HX32 TWO flanmW i THE DAILY NEWS. FRLNCE RCFERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA HIGH PRICE FOR BONDS Pobfianed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTip.V KAffcS City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid to advance . rur icxrr perioas, pam in advance, per wees ... By mall to an park of British Columbia, the British Empire 2nd United States, paid In advance, per year By malt io all other countries, per year : ADVERTISING RATES j Transient display adverti&mg. per inch, per lraertksn Clisj&ieci advertising; per word, per Insertion Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line Local readers, per Insertion per line . ,. . Contract rates on application. Advertising fcn'd Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of C'lrcnlationi DAILY EDITION 9 86 Thursday, Aagast 17, 1933 For thfe hext 25 years British Columbia is nledd to Daw studr C-N.R. TRAINS e Kast . Mondays. Wednesdays, TrWays and Saturdays . 9:30 p.m. rf I he- I'Skt Tuesday it Thursdays 10:20 pjn Mondays & Saturdays 215 vm UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stnf ltt rrutc Rprt tot tnobfltr- CATAI EVERY TUESDAY. 1;10 P.sL Hi Variobdver ThdrsmtV p m T-4i. fcAilukVi.t cvkitT FitiuAir MinstaiiT. . Due Vancmiver Monday am. fin Milinit i Pur. 81m (o n Alio Xrni tioi dln aud rfJSrf informatiuh trrfimt I. Ml: my tilt tirkM St Prince hupert Agency: SeconB Avtnoe. fhone wJ GANA&IAN PACIFIC sUatheH leave Pririce Itiiperl fdr Vai.couver ta Ocean Palis and . Way Ports; . . Prlnr 4i.1itl PrM Ih.hii i, Li' for VX-NtobvLK: direct: to, f llnce?s Louise, Aug. jfth, 26thf SepL 7th. kHtlilKAN. MitANtirXU 4t'SEAU arifl SKAtlWAT. Princess LouUe. Aug. iiih, 21L Kejit. 2nd. for iUservalions and Inforniktldrt . L CbATES, tieneral Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. y.w rgS' IHVsBsfl Because It doesn't pay to advertise poor products It (Twfi iJfiy trj Buy tho86 itlteHlsed. FASTING RECORDS Terrence MacSwrney Lived For "1 Dari ivhhool rood, rtitA Died Gandhi Exceeded 5,67 on three million dollars just loaned to the Tolmie prainlt was tttjfcioc The cb government, it) pay that the people of the province will If it had been imrwsible to havi dnnp hptipr tin nnp aiuoDS wpwfl have protested. We must have m'oriev to carrv in. have sawssMiw W9BST maUmL ma u j Mm MB! whfch the prlAtler to hive me i eddl) euierltt newt, ttifit and air; tfl i faSM. altnost those The WSV to have avoided sudt a hifh ratp of inter-psf wmiUI co bkns which i student of me- have bee for the Tolmie administration to have resigned i, lift laftjjiririg. If they had done s&, a ntrJrfe efficient and stable iSefof si" f HilrfifnMrdtion would now have been in charge of affairs jiaoswineys bodily exertions ahd thC interest rate would have been lower. were Hani Data which wer mis- No government should today have to pay five and a in deluded the amount of water half ttrpwit rm Inner tprrn VvuuIk Tr it ir mtri-nwfi he tank, but apparenUy i . . b ' there was ro limitation upon the Quantity, and with water a starv- PPVtU) i dcpdct ..j liCiiMilwL tltAtlltil W man mar be very tenacious of utfiierai r egrei was expressea ai ine acciuenc luesaar mticmaL nt vanons stadies Dr. evening to Olier Besner who was Severely injured wh6n pBtt oonciuded ttat there i the p1aie in whtefi he was 4 pnger crashed at Aiider- Lfraprt!!ii?3?a,y son Lake. Latest reports indicate that his condition is fair. 