Tomorrow's Tides STEWART TO ! CELEBRATE Dominion Hay to be Suitably Ob-wrTed In Portland Canal Camp HTKWAHT. June It -A public mr. Liiw haid at the cloat of tbtr . undtr the auspices of Uw bo-rd of trade elected a committee r five to make all arrangement ' ihr celebration of Dominion Day here. The committee consists of Howard Campbell chalrman. J. A. Us Frank Bowler. Janws Morrlet tirirt Edward T. Applewhaite. Hub-eonuntttees hate been struck xnM a program of, aporta to betof arranged. Halibut Arrivals Fatal Motor Accident Early Sunday Morning; She American Norland. 25.009. Royal, Oe and 4c. Oceanic. IIM and Onah, 16,000, Booth. 14c and 4c. Baltto. KMO, Cold Storage. 6Jc and 4c. Sherman. MjMt. Pacific. 6Je and rnmonk I1JW. AUln. Me and I Btrltav 1I4MW, Cold Storage, 6.4e and 4c. vini &.00D. HnmL f.c and 4c. TlOSt, 1,40ft, OoM Storage, 61c and 4c. Canadian ... a team AUln. 5c and 9c Alert. 10.000, and A U1. Cold Storage 8c and 3c. Went Over Cliff 4VUI Murray Patterson, Aged 21, U1'1 Hetty T;;rner JU, and Mae Their Davis, 21, Lost Plunged Fif tyFcct to Rocky Red tWhnn nil VANCOUVER June la: lui ' ' ; " , "j ft a urn nnu iuh v - , killC(, am, enrly yesterday morning tniec pen, ... ,,v ltor. three Injured. The' c'wli' Betty Turner, aged 10. itu for Varsit). Hon, stiir rugby player "ijurea are: neien nroww". au ri ,;.::,v, ,, nnder Macaulay. 24. All are residents of Vancouver OiN'nHW YORK MART NE WYOnK. Jn 10 (Canadian wic - - Prrvil 8llvrr olivrr i cioaea uwu av joc. uh Col.J.W.NIcholJ.wtllbe.IiT,! nvclal market tooay. Copper ut tonMrras nyro Club luncheon, j was steady at ac. "I do believe that business condl-tteM are somewhat Improved in the Old Country," declared T. II. Johnson, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Btorage Co.. who 1 reittrned to the city this morning: the Princess Louise, arcom pan-tad by Mrs. Johnson, following a trip to England. "A somewhat better tone In conditions generally Is k'Vtdent Like In this country, how- . there Is keen comDeUUon In til HfMs of business." Of course, a good deal of good Is bttnt hoped for as a result of the world economic conference now In prograaa in London, slates Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been away for three and a half months They apent most of the time in Bngland and elsewhere on the Bri tish lales as well as vlalUng In der ma ny and France. Mr. Johnson made a flight from Parts to Lon don In a commercial airplane ha vine capacity for forty-two passengers The well known local Industrial leader and President of the.Prlnce Rupert Chamber of Commerce was away from England before the un fortunate take-off of his niece, Mrs. Amy Johnson Molllson. with her husband. Capt. James Molllson. on ih-ir nrnwtod fllaht from Crovdon to New York and thence to Bagdad I lnf last and London. "However. I saw Amy! iai hta and Jim while I was over." he said. J. H. Parka, engineer for the noartl of Railway Commissioners from Ghlgary, who has been In the city, over Uie week-end in Uie etourec of a trip to the coast on official duties, leaves by tonight's train for Edmonton enroute to THIS WEEK THE Pontiac Straight 8 High 12:09 ajn. 18.4 ft. 23:47 pan. 19.7 ft. Is on Display at Low 5:59 bjii. 4.6 ft. o Kaicn Motors Show Room 17:45 xm. 9.4 ft. Ail Cordially Invited Phone S3 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIV . No. 142 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE, 19, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS CONFERENCE OUTLOOK IS HOPEFUL THREE COPPER RIVER YOUNG PEOPLE DROWN IN SKEENA Tragedy Last Night Darkens Interior Town MILDRED CLARKE, AGED 18, GERALD CLARKE, AGED 12, AND GEORGE DOBHIE, AGED 12, ARE VICTIMS OF ACCIDENT. TERRACE, June 19: A triple drowning fatality occurred at Copper City Sunday evening when three well known local young folk of that community lost their lives in the Skeena River, the dead being: Mildred Clarke, aged 18. Gerald Clarke, aged 12. George