4 i i page rout TH1 DAILY NET'S Thursday 1. Summer Shoes Running Shoes Rubber Shoes Beach Shoes All Kinds of Footwear Suitable to the Season 1 We purchased a full line of all kinds of summer footwear from such well known makers as Goodrich, Miner and the Dominion Rubber Company and got them at such a low rate that it is easy for us to undersell all other dealers. We are giving our customers the benefit of these low prices. Call in and look them over and try on a pair. It is a pleasure for us to show them even if you do not buy. Cut Rate Shoe Store Opposite Montreal Importers, Third Avenue A French scientist aas developed ; An outbreak of mosquitoes of a a methoo of forecasting eyoiones ' specie unknown in Gonad resul-based on the phase and decllna- ted in the death of 80 cattle. 9t tton of the moon and its distance hoes. 3 horses, l mule. 20 chicken-tram the earth. and 2 dogs in Florida. COMMISSION SITS HERE (Continued from page one) works. These men find themselves, as it were, fire hundred miles from the nearest city in a pocket and cannot get out to help themselves. I ould suggest that the highway out of Prince Rupert be continued as a relief measure or as a public work that will help to develop this important part of British Columbia. "I would further suggest that the Local Improvement Act be amended to compel municipal councils to secure consent of two-thirds of owners whose property abutts on proposed construction of works oi that the Local Improvement Act be abolished. The Initiative of the council has been the cause of a large part of the debt of Prince Rupert and the reason for Its present financial difficulties." i Questions Answered 1 Judge Harper asked the City Oommiasioner for more information as to the resources which would be opened up by a highway from Prince Rupert to the interior and was told by the city commissioner something of the agricultural and mineral possibilities of the interior which would be opened up by such a highway whkh would also give Prince Rupert access to the highway system pf the province. Inquiries were atso made by members of the commission as to the mill rate here and other such matters. The city commissioner disclosed that the tax coUectsoo so far ' this year had amounted to some 62 or 63 and it was hoped to equal last year's mark of "6 at September 1. In answer to questions, Mr. Alder stated that private owners heid 66.53 of the land tn the city of Prince Rupert the Canadian National Railways 3.2, the provincial government 11.14 and the city 1C. Of buildings the Canadian National Railways owned 15.35, the provincial government 39-, the city iM and churches. ,2. Assessed valve of land tn the city was $4.84. and buildings. $6302.835 The city commissioner expressed the belief that the Improvement tax would have to be increased next year. The commissioner informed the commission that be had reduced general expenditures by $27,000 since assuming office. Some $3,000 had been paid by the city in relief in July as compared with $6,000 in January The commissioner referred to the difficulty of getting mar-jried men to work for their relief ' when the government was not having single men do so here. The chairman of the commission explained to Mr . Alder that the question of unemployment could TESTED RECIPES OF TEMPTING INTEREST INDIAN PICKLES Peel nine onions Select medium sited ones and tale 2 doien ripe tomatoes, 6 Isrsc apples, M lb. sround white spice, 1 qt. vinegar, 1 lb. raisins snd salt to teste. Hiving boiled them all together for 1 H hours, strain them and add 1 lb. brown sugar, )i cup of Colman's Mustard and 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Mow boil the entire mixture for H hour and your Indian Picldcs arc ready for bottling. And what pickles they arcl Tasty enough to satisfy an epicure. More spicy and flevourful than you ever thought s pickle coutd be. By all means prepare some Indian Pickles and remember how very Important is that H cup of Colman's Mustard. fo1 man's D.S.F. "KM a. 3 AIDS DIGESTION FOOTBALL! Friday, 6:30 p.m. II. M. S. DKAGON vs. Prince Kupert All Stars FOR HANSON CUP hardly be considered as coming within the scope of the commission. City Solicitor Representations prascnted by City SoBaJtor E. P. Jonea included a suggestion that the composition of the city council be changed to something in the form of an executive commission such aa governed the city of Saint John. N3. Membership of the city council, as heretofore composed. Mr Jonea felt. were "too close to the constituents" and the tendency had been to make unwarranted expenditures which, possibly, had been parttaHy responsible for the present state of financial affairs In order to remove the possibility of prejudice and insure disinterestedness, Mr. Jonea insjajtsted that civic court of revisions as at present constituted by appointment of the city council be altered and that the matter of assessment revision be handled by a provincial board eon-risting of lawyers and technical advisers. Removing of the initiative plan in undertaking of local tinprove-ment work or. better still, the complete abolition of local Improvement system, the city as a whole to pay for afi road and street improvements, was also urged by the city soMeltor. The brief of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, text of which was published yesterday, was presented by M. P. McCaffery. chairman