Wednesda: PHE DAILY NEWS Mesday, Devs . —_——————— = == : : See, | | P _ os STORMY WEATHER DOES FO NOT HINDER THE RUPERT R SALE “The News” Classified Ads. |) ex sir «susoue Selecting the Xmas Kodak is a very simple matter EXALL STO. 5. at the i Tit * ve" Landing” on Time with Good “greene Our stoc is complete Passeneer Lick G50 Ture Ave tonsa i. ‘1 from the little Brownie ios yee i _* to the more expensive atid e nt or or C 10on== Although many anticipated Kodaks.*Let us assist ITlinat the severe storm raging EMPIRE BATHS you’ in selecting the —~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— | long the coast would keep the]in ver an : = a d able shave g ; : : re Da ’ Lave ED Xmas kodak. . aera Prince Rupert late, Captain Bar a ie “to date f . 70 tae The C. H. ORME lney Johnson brought her in on] such as appeal to pa oF pandines are The Pioneer oo Stores meen nena: 1 leime this morning For th one Centrally Locate 82 -PHONES~—200 + laa, ah eatre NOTICE. For Rent RETURNED FROM HOLIDAY | tirne of the year the passenger KEEFE a DORREL = —— — ist was re sably heavy, there Pr , “f 5 a plist was remarne Oprietors - In hon ae & of ea pe 5 : poms mermncommernnsomne rte rtnsemns . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morris Return!) .jyj0 seventy saloon and thirty Act and in the Matter of Sica cal & Company, Limited FURNISHED cabin to rent with 2 beds, This au om Southern | five deck passenges In addition FURNISN r electric light and water; also share © a ornia. thee R em brought three hu di = TAKE NOTICE that an application will} room with board. 704 McBride St jth ! . ; : ED ROOMS @ CABINS a e tan ar oe as - 1 be made to the Registrar of Joimt Stock) gggit lred 1 of general freight fe i [ Companies after the expiration of, cae —— =a the ars tly ; . IN tits one 9 — - month from the date of the first publica ' orris, o ’ the en nd up tine pormts per week for single bed a } Few presents that can be given will bring greater or tion of this notice for leave to change the| McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, od ' Piercy, Morris & C set A waest the sloon péasengers | 2% bed Comy ~o . 8, $2.00 for doy ; ‘ a t h grade name of the above company from “Sloan Terms. Gray & Son, Black 78 208: ' - ‘ - water bath and go more lasting pleasure to the recipient than a high grad & Company, Limited,” to “Bryant Com- panied by Mrs. Morris, Was O0¢| were the following: Mr. and Mrs. | i tl parm ac: Pi gee ite - oa Patyeted the ist day of November, A. D. oe me of the passengers who arrived bY|\_ J. Morris, J. H. Dowling, D. J.]F¥rnished Cabins at $4 4 Month | filled, solid gold and diamond set cases is farge = an 1912. ? For Sale lthe Prince Rupert this mo Duintives, L. OG. Mell, ties. } , | APPLY 208 NINTH aves i varied. For gentlemen we have a fine selection of thin WLLIAMS & MANSON, f | His numerous friends through eet Chéviesn Wend. Peel Mead VENU] : lel Howard 1 Hamiltons Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited, | ®™ ——E—E——— ; ; bh tee sed to know a wal 4 mode oward ant é s. 996 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, 8. C. the city wi ve please Cridge, Wallace Smith, Walt« | R W CAMERON quessnneeen nannies, 1 ae —- brand new Mau re rifle ans| that after his sojourn of te Smith | ID fend " ' ' That 100 rounds of ammunitior veap 200, | . . Off ‘ G.T.P LAND PUCHASER NOTIC ES Oreene, Central Hotel "995-207 ie ks in Southern California he} R_igehie. Masts I. A. Ritehie, J.)be outs elal Watch tnepecter G.1.P. IC” F camnsmestinerteniomeninnssssntelipisenttsamati ——— * wis + s much improved in health id} RR. Smith. I Nelle { Johnstone , ‘ tt Tt + eh | 0 e r as well as e\ ; Res j to keey Skeena Lend District—District of Coast, , is now feeling a vell a ( i ‘ Hi a a keel Take notice =< Wectne A. Redes, of Lost and Found During all that time Mr. M Kirkpatrick, A. H. Mart Mis "They grew in beauly vide by ig . . ; T d the home a: ae : Prince Rupert, occupation broker, ane Dissiniti easel b | states that he experiences Be M and Mrs. EF. Gaum Sin hey filled ' with glee ‘ cutee teseriied lander yee te two wet days end has no hesita-|p ss Steadman, R. O. Miller, ade ; } . . LOST—A silver mesh bag. Suitable re . oun Grand tour distant tn ya ~ ee to ward offered. Finder please leave at} tion In recom nding th me White, I. DeVall A. Sw t - PANAMA STUDIO | Moore’s Cove, thence east 80 chains, thence Royal Hotel or Daily News OMice. 