Attt TWO Boy like romantic tales: but babies like realistic tales because they find them romantic. d K. Chesterton Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,010 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers far Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and IJrass Casting Hertrte and Acetylene Welding RMaa Derrick for Heavy lifts awwilll and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overbaaled Eczema Oi Haitfs For Five Years Mrs. Andrew Yolk, RanHtU, AXUu, writi:-J'I m rtf nk bothered, far lire yaare, wiA .cat-ma ea my hand aad wriata. I tried all kind of ainlmeate aad taltes, but they did not help aoe. A friend told me about Bordoci Blood Bitter, aad after I a4 taken two boitlea I found I tad reeeirad complete relief from mj trouble." Tor ul at an drr and rnrl tr; maaafatUrW lor tfca put II jaia, at T. T. llilhara Ca. UL, Tureata, Oat, THE DAILY NEWS. prince rcpeUt Biumb Columbia Publisned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Otty'dHWiiy, by mail or carrier, yearly perlodj paid in advance $5.60 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week 10 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the BrRish Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inth, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion 02 Igal notices, each Insertion, per agate line 15 Local readers, per Insertion, per line .25 Contract rates eta application. Advertising and Circulstion Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone : 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION E& Monday. June 19, 1933 KEEP UP GOOD WORK A good many people are enthusiastic over gardening during the spring but as the season progresses they lose interest. The urge to dig which comes every year gives place to a feeling of lassitude and the garden suffers. This year there has been greater interest shown in gardens than ever before in the history of Prince Rupert. The people who are absolutely careless in this regard may be almost counted on the fingers of the two hands. The wet period at the end of last summer made it difficult to enthuse people into fall planting but by spring they had forgotten the failure and decided to try again. Visitors to the city all enthuse over the appearance of the local gardens and the natural beauty of Prince Rupert To some extent this is justified but renewed efforts on the parts of householders will put the city on the map as one of trie beauty spots of the country. LET US HOPE Numerous efforts have been made at various times to build a trail to the top of Mount OHfield but none so far have succeeded. The introduction of skiing has given a great impetus to the movement and it is to be hoped that this time success will be attained. A route seems to have been selected and the next step will be to get the work done. The whole city is interested in the project and a reasonable amount of co-operation should bring good results. St. Peter's Sunday School Picnic Was Enjoyable Outing The Sunday School of St. Peter's t Seal Covei Anglican Church held its animal ptcwc on Sa tarda? af-temeoa to Dkjby Island, there being about t35 persons in attendance at the outing which wax highly enloyaWe to ail There were the usual race and a very happy Urn was ient. Transportation was provided by tlte mission boat Nbr-ttHtfn Crata which made two trips with Canon W. F. RMhfcrc4k In charge. McLeod River Causes Flurry Good Ote Being Found in flistriet And Marti tf Cvurtry Is Being Staked PRINCE OEOROE. June 19 Considerable briefest is being taken in McLeod River, 100 mile hortherly from here, where the VleLedtf River Mines Ltd. has placer claims wtth Wo.-decful gold howlime. An option has been glv-n on the prcperty and a payment made. Douglas Lay, resident mining en-Jineer. Mas reported favorably on ihls mine and Dr. Victor Dolmage is now m there Investigating. As a result of the reports seep-i"g out Iff regard to the richness of the district, a number of people have gone in there and much of the country has been staked. Summer Train Run Is Now in Effect First Full Pansenger Arrives Thl Afternoon Frooi East Four Trains in Karli Direction Per Week With the arrival on time at 215 this afternoon of a full passenger train from the east, the summer train service went into effect on the local line of the Canadian Na tional Railways. The service lor the summer will consist of four trains in each direction, full passenger trains arriving at 2:15 on Monday and