Dobbic, aged 12. a - . The tragedy occurred when the trio were thrown into the Skeena River as a light truck was overrun onto the f erry H. Clarke, ferryman, was in the water five minutes but was not hurt. No trace of the bodies has been found yet. Part of the car was found two miles Mow- the scene. Steam Train Crashes Into Electric Train In England jjflBJl m aaMBtaBB Two men. a woman and a child werr fuilec afid 30 t 40 oiher pisengers were injured, when a steam train crashed into an electric tntn between Wimbledon ad Raynes Park. England. Photo ahowa wrecked carriages of the atcam train just after the smash " " World Economic Parley Swings Into Stride Today When Trade Proposal Is Offered By France BACK FROM OVERSEAS Would Increase Production of Wheat, Wine, Cotton, Wool, Coal and Copper Mirthcr ord From Washington Regarding Currency Stabilization is Reing Awaited LONDON, June 19: (Canadian Press) With the outlook for ultimate success of the gathering a good deal more hopeful than it was when the parley opened last week, the world economic conference started its second week of deliberations today and swung into stride with a concrete proj)osnl from Prance of intergovernmental agreements to link production with consumption n of wheat, wine, cotton, wool, .coal and copper Pending further word from Wash ington official negotiation tor controlled stabilisation of major cur rencies were otiderstood to have come to a rompttt standstill. However, dtttnlte progress was made In r ki:lii:i- rmmuiM not SO SEK10US IN ATL1N Unemployment relief is not proving as great a problem in 4 t Atitn district aa in some other parts of the province, It Is in- dlcated by John A. Anderson, road superintendent for that district, who was a week-end visitor to the city, arriving Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert from Stewart and salf- night on the Catala 4 headquarters at An- 4 yox. "There is not a person on relief north of Stewart." de- clared Mr. Anderson, this boast applying for - such fortunate points as Premier, AUln and Telegraph Creek. Of course, there are men on relief at Stewart and Alice Ann. this matter last week between Great Britain and United States and some of the smaller aa taons are inclined to the belief that It will make little difference what France, who has so far proven a stumbling block In connecUon with this Important problem, does. In oUter words France as suggested by Norway, for Instance, is not considered such a very Important Isolated factor In world trade. According to advices from Washington over the week-end, Secre- ' tary of the Treasury W. H. Woodln stated that U would be impossible for United States to guarantee to sustain permanently the tentatively established stablUmUon of the American dollar with the British pound sterling. The fact that Uiere had been also success In "evading meanUme," if not meeting, Uie crisis of war debt arrangements between European nations and United States also has had Uie tendency of removing some of last week's gloom from the conference air. It is now practically agreed that a delegation of debtor naUons shall visit Washington In the fall under the leadership of Chancellor of the Exchequer Ne ville Chamberlain of Great Britain to work out with the United States some permanent arrangement the revision of war debts. Everything in Readiness For Opening of Sockeye Fishing And Salmon Canning Tonight "There is not a hitch anywhere and everything is ready to start with the opening gun tonight," stated R. G. Johnston, veteran manager of Inverness cannery on the Skeena River, this morning in regard to the opening of the season for fishing with sockeye gill nets this evening. The fishermen seem to be well satisfied and are particularly well pleased with the price, said Mr.1 1 Johnston. The canneries are all i ready to start packing once the fish start to move In. Mr. Johnson came Into town on business bright and early this morning