iav, December 18, 1912 THE DAILY NEWS \| DON’T PAY RENT or High Rate « fl || WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY | TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES TO PAY OFF moRTGaGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT. PER YEAR WE GUARANTEE time when your on 5 } be p aid oe ce open evenings INTERNATIONAL. HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block. M. E. Ritchey, Supt. Phone 455. nan w- FERGUSON’S ‘P. & O- Liqueur Scotch Whisky TESTIMONIAL Dr. Ramsay, Fleetwood, reports:—‘‘Consider it of excellent quality, and very suitable for valids requiring stimulants DISTILLERS ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited AGENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee BERBER RRR RRR RRR Ee AP SE Read The Daily News The CUJGH MUST GE CURED, THE SYSTEM BUILT UP, ie fur iction o: Mathieu's ‘up of Tar and Cod Liver Oil » do this double duty. The Tar cures the cough. Harry Broadbent, of Ottawa,;manager next season He tray lhe Cod Liver Oil strengthens who was slated to play with the|have some announcement to the system professionals, will stick with the|make after the American League No other agents equal these, amateurs. He signed an Ottawa|meeting in the east noother combination is so success. |CONtract, but did not take any ne ful as Mathieu's Syrup of Tar | money. Pitrie is the only player who 1d Cod Liver Oil. —_—_—— escaped the dragnet of the Coast >» wonderful is this remedy Alf, Smith is now mentioned as|League Everybody else they that ‘nat it is shipped each season in [coach of Quebex Last week he|went after they secured — ™ car-loads. Large bottle 35 cents. | was supposed to have been Ss. eve r nT nT a rywhere signed by Tecumsehs and Can- The Toronto and recumseh Vhen headache and fever are present =e <_ & cold take Mathieu's Nervine Powders adiens. Smith must have almanagements both laugh at the reduce the fever d all h Mathieu Ce., ‘Prope. suing, ths ota 3 ie press agent. idea that they will be weak and — - claim they will show the eastern “Newsy” Lalonde’s salary is;teams as soon as they get started AND PURCHASE NOTICES. supposed to be $2,300 for the commas na aie lene > l/l season. He will play centre and New Westminster will have an Skeena Lan istrict istric ‘ ange V. » Cones, captain the Canadiens amateur hockey league this win ' a, wotien , tat I, Mike Vidak, of —— ter and try to develop players out rince Kupert, B. C., occupation restaurant . ' man, intend to apply for permission to Saskatoon expects to have aljat the coast. purchase the following described lands: ‘ “ » . . aes Ld ladies mmencing @t @ post planted about 2 great amateur hockey eeeun, files south from Graveyard Point tele-| says a report from that city. The Gilbert Gallant the Chelsea eraph office and being o@ the south side j f the Skeena River, thence south go| professional game is dead there.|lightweight, has fully recovered 8) chains, thence West 60 Chssas ee bem At first it was expected that|/from the recent injury to his arm f commencement, containing 640 acres|}Saskatoon, Prinee Albert, North|/and is looking for bouts tore or less MIKE VIDAK. Battleford and Old Battleford doorinansineiint Pub. Gant be — would inaugurate a “Big Four Windsor will be the scene professional league, but Prince lof a muss between Freddie Duffy okeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Albert decided to go in for ama-jof Boston and Jack White, the Take notice that I, Thomas A. Roy, Of|}teyrism and Saskatoon followed.|Chicago lightweight, on Decem- rrimece Kupert, B. C., occupstion pros ‘ cor, inteud to apply for permission to _- ber 20th. = og By gy ™ Gladwin promises to be worth satiibielienes south bank of the Skeena iver and about/every penny of the $6,000 trans- A story from San Francisco 2 Willies svulbeast of the muuth of Shames 4 , Kiver, thence south 80 chains, thence west] fer Sunderland paid for him has it that Ad. Wolgast contem- east 8v chains to post of Commencement, ——— plates mingling with the welters, vulaining 640 scres more x less. aor The outside lefts at present in|with the welterweight title in HUMAS A. ROY. Dated August 26th, 1012. the limelight for international | view > i we honors are Wall, Bache, Mordue —— skeena Land District—District of Coast,j)and Middlemiss Now that Ledoux, the French ——o tant eriaieas 3. Mogriage —_——_ bantamweight, has defeated Bat- Vancuuver, B. &., occupation broker, ip Reynolds, the