a 'I' Friday. November fAtll 1WO THE DAILY NEWS 42) (3) ) 15) J NEVER RISK DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER. I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE THAT MAGIC ALWAYS GIVES DEPENDABLE BAKING RESULTS . . SAYS MADAME R. LA CROIX. Afhtont Ditrttor of Ih Provincial School of Domeitic Scltnct, btontttal MAGIC costs not quite of a cent more per baking than the cheapest inferior hiking powders. Why not use this fine-quality baking powder and be sure of satisfactory results? "CONTAINS NO ALUM." Thlt ratrmrnt on wry tin I your guarantee that Maitic Haklnft Powtlrr I free from alum or any harmful lnrtuient. Made in THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Friday. Nov. 3, 1933 A GLORIOUS VICTORY The people of Prince Rupert are to be congratulated on the result of the election yesterday. They showed their confidence in T. D. Pattullo, the man who has represented them since 1916, and on this occasion they had the privilege of electing the man who in a few days will be Premier of the province. While the Liberal vote was large there was a large vote also given to the local member by Conservatives and Lab-orites who appreciate the marram! his work and the peculiar position in which the city is placed. They rose to the occasion splendidly and great credit is due them for placing the good of the community before party. A few former Liberals supported the C. C. F. candidate but nothing like as many as it was supposed would do so. Doubtless they did so conscientiously so everybody is happy. The outstanding feature of the election generally was the almost total defeat of the independents who got their just deserts for deserting their chief-at the last moment After receiving all possible benefits from their association with him. The catchword "the people are tired of the old parties," did not work. It was a political slogan coined for the purpose of trying to defeat the' Liberals and it failed. There are six more members to be elected, four in Victoria and two in Vancouver Centre. On the result of this deferred election will rest the decision as to what is to be the official opposition group and who is to be leader of the opposition. Possibly the position of leader of the opposition will be abolished. Mr. Bruhn, who aspired to be Premier finds himself almost alone in the new House and Attorney General Pooley Is absolutely alone, the sole survivor of a party that went into power five years ago under such auspicious circum stances and with such a large majority. It is the end of a political tragedv. CHEAT TASK AHEAD The new administration will have a great task ahead of it. The general financial condition of the province will have to be purveyed and dealt with and plans made for in-rfffpciVrY -tr..io"mnt o that thp unemployed can be put to work. It is a Herculean task but we have faith in our leader that he will tackle it with courage. We feel sure we can speak for many who voted against him that they, as, wellas his supporters, will be behind him in his efforts to better conditions and bring order out of chaos. Night School Classes , With the sanction of Commissioner Alder, Evening Classes In the Mbjectt listed below are being arranged during the coming week, to be held In Borden Street School. For these classes any person, of fifteen years of age or over is eligible. However, the classes are not assigned for students at present attending sehool, but for these who wish to extend their previous education. According to the regulations of the Department of Education, all Glasses must have an average attendance of at least ten in order to be maintained. CLASSES: (1) ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS. (Twice weekly.) A course In spoken and written English Intended for persons of foreign extinction .who desire to improve their knowledge of the language. BOOK-KEEPING AND ACCOUNTS. (Twice weekly.! Courses In Elementary and Advanced Book-keeping. BUSINESS ENGLISH AND ARITHMETIC. (Twice weekly.) FRENCH FOR BEQINNERS. (Twice weekly.) APPLIED MECHANICS. (Once weekly,) If sufficient Interest is shown, other classes may be added to the above. FEES: Fees ranging J mm. $1.50 to $3.00 per month wUl be charged for these courses. HEGlSTKATION; As -esasses will begin, op Monday, November Oth.. students may register at any date previous between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 P.M. at Uie office of George L Rorle. Wallace Block, where full particulars of the courses offered may be obtained. BADMINTON GATHERING The Piinre rtupeu Badminton Association, ai its annual meeting, elected Max Heilbroner as honorary president and A. O. Aves president. Other members of Ut executive for the season will be chosen and further organization perfected at another meeting of delegate to be held next Wednesday. The financial statement for last season was presented and approved at. the annual meeting. The clubs represented at the annual mMttiflff WM Halibut Arrivals American Constitution. 