'VT 1 ow suiiiitier fares lb points 1H Eastern Canada and U.S.A. da Salt sbih "v. lalaaaMMb. mU or rsu . . rrtj Twin timer, sts itixit. mSt Kart. B-C. Tj itiiitAiaii WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The big Uaht house tender Este- van. Capt. Harry BUton. arrived in part yesterday afternoon from Victoria, her regular base, to undertake some of the heavy work in connection wish the lighthouse overhaul m nostrum waters. U is her annual (visit so the north : starved under strictly cotrollec conditions, like the animals on which experiments have been eon-durteft Can Lire Ixng Time Professor A J Carlson of the Urtvetatty of Chicago holds that . a weB-nonrlsned man can nte from 45- to 7 days without food, prb-IvMed be is not exposed to seme coins, avoids physical work and the body THE OAILjT NTWB Thursday, August 17 en aie. Or. dlrsfctor of tory of the TABLE SAL' reMdfSlM)! svsrastt micfe Plain, per cb5. ITLMBR TOMATOB8 Ho. agoat tins, per tin KNSION PEAS Omsss. Sieve 4. per tat LARD Pore 2 lbs NABfjB TEA per lb. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE per No. 2 tin keeps his mental calm. He say , I I tins that previous fast in r seems to train MALKUTS BBfJT 8PICBS 1 1 Needs a Radio ; liave us in.sull one a 4 of our new sets in La your boat. No B or f J C Batteries requlr- R r , ed, operates directly LrJl ' off ant six volt , lighting or ignition , A demoristration at pJtJ I j biir shop will con- pWM j vlnce you of the f XJi j simplicity and eco- hj 4 1 ! nomical operation of r i thU Mt' btJIvtI I Superior yy i Radio Smite 331 Secoiid Aienue. Pte Blue 3201 A A P.O.Box 132 ISlCjV A. D. BARTLETT L C. II, IN3ULANDER J s per tm TOILET TISSUE 4 rOUs TOMATO SOUP- Cshtpbeh s. I tins 8UNLiailT SOAP -per ctn. NABOB BAKING POWDER dUTOOblfTtS S-lb. basket thus lth-O. Benedict. BBtrition labora- Clbttar Institute of Waabtaaton. ocee starred a mail for 3i dars. Bat no phvsiolaglst I bat ever c&Aljrfftir kept food and water from a human being to the death tinder controlled conditions A rumifcr P eafn hate been recorded in which mm starved them selves for a month or so An am- 'Many Arsons in Europe Hate Gone I J?,'? irs.i.1.:. Without r- . iior 40 dlrs ai anc the pai-t- Food ' TORONTO, Aug. 17: The Uiree-ks.t of UtOe M. K. Gjlbdgi as a protest against ontooehaw-lty to eonsMered ro extraordinar feat compared with records o Mme other men who have gone or hnftger strife. Even Oandhl in hi "great fast" of 1934. which als Mated 21 days, is eonslderec have accomplished a more remark ' able fast than iht last, due to th' xacx ne nao just recovered from a serious operation. But the trilte records are held by in peans. : Ttrraee MaeSwiney. once Lord 2X8 Mayor of Cork, left a name for df-9,00 wrton lo a eas and far pt.yatr41 endjrane by fasting for 73 days. , 40 For 7l'daf be faeted in a Ld-doh M prfcAn. b&fare swooning away and behfg &mt fed. when he recov- .25 eres cousc gonitis ne refused to take MttrHiment. arJ died four days later. His voluntary martyr; dom to die Sinn Fein cause not only tenanted revolutionists but gave rat 'to an arrtmo-ioes medical eotltidvcrsy at td how latjg a human rJhng can live without roost Abcnrtfttg tft br A Putter, a Gerinwi. Ayslcian who made a si fasting the MacSwthtt er Meriatti .fatted lor SO days In Paris to. 18. ' Jatlndianalh Dai, one of 16 persons arrested lh 1939 m the Lahore eoMptraejr, died In prison on Sept 14 after maintaining 1 hunger nrike for 61 day. Taha Hussein, ho tried to aaaitiiate tre Krro- 'ian Prtee Mmir Sidki Pastas id was catdtm' to sever; rv hard lior. 8A-. !n March after fatting 80 rtavs A few criminals have tied to 'hwart the hannW by ttrrmit- Inv tuieid throov 5tarvatior! UuaUy thev reflate water. Stnee lrrt MBs more Twofdlv tha- hun-7r their eases atve definite ln-fbnnatton as to tUyv 'one a man - h A lawTfcr. Viterk char -"d with murder. did in prlsorr 'ftr ftvint de-W himself" food wd wat-t for 17 dart Little, deeds' are If row to f!-re-i or ti; W-Tlt ?!?f!t rmm t tk nTT'akf vot; seed. that -. to wee. rnp'.tt:on pansnTirihi?BTrattTsnBt- THRIFT "BUY MIGHT SPECIALS Foi Friday dfi'd SdtUrday .tAlSINS California Seedless. 