FAtIK TWO THE DAILY-NEWS .ErKUy.'DcUbei 20. ijjj CassiarlDistrict Has Quiet Year j Classified Ads IV1 d M 1 4ffi Mining Number Sol of So Field Prospectors Active Although. in l FOR SALE TRANSFERS Wherever you find Tfie FLAVOR LASTS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue .H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES v City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid in advance ;$5.00 For leaser periods, paid In advance, per week .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 DAILY EDITION Friday. October 30. 1933 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS VOTERS This is the last chance we shall have of giving a word to the voters of Queen Charlotte Islands prior to election day. We suggest to them that it was Pattullo who laid the foundation of the present road system and who always recognized the claims of the Queen Charlotte Islands people to better communication. As a result of the highways on Graham Island living conditions are very greatly improved. When Mr. Pattullo addressed a public meeting in this city a short time ago he emphasized the fact that his government would complete the highway which he had commenced on Graham Island. Mr. Pattullo is opposed to the nationalization of industry and property which Mr. Rudderham advocates al though he believes in exercising the rieht to retrulate in dustry in the interests of the country. He is not a socialist. like Mr. Rudderham, but he believes thoroughly in social reform. In other words he is not a revolutionist but be lieves in the evolution of democracy. One other reason for supporting Mr. Pattullo is that he, as leader of the Liberal party, will become premier if his party is elected. He is an outstanding personality and when he says he will do something he is likely to be in a position to keep his word. Mr. Rudderham can be nothing more than a follower; a pawn on the chees board; a member of a party whose policy is dictated bv the small junta at Vancouver which exercises autocratic powers. He is supposed to have no mind of his own. In accepting the nomination he placed his future in the hands of the bureau, and is supposed to have no ideas of his own which are not approved by that small group of revolutionaries. Mr. Pattullo knows the islands well but owing to the fact that he.has to visit in 46 other constituencies and aid in the election of 46 of his supporters, he was unable just now to pay the visit he desired. When here he said he was trusting to the people of the islands to come to his aid under these difficult conditions and support the policies for which they all stood. People of the islands you have elected -Mr. Pattullo several times covering a period of sixteen vears and now that for the first time he is really in a position to do something is scarcely the time to turn him down. Prince Rupert people believe you ill do the right thing at this ECZEMA RASHES & OTHER SKIN TROUBLES Soothed & Healed by Zam-Buk. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS -x 27" -Tt TT a d I'fiaflatt tut charActer It's sure to ole&se voul iSl W47 CPU REPLENISHING PHONE US . r.it ii ... . . ... very wen i we have coals suitable J lllfl S ! II I for all your requirements and at prices to .tfuit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & GO. LTD. Phone 018 Mining etovJVy 4uw -ben nUwiroR SALE good attic safe. can f CAMERON'S -TRANSFER Tumi-' quieter thnn usual during the put; be seen at Dally News. tf ture moving, wooa, coai. cnairs couDle of vears in ilt Cassiar dls trlct around Telegraph --CM ndM SALE-Boston Terrier Pup further up the StiUlne River. Tills year only one company hu bn operating on a placer lease nr the Stlkine River about forty mlr below Telegraph Creek. However, a goodly number of prospectors went in early in the spring and work ad all summer, mostly around Dame Lake and also east and north of the same locaHty. GE3IS FROM XIFES SCRAP-ROOK TRANQUILITY "Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on In fortune and misfortune . . . like a clock during a thunderstorm." R. L. Stvenn. "If we are at peac with Godjtnd our own eonscleace. what enemy among men tveed we fearT" Iloas Ballou. "Unless we ttnd xvgmt within ourselves, it la wain t sek it else-where.V-HMa -Ballon. "Bn)oy your own Ufa without comparing it with that of another." Condoftct. 