Tomorrow's V es Today's Weather High .. 8r20 ajn. C ft. me 20:07 p.m. f ft. Low 1:42 a.m. ..Ct . Prince Rupert Part cloudy, fresh 11:23 pjn. bat light south east wind; barometer 30:20; temperature 62; sea choppy. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXIV No 188. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS CUBA Babcock Warns That Skeena River Salmon Must Be Conserved Deputy Commissioner Says i mess Large escapements or r ish Are Allowed VICTORIA, Aug. 12: A ri n resources on the Pacific n I 'it f the B. C. Fisheries P H ilKfK-k. deputy fisheries r. : ' i : contains the results of investigations of Dr. S. W. A i nu-ns and Lucy S. Clemens, whose predictions in the Jane Threw Eggs ' mm jLalaw9aaH Mm lined 2S in t r hmving I'.ivm Hution when he i. -in ;.iCr recw.tly POLITICS IN B. GT0DAY n pint Effort Are Belli Made to fierce Liberal Hank In South; Nominations Increase Parties Confident ffstdfnt of Conservative Avwcia-tiun May Run as Independent In The hlands Rldlnc VI' Toria Am. II:-The tattat ' 11 " '"ove Is to set a larm num- I the CnnupMU i h Independents. With ap-i iu.,'rlv 93 candidates In all In '" ' ld those opposed to a Liberal ; 1 1 "Mutton an saying: "Pt-1 '"not get a majority of the v Encouragement la vv tnr c c P. m the hope that "'v will divide the Liberal forces ' 1 'nu. break up those who are m" "!lv minded. Tn. Liberals are to nominate nine '"'Jidstes the wk after next in ' nrouvr area, thus filltnff out quou of is for 47 consUtuen-m both Kmki and Cowtehan- . th"e are kton tabo' ",Kl",r; and the. will not be t'l"ls,,rt by Liberal . rnn Nominations u ."' Vi" PMln t of the pic " Conservatives as a party vim, ('OIlM-rwatU.- rln ,ndnndnU. I mostly n waning, id; It's. 0 Tnll ..a- . In k,,,., wnWIHH, "innumaie uon- ""inuet, on page 3 HAS BLOODLESS REVOLUTION There Will be no Recovery warning to conserve the sal. Coast is given in the annual Department issued bv John commissioner. Sir. Babcock's pat have made a reputation for accuracy Thaw suthorttiee atate that the asUnon supply on this roast u trading to decline In Hirers Inlet the salmon run la showing three igniflrant tendencies, a gen r:ii reduction in the avenge atee of 'lie fish a steady decrease In the i. irabers of five-year old ffcsh and 1 ) rease In the number of males ii, it 11 increase In the retaUve :i:r,tfr of fesnalei which may aug mem future nuts. It la stated. There is little reason, the re h for expecting a return creater in 1WJ than those of the brood years of IMS. 1M0 when the parks were 60J44 and 79.260 eases rr, pert I very AWPluW HgUltoftft ran is (orerat for the great Skeena River !ytm The Skeena. It Is red n in a cycle of comparattve- :,'W production and careful pro- . ision stuiukl be made to provide for Un' rsraemet)U. otherwise there d: lie no rerorery A 'tuKDtm In the report shows a Mrfmii) downward tread la the RkeeiiH fnh supply frasn IMS to 1832 and It u declared that even the prrvnt fishing reatiicUona have nut ini-rrased the escapement of the fifth to spawn At the same ttme there has been an Increase tn the number of fishing licenses Issued and a tier rease in the catch per license STRONG FOR PARTIES IN POLITICS "There are no Conservative can dictates In the field in this pro v In etal election so I am not interested In it. You can tell the people that If you like," stated Oeneral A. u. MefUe. Canadian senator and mining man. who has been In the city today awaiting abatement of weather conditions before leaving for Juneau by airplane. The Oeneral was quite definitely In favor of party government and made himself clear in regard to It. Yesterday the Oeneral and his engineer. R Jonalemon. visited the Lucky Luke mining property at usk but waa non-committal as to hU Interest In it He is also going to look at mining properties near Ju-neau. The Senator expressed the view that Prince Rupert looKed muen kH.r than when he was here ten year ago He was glsd to hear that there had been an improvement in the fishing prices. Speaking of the mining situation again. Oeneral McBae said he was interested only In gold properties. He did not think silver was a suf-flcletaly stable commodity to put money Into