2 lbs. 3!!RgDOD WHEAT P pkg 24c 9c 8c 2 9c 13c 25t 38c lie ORBEKOAOB PLUMS -f fn Nabob No. 2 tall turn ach SilELLH) WAUSlfToV- . fifth Light Piesas. per . NABOB KIPPER SNACKS -f fl A 7c 12c 25c 1C HONEY ORAJIAMS- I.BXJ. Ol n Cello wrapt, par lb FRE8H no Arpj. MOCh 2 lbs OU DOLLAR SIZE 8ODA&- Off 0 tier Koi oOL BULK SOAP CHIPS - 2 b. 21C PORK St BEANS Royal City On 18-oi. per tin . O CLARK.-8 ROAST BKErT per 1-lb. Un 15c NABOB TOMATO JUICE ti per Hh- Pres6i-ving Aprltiots youh felhtlrementi prices right Season about over, see tls for FRESH SAIR DATES 4 lbs. PICNIC II per lb. 23ij 20c MATOES Ajftrt THHft Gash & Garryj Thone 17S 201 Third Ave j "CARRV AND SAVfc" 1 Mall Orders Have Our Prompt ! . Attention 1 ! For Vanrouter - " iii.ii-iii-rrlniiim 111 III iHi Family Shoe Store ANNUAL Monday ss. Pr. George i pm. Toeadsy Catata 130 pja Prlday a. Prln. Adeitkle 10 p.n. Sr. Cardena mtdnight Saturday as. Prio. Lssnw 3 pnl 8s. Prince Rdevrt 7 pm. rtom Tantsutel Sunday at. Catala pjti. Monday at PrW. charlotte am. Wed -as. pr Oeonje 11:96 ajn Prklayas Pr Rtrpert 11 3d am Ss. Prmeess Adelaide pm Ss. Cardena . pin For Stewart and Ahyox Sunday ss Cauia 8 pnt Friday as. Prince Rspert 3 p m. From Stewart and Ahjos Twesdsy-ss. Catala 11 34 am. Satur ss. Pr Rupert g pm or Naas River ana tttt Simpson-Sunday as Catala 8 pm Once a year wc clear but all our stock or broken lines td make room" for tlic new seas6nS rooIIs; At this sale, we arc offering wonderful values sd an to get more shelf room quicky. SKB THESE PRICES AM) BE HERE FRIDAY Ladies' Black Kid Straps and Ties. Regular values up to S3 45 Annual Sale Price - $1.95 ladies' Pnmps. Straps and Ties. Assorted Shades of blonde, brown or black All sizes Regular itib valUe Annual 8a le pVtee-- $2.95 For Men. Here arf values Including Scott it MrHale s Liberty Shoes. Regal and Invictuv brown only, high or low shoe Regular values to $1030 Annual 8le Price $4,45 All Our Shoe Are High Class Goods The Very Best The whol stock of our regular lines of Ladies Onyx Shoe and Hartt Shoe for men reduced during this sale. It is not possible to mention all the bargains offered at this sale, but come in and judge for yourself. Shoe Prices are advancing. Now is the tinu-Cash Only. No exchanges. No refunds Steamship SailirJgs VETERANS' MEETING I ontiDueo from cage oe that the ideas and deliberations were given considerable eonsidera- Uon by the Dominion provincial and city officials was very evident by the remrks mad- by the lieutenant-governor, the premier, the leader of the opposition, the mayor of Victoria and other Important The speaker w. nt on to tsU In detail Of thr hurutMwl arut considered by the delegates as a whole The Women's AoUlary of the province held Its meetings at the same time and delegates were guests at some of the functions with the members of the Legion. A mammoth procession of fifteen Ladle' Sport Otfordt in j sorted color comblnatk. Leather ot crepe sol v Annu.. Sale Price - $2.45 j and up ChiUrrns Patent Strap and Calf Otfordt Sir i :,, 7 Annual Sulr price 1.85 Sixes t u 10 1. Annual h $1.95 Sbvs 11 tu : Annual s.i! $2.15 Men's ftlaek and Brown (aif Otferds. Bolkd leather r:v. (fl steel ahanlu All U- F(-ctilar S4 95 Annual $3.95 to Buy and Savi. at this sale. hunrtrpd r-turncl mei, on 'he anniversary ot " tion of war when nx-n. vice was hold at the :.. was the most mtpreuiv. held in Victoria since the Use a book as flower. r rL-rjTiS I TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, CowaR & Latta Phone 231 ENRICHED WITH SUNSHINE VITAMIN D art exclusive health feature i tanaesanassnnm , 1 1 1 , , it H I COAL! COAL! Our Famous fcdsbrt, AlberU th'd ddlkiey Vaile bbl Ire gtargfl-d to ilve sdtufaetion Try 1 tdh of tio I HUlkley Va!i. w'f tiib sell timothy lis, wheat Oats and BaHey. I'rlncc Rupert Feed Co. 8 Phones Hi Fresh Milk ahJ Gfeaffi Daily Phone C57 DAIRY CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce () pr cord, delivered COAL FOR SAf.K riilhliUre ah3 Maho Movliif