NEW Morning Four Others Injured and Slight Property Damage Done AH Schools of California City Closed Pending Examination by Engineers I.ns ANGELES, Oct 2: (CP) A short, sharp earth-cuake shock which rocked Southern California early this ri'-rrunK resulted in one death, injury to four others and :g property damage. Against the possibility of further f . nn severe disturbances, all Los Angeles public t !- have been ordered closed until engineers can exa- .raatae the structures with respect to BANKS TO RE-OPEN Dteetits ( Seven Bttllen Dollars Hi!) be Freed When 311 Itutl-lotions fa Stairs Resume WASHINGTON. Il.C Oct 2-Thtts hundred and seventy-five attional banks In thirty-seven iff rent slate which have been teied slme the bank holiday of Uit Marih will be re-opened almost immediately and the De-ysrtment of the Tie-awry I now erking on plans to rcorianlte tr.i rt open hundreds mote banks tajtr President franklin D. Ksoitvtlts inflation program, it it announced at the week-end. The opening of I he 3TS banks :" mult tn the re4clng of seme t WH QeS.SOQ irf deports which kv been "froien" for the pait tit months. Vancouver Stocks ' uui g. D tx) Vancouver Bg Missouri. M. S h X 4 B t'"iu . M. ' Gold. I.lsV. ' 'X 01 '" 'vin River, M. . v Jim. 94. M- M " Star. JaV It-, Ron. MVij. "nl Stiver. UK. " Five, II. I- "fille. 1JL V "r Iflsho. .10. irler. 1.JJ. F'winl 09. r. i,., i (,2, y v.r crest. .94. hiteI(or, eVk lk4). navf,y 03. ()Ul ' w '"vn .0OTt. ""Hie l as 30. ' alnmnt. It. 6 fng Paelflc, M. . Toronto "?if1rla. ,03, ""l Patrtcia, TO. ""'id Lake. J7. ''"'attrts. 36.30. Fll,n-ltt, i 25 J"l Nlektl. 60 J'tnada. .86. Mris.a. ijrf ' bju. l.. 77 - TAXI 77 (TOMMY'S) Tomorrow's Tides Stand, Caplto! Theatre Block High . 0:44 am. 21.1 ft. Day and Night Service 12:58 p-m. 21.9 ft. 7-Passenger Chrysler Car Low - 6:55 am. i2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 19:22 pm 2Z ft. V- XX fV . No 229. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1933 III Sai '- jaj a.. j j i j lawaMMaiwMMMMHMMM,1MMWMMM1MMM BOX TACTORY IS IN OPERA TION ANOTHER SHARP EARTHQUAKE One Death Is Caused By Disturbance This Down Coast .their saietv Considerable alarm was earned by today's shock. ! i ritOVIDINO NECESSITIES ! lOlt WOKKLliSS IN WINTER Aboard the PrtaMattttal Train. Rnrouts to Cbknan. Oct. 3: CT-Tbi creation of a swetmsmit Bon-perK ox. porattoo to buy and distribute BetewstUes of Ufe to Use iumsu p4oyd this winter waa an- nounced hut nfcxht by Presi- dent Ftanklrn D Roosevelt while en route to Chicago to attend the Amerteaa Lofton convention and the Century of Proems Exposition. The pro- atdent expects such a move to bring about an increase in ag- rtrultural pricea. 0 o VERDICT IS CONSIDERED Jury In l'rchel Kidnapping Case ItctiiM in Oklahoma City-Kelly Trial Soon OKLAHOMA CITY.. Oct. I The ry la the case of flee men and one mamn who are on trial hare in connection with the recent kidnapping of Chariet Urachal. Oklahoma CRjr millionaire, retired last Fri day night to consider its verdict. The preatdint Judge told the jury that it could remain In deliberation luring the night but that court would not be re-convened until aject day to receive the verdict.' Oeorge ' Machine Oun" Kelly, no-, toitoua gangster, who waa taken In a aarprtse capture at Memphis. Tenn.. hat week, waa brought here yea-tefday and lodged in the county )ail under special guard and will aftM face trial in connection with the Urachel kidnapping. October 0 to aet as the date for the opening of Kally a trial Marconi Hailed At World's Fair Inventor of Wlrelwn Arrives in Chicago and Is Tendrred nan' quet Sunday Night CIIICAQO. Oct 3 Slgnor Ou- Marconi, inventor or in . .rrivMi here yesterday . fMsB Italy to pay a visit to the Cen-, hurried visit to the Century of Pro-Praereas Brposltton He wag greas Exposition, and will be In New 11 1 lussl of