of the committee of the Chamber having the matter in hand, after which the session of the commission adjourned . Ratepayers' Representations The memorandum of the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association, ur ged the Using over ot poll tax collection by the provincial government, measures of relief of land and Improvements from civic taxation, taking the tax sale reverted lots off the market by the government until such time as they are required because of Increase of po pulation, loaning by the govern ment to the city of 50 of the amount of tax arrears with reverted lots as security for the loan and Interest rate the same as the gov ernment has to pay. assumption of cost of social services snd municipal policing by the provincial government and provision for a city defaulting in bond and Interest pay ments to assign for the benefit of its creditors. FOR SALE Morello Preserving Cherries, per crate $1.25 w. J. MARTIN Terrace. It.C. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Loin Veal Coops 2 lbs. Rump Roast Veal per lb. Shoulder Vealy- 4 lbs, Stewing Veal. 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Rolleat Shoulder Lamb per lb. . Stewing Lamb, 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carre Pork Chops 2 l bs. . Shoulder Roast Pork 4 lbs, Betting Beef 3 lbs Sirloin Tipper lb. tttrloln Steak -2 lbs ,.... Leg Pork per lb. Prime Rib Roll per lb. Tomato Sausage per lb Phone 937 35c 15c 50c 25c 20c 25c 35c 50c 25c 18c 45c 18c 18c 10c Local Team For Football Games Against Dragon The Prince Rupert Football Association has selected the following team to play against II. M. S. Dragon in Friday's soccer game in connection with the sports program on the occasion of the warship's visit: Stiles; Baptle and 8. Carrie (captain); Bdgcumbe, DeJong and A. McDonald; J. McKay, J. Murray. Dickens, Chenoakt and Nor ring ton; reserve. Blake (buck); George Hill and OUker halfbacks, and Lokken (forward). Prince Rupert Is expected to make a strong bid for the Hanson Cup. which was captured by the Dragon three years ago and has been held by the ship since That the locals will have their work cut out. however. Is Indicated by the fact that the warship has on board a strong soccer team which has yet to suffer defeat on Its present cruise of the coast during whkh It has met some of the strong southern teams The game to be played tomorrow night will decide the possession of the trophy although it Is planned to have another soccer match Monday evening. Baseball Scores Ameriean League Washington 6. Otuoago 1. Philadelphia 4. CSeveaanaf ft. Boston S. Detroit g. New York J. 84. Lou 13. National League St. Louis 7-0. Phlsedetpbia 61 Pittsburg 1-U. BfooMjm S-T. Cincinnati 0; Nrr York 1 Chicago 1. Boston C Apple irf sizing well In Nov.v Scotia and a considerably larger Top thar. !.!. year u Indicated Phone 953 De Join Memba For Jam & jellies per PM Singapore Pineapple per tin Nabob Tea Tea has advanced Jc lb.), per lb. rhone 953 " 12 S Cash and Carry i Friday & Saturday Specials Corned Beef 3 Una for Ensign Orange Marmalade per 4 -lb tin Quick Quaker Oats With China, pkg White Spring Salmon per l ib tin 25c 44c 31c 9c Malkin's Best CUSTARD POWDKR 2 pkgs. for 25c Can. Cheese 3 lbs. for 35c Campbell's Assorted Soup- OQp 2 tins for tos Parowax per pkg. Clothes Pins, 3 dot. it IQn 1 nlu nhi JLOl Pearl White Soap S bars for . Cauliflower Small size for pickling, per lb. Bunch Beets 3 for Bunch Carrots -3 for Teacher of 14c 9c 41c 15c 19c 9c 10c 10c Miss Nellie Lawrence VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 31S Second Avenue West Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOW'S 7 & 9 Feature starts 7:40 & 9:40 AdmUslon 50c & 15c Comedy "DADO V KNOWS It EST" mituu MiLObyg Lltt Robert Montgomery and Ann Hard in "WHEN LADIES MEET W ith MYRN The Truth iX LOW ALICE nilADY. FRANK MORGAN A M r u I About Love and Marriage From the Urn of 1 t"MH Women A Laugh Klot M SPKCIAL-'THK VOICE OF THE YATIflv k h.p. to 4,000 h.p. For fishing bosls, tugs, freight, pssssngtr and pleasure boats, saw mills, woodworking plants, cut mills, mines, lighting and gtnsrsl industrial parpens. 3 MACKENZIE'S FURN1T1 NO. 1 nr.o COMPLETE Walnut finish stead, coll spring, felt mattress NO. Z lW.lt COMPLETE Walnut finish itcad with panel, swayless col! v spring filled mattress with air circulation T! Phone 77S $24.(1 $431 OLD EMPRESS NEW ROYAl HOTEL HOTEL 3 Z,rril' P Home of the Fisherman. Ucger, Miner "A HOME AWM ttZt KOOMS-J10 per month. S3 l,0ME per week. Me per night Rates SI 01 c? SHOWER BATHS M Rooms. H - & T; Third Avenue phone 940 n r J1MM1K C1CC0XE Phone 361 r r The Fish which made Prince Rupert Fam "Rupert Brand' SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Dally Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lil PRINCE KUPKUT, N.C, The horse in hU attitude to man differs from all other rlsssrs of stock in that he produces energy not food. NEW Kitchen Ware MIXING SPOONS CAKE TURNERS APPLE C0RERS BOWL STRAINERS ETC. With all genuine Cata-lin Jade Green Handles Permanently beautiful. Priced at 25c ea. o Kaien Hardware Smith lilork rhone 3 Our Price Ob CLI DRY EANIN Has Reduced Get the bcv. your nioiK-v your work to 1 craftsman. Ladles' or 0" ' or Topcoat pry Cleaned & r Silk or Woolli 'i C t Dry Clean ((i it Pressed Phone - 649 LING - TAILOR The lllili Clssi Tal'"' Itellable l'lr" Si