LOOK OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS OF CONSTIPATION Get Relief With Kellose's All-Bran Htsdsches, lots of appetite snd cntrgy, sallow complexion!, snd slepltinss srs often wsrnlng slgni of common conttlpstlon. Unless checked, comtlpstlon rosy Impair health. Todsy, you csn get rid of common constipation by limply eating a delicious cereal. Laboratory tests show thst Kellogg's All-Bran provides "bulk" to exereis the lntei-Unei, snd vitamin B to further aid regularity. AliBran is slio a good sourcs of blood-building Iron. Ths "bulk" In All-Bran is much like thst in lesfy vegetables. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently, it clears tht Intestines of wastes. How much better than tak-lng patent medicines. Two tablespoonfuls dally will overcome most types of constlpa-tlon. Serious cases, with every meal. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Enjoy All-Bran ss a cereal, or nse In cooking. Appetizing recipes on the red-snd-green package. At all grocers. Mads by Kellogg In London, Ontario, Your Announcer It-Speaking IM2-A-L News Flashes After a delayed trip through rail troubles the Ilegal Shop has received a fresh supply of "Monarch Yarns." This is the last shipment at the old prices. Ulng Red 838 and reserve your winter and spring requirements, thereby saving 30. Our Christmas Cards are finding favor Reserve yours while the assortment is large. 8tep In and look over our fine assortment of Inexpensive Rifts. Oood n)l)t ,f , v,,ur tomorrow Counsel For David Lamson Given Time To File His Brief SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30: The California Court of Appeal yesterday gave counsel for David A. Lamson of Sun Jose, convicted of the murder of his wife and sentenced to han n December 15. until December 10 to file his brief of appeal. AN OPEN LETTER - From Your Christmas Store If yon are one of the many people that experience difficult) in cl-ectinu both useful and novel Christinas K'ifts we feel sure thai this Christmas message will interest you. In our store we have made preparations for a popular price Christ-mas, and for that reason you will fin tl well selected gift merchandise at prices which will accommodate the modest pockctlook as well as those interested in more elaborate things. We must confes our inability to describe in this tetter the many delightful presents on display; hut there are presents for mother and dad, sister and brother and sweethearts, too. Perhaps you have felt that jew-ellry store gifts were just for the fortunate few, but we hasten to assure you that we w elcome you to our shoi. Come in, feel at liberty to look at everything without leing pressed to mrchase. It will lie a pleasure to show you the gracious and beaut if jl things which are suitable for the many names on your Christmas list. Jewcllry, silver, glass and chin x will appeal to mother. We have per sonal things for men such as leather goods, smokers needs, handsome toiletware including baggage and accssories. Kings are always favored while nothing could be more practical than a watch for someone in the house. Doesn't it all sound exciting? Here Is your Christmas store ready to serve you. Will you not drop in? Sensational values in our Down Stairs Store. Hundreds of Hue Item- Dozens of Suggestions. MANY NEW WAYS TO CLT DOWN YOCK CHRISTMAS III IK.HT MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialists Phone 933 l'lione Ml De Jong's Cash and Carry Jap Oranges 90c per box bundle per S1.75 Robinson Crushrd Prei 23c r-r 1 - lb. nkf K RAtPBIRBy M Malktn's Best J U Pnwd-t OCn 5pkK.vIot-Princess Soap FUkt 19C I Aylmer Ooldcn Bantam 25c j Corn. 2 tins for ; Quaker Strawberries 16c ! 8tee 2's. per tin ! Crown Brand Corn Jfrun 91 61t p I pr 3-lb. can Hetna Vlnsr Quarts 31c per bottle I.B.C. Codas Family 19c1 Sise. per pkg. Malkin's Bast Pure lied 49c Plum Jam, pr 4-lto. pail Smyrna Flft 23c 3 lbs. for 23c 10c 19c 6c Jap Hire No. 1 quality s lbt for Saur Kraut Site 2Vfc per tin i Ashcroft Catsup- -Large bottle, each Palmollvc Soap per cake WOOD! WOOD! ll-ln. Blocks, delivered $6 per cord Split, Ready for Stove 88 per cord Kindling $10 per cord Hair Cord rhone Blue 825 $5 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 Admission I5c & 50c THE GREATEST ACTOR OF THEM ALL (7:15 & $ U) GEORGE ARLISS in "VOLTAIRE" With DORIS RIS KENYON, MARGARET LINDSAY. A Warner Bros lrl,. story of Ihe man who shocked the wickedest citv In ih. i. !! Coined ;omrdvTOI)DS L KELLY lit "BEAUTY c THE nrs d The true Cartoon "ROMEO & JULIET" PARAMOUNT NEWS Coal Prices Alberto's Best Lump $12.50 Alberta's Hest Egg , 11.50 Alberta's Het Stove V. 11.00 Pembina Kgg 11 50 Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, jier cord 6-00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 58(1 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Hays Intra lied lUys MssMge All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASIMNALL D.C. (Chiropractor) llreen 211 Phones (Ireen 541 Kxchinie Block Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 1 WHEN YOUR fg) chw-Acter J;i"Aittu wt? cell i ft) l It's sure f J I to j PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. If your paper does not """A! and SATlROAt "MKLOW THE SKA" isovcity-HANULt BARS' l! The AUCTIONEER Packing-Crating WrapptM ft Oeneral rumHurt Repm List your goods with m ii rhone Black 1M GEO. J. DAWES NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelli. Prprlc' "A IIOMK AWAY FKOM HOMir Hates JI M up 60 Rooms. Hot & CoW Ws! Prince Rupert B- Phone 281 "i. COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your rcqurc monU and nt prices to suit all pun?. LTD. PhoneCIS urrlvc, telephone the offlc