honor at a banquet Itm . . . . i.w k. u hoUMi a one uaaA 11 lwm . su Willi a fBTaawta) ama " JeJ t sreateat . . Inventors an and bene- IfiUora to mankind of the century, MANY LOTS ARE SAVED Little More Than Half of Ordinal List Actually Offered at Annual City Tax Sale According to an announcement made today by City Conntrnloner W. J. Alder out of IIS loU which sixty days ago were due to go up at the annual city Lax sale this year by reason of non-payment of 1931 taxes only IIS were actually offered, the balance hating been redeemed prior to the opening of the sale on Saturday. No additional properties were sold to private bidders at the resumption of the sale this morning. IS LAID AT REST Military and Masonic lienors Accorded Late William Bell This Afternoon MMtary and Masonic hoeers e$ igaoidwl deceased' at Jfee f u neral of the late WUMaai A. Deil which took phre this aftemoon from the ehapei of the BO. Under takers to Falrvfew Cemetery Many friends of deceased were present to pay their final trtbtea of respect and eateem to hat memory. Following the senrlce at the dsa pel which w conducted by Rev Dr F. W. Da roe. paator of First Baptist Church, with W. Vavghan Devles presiding at the organ to accompany the hymns. Tatmpsean Lodge. AM k AM. took charge and "ondurted the eommrtta! service at the cemetery with J J. Utile, the worshipful master, in charge. After the Masonic burial service, the Last Post" was sounded by Barter t'Uliam Ranee as the remains were being lowered to their final reailng place. raDbaarers were 3. 8. Neaton, W. II. Shortrldfe. Robert Gordon. Ro-Sort Stuart. O. J. Dawea and Jas Watt There were awnemts ftoral of-fertnot. ' Deceased served la France during the greater part of the Great War. He enlisted at Calgary November i. ll. with the Kaghty-Nlnth Battalion and served with the Second Canadian Infantry after arrival in Franre. later being tranaferred to the famous Seventh Battalion Following the Armistice. he received his honorable discharge on May 17 1019 ROOSEVELT IN CHICAGO Chief Eiecutive of States to Address American Legion Convention and See Fair WASHINGTON. DC. Oct. 3: President Franklin D. Roosevelt was peeedlng last night from here to Chicago by special train to attend and address the annual convention of the American Legion at which It k expected 300.000 veterans will assemble today. The president, who la accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, was expected to reach Chicago at noon wamy. uc win epena wuy a few hours In that city, paying a &ric tomorrow to speax oewe a convention of Catholic charities. . laAvlrur leaving rew M yorx weoneway on nis .retain to Washington. j FORD Ttj BE-OPEN ALL HIS PLANTS AT HIUHER WAGES e ' e DETROIT. Oct 2: It waa e announce yesterday on behalf of HenrAFord that the auto- mobile magnate waa prepar- tag to reopen all his plants In i the country at foil atrentth. restoring vagc scales to the levels at 'which they steed be- fore the depression. 4 f SHIPlWAS DISABLED Pacific Commerce lias Enrine Trouble Off West Coast and Is Towed to Victoria VANCOUVER. Oct. 2: CP I -The tnotorsrdp Pactfk Commerce, bound I from Vanogwver to Montreal, broke down with engine trouble off Car'0 apending the week-end hi the maaah Petal West Coast of Van- building of a new cabin on the skl-couver latand. FrMt. niaht k iag grounds there, he waa stricken Salvage KUng reaching the scene at j noea en Saturday and tewtnr the! dUabled, veeeel to Vkteftaler re47e hcadaehc,, Medfctgid waa pam The Pacific Commerce was en we to Port Arbernl to pick up lumber when she broke down CONFESSES TO ARSON ierman Touth Tells Court How He Set Hre to Reichstsg Buildings Early This Year UBPSIC. Oermany. Oct. 3: A -with, one of the five men who are m trial for their lives here In con- tectlon with the burning of the Heichstag buildings in Berlin early this