Fulham goal/tling Reidy, he will perhaps be apply ior periuissiod to purchase ine following described lands keeper, played a brilliant game|matched to box either Johnny a. ar ; ee against Preston, some of his|Coulon or Kid Williams bortiwesterly direction from bumevliot/sayes being marvels of agility i , 200 avout bu0 [eet south of & small , , ience east 30 chains, thence nortn}/ and intuition. He is one of those For the seeond tine Willie a vreshure, thence soutmerly follow. |rare “ever presents’ who have} Ritchie's manager, Billy Nolan, ug t resuure Ww pyint of commence-| not missed a league match for| has produced a lightweight cham- due dai sulaiubg VU acres more oF jess. : WILLIAM J. MUGRIDGE the last three seasons. pion. Nolan was formerly man- VDaied tober sih, 1912 le - Je Pam. Gee aa teak | seer of Battling Nelson Tottenham's spectators must an . o e | nan keens Land yoo © Coast.) no marvels of forbearance, see-| The next boxing tournament at fake botice that Jobb Merritt, of Prince] ing that they turn up to the tune|the V. A. C., on December 20th, Huppert, vccupalen cCulslabie, miends Ww apply fur permission to purchase the fol-|of 20,000 or more each home | will be confined to home talent. luWiug Gescribed lands _- ‘ > » on-!|Che . » é vs Coummenciig &t & post planted on the| ame, and yet have only the sen het. MeIntyre will give all local orth bank of Lhe Quitamas Kiver, aboul)/ sation of a single win out of|boxers a chance to compete in chaius east of indian shack, theiice | ‘ bains, thence east 40 chains,| eleven matches. | the tournament. suul.4 Chains, thence west 40 to post of commencement, contain nell acres more or jess. | Billy Fitzgerald, the crack| The Finchley Harriers, a Lon- JUHN MERHMITT, Locator ‘ } ; A. UG. Faliowueid, Agent. | Toronto lacrosse player, ts go-|don club, will stage a fifty mile — on 16a sete jing to take a whirl at the hockey|running race in their sports at Pub. Sept. 27, a : | fame and will turn out with the|the Stamford Bridge grounds on en ee am "tates of 6884) Torontos or Tecumsehs | Whit Monday in 19413. The run- Take notice that Thomas Partington, of | — ning record for this distance, Seiki Mai ocupalun clerk, miends Ww} : ined ahaa “ apply "t 5 pormiseien "to purchase the fol Fielder Jones president of|6:18:26 2.5, is held byw J E jowihe Gescribed lands . . 2ete sarie ay . ore D ) “ee 2 ‘ UELCINg at & post planted op en the Northwestern League, may | Fowler-Dixon, now president of siaud one mule easterly from indian te-| become an American League|the London Athletic Club serve at mouth of Yuinames Hiver, tWhepce south 4 baims to river bank thence west! 7 a at hains following river bank, thence worth 40 Chains, Wence east 40 chains k R F Vi ORIA LAND PUCHASER NOTICES ue post of commencement, conteinig 160 CT acres lure f i955 THUMAS PAKTINGTON, Locator. MUST PAY HYPNOTIST Skeena Land District—District of Coast, A. G. FPaliowneid, Agent Range V Dated September 2nd, 1012 Take notice that George R. Naden, of rub. Sepi. 27 » 1942. SPORT CLIPPINGS | Backwith Ordered to Pay the Skeena Land District—District of Coast, : Kange V Damages Awarded Man lake notice that 1, Napoleon Roy, of | Whom We Arrested Wallace, idaho, occupation mili man, iD teud to apply for permission to purchase) the foliowing described lands; 4 as al 2 a aid Commencing at & post pianted about 1| Victoria, Dec. 417.—-There will i bu th of the Shames | : e iver. and about bef s mie south from|be, no stay of execution in thé 80 ‘ s River, thence} Siiad aoe “Se —- ce aie 80 chams,;Ccarrying out of the judgment whence north 80 chains, thence west 80; anit . sina Gragar ul st of commencement, convain-| rendered by Mr. Justice Gregory me S60 Otres Gare & NA POLBON ROY against Mayor Beckwith through Dated August 26th, 1912 which $1,000 was awarded to Pub. Sept. 86, 1048 Roy G. Barnum, hypnotist. Mr. skeeba Land District—District of Coast,| Justice Gregory delivered judg- Range Anent on the motion for a stay Take notice that Martha Ann Kruts, of : seaiue, Washington, occupation spinster,,;and he finds that there are not ee toleeiig described lands: | sufficient reasons for granting it xumencing at & post planted on the The sum was paid by the boundary of Lot 6151, Range 4, r 3 ast District, not yet gazetted (Kath-| mayor some time ago under pro- Agnew's application to purchase), he eal sl ‘ on post being about chains west of test, after which the motion wa be northeast oerner of this