25.000. ard Venus. 20.000, Cold Storasre. 7.5c. and 5c Canadian Cape Bcaie 32.000 Cold Storage. 7.5c. and 5r Week-End Lowr rices The plane was here Tuesday night enroute from Anyox to Telegraph Creek and is due back in ' Pr,nce aain today . C. N. R. A.-J. A. Teas; and F. M. Ru?ert Dsvis. ' ... Skeeaa A. E. Parlow and A. O. Aves. Prince Rupert James Douglas and Frank Russell. Rupert Bast Miss Margaret McKay and Mitchell Oay. WILL FLY ON DUTY (Continued from Page 1 ballot box carrying flight to Tele-;.-.ph Creek and will use the machine for a flight to Porcher Island and the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands on official business. By using the plane, the government officials will be able to cover in a few days ground which by other means of transportation would take at least a month to tra-i verse and will be able to do so at ' the saving of considerable money In I addition to time. NEW COMPANY FORMED Continued from Pace 1 eouver. made an examination and reported 75,000 tons of ore could be obtained from known shoots. C. C. Richardson, president, inti mated some time ago that $150.0001 was needed to put the mine into production. "Thy Word Is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."-The Bible (V 4j We have a complete slock of Men's Furnishings, .Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hoots and Shoes of the highest quality. Rubbers and Rubber Hoots at great savings. Boys' Greb Boots, all so- Ladies' Q-l lid leather Overshoes vAsfJi? $2.50 10 $2.95 Ladies' Shoes QO CJQ H reg.. $4.25 " JBm Ladies' Fine Shoes, ret. m 32.95 I Ladies' Satin Slippers, Ladies' Brown HKf regular CQ AT Rubbers SP.50 VOVD B.C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED Next FrizzcII's Meat Market Phone Black 32 1 So many people drink LSENER regularly (it is B. Cs most popular beer) that even without further recommendation from us, there would be every reason why you should make it your favorite beverage, too! VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED DUTCH OIHL AND U. It. C. BOHEMIAN (SEEKS AND CREAM STOUT DOLLA CHILDREN'S WOOL CLOVES Pure Wool Scotch Knit, assorted colors and sizes, reg. value 60c pair C-J QQ v Dollar Day. 3 pair for LADIES' WINTEK WEIGHT VESTS Silk, Wool and Cotton Mixture. Watsons make, tailored finish CI QQ Dollar Day. 2 for Bloomers to match 2 pair for Dollar Day si.oo ANGEL SKIN PMNCESS SLIPS Angel Skin Princess Slips, form fitting style lace trlmmed, assorted shades CI ft ft ASV.W. SKIN BKASSIEK ; PANTIE SETS Assorted shades, tailored and lace trimmed styles beautifully finished CI flO Dollar Day. set GIHLS k MISSES SILK Si WOOL HOSE Extra special value for Dollar Day Girls RUk St Wool Plaited Hose, stacs 8 to 10 SI ;A 00 Dollar Day. 3 pair for LADIES' BOXED HANDKEItCIIIEFS 25 Doe Genuine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, all while colored hand embroidery, boxed., three handkerchiefs to the box SI 7XUU 00 Dollar Day. 4 boxes for LADIES' FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS White Flannelette, good quality short sleeves assorted trimmed Dollar Day, each EMIiltOIIIEItED PILLOW CASES Embroidered Pillow Cases, assorted colored embroidery. Irish made, laundered SI t?XVHJ 00 ready to use; Dollar Day, pair IIOUKOCKSES FLANNELETTE Horrockses 32 inch White Flannelette Q-l QQ British make. Dollar Day. 8 yds for WHITE FLANNELETTK Good quality White Flannelette soft t? -J QQ and warm. Dollar Day. 7 yards f..r JA,"V HALF BLEACHED SHEETS Extra heavy quality half bleached Sheets, large size. 7x90 Inches CI QQ Dollar Day, each ?XVV I'OTTCKS ENGLISH 1'KINTS Potters English Prints. 