year, on eased at the week-end that his had been the hand which had been responsible for the fire. He told the court particulars of how he had started the conflagration. Police Court Fines J For Year Nearly Up to Last Year Police court fines tn Prince Ru pert for the month of September this year, totalling 394ft as compared with $37 in the ame month Last year, brought the total for 1933 to im as against $3011 la the fust nine months of Wit. Marriages Are More Numerous Remit of Lifting of Economic I)e-presslon In United States NEW YORK. Oct 2: The lifting oi the economic depression In this track sports. He was also one of the country is apparently having the prime movers in the Junior Cham-effect of Increasing the number of , her of Commerce organisation here marriages On Saturday there were I and was very popular ' In social no less than 214 marriage cere-1 circles. monies performed In the etty. the The family will have the deep number of licences Issued during the sympathy of many friends. In Its sad day being 187. After having spent a month holidaying at his home In the city. W. J. Nelson left on ftitnniv r.'hanU at th n O. UnrirriiiVrrc ternoon , ... for ... Falls River to resume nw auties with the Northern B.C. Power Co , - - ... 1 SHOCK : HIS DEATH IS SUDDEN Henry llrilbroner Train ally Stric ken While Spending Week-End At Work on Ski Cabin Up Mountain Was Very Popular Lived Practically All lib Life In Prince Rupert and Was Prominent in Athletic and Social Life ' Death coming with tr-jir t. enneas eairy yesterday morning- .emoved one of Prince Rupert s est known and meat popular young men in the person of Henry i rfeilbroner. aged 33. sea of Mr. and Ait. Mai Hellbroner of thai city. A teraber of a party of young people ho had climbed Mount OMtield Haturday rtight with the Intention suddenly, during the rjfc&V with what waa at lint supposed to be Til nt feSwiheexprrrd abaw A a.m. oefore it was possible to bring a ductoftd him Death Is beeieved Co iave been the result of a hemorr lage of the brain due to exertion. In company of Alex Mitchell and Jimmy Dreamer, deceased made the limb up the mountain during the if ternooa. Bach had a pack of about ifty pounds and the trip up the jountamatde took about an hour and a half. Rremaer and Mitchell vent to work on the outside of the build tog whtte deceased worked in he interior. During supper about 6 o'clock Henry coraptarned of a headache Following the meal the young people had a friendly game ol bridge but ceased playing about 9:30 owing to deceased's headache be coming more Intense. During the night. Henry became Increasingly restless and rose to take tablets, also making himself a strong cup of tea. MttcheU rising also to help look after him. Such remedies as were available were applied and about 2 ociock u was aeciaca w sena ior a doctor. Or. L. W. Kergm was called and the parents and poAee advised Meanwhile. Henry had passec away in the arms of Alex Mitchell shortly alter the doctor had been sent for. Later In the morning the remains were brought to town. Deceased for the tost year or so had been subject at Hmag to rather severe headaches. Born in Vancouver Rorn in Vancouver, the late Henry Hellbroner had resided practically aU his Ufe in this eHy. He attended the local schools and spent a couple of years at Kingston Mill-Vary College. Dulrng the past few years he had been associated with his father in the local Jewelry business. He took a prominent part In athletic affairs such as tennis, bad mlnton. swimming, football and j .bereavement. Besides, the grieving! father and mother, there Is a sister. Miss Maxlne Hellbroner. Funeral arrangements are. In the. An Inquiry l being held thU af- ternoon by Deputy Coroner A. J. Lanwswt. IN LOS Production r . . A U ueurgewum riant ana Shipment Landed Mill is Employing Twenty Men at Present With