lot, thence) proyught for delay until an ap- ’ chains, thence west to east bank| "°° ; f Hocsall Kiver, thence southerly follow-| peal had been made to the Court uu eas bank of Hocsall River to the ai rrthwest corner of Lot 5154, thence fol of Appeal. wing north boundary of this lot to point Barnum, while engaged in his lubencement, containing 40 acres _— ssa iA ANN KRUTZ. And Get All the News pated october Had, 101 ee To those intend- 2-cylinder British Kromhout Engine, 50 H. P. -AGENTS— ©. Box 515 Rupert Marine Ironworks & Supply Co., ing to instal large power in launches tow, freight or fishing boats EN- QUIRE first for a British Kromhout Semi- Diesel Engine Fuel cheap, mainten- ance low and all the other qualifications for work. No gasoline wires, or batteries needed in a boat with a Kromhout Engine, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. performance as a_ professional hypnotist, engaged the Victoria Theatre for the evening of March 7th last. After advertis- ing his programme he appeared, the theatre, he alleged, being well filled with people who had paid their admissions, The perform- ance was interfered with, how- ever, the police arresting and locking up the performer. Bar- num alleged that their acts con- stituted an assault. In police court he was charged with unlaw- fully attempting give an in- decent performance and vs al- lowed out bail, an adjourn. being granted. The next evening he was again about to give his entertainment when he was again arrested and charged On Mareh th the magistrate dismissed the first charge against to on nent him and the other was dropped as a matter of course, His suit igainst the mayor, as one of the police commissioners, and Chief Langley was for $25,000 Mr. Justice Gregory found that although solicitors had been jimstructed to make an appeal to jthe higher court no formally made, _-—__———___ appeal had been Beautiful and rare things in jchinaware —- not high priced, jeither—-things that ladies covet } as Christmas gifts—can be se. pater in @reat variety at Wal. | !ace's. 204tf Prince Rupert, occupation broker, to apply for permission to lease lowing described lands: Commencing at & post planted about four distant in a southerly direction from Moore’s Cove, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to shore line, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. ae nee p. NADEN. er Danie! Lyons, Agent. Dated September 19th, 1912. Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. intends the fol- Skeena Land Degereee—paatviat of Coast, Take notice that |, aieienane Port Essington, B. C., occupation cannery- man, intend to apply for permission to purehase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 27, thence north 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to Lot 1746, thence south 20 chains more or less to the beach, thence follow- ing the shore to point of commencement, containing 40 acres more or less. ALEXANDER NOBLE Dated October 16th, 1912. rub, Nov, 11th, 1012—Jan. 6, 1913 Noble, of Sskeena Land District—-District of Coast, Rap Vv. ee Take notice that |, Sam Ennyu, of Kayex, British Columbia, occupation lum- berman, intend to ly for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 182, Range V, Coast District and on the north bank of the Kayex River, thence west 15 chains, thence north 15 chains, thence east 15 chains to the boundary of Lot 182 afore- said, thence cone =e } the said boundary 15 chains 1 commencement, containing 23° acres mere or less. SAM ENNYU. Dated October 10th, 1912. Pulm Nov. tith, 1012—Jan. 6, 1013 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range IV. Take notice that William J. Mogridge, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, intends to apply for rmission to the following deser lands ; Commencing at & post planted on the foreshore in Kumeolon Inlet, on Lot No. 187, thence east 20 chains, thence south 30 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to river bank, thence northerly fol- lowing river bank and foreshore to point of commencement, containing 60 acres more or less. MOGRIDGE. WILLIAM J. Dated November 15, 1012 P 25, 1012-—Jan. 20, 1913. ub. Noy ae = LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeens Land District-—District of Coast, Range IV. Take notice that Henry D. Foote, of Porcher Island, C,, occupation farmer, intends to apply for cones to lease | the following descr Cominencing a i TS sss on the t post and about % mule @sient in an oo direction from east shore of Boni the Ieghest polpt on the island, thence wos) 50 chains more or less to the west shore line of the thence in @ portherty direction vopuping the shore line to the north end of the island, whence in & southerly direction following the shore line e mt of commencement and containin, acres, or = less Locat Seouenen Hoot D oore. Locator HENRY MePedden, Agent Your Business - Your There is a good old fashioned reason for taking Life Insurance that was good yesterday, is good today and will be good tomorrow, to wit A man dying without enough life insurance, leaves either his business, or his family, or his memory in a bad ix. These three things are about all a man has to leave, and he wanis to leave them in a GOOD fix. Nine Men Out of Every Thousand Die Every Year. A thousand side by side, in a straight line A thousand soldiers face them, each with a rifle in his hands aimed at the thousand men Nine hun- dred and ninety-one of these rifles are loaded with blank cartridges, but NINE OF THE RIFLES ARE LOAD- ED WITH BULLETS. The men are all thirty-five years of age. They know that nine of their number will fall when the command to fire is given, but THEY DO NOT KNOW WHO THE NINE WILL BE. Comes a man who says: “I am a life in- surance agent. I offer to each of you the opportunity to protect yourself against the certainty of death in the ratio of nine to one thou- sand. EVERY MAN OF THAT THOUSAND IMME- DIATELY STEPS FORWARD AND TAKES OUT INSUR- ANCE.” men stand 1 Believe in Life Insurance for Some People, but Not for Me. Are you really different from other men? Perhaps you have not stopped long enough to think what life insurance is. You're making money, but you ean't tell how much ready cash may be left at your death, nor how much money will be neces- sary to protect your interests. No. you can’t escape life insur- ance. The idea will grow in your mind, because it is the right idea. Take fifteen minutes of your busy life and think it out as you would any other business problem. Think About This. Would it bother you to pay your monthly bills if you were to lose your position? Old Gabriel is liable to discontinue your sal- ary check at any time. If it would bother you to get along without it while you live, how would your family manage in event of your death? it Is Purely a Business Proposi- tion. Throughout your life, of course, you aim to make money, and for two reasons: 1. To get enough to support you while you live. 2. To make an estate to leave when you die. Both of these are uncertain, for you don't know how suecess- ful you are going to be, nor how long you are going to live. Life insurance makes both of these things certain. With life insurance you protect the present and reach into the future. As soon as you receive a policy you have an estate to leave should you die, and should you live you have created the estate to sup- port you in old age. | Am Saving Money in Other Ways. Do you insure your home against fire? Why do you not save your fire insurance prem- iums? This is the reason: Be- cause one building in twelve hundred and sixteen burns down, and you are afraid yours may be that one. But for every life there is a death. And don't for- get this: If your house burns you can still make money and build another, but if you die nothing can ever replace your money making ability except life insurance. Fire insurance is therefore a matter of choice, life insurance of necessity. § Don’t Expect to Dio. If you did we wouldn't insure you. How could we otherwise promise to pay $1,000 as against such a small first payment? Here is how we calculate: Out of one thousand healthy men at age 30, two hundred will die in 20 years, but we don't know which ones, and neither do you. We are safe in taking a small payment teday, as against the $1,000 we may have to pay to- morrow, because we insure large numbers. Your wife is carrying the risk of your being among the 200. 1 Am Already Carrying Life in- surance. Few people have ever takea the plain business precaution of figuring out how much life in- surance they need rhe follow. ing questions, thoughtfully an- swered, will afford a convineing and common sense solution If you were called out of town for a few months, what is the least you could send your family monthly for their support? 