on the cannery tender Florence. "You are not in Spoke-shutc." he jocularly commented as a well known Japanese fisherman from the Skeena River came along and tried to get Into a local hardware store to spend a little money In purchases before 8 ajn. "They don't get up that early here." Mr. Johnston was chatting at the time with a Dally News representaUve of early matutinal habits. ! "I suppose they came np to watch " humorously remarked the po pular pular cannery operator as ne win of the presence since last evening of the fisheries patrol steamer Malas-plna off the Skeena Slough near Inverness. He was In very high spirit. He will be back on the river for the opening of fishing tonight. From other sources, it was learned that the "strike meeting" called by the "United Front" fishermen at Port Bsslngton on Saturday afternoon had not amounted to verj much, the attendance being negU- gible. Any possibility of there being a strike on the Skeena or Naas Riv ers was pretty well obviated wher the native fishermen came to terms with the cannery operators a few days ago. Today's Stocks dupplled by 8. O. Johnston Co. Ltd Toronto Int. NickeL 19.36. Noranda, 31JM. SherriU. 1.38. Vancouver Bridge River Oana, .41. B. R. X, .60. Big Missouri. .96. Blue Bird. V4. Cariboo Oold Quart. 3.11. Cork Province, St. Georgia River. .06. Grand view, D7. Lucky Jim. .06. National Silver. ,&74. Native Son, .14. Noble Five.' 17 4. Meridian. .70. Morning Star, 3&-Pend Oreille. Ul. Porter Idaho. .15. Premier, Ut. Reno. 2.48. Reward. -IS. Reeves McDonald, 30. Ruth Hope. .06. Silver Crest. .074. Wayside. .45. Whitewater. .144. Oils A. P. Con., .15. Calmont, .07. C. Si E.. .73. Fabyan. .00Ti. Freehold, 074-Mercury, .11. United. .08. Olof Hanson. MP. for Skeena STEAMSHIP FARES CUT Ten Percent Reduction on Round Trip Fares to B. C Coastal . Points Effective today, a new tariff providing a ten percent reduction on round trip steamship fares between here and Vancouver, comes into force. It Is announced at local offices of Canadian National Steam" ships. A similar reducUon will api ply on round trip f a-aajrqm here to, Anyox, Stewart, Queen Charlotte Islands and other coastal points. j Under the new rates the round trip fare from here to Vancouver wUl be $48 less ten percent or $13.20. Speaker Black on His Way to Yukon Presiding Officer of Canadian House of Commons and His Wife Here Today Kiroute to Dawson ' Hon. Oeorge Dkek, Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, and : Mrs. Black passed through the city on the Princess Louise this morning ' bound for Dawson where they will 1 spend the summer. Capt Black Is Member of Parliament for the Yukon. A brother of the Speaker, Wtl- 1 7 liam Black of Vancouver, Is visiting In Prince Rupert at present, aecome. panied by his wife who is a sister of Mrs. J. D. Allen of this city. STEWART TOWN COUNCIL MEETS Small Program of Public Works Under Way $50 Voted lor Dominion Day STEWART. June 19 The regular-semi-monthly meeting of the municipal council held last week was concerned mostly with a email program of public worka now under way. A storage shed for lumber and mateitals has been balk, to the rear of the Town Hall, extenaioaa ami alterations to the I Ire-pump house, are being made and Mate bloc kg of badly dilapidated wooden sidewalk on Flttfi Street are being re played with gravel and UrvU walks. A delegaUoa from Uve Dominion. Day committee appeared and asked financial aid free the municipality, which request wa granted to the extent of ISO. r Current accounts amounting to.. $183.83 were passed for paytaenU. and labor accounts amounting tjf" $186.70. Thomas Woodhouae was flned, $100. with option of two months') who has been In town for the past Imprisonment, by Magistrate Me ten days, leaves on tonight's train , Clymont In city police court Satur- f or for his summer home at Lake day afternoon for supplying liquor Kathlyn. to Indians. He Is serving the time. 1