fHE DAILY NEWS VIEW OF HAZELTON, B.C. he think he can pull the wool honest in regard to his policy,| py Mrs. Sophia Boruseciwiski, the result of trouble between two CARTAGE and LINDSAY Wednes lay. D THE DAILY NEws 1 (cue SS. PRINCE RUPERT THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA GRAND Published Daily and Weekly by leaves for Vancouver, Victoria ATL THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. and Seattle . FRIDAYS, 9 A, M. fRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. Contract rates “PRINCE JOHN” on application. For Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, 1; 4 $ 4th and 18th » > | ; ° «Vee ; r A strict enforcement of the a well known fact that the | laws| STARVING MOTHER AND Istreet riot and pitched battle! SONS OF NORWAY The appointments and service { law.” This is the first plank of the province and of the city! jamong foreign laborers on the|Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m., are equa! to any hotel on the 7 in Mayor Newton's. platform are being openly violated at| CHILD GROW DESPERATE cam ts of Yale, B. ©. An Aus-/at 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians The Twin Screw Steamer — 4 for 1913, as publicly announced the present time, and the law| ian laborer lie s in the hospital| are welcome. 66 ”9 yesterday—certainly the ideal breakers feel pertectly assured | Wanted to Buy Poison to anal on aa. - ae z ~ r" ‘9 Venture i es é o e é @s « . policy for the chief magistrate that no action will be taken{ Sorrows—Cried When She lbullet wound in the arn The | ¢¢ ” Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day of any city. But why does| against them during the heat Asked for It { sd Slltiaalinc ti el i Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. police arrested the man who i o Gecteen eka Cenneiieed Gane Mayor Newton feature so of the municipal campaign. ‘ pe 2 alleged to have used the razor CAN DINANIAN SOCIETY 3 » Ore °c 7 NIGHT prominentiy what is naturally Gambling in various forms is| Portland, re., Der : ‘ There are a large number of ne eee See ee. at 8 — A on. M to be expected from those en- being openly permitted and “Please give me 10 cents worth | men in Yale from the construe- Pp. 319: ‘ ’ . Sweet. anager. trusted with the affairs and nothing is done to put a stop | of earbolic acid.’ This was the tion gangs on the C.N.R., and cance ad Sails for Port Simpson, Naas River Points government of the city? Does to tt. If Mayor Newton is} plea made to several drug clerks|the fight is believed to have been and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. over the eyes of intelligent and why does he not enforce the} lcently bereft of her husband in a factions. The police of endeav- STORAGE Salis for Vancouver ae cea — by such he ? . “ae inthvest aadlinmstiad & Waele Sole oring to ee all vee G. T. P. Transfer Agents WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. M. idle promises? rer excellent planks in his}. ‘ ; aa “teipals in the affair The Aus- If his policy for 1913 is in| platform will be carried isl by ca wey oe Starving,| sian whose throat is gashed is| Omiers promptly filled Prices reasonable R 5 h A accordance with this plank,| with the same degree of hon. | PCUBUCSS ane Iriendiess, reported to be in a serious con. | OPPICE-S. B. Rochester, Contre mt. Phone « ogers Steamshi enc : . oO oO as or » ul why is he not carrying it out esty and efficiency. ‘| She could not ask for the dition. g p g y | “h she desire ; ———$$$______ | Poison with which she desired t« Phone 116 in aan wGhwasdil 4 ——— st, Te — kill herself and her little boy, Buying for Santa Claus can ° > RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMPORT with her, without bursting into : best be done when the kiddies e S ency jtears, however, and everywhere , | ' are in bed. Open every evening | She went she was refused. from now until Christmas. Wal-| Magasines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers STUART & STEWART | Although young and strikingly nests ooatt . an we . | pretty, she could find no one who mi | “IGARS PORACCOS FRUIT Accou,jtants THE IR OQl Ols i. ARS CATALOGUE would give her even a crust after 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club 