'I Alien Coming lo Terrace Make Arrangement With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, R.C. To Greet You. U rnct all trains. Freight fi !ittr aerrtca itImw !se Lake anil I-oOfe. new II A. 8.) now In servlee ' tie take. Fre anywhere an the lake, tmr adult. 55.00: $140 per hrad additional. No crowd too big. No Job too imalL rif NIC PARTIES EVFRY SUNDAY NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zsrrlll. Proprietor ' A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes $1.00 up 11 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Plxme 281 P.O. Box lM STATIONARY SPECIAL 'Writing TaWet and Envelopes j Sjiecial at , 'PALMOLIVB SHAVING CREAM PALMOLIVETALCUM, both ... , SPONGES New assortment From t Take the Dally Neus with jou THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing. Modern Convenience No Flics, No Mosquitoes Home Cooking I'ar Excellence S1I.M ler Week Children under 13. half rate MADAME KAJAUT Hell, Q. C. hlsnds Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fhherman, Logger, Miner ItOOMS $10 per month. $3 per week, 50c per night SHOWER HATIIS Third Avrnue Phone 948 JIMMIE CICt'ONE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED St.. men 1..T. frlnc. Rupert for Vwcou.r- T S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:31 TM. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. TS.S. C.UIMNA EVERY FRIDAY .MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday wa Weekl, .Mtlni. to Port Btmp.v Alice Arm. Anyot. Stew.rt r " P'lrther (htormMion regarding ll " " ... n.i . e Avenue. Plume OSS mwj iiupru Agrnvj. clVM" 10. 25c 50c 15c t0 $1.00 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgists The Etcsall Store 'pboaws: II & HOLIDAY RESORTS LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Idfil race ! Holiday I uiri of fir fhhlnr. hunting. bathinc and boating. Arrange for transportation M'h W. II. Burnett, Terrace, n.c. lute frtm Terrace to the l.."lre including boat service: Oaf adult. JJ.OO: rath additional adult. tl-M. Write or Wire W. II. HURNETT W- Look After Your Wants Summer cotton dresses Just In. Demen. Richard Deett. of Anyox, who' has been on a trip to v'ancourer. was a passenger aboard the Catala last night returning to the smelter town. Harry Kameda, son of Mr. and Mrs. II Kameda of Port Esslngton. returned recently from Toronto where he had been attending teeh-ni?al aehoot. John TOftlams, government liquor vendor at Atlin. was a paaten-gn aboara tb Princess Norah Saturday afternoon going though on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. 4. I. Little sailed Saturday afters sun oc ttoe Fln-rei Norah fW Virterta whete Mr. Little will attend the Masonic Oand Lodge annual convention In hi. capacity as worshipful master of Tskmpsean Lodge here. Mil W. W. Wright and da ugh ter. Audrey, of Atfln. after having spent the past ieek In th city rtolUrg with friends foil owing thetr antra from Vancouver and Victoria, where ttey haVe been spending -a vacation, sened by the Princess Ixralsr this morning for Bkagway enroute heme Father 3 Larglois O.M.I.. who has been on a trip to Dawson on special eecresiastieal work for tfce Raman Catholic Church, dfcem-barked here from the steamer Princess Norah Saturday after noon and will proceed from here to lib) headquarters at Edmonton on tonight train, .stopping off at Le-jae enroute. Making her final appearance of 'Le .season here after havrng oper ated lArougtrout . the past mer and spring on the Alaska route. C P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt vVllttam Palmer, called here from 4 o'clock to 5 30 Saturday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vaaotrw. The Ttl. whleh wffl now be transferred to tfce West Coast of Vancoaver Lslano. run for tfce summer, brought In S3 passengers from the north. Seven persons disembarked from the vessel here Vhne a similar number took passage train fcere for the south aboard her. Anrioiiftcements Eastern Star Tea, June 24. Presbyterian Sunday School pic nlc June 24, Presbyterian Tea Jane 28. United Church choir tea, July 6. Moos Picnic, Dlgby Island, Jolt Eagles' picnic July W. Catholic Bazaar October 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar Nor. 0. i 3, II. Carcoti, M.D. Wishes to announce having opened an otflce, Room 16, Desner Block. Fractlce JhvtiteA la Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat LOCAL NEWS For day and night Tasl service fbone K. " " tf Catholic tea Mrs. Ward's Bilversides Brps. for ' Wallpaper, Olass, Paint and Mureeco. . Newly arrived knitted Suits bargains at 9(S. Flvecnfy.bemers. Easy Washers as ow $ tTin and on easy monthly psfymenja too at McRae Bros. Jmt received large shipment of white and black, and white Skirts, Blouses, Shoes, Dresses, etc. Annette Ladles' Wear Oo. Bishop E. M. Bunot O.MX, Is leaving on tonight's tram tor a trip to Smtthers and other interior points on ecclesiastical duties Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Grant Hol-ingworUi returned to the city on Saturaajr night's train from Ter race where they spent last week as guests of M. and Mrs. John Me Rse. J. O. Garrett of the local Gov ernment Agent's office returned to the esty on the Prince rah Saturday afternoon from Tele graph Creek where he has been spending Ihe past month on official duties. Royal Shepard. well known min ing engineer, arrtml In the city on the Princess Norah Saturday afternoon from the Alaska Capita! and wtll proceed tram here to Vital Creek in the Omintca mining dis trict where he has a placer goM property unoer development. Mr. ard Mrs. Seen Jabour aaAetf Saturday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver whence they will proceed to St. Andrew's- by-rhe-sea. Hew Brunswick, where thajr will milMiil; a oaavention o! the "MaasuMy Cfob" of the Sn Life Aawsrame 0, They wlH be a-way about a ntanth and. on the way home, will atteno the World's. Fab: tn Chleago. O. W. Mac Kay, manager of the Ooverameai Telegraphs at Daw sen ar.d formerly uAaaser of the iue acre, wmi a passeAger aooaro the Priaoeas Norah Satarday af- taraeoa bound far Vanoouver where he will spead a sue weeks' vacation. Mrs. MacKay. fue4y Miss BunW X this cHy. and child have bean speodfcRg the winter in Vacooaver. Mtsa K. XteMahon eU secretary of the Oerl OnWes fsr Canada, ar-rtved in the esty saat even tag on the Catate In the eoune of a tour of the west and will Inspect the Girl Outdea. Brownies and Rangers here. She wHl go east to Prince Gearge on Wednesday's traaa. While hate Matt MeMaaon to the guest of Very Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Fourth Avenue Bast. Delayed by having had heavy freights as well as a heavy move ment of passengers foe canrery points along the eoaat, Uttlew steamer Oatala. Cspt. E. Dick son, did not arrive an port utHll It 40 last ntght from the seuttv leartag a couple o-f hours tateri lor Aitrw Stewart and ether nor thern points. Tht vessel la due back hare tomorrow mndng and Is scheduled to sail at 1 30 p.m for VanoirreT and waypoinU ! "Build D. C Payrolls" Vacuum Makes It Better fount VUeuum alvea Pacllic MHk, greater aa.vcafaI1vAaw Vsai tu H w fwiMaiH ori KTat ! more of the vltamlnea, and Pacific t U the coily vncuom packed milk in Canada. Before It was placed In vacuum tins many patrons In their letters hftd said Pacific was a perfect milk. Now they write of an Improvement noticeable In a nicer flavor. This Is due to the extra vltamthes. Pacific Milk -100 1L C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT AIinOTSFORD Leather Jackets Slightly stained, from' Children's Coats up from Oolfiset & D. Johnston sailed at the week-and from England an his return from a tour of Berepe m-ludlrg the war area, England and Scotland. ' O. A. Yardley. Inspector at eas terns, aac his assistant. O. W. Nor-ris, yere passengers aboard Princess Norah Saturday afternoon return ing to thetr headquarters in Vic toria after a trip into the Stfldne Rrrer district on otTbail duties. Mass D. D. Roshbrook, daughter; f Canon W. F. Ruawbrook. arrived to the city on Saturday evening's ; train from Toronto and wfll sptnd! the summer with her father on the I AnfKean TTdsston boat Northern I Cross. Mtes RjSMfibraok is a recent graduate of the University of To- Mrs. A. IL Sovereign and son and dang ter will pass through the etty aboard one steamer Princess Louise on Saturday afternoon of this week southbound from Dawson to Vancouver wtienee thy win proceed Peace Rtvei Crosdng where they will take up future restdeace. Joining' Bishop Sovereign who was recently transferred from Yukon to Athabasca dasceae. Bishop Se-HKSgM paasec through here a couple of months agt, enroute to his new seelssssstleal charge. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, disembarked here from site steasner Priaoeas Nora Saturday afhwnooss. He has been oa a trip to WbMeewrse to inspect Yukon River boats of the Yukon and Whtte Pass RsMste and wdl pro-seed an usrurisfs train to Francois Lake to baapset the government ferry after which he wati continue to his headquarters via J aspen Park. Mr. Farrow reports cold weather la the north the first steamer to go out on T agista Lake this spring was oausatt in 8 Inches of Ice. Ladies' DRESSMAKING Designing and Remodelling MISS N. ROGERS la Parisienne Beauty Parlor The very latest permanent waving and hair dressing Phone 917 ' For Appointment SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS Evening Crowns dry cleaned Any Other Dresses dry cleaned Second Street $1.25 $1.00 Ideal Cleaners Phone 858 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulldcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley Wr also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 51 rhonea HI FIRE SALE COMMENCES TOMORROW All goods damaged or exposed to fire will go on sale at clearance prices. All Ladies' Dresses and Coats, Children's Dresses and Coats at very low prices. S3.00 10 $3.95 $1.00 Bouse Dresses at CAPITOL SH0PPE Newly arrived, white hats WANTED WANTED Cabin Power Boat, suitable for pleasure fisting, about thirty foot length. Please give detailscash or terms, etc.: also snapshot. Box 259. Anyox. 142 UMi ACT VMIrr of InleMlon to applf to Irnt Land In 7TUK Rupert Land Beoordlng DU- i Srtot of Queen Charlotte bland, and. tftuatt f rooting Lot 999. Q.CI. Take aotice that J. E. Monti of1 Prtnca Rupert. oervpaUon Saleamaa. ta-teodi to appiy tar leaae of the fot SMrtng Oevirtbtd Tandi: I ttmmmonr at a, poet minvea at ine outh-m-eat corner of Lot 999. QOJJ Utence 11 26 chain to the SouUi-eaat; thenoe 1T.S chain to the South ( thene) 10 ohln to the North-weet arut along high water mark to point of commencement and contalolng 30 S rea more or lea. JOHN ELUS MORRI9. Dated AnrU iOUt. 1813 The AUCTIONEER Packing Cratrag Wrapping ti Oencral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Brack 120 85c, 95c, $1.35 A few of the best dresses were exposed to smoke and these will be sold at less than cost. Federal Block Third Avenue THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAttrIIRrriSII COLl'MniA SlaaufacturvTS of ELEPHANT rncMic.iL rEnnuzrirs rodueen Ac tuioers of TADANAC Onni rtKITt1S.-TIC FOR SALE good ;f!lce safe. Can be seen at Dally News. tf FOR RENT HOUSES F. W Hart tl tEWLY Renovated modem flat Rand Block, Max HeilbTpn tf iODERN HOUSE, me rooms Snd Batti. with Range, $J8JX3. Phon' 88. U FURNISHED or unfurnished house for rent. Apoty S10 8th Avenae West 147 FOR RENT Store on Third Avenae In centre of business section. Will renovate to sutt tenant Thomas McClymont. (tf FOR RENT For July and August, furnished bungalow. lully mod ern, lawn " and garden. ' EverytMcg AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA -TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH Classified Ads for sale IHIRDRESSER PERM ANENT WAVING I "Oil" SX50. "Ringlette" $i00. Nelntn's Rcantv Shnppe TAXI SERVICE TOMMYS TAXI phone number Is changed to 77. Stand Capttol Theatre Block. 'tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Furrflnre moving. BotUes-"jugfct Chairs for rent. Wood for safe.s CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES Third News. reasoname. Benkendorf, Are., next door to Dally TIMrttm SALE Xl97 Srmiai XtaOtn will be jrsfttf July. 18SS. for um tT ,. "it UkaMr of LMMta at VtoSoHa, BO, provided. Phone Red 163 even-! ? than moo oa sbTei uy ings. PAINTERS A1NTINO and MoUer. Phone Red 802 PIANO TUNING lANOS Tuned M OO. Walkers M'i sic Store. ti ot Ii- .iSffuo.. CXkar. HraSocK tnd BaSsun Oft ' ' on area aittiatad on Sam Inlet, Range 9. OMct Land mainei. Tw ran wUl ba aUowd tor re-nml of Ombar : nuthar parttcuian of tb. Ohlf For- weaona. ut or unni ror- Man Aurxrt. BC ' L.MH ACT Nolle af Intrntton tn Applj to Purtlux Lajtd In Priac Rupert Uumi RacordUr.,Dll-Ulel af Rang. rr Dm DlBtrto.larl Itostt about flva mSca nocn tbeiiioutn af tb. Klmtw Rfver on tb. Eaaf 'Tetl. Ttk noUot that I. WUl lam Laettnr.. OUtxrt of Vanoouver. B.C.. wvaiHMi damnation Iivi PaDerhaneinf"" to dfMnbra Uads: gseeiag favaaMftaaf at a Boat piiated on. foot dMoat from th. WKnaaa post cf the Wmk tMe of Lot ITS; ttieoce tbence norUMriy 10 chain, and con-UlnlCf too acrea more or leaa. WILUAM LAOKANQK OIUSSST. ni Anrtl 17th tow TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 For Your Health Chlrepractle Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C, ASPINALL DX. (Chiropractor) . Green 211 Phones Green 519 Exchange Block If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office..