Saturday afternoons and leaving for the ewst Wednesday and Friday nlg1its at f :30. Mixed trains wU arrfve from the east at 10 20 Tuesday and Wednesday nights and will leave for the east at 0:30 pin. Mondays and Saturdays. LOCAL NEWS William Mart, charged with vagrancy by sweari. s. was fined $5. with botlon of three days' lmrrts- noon. He has served the time. Charles Gillespie, marager and part owner of Oceanic cannery on the Skeena River, arrived In the tlty on the Catala last evening enrotkte back to the river after a brief business trip to Vancouver. J. Valentine, pensions Investigator of the Department of Pensions ar.d Natioal Health with head quarters in Vancouver, is a visitor here on official duties, having arrived on the Catala last night from the south. Charging with stealing a ride on a Canadian Nattoaal Railways freight train. Lee Ahvyn Fisher appeared before Magistral McClymont in city police court this morning and was' remanded for eight days. Mrs. John Red path, wife of the port steward of the Yukon and White Pass Route at White horse, was a passenger aboard the Princess Lou he till morning going north for the rammer. She spent the whiter in Vancouver. Lieut. Oladys Bray of the Sal-vdtion Army, who Las been spending some time In the city, sailed by the Princess Louise this mom-Inj Tor Wf&ngttl enroutc to Telegraph Creek. She wfll be engaged in missionary work en the StiUne River Mrs. O. A. MeMHlan and son. Allan, and daughter, Mary, sailed Saturday night en the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver and NeLon. visiting at the latter point wMh Mrs. McMillan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Allen, formerly of thts city. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, and Mrs. Finn and child returned to the city on the Oatala last night from a trip south. Mr. Finn attended the recent sessions of the Pari fir Science Congress in Vancouver and Victoria. Ernest A. Ooddard. school teacher at Ocean Fans, who was called to Hazeiton last week to attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. F. A. Ooddard. well known pioneer resident of that district, arrived by Saturday night's tram from the Interior and proceeded by the ss. Prince Rupert later m the evening on his return to the paper town. A. L. Ford arrived rn the city on Saturday night's train from Prince George to Join the local staff of Canadian National Telegraphs .for summer relief duty. William Da-vies, one of the local staff of operators, left at the end of tost week, accompanied by his wife and family, for his ranch at Nadina River where he win speed a holiday. H. W. Johnston of the night staff will toe taking his vacation after Mr Dvies returns to duty. Mr Ford was frmneriy a member of the local uff MORE USED THAN ALL OTHERS COMBINED BIG l4 1 AUTOMATIC BOOKLET 5 N'otlce. Rupture Sufferers!! All Ruptures Yield Ts the Inflatable Air Pressure Treatment by Deasley, the Famous Rritlsh Etpert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed This great British Invention has the approval of the medical profession everywhere. H Is accepted as standard by leading hospitals. Once Used Always Approved Write neiIeys" (Canada) 544 Burrard St. Vancouver. DC THE DAILY NEWB Monday, June 19 i!:n PICNIC IS ENJOYABLE Several Hundred Present at Can, dlan Legion Outing Yesterday Had Good Day Full Program of SparU Was Featurv Of Proceedings The annual picnic of the Cana dian Legion took place yesterday at Digby Island and a crowd of several hundred enjoyed a fine day's outing which was marred only by a short shower in the afternoon. Transportation was excellent with SECOND tsAME FOR At ski ifr-Menr; it?ap rrsnaycji- r arer" aKxKiKanaij au autusu uzwsw:MiujMm miWRtBiauwctnuzmtrnKu trj I News and Views of Sport onment, by Magistrate McClymont mm mrm rmrnrmfVWrmmmw'rw''' trntatnTMsasmimtmrm-smmTmswraTm Mru ramoaaiaJ boats generously donated including the Jedway by the Masselt Csnner Wlnnemac by Pacific Salvage Co-Clipper II by Captain Air Jacob-sen, the Laura F by George Frfe-ael and the Marfan by A. Wytie. Committees responsible for the arrangements were: Transportation. J. Preece. C L Youngman and II. KlUin. . Rerfreshments-A. Harvey, F. Skellum, S. A. Bird, It. E. James and W. J. Ranee. Sports D. C Schubert. R. T. An derson. C. L. Youngman, H. Killln and J. S. Wilson. Tea and coffee A. Allen and J. N. KeUy. assisted by J. McOreUh. W. Denning, H. Smith, E. Andersen and S. B. Marshall and other members. A