999 274 Avenue oe 280 POOL and you will readily see how you may save a large per- an all day search for food, and e ° Auditors cen Ohty of Prince Rupert ; : OE RUPERT, B.0. centage by buying your gifts through their mail order |weighing in her own mind whe- Gasoline Engine ennai . Engtich end Amer ats service. Why send your orders East when you can be yther she should spend her last Twelve Tablea SBCOND AVE supplied in one-quarter of the time from Vancouver? . Supplied with the same quality goods at the same prices. few cents for poison or bread for herself and the crying boy ai hei For Sale Two horse power, single cylinder, Alex. M. Manson, B. A. Ww. €& Williams, B. A. L. L. B. ee SMITH & MALLETT ver We carry the largest stocks of Jeweller Silverware side, she finally decidedly on the| “al. stationary engine, with Wiserd TEP AVS Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Leather Sede Brass Goods poison. “ile ‘bes oo ee Prince] | Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and WILLIAMS & MANSON RE and Novelties west of Toronto. And even Toronto doas Sobbing pitifully because ‘she| “°*™ ® © sheet Weta Werk Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. lle i not excel us. Our Catalogue tells it all, consult it now. was denied the poison at the last Paone 176” ane Ave. bot, tth and eh See Box 286 Empress Bowling A ys i All goods are shipped at our risk and money will be re- | plac “e she tried, she was found by| aa ‘ Snpwese fas wae Gee SS AND POOL ROOM / turned if goods are not entirely satisfactory. What moze la policeman, Loving hands are Silv sid Br ¢ MLSS aan — i could you ask? Do you wish to make the most of your [how caring for both the woman er. es 0S. ALFRED Canes ©. ¥. BENNETT, B.A. =e SS Oe Christmas money? Then write us. Christmas rush begins. Henry Birks. & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Write before the ye: her boy. ‘STREET RIOT IN YALE RESULTS IN STABBING of B.C., Ontario, Sa»- katchewan and A - berta Bare CARSS & BENNETT } BAKKISTERS, NOTARIES, Er« | Miiee — Albert Block, Second Avenue of Kritesh Coiurmtna Src Ave and Manitote Kars b | H. E. ROSS, Prop The up-to-date House Decora-| tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. ; SOOO WALLPAPERS . To make room for our Gan. S Chae, Ctneatin Chester . Ven ee \ conidia Come to Blows on Paper-Hanging large stock of next sea- $)/, We PRINCE RUPER® | C O A L 4") the Street and One Man 1 son's goods we are offer- | Has Throat Cut oe od JOHN E. DAVEY —_| new Wallington Coal, Bat oe “We always deliver the goods.” TEACHER OF SINGING Coast New Westminster, Dec. 17 Wake Sooke from Tire up PUPIL OF WM. FOXKON, bee., 4.R.A.M., LON. He R ers & Black _Find It Through a News Want Ad. word was received hore of a[2n@ ret Phone 168 Green|f Oe oy es pinot poosanmeveregemne 106 7 — - ae ~~ |$ @ilts, from 10c. up per roll 3$| —THE - | (0 ww THE Westholme Lumber Co. | s=#,0un wow omoz {9 ..,BAYNER wos. J)/PRINCE RUPERT FED TE Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley "|} SURLAPS Creare ‘Mivanen 2 —LIMITED— ps 8rd Ave. near éth Bt Phone No. 86 Dealers FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM Vex-ta Dor-na double dy FEED AND LANDS —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— LANDS ed, soft burlap, per yd.,20e HAY, GRAIN — Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on Imperial and Colonial fill SEEDS easy terms. Lumber and Mouldings ed, dyed, per yard... .30e E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd 6t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 OPEN, DAY AND NIGHT All Kinds of Building Supplies The A.W.Edge Co. 2nd Avenue NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000,00 VANCOUVER, B.C. Agents for the Internalvonal Stock Free Phone 186 , 10 MAIL ORDERS PROMI! ATTENDEL een “Hon -Orawn for The Dally News >Y . a HOW WOULD (T 00 TO Tare THERE ARE Times } “OU SEE, I MADE THE MisTaiKeE OF Tris NEWSPAPER AND STUFF WHEN IM AcTuaLLY ZB LIFE -I TOLD THE Wire THE PRED iT oan, Se Liwe. ASTONISHED with c Se 2 WAS FOR HER AND OF CouRse PRESENT ToDaYx — tov INSIDE MY OWN CLEVER Ness r ? on SEE! ; = WOMAN LIKE , SHE INSISTED & AFRAID To Go IM ANG RUSK Ht NBLLNG- ——__ wy DO ‘ ~ oat ¥ . | | HOTS . ® 1412 - INTL - SND a