r Vancouver Stocks Vsnceuvrr B MUsouri. It, i :t Proemoe, t. a A r r !! I r r Ki River. M. u Mine. JtH imI SUrer, JMH. rive. It. J orelUe. m. .irr 190. - Idaho. MV MardofMld. 19. rest. tfc. tr. 7H nv Tangtec, M. X 4J Bird. 02. River. 18 ooid. im. zian. .4. n(8Ur. M. Son. .MM. .r-1 1J. lt. Md. 4: Oils t ons.. vnt, 1J. n Pet. Mft, , ' IU K I 44. H'ld. .11. 'log Pacific, M. Toronto f 'rritt-oordosi, IM. ,; nda. MJ6. ?' IMa. 70V4. I' Wsttera. .97. r , 5I f uda. .75. 1 "' Nlrkel. 3040. K uisnd Lake. 41. Ei Antonio. 1 01. Oo l Today's Weather 1 f . A' ,i, If, Ik T! Tree pointCloudy. NAM '- wind; barometer, 39.90; ' '"ure. 00; light chop, i Island Raining, fresh sou-'d, sea moderate, "'int Inland Ralnlnir. lloht wind, sea moderate. r"' clear, calm. 60. '"li-Part cloudy, calm. 81. " rrt cloudy, aim. 55. rt tart cloudy, calm, 58. '""on -Clear, calm, 64. "r -Clear, calm. 58. m Lake-Clear, oalm. 58. Tonight 1 Strollers" nresent their new " - " It, i, I. ....i. 11 A prornm the Moose ! t,.' m ''u'r foowa. Music provided --...in vendors of Vancouver. ''mils 50c: kids a dime nny-Wl"W. 8 30 Dancing. 10. I quilt having been displayed on the std of a hill. Ten thousand peo-j pie surged riotously around One .Jewish youth was hit over the ! head with a baseball bat ad doa- I ens of persons received serious I Injuries HUGE ROBOT IS SHIPPED Womsn Inventor Refused to Disclose Her Identity: Mechanical .Man Weight I'j Tons Eric Almost Human Car Talk and Head and Inventor list Refund $60,000 Tor Product of Hand and Brain MONTMBAU Aufuat 17-One of the atraagcat pmssenfers ever to dtnbrfc from a liner at Mont-ml was Brie the Robot, who came IB Canada on the Cunnard liner "Aotonto." Krtc u one of the only two mechanical men in the world and. although he if a marvellous isnimhltir oi pnoio-eiecvic cenw. wtrtnt. reoaUta, condensers, et-c.. he can do a treat many subtle things. in fad he is almost human and oan converse, fire a pistol, stand mi or att down and, rumor naa it, oan even smoke a cigarette. Krtc Is the result of four years Intensive study by his Inventor, wfco la a woman who refuse to reveal her Identity. Weighing SH tors. Brie the Robot Is a creature resembling a man in nickel-nlated armor. Photo-el ectric cells are concealed behind th mUnn which cover his eyes, while his ears are disguised micro phone He Is aatonisnmgiy me-IHce and can move his limbs, stand up or sit down, and answer questions. All this is done without human aid. He answers questions, the iu. in which have been pre viously worded by means of a sound film lalde. The amaslng part is the speed wish wr.tn tne mm mi round to the proper an- rr . the mechanism having been Keywora m u.c actuated Jy pokn qu"tlon , Tlw main secret of the monster, v, u how he learned to read and some Idea of the worth of the i.t mav h Euaced irom uie fact that an offer of 13.000 has i r-h,-i bv the invenwr. not tnrti s v a -v long ago Brlc turned on hta Inven tor and. due to a wron cunmmu raised hts arm and being given, i i nimttA nolnt-bldnk. The robot U being swnt to the Canadian National Exhibition In Toronto. Tomorrow's Tides today's Weather High .12:11 a.m. 18.8 ft. mm 23:32 p.m. 192 ft. Prince Rupert Raining, south-fast L .5:59 ajn. 4.9 ft. wind, 16 miles per hour; barometer, 18:00 pjn, Xt. 29.97; temperature 84; sea NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER choppy. ' Mi V XXIV No 192. J' ft PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS, . TORONTO JEWS AND GENTILES CLASH HEATED EXCHANGE AT ROYAL BANKING COMMISSION ' ' . . . .. , , '" ' - - - - -- ----- UJL-.JI n i. j.. x L i i w- i i niiiu.ii m Swastika Displaying Banned by Order of Eastern City Mayor, Ten Thousand Persons Surged About in Riot Last Night After Which Special Session of Police Commission is Held TORONTO. Aug. 17: (CP) Warning that any citizen !: - playing the swastika in future would be liable to pro-M i! ion was iasued by Mayor W. J. Stewart today a -pecial meeting of the police commission which was jv I after a clash lat night between hundreds of infur-t .Wish and gontile youths as a result of a large swas- Ufcm cmtotem painted on a white COMMISSION A Brilliant Wedding in Nippon Q jft.flflfln SITS HERE Memoranda Presented to Provincial Probe by City. Chamber of I Commerce and Ratepayers' Association ' Suggestions Made Assistance la Connection With Un employment and Chsnges in Local Improvement System Are Asked The royal commUion constating of Judge A. M. Harper of Vancouver. ! A. D. Paterson of Delta and Herbert Ansoomb of Victoria which has been appointed to inquire into financial and other relationships between the provincial government land municipalities of British Co lumbia, sitting In the Court House here yesterday afternoon, heard representations on behalf of the City of Prince Rupert and the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce as well as from City Solicitor E. F. Jones and adjourned after a session of about an hour's duration Thtt 'morntmt a "nielwrerKitBii was presented to the commission by the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association. Members of the commission are sailing this afternoon by the Princess Louise on their return to Vancouver. . After the commission proceedings , had been formally opened with! brief remarks by the chairman. J Judge Harper, and the reading of the terms of the commission by the secretary. W. E. 0. Johnson, City OommlasioneT W. J. Alder presented the following memorandum on behalf of the City of Prince Rupert after first welcoming the commis sion here and expressing apprecia tion at Its having come so far to hear hie local representations: The relationship between the provincial government and the City of Prince Rupert la very different to that between the government and all of the larger and older cities In the province. "At the birth of Prince Rupert the provincial government was the owner of one-fourth of the 11.676 tt-foot lots which constitute, with the streets and parka, the towntite of Prince Rupert and today the government is still the owner of 1.640 lots or about one-seventh of all the lota in the city. tPrlor to the Incorporation of the city In 1910, the government built some temporary wooden roadway and wooden sewers In the business section at the cost of $77,-666.11. After Incorporation the gov ernment was recompensed by the issue of bonds for the expenditure and this sUll remains a part of the bonded, debt The sales of lots In 1909, 1910 ard 1911 brought large sums into the"provlnclal treasury and, out of those funds, the government has spent $400,000 In erection of the Court House and about $200,000 on the six miles of roadway and bridge Just outside the city. "The city has had a heavy task to turn the rock and muskeg Into the orderly city as it is today. It lias built fifteen miles of hard-surfaced streets, some permanent sewers and a water system sufficient to supply a city of 30.000 people. It has Issued bonds for public works mounting to $2,792,576.25 and still h&i outstanding $1,820,50149. "Prlnco Rupert's great problem Is unemployment. There are a considerable number of married men in the city who formerly worked for the city or government on public Continued on page 2 1 Ancient ana m-de.-:. Jupiu1. jjn p;. t ur.-u acre at the wedding at the military oflver.-. club m Toiuo of Miss Kaoruko Araki aod Lieut Hideo Shibau The bride, daughter of ihe Japanese minister of war, is wearing the traditional attire of a Japanese bride, wjitlf e groom wears the full dreas uniform of a modern officer A photographer assists Miss Araki to herchalr to po foxlhe weeding picture JAMAICA RECOVERY FLOODS Seventy Persons Killed ard Damage of $2,000,000 Done In Island of West Indies KINGSTON. Jamaica, August 17 (Canadian Press) Seventy persons were drowred yesterday in floods which struck this city snd the parishes of St Thomas, St. Catherine's and St. Mary following a storm which was accompanied by lightning and high wind. The damage Is estimated at $1,000,000. Bridges and buildings were swept away and banana plantations levelled. The storm, which lasted for six hours, was described as the worst In eighty years. CIVIL WAR IS FEARED Markrnxie King Seen Serious Consequence Should C. C. P. Confiscate Private Property E8TEVAN Sask.. Aug. 17: CPt-Conftacation by the Co-operative Comon wealth Federation of property of Canadian would mean civil war. Rt Hon. W. L. MackenaJe King. Liberal leader, stated to a large audience hero teat night. Mr. King waa reviewing the program of the Commonwealth Federation in rt-siKct to state ownership and operation. VIOLENCE" IN CUBA Five More Deaths Reported as Result of Disorders Following Government's Overthrow HAVANA. Aug. 17: CPFlve more violent deaths were listed last night by the ftuthorttle In the wake of dlsotdtfg hare foHowing the downfall of President Qsrardo M.ichados administration. J EXPECTED Condition of Olier Kesner. Severely Injured in Plane Crash, Reported to be Fair Although it is expested that he may have to remain In hospital for two months or more, word received in the city by telegram this morning from Vancouver, where Oiler Bestir r of this city Is a patient in St. Paul's Hospital suffering from severe Injuries sustained in an airplane crash at Anderson Lake in the Bridge River mining district on Tuesday night, was to the etfct thst the local man Is expected to recover. His condition early this morning was reported to be fsir. Mr. Resner's injuries include a fractured skull, nine broken ribs and severe injuries to the back. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVHl. Aug. 17: (CD-Wheat was quoted at 68c on the local exchange today. SILVKK AND COPPER I ON NEW YORK MAR1 ! NEW YORK. Aug. if: CP-8ll-! ver closed at 3Sc on the teoal metal market today. Copper was steady at 9c. NO HALIBUT IN No boats being In with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morning 4, ' FIFTY THOUSAND ClllM.SK LOSE LIVKS IN FLOODS HANKOW. Hupel Province. Central China. Aug. 17: (CP) - Widespread floods of the Yellow River la Norttwn China are said today to have caused fUty ' thousand deaths 1 during Utt toot ftw day. ' Gerald McGeer Have Wordy Duel at Probe Vancouver Lawyer Suggests That British Peer Migfit Have Received Remuneration Incident Closes With Mutual Assurance of No Personal Inferences VANCOUVER, Aug. 17: (CP) A heated exchange of words which finally ended with mutual assurance that no attacks of a personal nature were intended passed between Ixrd MacMillan, chairman, and G. G. McGeer KX. at yes erday's sitting here of the royal commission on banking. "I have never heard such a monstrous suggestion," de 1 . . ,' Hclared Lord MacMillan when be i interpreted a remark of Mr. Mc- 1 TPTrn i UTnt Vr1 I Hn ANS deer's to mean that he might be t jli x Mut.jryx tu MEETING Plans for $5,000 Building Improve-' WntpUctmcd Convention. Reported Upon ' and lounge room for the men so that the Prince Rupert branch wtll have a building that will compare very favorably with any other In a city of similar sise. The smoker which wtll provide one of the big items of entertain ment for the visiting warship wtll be open to all the ship's company and members of the Legion. A reply from Captain Wake-Walker thanked the local branch for Its cordial welcome and stated his In tention of being present. It Is planned to have a billiard tournament also while the ship ts In port Telsl of Convention An Interesting account of the provincial convention m Victoria was given by J. S. Wilson, delegate. He stressed the value of such a meeting of hundreds of returned men Interested In the welfare of their disabled icomrades and their dependents as well as In the gen CHRISTIANS to Have Been Slain Near Army Camp In Iraq LONDON. Aug. 17: CP The Dally Herald reported today that more than three hundred Assyrian Christians had been massacred in a village In Northern Iraq within two miles of an Iraq Army eamp. receiving remuneration after the chairman had stated he had received none. Mr. McOeer later assured the chairman that he had not intended to make any sugges-Uon that His Lordship was serving , in any capacity other than one of absolute impartiality. I The royal commission was on its " " '' "" way to CalgaTjrttoday af ter a three At the regular monthly meeting lttta to Brltten Columbia, two of the Canadian Legion last evening i d"s h"e Dd Qne to Victoria. President J. Preece was in the chair i and there was a large attendance n i y vr i f T i of members. Discussion centred ; N A I VAlllllll building of the front part of the premises, arrangements for the le-1 gton smoker on the occasion of the OF ENGINE visit of H. M. S. Dragon and the re- - port of J. S. Wilson, delegate to the . , . . . ,r t provincial convention recenUy held M1o(o J Ww?? Junkers SeSplsns in Victoria to be Brought Out From McCon- ... . . ., ' nell Creek U Stewart The revised plans for the budding call for an expenditure of upwards of $5 WO. Ample accommodation Arrangements have been madej will be provided for the Women's for a Canadian Airways seaplane to- Auxiliary, the local branch of which fly In from Stewart to McConnell, Is very active at present and has Creek this week with Air Engineer-n ambitious program of work out- Fred Staines to salvage, on behalf: lined for the future. Provision le of Insurance Interests, the engine also made for a comfortable reading of CoL Victor Spencer's Junkers' srapkne City of Prince George, which was wrecked in a recent crash while taking off from Me Con q el I Creek. The flying tim$" from Stewart to McConnell Creek, is about an hoar and a half. . Air Engineer Stable, who was In the Spencer plane at the Ume of the crash, passed through here last week, accompanied by an Insurance official, bound from Vancouver to Stewart. TIES BEING ? TAKEN OUT Another Sign of Impending Indus-. trial Revival For Central Interior erai progress oi me province sna' BURNS LAKE. Aug. 17: Another me iAMn,.m.n s iiHe ine ia of Industrial omen Impending re-Co tlnued on Page 2 tx (entfa, tatertor some not far distant date 1 tha fact that orders have been given by the Canadian National Railways Tlf A PC A rTirr 10 deliver to tne railway line over-IV I ANN At K M I t of Ues which have been pro- iunuurvvAvu- 1 ducfd dutg t yMr or 40 . . . . . . In this dlatriet some thirty thou- Three Hundred Assyrians Reported mh t m now b , brought out, having been hewn,-mostly by the settlers. It Is tuftsin ry that these Ues' should ,be absorbed before orders for new euttlng oan be given. Plain words make the most ornamental sentences,