We Are Selling Out aw , f - Our Shoe Department i V 1 i of Woihl'h'S and Children's Shoos must be sold. Our whole stock of i lw.i- and Ittlhlier Hoots tri be dpflrfrl Jit ft tiHrp trmf .in mVh tViBtti r "1 clearance $4.75 VVomeh'f Shoes .Shoe, assorted ,..it values to .ii sile prtte $1.95 Boys' Heavy Red Stitch Boots Ik ll irv Red Slltrh S, ihuoU Regular va-i .raraiice Sale $2.95 ounremerifs ortoocr 19. - - - - - -- - v v f t a a a 1IIUUV VIIVIII oar Shoes are wen known, the "Victori Shoe for women rind the Rhoe for chllurbh. HBre dr&.only fetv items out of niany to convince ur prices during this sdte wil but your shoe bill in hrilf. Oxfords; Tiii &. One Sirnfii otford. fin k ap' Regular va- bne Straps &c Piirhps IVomfH'i Orie Straps and Pumps. Regular values up to i(FJ Clearance Unit-Price $3.75 Mines' and Children's Shoes One 8traps and Oxford, bhtrk and brown Regular value up U 13 25 Cl'-aN Ulire Rale Pnre $1.95 Boys' Fine Dress Shoes Itojs' line Drew Shoes. Regular value up to $3 00 Clearance S.ile Pric- - $3.25 Northlanc. Tr.i .-porution t .n.itorvtup !:ner Northland. Capt I Len Williams. I age to Seattle. arrived In port at 2 o'clock this morning and. aiier dlehri" ''" of froMl Annual ongrras liatMMt uul unc cariojii of oaonfl SPECIALS For This Week Four Square FLOOR WAX 50c Tins And CHAMOIS SKIN, 25c Value Both For 50c BAfeY NEEDS Heavy Weight Baby Pants Free With Rubber Sheeting Size, 23x30 Inches Both For 69c Ormes Lt& 2ft Pionchh Druqrfists h Itexill fittfre rhones: 11 " KB ft PurHpi, Oxfords & One Straps trdhifn t'dm. One Strata and Oxfords. Regular values up to 5. 00 ('! a:inrc Salf- Prlro 2.95 Wbrheri's Shoes Women's Shoes, assorted styles In small sizes only Regular values up to $7 00. Clearance Sale Price- SliOO Women's & Children's Slippers Women's and Children's Felt Slippers. Regular valuer up to SI 50 Clearance Sale Price JABOUR BROS. 55 c WeeK-End Specials Hiffw for unsshlp7Mnt East ' Alberta Creamery Butter .1 September 7. : oer Canadian national Railways, i per lb sallM m continnatton of her voy- swansdown Cake Flour Puffed Wheat I pkgs. Sair Dates Fresh stock 4 lbs. Swift s Stale Dacon- 1-lb Bit Alberu Fresh Bts- 3 dot. White Flfa 3 lbs. Fresh Molasses Square per lb Nabob Teal-lb Pf 4 -String Broom each ijfbwn Sucar-per lb Helnt Chill Stuee per bottle Nabob Baking Nwder J',-lb tin Supreme Coffee Mb pkg 2 in l Floor Wax Mb tin jRo'scdale Toilet Soflp- 3 ragi's 23c 2&(i 25d 25ri 18c 55c 25d i8c 39c 28c 7c 23c ?5c 38c 38c lO'c Alberta Market FItMl Street rhohe 208 311 LADY BEAUTY SHOITE Si-EciiLs Fiiit Aliotsi Sleam Oil Permanent Wave $5.00 fllitl $3.00 Marctlle & Curl with Hair Cut $1.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave 75c PHONE 55 LOCAL NEWS 1 For Say int nlgbl tall set. vice Phone 32. tl i 8riversld"es Bros, for Wallpaper. Glass, Paint and Muresco. : Don't fdrce! tfl bSit Dt. T?lford. 'Moose Hall, Fri. 7 JO. C.CF.speaker. I j Tbnfgfit's tnlled" ifalh. due frbhV the East at 10:20 ptn, was reported this morning to be on time. i Robert C. Obsse ras an overnight business visitor In .town from Oceanic cannery, returning to the Skeena River this morning. W. R. McAfee resumed yestef-day from a visit o Georgetown. He says goqd proprefBjs being made with the box factory which is being Installed there. For drunlceimeas Sverre Krls-tlar.sen was Jl. $23, with option y fourteen daji' jmgeisonthent, by Magistrate McCtnpnt In city police court