He doubted If the price would bo P ry "uch- ,n engineer, however did not quite agree with thut He said there had been axed uct Ion l output of silver and even If Uc prh-e went up there silver mines that Most of the silver would operate was produced alonit with other metals Apparently he ww more hope-'ful for silver than principal. How State Troopers Waged War Charges of brutality on it.e par, o! New York ute poac in break ing up groups of farmers gathered on the highway near Boonvlile N Y., to ujp passage of miik trucks during the producers' holiday are bel.Tg investigated t y Major John A. Warner, head of the slate troops. This picture shows state troopers In action a tl.ey cleanH the Alder Creek road leading Into Doonvllk. Eight fanners were knoekef! unconscious in this e counter. ... .J Machado Resins Presidency Only After Military Forces Unite to Get Rid of e MOLLISONS WILL TRY TO CAPTUUE DISTANCE RECORD ! 'Canadian Press) NEW YORK. Aug 1J: Cant James Mollison sailed for Loo- don on the as. Majestic last night to rush work on has new airplane In anticipation of seeking with his wife the world's long distance flying record. Mrs. Amy Johnson Mol- lison Intends to fly to Mom- treal for the air pageant there August 10 to M. TERRACE READY FOR VISITORS Special Arrangements Made to Accommodate All Who May Visit Interior Nesl Week Word has been received from Terrace that special arrangement have been made to take care of all guests who may visit Twuce next week on the C. N. R. cheap rats excursion. Special low rates are being made by the hotels and very low rates are being made- by Swain' and Burnett's and other text eon cerns to Lakelse Lake and back. This will be a special Inducement to take advantage of the excursion. The Terrace people are very much enthused over Ue project as tney see In It the possible beginning of a new era of closer communication with Prince Rupert by means of Uie railway company. They are doing their best to co-operate and see that Uie people get proper Him and Administration NEW PRESIDENT OF CUBA TO HE CHOSEN, WILL PHOHAHLY HE CAHLOS MANUEL DE CESPEDES WHO WAS FORMERLY AMBASSADOR TO U, S. HAVANA, Autr. 12: The Cuban state department today formally advised the diplomatic corps that President Machado will take leave of absence and that it is the president's purpose later to resign. The President's decision followed closely on a bloodless coup d'etat by the army last night in which the military united, seized fortresses and other strategic points and demanded that Machado get out. Colonel Antonio Jiminez, chief of the dreaded secret police of the outgoing Machado regime, was shot and lulled by soldiers today after he had wounded an unidentified man who was celebrating the end of the Machado regime. All political factions this afternoon arc agreed that Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, former ambassador to the United States, should lie the new president. Dr. Lewis Hall of I Victoria Passesj Was Twice Mayor of City and Took Prominent Part in Liberal Organlzatlori VICTORIA. Aug. it: Dr! Lewis Hall, dentist, twtoe mayor of Victoria, aed 73 yean, died here today. Dr. Hall m always a strong temperance advooate and took a keen interest In all public affairs In the city. After being mayor for two terrns he was defeated by Mayor Morley. As a leading Liberal he for many years we a member of the execuUve and took a prominent part In the party organisation. SILVER ANT) COPPER ON XEW YORK MAIM NEW YORK."Aug"i8:nar silver was quoted here today at 35V and copper uf 9c. on Milk Pickets MR. BOWSER 13 SUED BY VICTORIAN Writ Issued Acalnst Leader of Non-I'artisan Group For Libel VICTORIA, Aur. l!:IYank R. Carlow, through his solicitor, today issued a writ for one hundred thousand dollars damatcs against W. J. Itowser K.O., for alleged remarks made at a meeting Thursday nliht at Esqulnult, when Mr. Itowscr was supporting Kx-ltrcve T.lrlck. non-partisan candidate. Mr. Bowser said hts defence would be made public through the courts. The hospital board at Its meet- lng last night decided to purchase ,$750 worth of needy supplies. T. D. Pattullo Declares Liberals Should' Not Run As Independents " Party Proposes to Adequately Meet Present Economic Conditions, Leader of Liberals Declares in Statement Issued Today at Victoria VICTORIA, Autr. 12: Liberals seekincr seats in the ! Legislature will run as Liberals officially nominated at conventions, T. D. Pattullo, leader of the party, stated. "I have noted that it has been stated that amongst the great variety of candidates likely to run in the approaching pro-vincial election there are some 'independent Liberals,",. ' . !. 