variable wtnd Interfered somewhat with the model yacht race but the three boats entered made a fine showing with the Kia-Ora. A. J Croxford. winning from the Vagrant, J. Gibson, by a scant two se conds. The tug-of-war was a very strenuously contested event with the visitors, under E. Webster and E. Smith, winning from the Legrin. captained by H. Smith, after a very long pull. The Legion hundred yard dash resulted In a Me with J. Wilson winning from L. Parfcean the runoff. ; Other events resulted as fofhws Girls, under 8 yea rs-T. Krfca M. Lundqutst. ' " Boys, under 8 years Jim Weir. Jack Franks. Olrl, under 8' year Norma Seherk. Irene Bhmbsali Boys, under 8 years deorge Weir. Billy Bond. Girls, under 10 year Ella Jack Jane Krause. Boys, under 10 years Dick Cameron, Roy Judge. Olrls, under 12 years EHa Krause, Edith Tuck. Boys, under 12 ypars Sara Cur-' rle. Charles OrmHtpn. Olrls' under 14 years Jtme Oo-mez. Jean Sunberg. Boys, under 14 years Severtne Domlnato. Harley Lear. 'Olrls' sack race Dorothy Blake. Fern Hunt. Boys' sack race Bob ShrubaaH. Frank Derry. Ladies' erg and spoon race-Dorothy Blake. June Oome. Single ladies' race Jean Sunberg. Mickey Casey SPORT CHAT Such exhibitions of -roughness ttid generally questionable tactics as were witnessed in last Thursday .venlng's Stuart Benefit 8hretd football game between Canadian 3ton and Canadian Ubo Defence League are neither elevating to the sport or edlf ying to the spec-.ators. if such conduct Is permitted to continue, it will undoubtedly .end to bring the soccer sport into discredit which ts a goal that players, officials and ail coneenyd sliould tet&lnly endeavor to avoid Such practices on the part of the players are most neartlly to be'eon-demned. Possibly, a HtUe more atrfctne on the part of the. referee jveald help In keeping the game from getting out of hand before it is too Me. Warnings to the players are all very well but, when players ehoose to disregard these warnings as some of them have been showing the tendency to do of late. It is time tor the official in charge to take men-decisive action. It Is his privilege and duty to take drastic action if he thinks it fit to do so. Apparently, that time has now arrived as far as some of the perststent)y offending players are concerned All of which seems particularly Important in view of the Introduction which some of the younger ads are being given to senior company. It ts very important that they should be guided along the proper nnes by the older and more experienced prayers and by the officials in charge. If these older pin yen are to be permitted to let their tempers flare up and give displays of ungentiemanly and wnspoits-manlike conduct, certainty the younger players esDQOt be expected to acquit themselves credKably It ts to be hoped that there vrttt be an early and effective cleaning op in local senior soccer play here. After all. near riots are neither seemly or appreciated on the football field. OKME CUP TONICIIT With the Elks' team strengthened somewhat since the opening game., tonight's baseball fixture between j them and Son of Canada premises 1 to be a hard tussle. Sons of Canada won Che opening game with a 10-6 score and the Lodgomen are out to even the series If possible. It is expected that Nick Chenoskl will be doing mound duty for them whle Stiles will probably go in again for the Canucks. LOOKS LIKE RICH GROUND Alex Younc and Aaaoelates Hate feuded .Mine to Alberta Syndicate and Tenia, Are Iteing Made PRINCE OEOROE, June 19: Alex Young and assodatea have a placer warri-H lorfu.- ,.,. r... mining property south of here m Mrs Webster Ith' cribo district which is said ,n " te Ladiefc'fnotbaH place kiek-Mle-,0 ?nd' i an Alberta syndicate with hed- kev Casey. June Oorpez. '?oarters fct Calgtry. Just how there Men-a football rlre kick-Dave Mconrloeh. A. J. Croxford, 1 19 r'w mkfn" Lthe. pT Coarse wld has been found Ttdle.' 