esT OIROULATION ww OMTy AND NORTHERN GRITIGH COLUMBIA | ,ane THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ive Library . you. I, NO, 20% PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS TURK H NAVY DEFEATS GREEKS IN BIG BATTLE TUG. SANGRA WAS BURNED AND SCUTTLED AT SHAWATLANS RAPIDS THIS MORNING SANGRA DESTROYED BY FIRE AT SHAWATLANS THIS MORNING WELL KNOWN POWER TUG BURNED BY IGNITION OF anso.| LINE—WAS SCUTTLED TO PUT OUT FIRE—DIVER WILL ATTEMPT TO RAISE HER TODAY. fire m some unex.|the derrick employed the wate: iner, the well known | Works constructior be used g Sangra was parttl to raise het Ad ‘ K ny Me Geld edrnine I di wn this afternoon and she will jhe brought to the eit f the damage is ur } The Sangra is one of the bes she was scuttled to} know: 1unches in the north, be he tire | ne the property f the genia dent happened this|Captain Babingtor vw shortly before 11 « Se oon vas engaged in laying} Men. across the passag: Pleasing the ladies is not dif . itlans Lake to Kaien|ficult when yeu select you While details are Christmas gift at Wallace's, g theught that the en-| 204tf vas leaking gasoline and inj a er this ignited | Give “her a set of furs You S iunches were nt}ecan buy them most reasonably to her rescue, while;at Wallace's 296-297 BORDEN GAVE NAVAL POLICY TO PAPERS BEFORE COMMONS REPORT OF SPEECH WAS SET UP IN TYPE IN CONSERVATIVE OFFICES BEFORE PARLIAMENT WAS AWARE OF POLICY OF THE GOVERNMENT—WAS SENT TO ENGLAND. | rrespondence lemergeney method ti secul Aave An amaziie prece | pt publieit t shows an ey been set by Mr lel ack { since tv in the Pre eward to the naval] Miler lie has for ne ssed} ts made Phurs- |! pos as al thoes states ne which comports un, and urged that this the dign 'y of the per al nava pr posi tior De ele M ster nor the non-patr vated above the sphere party ent of the naval) politics But quite apart fron vhich he has been de-|this his action was altogether ‘ Acting along the lines | Wrong Parliament was entitled f reus booster he sent |to the first knowledge of the Pre embodying the naval |\mier’s intention, and the repre the leading Con-|sentatives of the people were the irnals of the Domir nes whose right it was to be the i! davs before it was de first to comment upon it from released” when he|their seats in Parliament House on Thursdays Such an unstatesmanlike and N with this, the speech,|partizan procedure compares | housand words of lwith the manner in which 8i iitted to a leading news| Wilfrid Laurier and his minis ee ind cabled to England for|ters approached the reciprocity amongst friendly | announcements There was ne} there as soon as the sig-| circus poster business, no pal Was given from Ottawa byj|tizan favors Liberal and Tory el So that days be were treated alike to judicious the announcement was|silenee until the proper time for M Borden's speech was/the announcement and then the Ne cold type in newspaper] people and press of all parties es f two continents, neatly ) were given an equal opportunity ed up and interpolated with|Mr. Borden can hardly be said t ere, hear,’ “Loud applause,” | have added to the dignity of his ‘hers’ and so on at what/high offices by descending to the led fitting places, lmethods of a press booster and \part altogether from the dig-|ignoring the rights of Pariia prudence of such an} ment of which he is the leader Meeees. THE ; DAILY : NEWS s DEVELOPMENT NUMBER In addition te the regular daily edition, The News, to Way issues an eight page illustrated “Development Number, Which will be found exceedingly interesting to not only res! det f Prince Rupert, but people in every part the “orid desirous of securing reliable information as the Prokress that has been made in this promising eit) rhe number contains some excellent articles on the bal ‘ral resourees of the distriqt surrounding Prince Rupert, th “Wanlages of its excellent harbor, the immense dry dock er Construction, its splendid schools and other items " int { lo distant friends this number will serve as a pleasa : ev at this festive season of the promising city Which you have east your lot Ord opies by *Phone er Extra C by ’Ph \s the supply of extra copies is limited, MU is advisable ' d in your order at onee. Telephone orders will be re- “ved as long as the supply lasts. The price is only ten Cente per copy VANCOUVER ISLAND CONSERVATIVES DESERT PARTY OVER COAL STRIKE Men Who Formerly Supported orted McBride are Banding to Fight Him Because of His Actions in Regard to the Striking Miners---700 Chinese Working Victoria, Dee. 17 It is un- derstood that Mr. John Jardine, | Vancouver Island's representa tive upon the recently gazetted royal commission on labor, is strenuously urging that that ibody lose no time in visiting }Cumberland, the centre of pres- jent discontent seriously affecting jthe coal production” industry |With a view to the representa- ition of an interim report there- jupon in advance of the meeting jo if i Legislature in January, so that ne s with the abject 0 cetiahastos lv ending fee present situation may be given immediate effect The MmMissio n is to hold its organ | zat meeting here on the 