1 PAOB FOUR SAMPLE SHOES HUH At Low Prices BARGAIN PRICES Any lady weiring sizes 1 or 4 can get some splendid sample shoes at half price. SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's Leading Family Hotel Hat It Cold Water In all Rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. SPECIAL WINTER RATES $12 Per Month and Up We have Just Received a Big Shipment of Sample Shoes From Leckie's These are for men, women, misses and children and are being sold at CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue Coal Prices Alberta's Best Lump $12.50 Alberta's Best Egg , 11.50 Alberta's Best Stove 11.00 Pembina Egg , 11.50 Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Developing and -Printing Send Your Films Direct to WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Service Prince Rupert TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Prince Rupert Liberals Record ( Decisive Victory 1 (Continued from page one) I opposition from the C. C. F. i I The Winches, rather and son, i were C. C. F. victors in Burnaby and Vancouver East respectively. No less than twenty-eight occupations are listed by the forty-one candidates thus far elected, lawyers leading with five EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone Blue 320 The most efficient service is the more economical. Our new equipment Is the latest in servicing, assuring you the best work. Why not have a proper aerial. Estimates on antenna installations cheerfully given. Superior Radio Service 336 Second Avenue, Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 112 A. O. BARTLETT C. II. INSULANDER .THE DAILY NEWS PLAY VERY DELIGHTFUL Young: People of First United Church Score Hit With Presentation of 'The Liitle Clodhopper" A very dellchtful entertainment was the three-act sketch "The Lit tle Clodhopper" presented before a well-filled auditorium in First United ChuYch last night by a clever cast of young people under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid with Mrs. John Manson as director. Every character was well taken, leaving little to be desired. and Miss Cathie Irvine, who virtually made the audience alternately laugh and cry with her depletion of the title role, was outstanding. Members of the supporting cast also did splendidly while the extras, in their old-fashioned costumes, were particularly amusing. The story it-sol f proved interesting and provided a great deal of humor. The complete cast consisted of Miss Cathie Irvine. Miss Victoria Krikevaky. Miss M. Feero. Mis E M. Barl. Earl Gordon. Elmer Thompson and Ralph Moore. The 'country folks" extras were Mrs. Halph Moore. Mrs. Rimer Thomp-on. Mis Oeraldlne Feero. Mrs. O V Wllki-son. Bert Cameron a no hll Edgecombe. Pretty stage decorations were a 'eature. Much favorable commen' tos also heard in regard to the sections rendered by the Junior "iymphony Orchestra under direc-'ion of Bert Cameron. Rev. C D Clarke was stage manager and M I Dougherty was In charge of nake-up. Usherettes were Miss Mona Yates and Miss Elisabeth Wilson. Followi-g the entertainment, re freshmen ta were served to those taking part by the Ladies' Aid. The play will be repeated this evening. POPPY DAY People of Prince Rupert Aked To Observe It In Prac Ileal Way The usual sale of poppies in con nection with Remembrance Day will take place tomorrow, Saturday, when the Poppy Tag Day will be observed. The City Commissioner has given his consent and. unW the ausDices Of the Women's Auxil iary of the Canadian Legion with the Imperial Order of the Daugh ters of the Empire, street sales will be conducted as in the past. The poppies themselves are made in the Veteran workshops at Vie torta by disabled soldiers. These are bought by the local branch which remits the cost to the workshops at Victoria. The surplus is then expended among local needy returned men and their dependents. The wreaths which are a ra liable to various organisations and the general public are also made by disabled veterans so that the purchasers are helping the living while at the same time paying in a small way a tribute to the memory of the 68.000 Canadians who make of Flanders Fields a spot that Is for ever Canada And there are 170.000 who in 1933 still bear the marks and scars of war Buy a poppy in remembrance." They were worth waiting for . . . You will say the same when you see and hear the