8... The minimum yearly ineome necessary would therefore be? Could your family get along with less than this if you were called away permanently? Bainter Dated November i Pub, Nov, 14, lethetaan 18, 1018. You Will Leave Three Things Behind You Family - Your Memory How much would your 8..... insurance, invested at 6%, pro- duce in yearly income? 8.. How much do your resent. in. vestments yield yearly? | ee Total yearly income now as- sured $.... Difference, being the defléi- ency $.... iow mueh insurance do you need to make up the deficiency? B.—Inquire of the under- signed for the special “Income Policy" built for thinking men. 1 Spend Every Cent | Earn. If you wish to eontinue to. do so, there is nothing more to be said, but if you wish to save something against a rainy day, life insurance is the best pos- sible way to do it. No man was ever known to put away $50 a year in a savings bank for twenty years, but there are tens of thousands who have kept up their regular annual payments to insurance com. panies, and have drawn out their money with the accumulated dividends, at the end of twenty years. Saving Money Is Largely a Mat- ter of Habit. The people who save money as a rule have just as good times, in fact, better, than those who fail to save, because they have the satisfaction of knowing they are fortified for the unexpected. Pick out the most successful money makers in your commun- ity and you will find the heaviest insurers. The Premium is a Large Amount. I realize that $100 in one sum may at first appear so, but sup- pose one of your clerks shouid jose thirty cents a day out of your business, would you miss it, would it seriously affect your business? Assume your rent was increased thirty cents a day, would you move or discontinue business? i Have No eres Upon Do you realize that before many years there will be an old man dependent upon you? That is yourself. { Can Invest My Money Better in Real Estate or in My Business. By holding out a small margia of cash you can insure your in- vestments. Lf you die before you make good, your wife will thea attain at one step all that you hope for. If you live you will have doubly pemnenae your old age. Meanwhile, if you need money your policy will offer you a bigger percentage of loan than any of your real estate holdings and at an interest rate never over 5%. Thousands have been saved by the loan privilege. It MAY save you. When | Sell My Lote | Will Take -a@ Policy. Would the lots support your wife if you were to die before you sold them? How about the taxes and assessments? And what would the lots bring at a forced sale? Owning lots is a good reason for carrying insur- ance: to protect them from be- ing sacrificed. § Owe Too Much; | Am Paying on My House. How would your wife make the payments if you were to die? Suppose the interest rate on the loan were increased from 6% to 8%, couldn't you manage to carry the indebtedness? This 2% would just about cover the premium on a life insurance policy. The least amount of insurance that anyone should carry is the amount of his indebtedness. My Wife's People Are Well-to-Do. Suppose you put this proposi- tion up to your wife: “In the event of my death, which would you prefer, to be left independent so that you could take care of yourself and the children, or to be left dogensent on your rela- tives?” ould she not say: “By all means arrange your af- fairs so that I shall be independ- ent. It would be humiliating to ask my relatives to take care of me , and of your children.” Tac Setaeinite oss we ance How to Choose. You can secure life insurance at cost in certain companies, among them the oldest and larg- est in the world. These are the mutual which have no stock holders, the policy hold. ers ge | the companies and receiving the profits of the busi- ness in yearly distributions. These companies are all sound, but as a selection must be made, the following method is sug- gested: 1.. Seek the successf company, i. e., the one with the most assets, the most business already aequired and the largest yearly production; for that com- pany will undoubtedly pay profits in proportion to its success, ‘ 2. Seek A. 4 company with oe largest premium income, nd- ing the of that income in expense; for economy is the surest sign of ability of Management and the main source of profits. The New York Life Insurance Co. is the only one in the world fulfilling these requirements, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE VERY GLAD TO FURNISH FUR- THER INFORMATION & Sloan Special Agents for Northern B. C. Real Estate Brokers 2nd Ave.