this rooming Quite a nurrtr o'l coach weekend euurslon , pssengf rs are already booked to t&re for Tjerfaee on tomorrow morning's war freight ' train which pulls oat at 0 ain. Esther Orth, for being the Keeper of a disorderly house, wjU fired ISO. with btftlbh of thirty, days' imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-Clymont in city police com yesterday alterhobb.' Mrs. yV. H. Taylor arrived yes terday from. yJb6aTer ano prb-' ."feded this nKMrrirurib Porcbr ;land to take Bp reSdmoe wlttj Mr.! Taylor who is in the service of the ' Surf Point mibe. ; J Some twenty members of the iu-j venlle Qrange l&faff. M.if'K ?'rei taken this morni-g U the tafooh alung the railway tOfk ei of' We st view where the afternoon Is to' be spent n jicolcicig and bath-Mrs S. ? Cbx and Mrs. J. d. vlereck are in charge of the party. ; Hiilel Arfitalil Kojal James S Nlchola, Montreal; Mrs Carl Tolaiaii, St Louis; It. Dixon. Pwrcher Island, , Central. . 8 Wilson and J. Weaver. Vancouver. Savoy , F Patter son, Scf Inlet; R,.jCt Cunningham, anj6 C. Letfqs.,P&ri RMinatAit! ! K Murrav ahd J. Sher Beaf the HEAT Flakes are extra refresh!: - - lock Vancouver. Judge A. M- Harper of Vancou- Prince Rupert ' ver. A Mcp. Paterson Of, Delta and John W. Allen. Vattl Met Bx-Mly titifcH Mtiktm 61 VK- Ralph M Bahaw. W. E. a. Jom- mngktti tit We mhnlcipl son. A ST Frew. J F. Alasstgtden. A Jude A. M. Harper. Mrs. W. H. Taylor and Robert C. Oosse. Van- ti.n nau n-ltJ' WALLACES Mid-Mofith Spidals For Friday and Satdrday Sellihg House Dresses In tub fast brlnts, only four Aprons Kiddles sizes, made in serviceable urt- dozen to sell at this figure, in a variety 7ffp bleached, bias trlmmell and bound, 9Qp Bloomer fSastlc Wide fresh efestlc, -j OA WorHeh's Tiib Fast Print Aprdfas Roorny cut, lots of stretch. 6 yards for Xtf t alsi) 511 fea(jy stittped 9Qf and bound, each V Bobby Pins-12 pins on card 0 OK .2 caxds tot pmi glipslrt tfiie cottim hem- oi nh Towels- faiglish colored stripe, sturdy towels for stitched ends. 5 for QJ-oUU kitchen use. sizes 18x36 good weight JQC Cushlon5In bright cWnt2 coverg nn .... .. - m- - j fo M.UU Blobmers OVetttee tn raydn ibiit, good quality " i,- t ii skes. Jantzen Bathing SfllU-a 8fily 3 45 eittt plain rayon. In large fiQp vtefadegtt,eich P,V ues to jjMfcL .V Sheet Pins-iiaple Lea branfl. An Universal Pure Wool Bathing Suits- CO.45 .LpinAJn.Jbookeacii , - 6 only, values to $4J0, each..aaiaaivw Mercerised Lisle Hose ih sand shades Eri Bathing Caps Best quality divffif- OCJp per pir , ... AO helmets in assorted coltti. eK UUK' Boys Turn Top Marl Finish iibse All OQp Bathing Caps Regulif 25c "f? XOK sizes, per pair m.. AUr for. each . - Jack and JU1 Rib Hose-For btfys atid Dresses-AfterrlobH jtElft style, figured Repaline . gUls. sand shades, all .stoespg- palt , M pastel shades, values to $45 2 -Qg ionjens broadcloth Slips White and QQn t0t cotors. opera top style; pr. Dresses Summer stjle Repahne In pastel shades "' T short sleeve, regular values to $35 CO. Off White Terry Bath Towels With fast colored foj $iAO ' " " strips and border, a Canadlin product, good ., t-''- "."