38 inches wide, guaranteed absolutely fast colors, various CI QQ designs Dollar Day. 4 yards for AY Saturday - Fraser & Payne's Open Saturday Night till 10 o'clock BELOW ARE A FEW OF OUR DOLLAR DAY ITEMS. SEE WINDOW'S FRIDAY FOR FURTHER SPECIALS MAY BELLE BLOOMERS & VESTS 50 Doz. Vests & Bloomers, May Belle quality, extra special tor Dollar ltlt l De-Lustred Extra Good Quality VU Taiiored Bloomers, 3 pair for Extra Good Quality Vests, built up .shoulder, 3 for finish. Sizes, small, merliu m and large. Q1 OH May Belle De-Luxe quality Bloomem Q-l An OJ-alJU lare lace trimmed, trimmed. t I nalr pair fss far ?A.UU SI.OO LADIES' & .MISSES' VVOOL GLOYES Pure Wool Scotch Knit Gloves, assorted styles and colors, all perfect. re price Cf QQ v 78c pair: Dollar Day. 2 puir for Mny Belle De-Luxe Quality Vent, built up shoulder. 2 for S1.00 Pt'Kn.K HEATHEK KNITTING Y.VUN Baldwins and Pa ton's Purple Heather K Ysni. 30 shades. 4 ply Dollar Day. 8 l-os. balls I1AIIY BLANKETS $1.00 Baby Blankets, part woo), check deli animal patterns. aUe 30x40 Inches Defer Day. each HEAVY WADDED QUILTS Cn-Umnr covered, full sises 64x73 inch with new sterilised cotton, assorted patterns: Du!l.tr Day. each ENGLISH PKiyTUD inil)SI K-I)S r at roll i uMtied designs, size Tlx') Uu Sirs. Dollar Day. each CHBTUNNE Special value. English printed Cretonne .designs, fust colors Dollar Day. 8 yards for 59c 82.20 S1.39 81.00 KNGLIIH SHADOW CLOTH la inches wide, assarted pattsras. eaeeUn fast colon Q-l AA Dollar rVi v 9 varrla fnr vA.UU ALL SILK IHtAfiiMY DAMASK M Inches wide. All Balk Drapery Dan: colors, a&surted designs, reg IH CI A A vA.UU vri rinll.ir n,.v vrt -Men's and.Boys' HOYS' I'l'ME WOOL GOLF HOSI Hoys Pure Wool Uolf Hose ssmH! mixtures, colored tops, stars 8 to 10 CI flf) Dohar Day 3 pair for QX.) HOYS' ri'HK WOOL GOLF HOSE itoys fure wool uou Hose, better km sbove sixes 7l3 to 10 Dollar Day. 2 pair for from close in. Kruuse bmuKht off a Iiooth returned to the attack and Dybhavn stopped Cameron on the The Junior League football game iln. iiusov at ut n thrmwh tnr 'postponed from last Saturday be- Uooth. Cameron had another try tween Booth Memorial and Borden aiMj Holkestad aad Davie shot but Street Schools was played yester- posing cleared. Catneran was nearly day afternoon and a splendid match through again but Dybhavn blocked resulted In a win for Borden by two ue shot and Borden held the lead, goals to one. j unit, n,- m nH hin in iu fovnr Booth-Krauss; Hlce, BasttnaA; Borden had the best of the opening I1'' I exchanges and O'Ncm Peat Krouse ' , '"' v'',re' with a high shot that the goalie IIWK1- handled but could not clear. Booth Borden- Postuk; V. Wllilscroft. forwards made headway with nice Dybhavn; OrmMon, Mh. Fitch; combination but Dybhavn and Wll- Monkley, Barton, O'Nettl, Ooltok. Itscrof t cleared. Monkley was dan- Currie. but put behind Barton went serous w. w 0 Q.mn rWMWti kM p elose and Uien Husoy tecd Postuk EUy atH j, 0uws ww lmta0n with a fine drive. A long drive from Monkley beat Krausc and put Dor- The league UaMMnf to data; den two goals up. W. D. L. P. A. P. : jjie tecond hair was in favor of "Hju 4 0 0 18 3 8 This advertisement Is not .publlsncd or displayed by the Liquor which Borden Booth sl)ot pqply.. .Cftjneron 2 0 3 4 10 4 Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ' wai high and Carlyle shot over Booth I 0 4 5 14 2 1 i si.oo AlEfS HKOAfK LOTH SIIIUT & TIE FOB JU'J Fine Quality Englbh Brriadrloth Shirt HtH'ii. blue and tsn with tie to SI 00 match. Dollar Day. Shirt and tie for v-l.UU HOYS' GEM'INi: LfaTIIEIt HELMETS Genuine U-.ther Black or Brown with CQp OJl Ootlgles tjollar Day MEN'S I'l kC WM)1. tVOHK SOf KS Natural Color Puie Wool Work 8xks Q4 ( good heavy qu.illty: Dollar Day. 8 pr hoys' wiiiPCoiiD niii rcin s Boys Whipcord Breeches, double seat knees, lacrd front: sbm M to 34 CI Qs bohar Oay. pair TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS Extraordinary vnluos for Dollar Day. Ruu of the mill, vry Towl p" ' " Iiut half regular price. Size 35x17 inches. Colored English CI AO I 8ise 48x23 inches. Faacy Jacatiersd C 1 Aft Towels. 7 for Size 44x21 Inches, Towels 5 for Colored English BORDEN ST. IS WINNER si.oo and Chfck Effects, 3 for MBMawaaBajaBanaBVBMVBaaMSVBaaBSMaiaBBaaBBaaMSMSSs sa Size 4x25 inches. Punry Jarsjuered and Check Effects. 2 for I Ritchie lad hard luck Muii tk free kick splendidly but Kr.iuse cleared Tlien. when Currle shot SI.OO Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies by an expert. Bear rim-ted In any style. OuiM a specialty. All work lest first dufe FUIlfi MADE UP Write For rrkfi K. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, H.C TYPEWRITERS I'or Sale or Ken Rose, Cowan & Phone 331 Latia AdcrtUe in tne DilW