New DE FOREST GR0SLEY 1 Star RADIO at Kaien Hardware H Drop In and sec samples now. r- wvwiJt UU6 in lew udg NAVAL FILM IS SHOWING Hell Below" Feature Offering at Capitol Theatre Here This Week-End Robert Montgomery. Walter Hus ton. Madge Evans, Jimmy Durante, FhiMi Pallette and Robert Young head an outstanding cast In "Hell Below." sensational drama of submarine warfare, which is to be the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this weeK-ena. With thrills of submarine adven ture, action under the surface of the ocean, torpedoing of destroyers. the destruction of an Italian lort-ress and harrowing escapes from depth bombs and mine layers as a vivid background, the story depicts the romance between a naval lieutenant, played by Montgomery, and '.he daughter of his commander. Miss Evans being the daughter and Huston, the commander. A stlrrtna emotional conflict in the Dlot is lightened by the antics of Durante, and Pallette also has an important lighter role. Robert Young plays a poignant part in the tragic romance. It i said to be one of toe most 'hrilllnt: marine spectacles that has rver reached the talkies. Much of the action was filmed at the Honolulu naval base. Address Was Postponed By Rotary Club A fish lunch was served yesterday to the members of the Rotary Club In recognition of Nstionl tsh Week but toe address on the fisheries was postponed out of rr-vpect to Mrs. Norman Watt. whoe husband Is a member of the club C. R. Cocks of Vancouver sailed 'act night on the Prince Oeonc 'or a trip to Vancouver SPRAINS . M.tf', hi .It. Ii Un MltMMIM, II I It 1 1, Put i you on your fsef I ORANULATBD SUOAR 10 lbs SWIFTS BACOW- Dlamond A, per lb. HKLMKT CORNBD HIKF- 2 tins KINO OSCAK SAHDINE8 3 tins . MATCH SS8 3 boxes to pkg CIUfiCO-6-lb. tin per tin HLEACIIKD RAISINS 2 lbs FLOUR Alberta I lose 49's. per sack 75c 20c 25c 36c S1.33 35c S1.44 FLOUR Alberta Itose (JO Ws. per sack I O PASTRV FLOUR Ts per sack CORN MEAL a per sack 29c: 29c O RAPB8 Tokay -f - per lb J- Free delivery on all orders 12 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 517-19 Third Avenue Weil P.O. Box S7S Phone II FRIDAY and SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 ti 9:20 Admission 15c & 50c SATURDAY Matinee, 2:30 Admission 15c Sc. 35c COMEDY THRILLS & Tue J "IE (1001) COMIAMOXJ ROMANCE "Hell Below" With ROHERT MONTGOMERY, MAnfiB'pvVvl WALTER HUSTON, JIMMY DURANTE. 1 Submarines vs. Airplanes. The greatest urath-klrurile .i. the talking screen. A Sl-O-.M Release M' Musical "ONi: STLP AIII'AD OF MY SHADOW "ULA.M'l HI I III. .-IIUL.tJMI JMJ, J MlTlmw.l DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Friday and Saturday Fresh Killed Rulkley Valley Poultry Roasting Chickens lb. 2.'ic Frying Chickens, lb. 25c Roiling Fowl, lb 20c TURKEYS i 1 COO.I or I -L iiv. 1 It '5 sure to plea.se you very wpll For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Itsji Intra lied Itajrs Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. A SPIN ALL D.C. (Chiropractor) flreen 211 Phones Hrern Stl Kichanie Mock Fresh Killed Veal RoHHt lg Vf;U. !l 1S( RoHt Loin Vf-al. il 13 Sh'ld'r Rat. Veal. lOc Veal Stow, lb. Veal Chojw, lh. i.v Extra Specials Ayrshire Hacon, lb. 17-Jc Sliced Bolojrne. lb. 10c Cambridge Saus'ge lb 10c Shldr. Lamb Rat. lb. 15c Phone 10 Service Pork Tenderloin Pork Steaks, lh Pot Roast Rt ! Lamb Stew. V 1 l?f i$fc phone sv tmx MT A SW H M Pioneer Rutt:t: Est. nn TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE 1 1 II i "mur nr rv mi n -511 YOU SAVE ON OUR SPECIALS We Need Your Patronage Let's Gel Together j J1F SOAP FLAKSB- 3 plupi - . . . . 5()C FHKB 1 Clip and Saucer with each purchase. Reliable and economical re pairing of all makes of radio guaranteed Phone: Blue Fresh Milk and i C0AL! C0A Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone f57 Our Famous Edsnn K." ,: Oulkley Valley Coals arf tv ied to give satl.far,T n n tnn of Na I Uulklfl VJ:T 1 lso Kll Timothy 1UJ "j Oats snd Bsriey f'rincc Rupert FccdCa SI Phonet - M" WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING PHONE US We have qoixU -for all your re-mentH and at prc" suit all pur PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone T18 The AUCTIONEER WraPP Packing-crating. R'PW & Ocneral Furniture List your goods with Thone nut GEO. J. DAWES III !' I If your paper does not arrive, telephone the offl