."". size absorbent terry, and offered at awiv be- Cream Frilled Curtain Muslins Neatly CI OH low today's regular price for thU 25C trimmed, plnit of bide. 8 yds, for 1uv Wil&K. vT-y v--v m princess Slips While or pink, soft Q1 Qf) Uften Briaie Table bove-By bouttil. g g g non-run rayori. each1 l?A,UU 3$yJt4B&21L23L -m- - linens MeilT Sport Sox-SUk finish, in assorted Kapofc Cushion FitllrJg-in l-lb bag 4(ip shades, a very special purefwse" and OQp UJs rtfcH - OiJU worth at least 50c. per pair !l PHdheS tp fcNOY more crisp, jijji'i foods, iooI, a you'll feet cooler, hellost'l ogg'i Co Cofn See Otif Windows Pbr Furthhr Specials Third &. Fulton W. D. Smith, manager of the Northern B C Power Company at Stewart, is the tuest until tomorrow of Mr and Mrs. John Mitchell. Westvlew; He arrived yesterday en-rbwie north after a visit in z iiiwa iiiiiimisauuii. iubcu ass uiwytx Uod of the titim bi Che dKnaSlaH Fish Si Cold Jlorafl 6o. ttdimolfl- v ir turrWu unA nartv Port TiA- me as DersoMl MHgi Of the rMri- " . " tt rri'i" ? 1 r Out.: J C. Huttt. J. A. Brown iter. t. m. jonnson, and Mum Ada Brown and Jim ter guests at the Donaldson. Port Easing ton; W. d. luncheon of the Mitchell. Oceanic. RoUry Club. , A?U C reldur wettlyt Prtfifce Rfapeftl. Jo add f't tHyp4 btag. mh corn CORN $ In energy ami so easy to digest ihey don't "heat you up.M Fine for brratiait, iiincti, fhlt-dre'n's suppers, (ven-freih. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. FLAKES f 0WM m. 1 KM Classified Ads I . , ... S HMMHMMM for sale i hairdresser 1 1 I CHRYSLER Sedan, rood condition. PERMANENT WAVING j .atiet-s iliisic sfe MO. -Rlnglette- J5.00. FOR SALE House, 4 agoms and blth. lri goBd condition. Apbjlj 60I nttft Avenue East. 4 HOUSESr-F. FOR RENT Hart. OOOD Location tor small buslneii lp m.h4 cerltic of the new busine!si tfr.aUm';mK Ko. US!. lkeo4 w eo OiH rrwp uve nerroi to sppr tkt Mlnptg ReoordM tor , a m4tfo oatc of lmvroxiveqt for th purfx X..0btli)4cur erourn gnot of th tbove Milfn , , , AKll turner take .notice tttt. ctlpn uodrr ,Seton 83. or th UlcwrJ Act muitjM Awnncacrd Wore tte iauAe Of lUOh crrttnoktc of Unprorewnt. Dute 3rd Jir 133- rtrt tBertlon gust ?. 1933. ,SHa ea of of 1 of tdreHlvmtnt Au certain aa boat 31 (eet long. 7 ta U tnobea fat breadth and tbreo it all (aottea In depUt and duly licenced at New WeaUnlnater. Brttth Columbia. No. I8T3. In hloh U Inatalled VI- vlalL aaaolUie engtne.lS HP,, IOU. '1 ukicwu unng,! frttvee nj&wiV B. 1) my ,hmL tu, ParntfM ltatlct jnv...aaMeL Trader Bdera will be received Iff ncea WtUlamt nevewaxUy acmted. 15th day of I AOgUat. 1 Uaivey, PrtrSce Rvpert,.?C, Uhatf aay or tender DATED at ,t"rtn- Rupert, BO, W Nelson's Beatitr Shnppe Hitters AINTINO and Paperhabglng Moller. Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS fa i&tT to suit tenant. Vei5t only1 ' 0,rln- wood' Wj for rMlt 1 M t20 a niodth. McClymant. tt CLAPP BtrUdlfaff ADtS.. 4 Morfaicr. range $17.5CL.and i364W. ! n .t. (4C. etji Minn- 4 room room Apt. AW. over over Brackman Brackman rooms. " r VTtK NOIirK TAKX NOTICS ttaat J. a Vfigodvwth. mMnm SSST rcsul Ortf tMM. VVSeoU- : bc, win ppi) jw imnm mm Ker S'tore. $15. H. Q: Helgersbn ; , . TlJTtrTw Lta.. -agent. iw utt uo sun " ' - 1 reootMUttontn LiT dtAXfE MINERAL CUtlM I purpos... rertlflcate of !mprveneir TAKE NOTICt that I. W 'of ( t0 ad to tftf. "WgHr. Aa- s nuprrtb NKfkttoBL awl. rtr rtcaedot at? be Mfor LaWil Mower's Ground ilMt OS tilt I.-iko Ntw Star Welding Phone 313 110 wiix frvuK t In tns Dally H .T." to- be iUod srtth tr Mid or with Um OomStroOw r IUcM. PsrlUBMtnt BuCdUts. Be . . wlthiiv thin, dan ifif mnjlm Hfrmnc4 uf h!s notice la a loa ntwapafier Th ot the Sm( pbUotlan or Ui nutec la Jiljr n. 1939 4 tt WOODWORTH. AppUeaat