2971) eouth as a health resort ID. M. Moore, P. J. Salvis, Mrs ve I south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to _ — " sila Ml 1 | shore line, thence north 80 chains to PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC. co. repherd iss allanae | oint of commencement, containing 640 Attend Golden Wedding. ane Wi dd Mes offs Seres more or less. on A MADEN NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. W _ ~y! a | . P , GEORGE R. NADEN. son & p { lla Per Daniel Lyons, Agent. Tenders will be received at the office of Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Allis ‘ Edna Wils H. J. Cramer. T. J eer ess Studio Dated September 19th, 1012. the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co ; : ur ’ ; Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. Hays Building, up to Wesdnesday, Decem-| leave on the Prince Rupe Cowa lr. W. Brewer, F. Fras Re 10 { ber 18tn, at 6 p. m., for the construction) pniday morning for Victoria | ©. Crosbs ] Larog DD B ( \ Skeena Land District—District of Coast,/or the following: SSS ES Range V. . attend the golden wedding ant ' \ , @ ‘ ‘ v Take notice that I, Alexander Noble, of . 4 ae A atten Pa oo | | Hawle i McKay, A. T. Ke Special 8 Port Essington, B. C., occupation cannery- ; 1 office Duilding versary of his parents mr. ane ly. Peters, Miss M. Stracla Mrs ‘ A am” man, intend to apply for permission to 7 . 7 “ 2 ober llison rot f ae purchase the following described lands 4. 1 tower for serial tramway er (Mr Robert All : both |\s “ J. Jeps 1 A. Gree i! | Commencing at @ post planted at the 5. 1 protection trestle for serial tram-)| 4) are well know n this] Wane M R. H. Morri { southwest corner of Lot 27, thence north ve ee cubic yards sené ond ererel , ‘ow ak j - ' so 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or ae 3m cubic yare sanc City, having resided er a or, ree M | I Mi ‘ ) less to Lot 1746, thence south 20 chains | Dunkers. te of years he ha ‘ : AcKa PAPERHANGING more or less to the beach, thence follow 7. Gridiron for unloading scows, 140) COUP TR « ' 7 7s Ml ind M J. Brice, Mrs. St ing the shore to point of commencement, | feet by 30 feet. will be celebrated | 1 gather as George Mcl BI } AND ontaining 40 acres a a ee o Plank eer + tin oes . tent’ . r ' : \ ' - che ‘ ; sh I . 4 ALEXAND NO E *lans, specifications and forms of tender) «© e s1 be ‘ . ~ brooks In the MeIntyre Hall Dated Octoper 16th, 1912. for the above can be seen at the office of| i. centers or grandehildr M INTERIOR DECORATIONS t rub. Nov. *tith, 1012—Jan, 6, 1913 Messrs. Ritchie, Agnew & Co., civil en au ors All K { o) + he gineers, McBride street }Alex. Douglas, of the Lester W ' ske sl istrict—District o 20ast, e. , : eee ane Range V. eres nw CLARK DURANT | David Co., who is a sor oe LOCAL NEWS ITEMS R. E. BALL r: Take notice that I, Sam Ennyu, of a : | Nhe an leave . u $s a venin Kayex, British Columbia, occupation lum- General Superintendent Mr. Allison Sr., w ; P. O. Box 274 Phone 1% : } berman, intend to apply - porensesien - ithe Rupert to be present n For the first tir he histor i { ‘ * ' purchase the following described lands: = = aye : the fir ‘ ; 4 D GES. { = December 19th, 1912 Commencing at & post planted at the] poRT EDWARD TOWNSITE Co., LTD. | festive oecasio Mr, a M f Prince Rupe he thund at : southwest corner of Lot i182, Range V, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. lison will spend the Christmas ’ : f KID OLMEN VS. ABE MORTIMER Goons, Distrist eat on te sorte hess. of b hters wilde . ae Spgs | was hea i wh g flasi freessrescroeororsesssserereoreets, \ thence north 15 chains, thence east 15|/ fenders will be received by the under lp R al +s ver the ; (! chains to the boundary of Lot 182 afore-| signed at their office, McBride St., up to Pihce mupert apot ue “Es } ; said, thence south along the said boundary | phursday, December 19th, at noon, for the the New Year \ e ; ‘ 5 eee are 15 chains to point of commencement,| consiruction of 23,300 lineal feet (ap | Dainty Kmas Handkerchiefs > : by } } f containing 23 acres mere @ Saary proximately) of 3-foot plank walks. Plans amie 4 i fabs ak rk “Va A ‘ Dated October 10th 4918 _— . specifications and forms of tender can be On Monday evel A af thie ‘ a us, rt ' Good Preliminaries by Loca! Talent. Marquis of Queens- a 93 6, 1013 seen at the abeve office 205-207 OT 9 } ; ae | Fa Rev, 81, Sete RITCHIE & AGNEW, Civil Engineers.