1hre-leM raceIean ! amber A J,me Oomea; Fern , JJ.ef ' nugfeU going os Hnnt annuls Jwk. hWl weWlt from Mt n Men's rmnrtfM ysrds nnn- .1 Uglon JO0 yards-dash-J. 6. Wll-! t?rth ot ?d son L. Parkes. Boys' Band rcMFtank Derry. -rVvertn rwln. Hlh Reol m'' rce frtrlw donated by Wright Daviesl Bill Mm-r. Visitors wn from the Legion 1n the tue-of-war. one pnfl. The Boys' Band was nfesent. In frH frirre and enlivened ifte nrfm with 4ta excellent Ttiavfn. Rsnd-, moster Rrtbert Greenfield -was In chare. Trnck for Tnt)norrtinn of Sim-. Ms wer enerAtttlv Vrif try George; Dawes and George Frizzed. Advertise In tn Dally News, It Is only fow miles from the high way. It could be worked wtth a A steam shovel or drag line, thete being ho lanre boulders to make operations difficult. FOOTBALL June 20 C. L. D. L. vs. Regiment. The tog day held by" the local branch of the Navy League of Canada on sattrrday to raise fonds in connection with Sea Cadet work here was a great gucceaa. The substantial sum of 381 was realized as a result of the street canvassing Baseball Scores Canadian Press) SUNDAY SCORKS National League Pittsburg 5-4, Boston 3-3. Philadelphia 1, Brooklyn 3. Chicago 0, New York 2. St. Louis 13-5, Cincinnati 1-8. American League Boston 0-0 Cleveland 7-4. Washington 14-2. BU Louis 1-3. New York 8-4, Chicago 45. Philadelphia 2-7, Detroit 3-11. SATURDAY flAMES National League Boston 11-3. Philadelphia 3-2. 8t Louis 18. Cincinnati 2. Chicago 3. PlMsborc 4. "77, J. The rim haw wm mostly n cond tie. eauedh l two. n.,i. i . ... American League Philadelphia 15-5, Boston 3-7. New York 8. Chteago 3. Detroit 2. Cleveland 3. Washington 10. St. Louts 3. Further Work is Done on Trail to Rapids Saturday Further work on the trail from the Katen Island Highway to scenic Butse Rapids was carried oat on SAtarday aOernotfi when thoae tutnina out included P. W. Andersen John M stray. C. Satmders. J. Dunn. D Seguln. Fred Rlffoa. Tenry Zumkehr and T Rom McKay. There was Jurther slashing of the trill route and rustic seats were also brHt at the hirrway end Next 8a4rdy an -all tfay wanton is planned and ref reshments wit be served to the volunteer workers by the ladles. J. P. MoUer ts pamiinc a stfn at the roadside. Transportation was orertoxT the warren on Sitonmr y Jee Brown and Fred TlMfoa. KKGIMKNT LIXE-UP Regiotent football Une-up for Tttsaday night's DemMon fray Otsp foefoatl game is smmmcra1 a follows. 8mith. Blake and Thurtoer. Hill. DeJong and Wlngham: Chris-tisata, Bclacuabe. Vswee, Diemore md Nortintton: mervee Oreer and Davles Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm. it. AMwa) Ctear, ealm. M. Anyox -Clear, calm. H. Stewart- Part cloudy, owim. M. Ilaaeitoo- Hear. calm. 8. gmkhern Clear, ealm, warm Burns Lake-Clear, calm. 50 Osrret Watt, well known Ykr mae man, who has been Vendittg the weeketid in the cltv wltn his brother. Oovernment A- ent Norman A. Watt. following hi arrival from Vtetaria wImm h spent the wlnUr. sallea on the m Princes- Uuise UtU momine for Skagway enroute to Daw.ton Wc Stock Everything For the SPORTSMAN Fishinjr Tackle I'ack Hoards & SackH Tennis llackciji Tnits (Jold Pans Softball. FlartiHghtf, Elc. Kaien Hardware Smllh Block Thene S BOOTH GOES INTO FINAL Defeats tlorden Street to Earn Rlht ! IMay Off For Jnnlor 1 Soccer Honors ! In the Junior Footb iii i. fixture on Saturday after,,., Booth Memorial School iff ... Borden Street School by t ao , to nfl and thus won the see ..mi . . of the schedule. Booth a,.: ... with High School Weli. . .nlng in a sudden death tin- r tae possession of the hi, . ,Snlekl. emblematic M Jn,: , cteuHriOfifth4f. ror uoroen ana uyenavn r. : well at baelc. Bertie o Net.. , , food defender but MacXK :. Mble to get through and t n a goal up. The second half wa fought out. VeHeh wa x i gerous for Borden but O r. and Eby generally prrv !geUlng a clear shot at vial iv-; rter eauatit and deared j . from him fallowing a ( . lisle was promifrent rr h . kkking and taekMng MacDonald the best f ). wards and getting a erm' . . lowing a cross from Hunu Borden Paatak; Dyvjhavi, V : O Ne. R, Howrton. j i , Jaoea. D, Houston, Veiu h s i rle. J. Irvtoe. Booth Bremner; Riu-h:i n.. Hale, Bby. Briksen; Hisany c..-i.. . im. MaeOwnaM, J. Rru-hte m OnXab T. Dnamntth made an " Fatuwtot the game the ei-met dnd arranged for the in-between Hhfh Seiiooi wtnti" she ftesi half and Booth of the second dame next w u day wffl start at 834 ThT. extra time in ease of a lu r 40 atve she lovow of rk-n ' a fine apportujtHy to see h , beys pmy and a seen anK The Mrml smndlnc for am half: w D L Bo4m 8 11 High 4 1 ? Bofden 0 " BASEBALL TONIGHT. fi:l." mix Sons of Canada v ffk A V THE PLEASURE of having a radio on your boat this summer will more than repay the cost of Installation. Hat-ttry type, all wave receivers can now be designed and built to meet your rndlvtdaal requirements. Out of town service calls made. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Superior Radio Service 234 Second Avenue Phone Blue 3201 P. O. Box 132 A, G. BARTLETT C. H. IN8ULANDER