Possibility Of Increase 20,000 Feet of Lumber is Being Cut Daily The new box factory of the Georgetown Lumber & Box Co., of which W. R. McAfee and S. E. Sunbury of this city are the principals, started nroduction last wepk nnH th first shipment of boxes from Saturday. Under present conditions, there will be a payroll of twenty men at the plant but an improvement in ceneral ndiUons might soon result in ana? nerease by fifteen. At present 20,000 1 leet f lumber k being cut daily, all of which Is being manufactured nto boxes. The company hat opened R city illitx tn part of the premises of S. J. Johnston Oo. Ltd. o n t TROOPS ARE" MOVED TO SANTIAGO. CUBA. I.V7XA R" O fS TRUCE" HAVANA, Oct. 2: Troops j were being rushed yesterday by p the Cuban government to San- itago. one of the important cities of the republic, following receipt of reports that a gen- eral strike was being three- tened as a protest at the attl- tude of the San Martin gov- ernment toward the Interests e of organized labor. ANNOUNCE PROGRAM C. C. F. Tells Public What It Would Do If Put Into Power at Forthcoming Election VICTORIA. Oct 2: (CP) The council of the Co-operative Commonwealth I Federation completed ! Its party's election program at a convention here during the weekend. It concludes with: "co-operation with other provinces to obtain complete socialization of all financial machinery of the rountry and. If compelled by a situation of provincial emcrgrncy, to develop a purely provincial credit based on provincial resource." If elected, the party would investigate the administration of relief funds in the province under the present government. NO FISH ON SATURDAY No boats being hi with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the local fish exchange on Saturday SEND USFD CLOTHES FOR NEEDY TEOrLE ( Those having used clothes of I any kind for men. women or children will kindly send them to ORMBS DRUG STORE GORDON'S HARDWARE y S GROCERY The Gyro dub Is arranging distribution to those who are badly In need this faU. Dee- tlons will be acknowledged In this paper. J ANGF1FX Start, At n, . , the olant was landed hpr NEW YORK MART WEAK American Telephone Drops Oft Three Points and Other Issues Influenced NW TOROct 2;-Weakneu W AmecJeafl 'lepJlBrt stock which declined three points featured weakness of stocks generally on thi New York Exchange Trtday The Industrial average at closing was 04.34. off .43: rails. 41.07. off .53; utilities. 2611. off M, and bonds, 93.94. off .1. A.F.LSPLIT IS LOOMING Form of General Organization to be Threshed Out at Annual Convention Next Week WASHINGTON. D.C.. Oct. 3: A definite spirt at the annual convention of the American Federation of Labor this week looms over the question of general organisation. There appears to be a definite trend of opinion towards the belief that the In teres of the Federation .and its members might be better served if It were reorganized along uMBscrtaJ lines with the component membership divisions revised akmg Industrial instead of craft lines as at present constituted Supporters of such a ehaage feel that tt would be of advantage If the subordinate organisationa be classified according to Industries such as automobile manufacturing, steel, etc Irrespective of the crafts. New Train Service Is Now Effective Time Table Giving Three Trains Per Week In Each Direction Starts Today Winter train service on th Prince Rupert-Jasper Park line of the Canadian National Railways comes Into effect today with thre mixed trains per week In eaeh direc tion. Trams wtll leave for the east at S:30 Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and will arrive from the east at 10 o'clock Tuesday., Thursday aad Saturday nights. SENATOR McADOO BACK FROM TRIP TO SOVIET RUSSIA LOB ANOH.Bg. Oct. 2:-Scnator WtUtam Gibbs McAdoo returned yesterday after a hurried trip to j Russia.