28th inst., when its plan of procedure|ing from to $50,000 of $45,000 will be considered and decided | publie money in a quite unneces- upon. maintenance of a large police Firm friends of the adminis_|foree, the presence of which has tration in the direetly interested been fully taken advantage of by district are much exercised over|*#¢ operators to introduce Ori- what they regafd as a grave tac ental strike breakers to the num- é } é as ¢ t ac- . tical blunder on the part of the ber of about 700. government in dealing with the “The result will inevitably be,” Cumberland strike and by not|says one Comox Conservative, “a )sranting an inquiry into the|strong, well based white labor rievance , hen it erie ances of the men whe tlattack upon the government at was first applied for, and thereby | ' : averting not only much suffering | the first opportunity in which on the part of the workers and jlabor men of independent views, their families, but also provinei-| Socialists, Liberals and a good ally-wide mid-winter very serious disarrangement of the export trade. Instead, the poliey has been adopted of spend-|p hitherto staunch Conservy- latives will find common ground, and which in every probability will lose the government and the arty at least four inconvenience in aj tnany shortage of coal, and island seats.” om RIVER COUNTRY SURPRISE TO VISITOR (Ontario Parma 4an Cannct Compare) with the Peace River Lands. *| i = c ae {8.——M: Jan es who has the city tutherford, from the ountry, is enthusiastic spects of and contirms all about the pr j tion of ¢ } that has been said that sec- anada, as to what a British Co- left 10th, the asset it will be to Mr Rutherford John on Ne Fr rt St and reached } | | | | r/° |» x iDia vember Dunvegan on i9th of that nth. here he saw farmers plowing fields for next , something which they can- at that was barley, in the would done any country in the world. Mr. Rutherford said that some of the potatoes weighed two and a half pounds, and also that he saw tomatoes which ex- ceeded in size and flavor any- thing ever produced in the Niag- ara Peninsula. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS M: among Prince mo season's oh in Eastern Ontario Pa of the year He also | shown samples of wheat, and grown which to oats potatoes open have credit Fred Ritchie and son were the passengers on the Rupert this morning, { Heintzman, piano, 1 Ennis piano, to be sold during the next 6 days at big discounts, See them Wark’s. 296tf Mr. John Peters, son of City folicitor Peters, arrived in the city today from the south See A. W. Edge Co, for wall paper. Low prices to make room for new spring stock, Prince Rupert's leading hotel— Savoy, | | } | | | just re-| Peace | | | \ GREEK FLEET is BEATEN BY TURKS Held Up Man and Was Invited Home to Dine—Police Summoned. Special to ‘Daily News. Constantinople, Dec. 17 Turkish fleet engaged the Greek fleet off the Island of Lemnos this morning, ac- Portiand, Dee. 16—A man- cording to an official tele- sized appetite is the cause to- gram from the Dardanelles day of Albert Kroll, 19-year-old The Greek fleet was com- bandit, being behind the bars. pelled to withdraw from the Pulling a revolver on F. W. Us- action herwood in the suburbs, he com- manded Usherwood to jettison Rll of his available coin and RRR Oe ee 5) gummy) AT THE WESTHOLME Ushberwood, however, began talking sympathetically to - Kroll Griffith Stock Company Will Play “A Bosom Friend of Bowser’s” and seeing a “lean and hungry” look in the fad’s face, invited at Popular House Tonight. him to the Usherwood domicile ii where he said a meal awaited. Tonight the Griflith Stock Com- While the youth was gorging pany will produce one of the fa- himself to repletion, Usherwood “4 motified the police station. enna meeneeerennrrennenpeb enensnenenan THE WEATHER. mous comedies of Broadway, Bosom Friend of Bowser's.” Contrary to all reports, this has nothing to do with thee Attorney The weather report at 5 o’e'ock General of British Columbia Phis play is a huge laugh prog|'"s morning read: Barometer. ducer and those who know the] 29-500; maximum temperature, minister will agree that he is not| #9} Minimum temperature, 32° productive of much mirth,| Precipitation, 1.63 inches Whethér political or not, one} ee thing is certain, that with the Loyal Order of Moose. able players comprising the A regular meeting will be held in the K. of P. Hall Thursday, the 19th inst., at 8 o'clock, Officers for the coming year will be elect- ed and members are requested to attend in full force. 