| manse, Rev, PF. W. Kerr united a ; { bury Rules. First Preliminary at 9 o’Clock Sharp. December 14th, 1912 : \ \ fs , ; | Skeena Land District—District of Coast ; marriage Mr, George O'De vay 4) AY ; Main Event at 9:30 on the Stroke of the Clock, Range IV. oe a | this city and Miss Marie W Mr { Maris et ed tl _ V5 awe ; Take notice that William J. Mogridge, | Dishes lor ft r" ‘ Va URB! ; of Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, , oO I . T g = ' Reserved Seats $2.50 General Admission $1.50 intends to apply for permission to lease | We have the cheapest ordi will t om theirs : ) Chris , ; the following described lands | nary. everyday crockery and a! oes CARRS Up vet si at totale Fe eel ; » Commencing at a post planted on the| "4ry, every-Gay crockery and also | |i). | ( ;eor e Leek ; ———————————————— = SO foreshore in Kumeolon Inlet, on Lot No./jthe finest chinaware Wallace's g , 187, thence east 20 chains, thence south oo 4tt ' 30 chains, thence west 20 chains more or} ovat . ‘ large ato fa : duct . . ee ee less to river bank, thence northerly fol- | emai aati We hay = tare ” . Big ” , pres pe 618 3rd Ave ; lowing river bank and foreshore to point monds Do y want one this |See A. W Kdge { d Avenue : C ¥ J . 50 acres i f re ‘fs j LE gg yam ee © vied Da nty Xinas Handkerchiefs |p ijday time? These are abs 285-tf or @ NewS ; WILLIAM J, MOGRIDGE and Collar Sets at Demers’, tely perfect and we guarante Dated November 15, 1912. 297-302 sare a ; oa ; | Pub. Nov. 25, 1912—Jan. 20, 1013. | every one ur prices it M lames Shaw f Hazelt | ; —_—_—_—_ . —————— _ — —— next six days are as low as the! jc the cit ; lowest. Wark’s 206tf | 3 ‘ if y are spending Xmas ; | ‘ south ike the Pr ess May'| ; ! 1 here Saturday, Dec ‘tat it | = ; ‘ KNOTT’S BAKERY § 0 0 2 esisos2 neattoe | | ] : Dec, 22nd, at 8 p. m 204.300] Lot ! ' | | | For First Class 5 ' ; | 5 his i ‘ XMAS CAKE Choicest liquors and cigars— | th Ave ; and , Savoy. - } ' HOME-MADE PUDDING ; | gerade i 3rd Ave. Phone 190 D ~ 4 | . , ' u eeKs Me : way To avoid possible disap Kitsun . . has le ded ‘ | Ter i, i pointment later, please send stay the city to see the fight] ; your orders early ‘ . } Dad has ¢ A C ; “ ! . ; an Crown Agency Lo. ; ‘ = v Phone 43 ; | ‘ Speer eee eee ee eee tet eter ttn Our Entire $30,000 Stock 5 More Shopping Days 9} O,.. Doubk Do not leave your shopping till the last day or two before OF JEWELLERY, CONSISTING OF Christmas, Corner ' §- Diamonds, Gold Pins, Brooches, Cuff Links Rage ate. ectaem, 7th AVENUE f ‘ You do not get the choice of goods. You cannot expect Bracelets, Rings, Necklets, Watches, Lockets, Cut Glass toy ae eatataaatnmanha cg aeasshcnty SECTION SIX Brass Novelties, Bronze and Copper Goods, Hand Bags, Club Bags “iasore er : uae : : 2 , ; BELTS SILK HOSE es oor cant Sterling and Plated Silverware, Toilet and Manicure Sets, etc. MAKE ACCEPTABLE XMAS GIFTS es! Remember a rizes Given Awa s Mon ber the Cash Pri Gi Away This Month —_ Harrison & Company Everybody awéll knows that we have always carried the largest, the most reliable and most saints Semele tiie te (am ? Brokers and Financial Ag this North country. This season we misjudged the market. When we were buying this spring we hoped and expected a pros- WILL J HUGHES Second Ave Prince Rupert > . perous Xmas and therefore bought altogether too large and expensive a stock. , Prince Rupert in fact every line that we can sell at less than their regular prices we are going to sell at the following discounts. Po Everything going at , | n { Our Mistake Will be Your 10 Do You Buying Early while WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE } To Rent Gain you have first choice : ial . TON IGHT 6 roomed house per cent. discount $25.00 $20.00 Avenue A Scream Faree Comedy Office on Secon "7 : store mm met $75.00 70 © ; | ‘The Bosom Friend of Bowser’’ : Rous, Popular Prices: 25, 35 and 50 Cts Third Avenue Jewellers Phone 12 nacitie Tite te kee ave 158 pila, deaeete tele G. R. Naden Co., Lid end Avene $10.00