1 Mr. Pattullo commented. "Let me rt i it m p.T iay that the Liberal party Is putting K A II VI r til : UNITING TO FIGHT CUT Expected 29,000 Employees of Ca nadisn Roads Will Join Huge Organization For Mutual Benefit most lmnrelre nrr.ntrjHnn ,itr to have been effected in the ranks of Canadian labor will come Into existence during the next two weeks when 20&009 representatives of standard railroad labor organizations band together in a co-opera tive association which it is announced Is being organised "for in dustrial economic and legislative purposes in general and In particular to oppose the present unjust and unwarranted wage cuts proposed on the Canadian railways." Alaska Salmon Pack Nears Four Million Cases For Season JUNEAU. Alaska. Aug. 12: Th Alaska salmon pack for all districts on August 5 aggregated 3.894.951 cases with the red variety predominating with 2.133.177 eases. Ground is Broken on Building of New Ice Plant on Waterfront For Firm of Albert and McCaffery The first sign of life in the way of new construction-since the depression wave passed over the country is the commencement yesterday of a new ice plant on the waterfront for Albert & McCaffery. Work on it commenced yesterday. When asked in regard to the new building, M. P. McCaffery said this morning that it was a small plant to be devoted solely to the manu-r; ; facture of Ice. It was not a cold itri storage plant In competition with the plant now here. At the present ttme lee was being brought tn from Lake Kathlyn and was also being manufactured at Butedale and on the Skeena River. Owing to the increased use of substitutes the coal business had dropped off and his firm was going Into this as a side ; Yesterday No. 1 Northern was sell-line. They had - the space on the; lng for spot eash here at 74V4c but dock and wanted to utilise It ; today It Is down to 03 He. The great feature about the new plant Is that It U the first stgn of aggression In the city In several years, Insofar as the waterfront Is concerned. It Is an Indication that one of the businessmen who has been tn the elty since the beginning still has sufficient faith In the place to Invest more money here. W L. Armstrong, ticket agent atj Prinee Denrse fur the CNJl.. 1mvI tor Vancouver on the company : Doal Wis evening. I i official Liberal candidates In the field and If anyone presumes to run styling himself an 'Independent Liberal' he has no standing whatever so far as the Liberal party Is concerned. The Liberal party exists as an official organization for the pur-' pose of furthering policies in the public welfare. It passed definite land specific resolutions at a convention held last October and with- in the ambit of these resolutions (there Is the "widest possible scope to the light WTror complex-eeonomte PPO to ade qoately meet these conditions." he concluded. AIRPLANE WAS FORCED BACK Bad Weather Made It Impossible to Land at Ketchikan This Morning The plane carrying Oeneral Mc-Rae and his engineer. P. Jonalemon, left this morning for Ketchikan but owing to a storm that was raging and the poor visibility It had to return. It was planning to get away later In the day as soon as conditions improved sufficiently as Oeneral McRae Is anxious to reach Juneau today. Wheat rnce Goes Down VANCOUVER, Aug. H: -There was a big drop In the price of whelt today from yesterday's quotations. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Alastatr MeRae wU1 be held tomorrow af ternoon at z:su rrom tne u. c un-Ortaker. Rev. W D. Grant Hol-l.ngworth officiating. DIED IN VICTORIA VICTORIA, Aug. 12: Mrs. Emms Ure. widow of James Ure and re- sklent of Victoria for OS years, died Friday at the age of 89,