297-298 the play will be a de- cided success. company Buy your Xmas gifts today at Wark's big discount sale. 206tf J.D. MEIKLE, Secy. LL SSS Finish Training. The contestants in the fight tomorrow evening have finished Christmas Holly the thei rtraining and will both enter the ring in the pink of condition. Mortimer, it reported, will make the required weight at the Now on Sale at Arctic Studio Is ringside, while Olmen will elimb CHRISTMAS FLOWERS over the ropes at about 152 will arrive on the last ship pounds The preliminaries ar- ranged for will be good ones. conmnegiiillntitdinnmcumnmn See the bargains in ladies’ furs at Wallace's, 296.297 Saturday, Xmas, 2tst. in before December HUNGER DRIVES BOY TO CRIME AND JAIL | Empress Theatre -- Important Announcement 0 0erreees IN ANNOUNCING WE TAKE PLEASURE \ CIAL FPRATURE PROGRAMME i | THE FIRE AY GBA. (Part 1.) tt PATRONS THAT IN TONIGHT’S SPI PATHE’S GREAT BPROTACULAL TO OUR INCLUDED RELEASE WILL BE PEATURE THE FIRE AT SEA. (Part |i.) Prince Rupert Theatre Company, Ltd. SSS SS RUMORED THAT SIR RICHARD M’BRIDE WANTS TO RESIGN VICTORIA STORY SAYS THAT PREMIER WILL RESIGN IN 18 MONTHS WHEN HE KNOWS PARTY IS DEFEATED —BOWSER WILL BE THE LEADER AND WILL NOT BE RETURNED —s B.C., Dee. 18&—The|himself to of a desertion of the Coa Victoria, Londen as Canadian high commissioner, bequeathing to his attorney general and first lieutenant his mantle of leader- ship and responsibility for, what is bound to befall. Then at a first appeal to the country, the influence of less prosperous times and popular demand for a change will cause the loss of power by the government and spectre servative party in British Colum- bia Sir by its picturesque leader, Richard McBride, one which refuses to be laid and per- sistently presents itself to the manifest disgust of the faithful. The latest version of the rumor that, having carried through last chapters of his railway is is the policy, some eighteen months|blame will fall entirely upon the hence, and before the period of|new and less popular leader. The temporary hard times inevitab-| suggestion fits in with the prime ly to be expected at the close of| minister's proven ability in the on a will construction activity seale, Sir Richard large betake interpretation of psychotogy of polities. AVIATOR TO FLY ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO HALIFAX GERMAN WILL ATTEMPT To F TO FLY Y FROM PORTUGAL TO HAL- IFAX—WILL LAND AT AZDRES, AND FROM THERE MAKE HIS’ LONG FLIGHT TO NOVA SCOTIA Berlin, Dee. 17.—In a. steel ribbed monoplane with gigantic MUCH MONEY SPENT }wings, Riehard Beckmann, an aviator of the City of Cologne, IN RAILWAY WORK plans to fly across the Atlantic Trenesontinental Commission Ocean next spring. He is confi- Reports to Spending of dent of success. His start will $116,517,691.69 be made from the Cape of Roca, sessilis known as the Rock of Lisbon, on Ottawa, Dec. 16—The report the coast of Portugal. His first landing will be, if all goes well, on the Island of Tegceria, in the Azores. Thence he will fly straight across the vast expanse of water to Halifax. The dis- tance from the Cape of Roca to Halifax on the North American coast about 3,000 miles, and expeets to cover th in thirty-three hours. ex- glusive of the hak at Terceria. On the first lap, from Portugal! to the’ Azores, a streteh of a stretch of a thousand miles, the aviator will have the benefit- of the trade winds, he calculates. and with his ninety miles an hour machine he hopes to make it in ten or twelve hours. His thirty foot monoplane has fifty square yards of wing area. The chassis, built entirely of steel tubing, will weigh 760 kilos of the Transcontinental Railway Commission for the fiscal year, which has been submitted, shows ° 691.61 sinee the organization of the commission in 1904. This does not include any interest on capital expenditure or any refund of expenditure on Quebee bridge approaches. For the last fiscal year the expenditures were $24,- 110,993.90. The total grading done to the end of the fiscal year was 1,609.94 miles; track laying, 1,427.02 of main line and 275.51 sidings. The contract for steel bridge superstructures tons of steel. The report of Chief Engineer Gordon Grant gives the total length of the line from Moncton to the west side of Water street, Winnipeg, as 1,804.73 miles. is Beekman course {1,672 pounds), exclusive of Beckman, his assistant, and the Furs. gasoline. The machine will have} Some exceptional bargains in a total lifting power of 2,300) ladies’ fur stoles and muffs. A kilos (5,060 pounds) . The chief novelty of the outfit consignment has just reached us and will be on sale for a few days will be a powerfu. searchlight|only. The prices are extremely with an automatic adjustment|low, ranging from $5 to $35. H. fitted to the floor of a half decked|S, Wallace Co., Ltd. 296-297 cabinet forward of the engine, Beckmann may carry also a small Do you want a new Heintzman wireless installation run by alpiano (the best in the land) miniature dynamo, cheap? See us today. Wark’s. 296tf Dainty Xmas Handkerchiefs Sets at Demers’. 297-302 and Collar Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, J. S. GRAY «SON 15 per cent. Discount Sale Engraving Free every thing in the Jewelry line RINGS, BROOCHES, UMBRELLAS, Kte.—with the exception of going at this discount WATCHES, CLOCKS, HAND BAGS, Ete,, Ete. standard contract watches, ‘ We specially eall your attention to our stoek of ELECTRO.PLATE manufactured by FENTON BRORB,, MAKERS TO THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY. Every piece COMPARE THEM. , OPEN EVENINGS d guaranteed. Prices im plain figures. OPEN EVENINGS a total expenditure of $116,517,- - totalled 51,879 | ( | a 4 ’ | ;