'Let us not care too much tor what happens: let as not tape oar peace of mmd at the mercy of event." Charles Ante. "It matters not what be thy lot. So love doth guide; "For storm or shine, pure .peace la wi me, "What 'er betide." Mary Baker Eddy. fur tl.am h imaie. ItefuM auLatitutea. Sa. at afl druuuta. ) Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted in any style Oame heads a specialty All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. I)ix, Taxidermist Terrace. IJ.C. Like Ducks ?? Get out this week-end. We have a Special 12-Ga.S. B.Shot Gun & box of Shells at $15 Only Two Outfits At This Price For Saturday Only at Kaien Hardware PHONE: 3 pies, pedigreed. PJione Oreeo506. 243 ( FOR SALE Cheap, for cash AJ3C i Washing Machine, as good as naw. Can be Mn at 110 Eighth Avenue. West, Prince Rupert. Phone JM. FOR-RENT HOUSB6 iF. ;w. man. NEWLY HMHKtl modern flat. RAnd Btedlc. Mmc rtlvJItaoMr. f PAINTERS lm FOR iRHNT t Jurnsstod. -steam-heated houMkeplnc roonls. 3rd Avenue. Phone 66, FOR RBNT Naw bungalow, t ibed roams, close in. harbor view. Furnace. T. MiClymont. tf PAINTING and Pa per hanging Mtjtfcr. Phone itec 802. SHOE REPAIRS, LOUIS SHIBIO for finest repairs S18 6th Street tf LIST TIIANCr: MIM.Ktl. ll-VIM Certificate of lmpratrmr nU TAKE NOTICE that. I. W H. MlMO. fw jnliWi orKlfieate No 4747. laUM M 4aya from Uvr at fcfof to a)y to la uiatnc Hearr (or a cmn oaae or IraurovaDnt for tba purpo' of oMaMInt a crown fr-nt of Mm above etaJm. AND further take nolle that actio-under txctlon 8 of tlx Mlnrl Aet mum be aomienced bfore (be laauaaat of aurh oertlfloat of laapruremenu. D( SSM July. - Plrat Inaertlon cue' i 'trt of aarertUemeat i PrPHOLRUM AND HAIUWAL OAS AOT "Power rests In tranquility. I Noikr f inieaii i an.ij m iaw CecU. THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIYER Wake up your Liver Bile Without Calomel Teuar "fatliai puak" aiairfy Ucuim mi Ever laa t pmi n daily I v.. pouada if bmU J"1; beaala Hifejtua aad raaUu. ara butb haaiormj, aail ymir lira tyataoi a JJfX pwaniiaj. w iiat you nl It a kitrr itiaiulaat. gaan Uoai tkat r ffttr Uute aalia. aubaral a(er. ou. wuiivacaadrw caewiaccmnurroucaaae whirti imly nrnva the faela ujaunna Uw ral eavM of troublr, your lun Take C.rtr IjitU Ijvrr PWm. Pr. ..... lyirMeum ami Nalral-I Jtlrbl In Bkeena lauid Recardloc Dlttrlot ot Htweti cnenoate oroup. c and in i uate on Oranam 1 aland Take notice that Caaolua D Fmnaooa ' of Portland Ore . ooeupation Ooloaiat Inlonda to aoply for a lease of tbr ; right to enur the Weal half of tkr , f: iiowtnc dmerlbed lands Ooameneimi at a poet planted to the North West corner of amotion a. ' Tp . then re South 80 chains: throe Boat SO chain thence North BO ebalaa. , thence Woat SO etoaina to plafe of be. . h'ftnnlni and riMiaatniajg S40 tore. 1 more or leas, for the putpoae of rat- : Ins and iQC thereout petroleum and I or i natural (aa i Dated this JlHh 1t of Julf. I Ml OABOUaB D. OtUONfl PETROLEUM AND lA I VKAi. JIOT N t lr nf Inlrnlmn In apply lo lae 1 11 ihI. m ...I V 1 .... I I. I . I. 'BTROI.EUM AND NATURAL SAB AOT 'iilkr nf Intention lo npply to l.eate I'rtnilriini anil Nstiiral-isa lllfhta In Bkeena lauid Bee, risM BVMltCt Queen Charlotte Or up p C , Od lu uate on Oranam bland. Tp. B, thence Bouth 80 cbkitM: thetatr RMt so chsina thence Nurtrt 80 ehalnsi thence West 80 chain, lo plsre of be-hfytnnlng and contstlning 840 sarra. more or less, for tlie purpose of rata Central Hotel American nnd European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 tor rent. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVINOI Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S T1EAUTY SHOPPE I PETROLEUM AND K VTUltAI. GAB-AC fclke of Jntriillun lo apply o I'rlrttlrmil mill NjllltitltKua iKIftlt ... .intaia to r UnMUwiBU Mwiwejnng hmbis rwht to tf in bkeena Und Harordan SHurlct of Utsren Ohafwate tlroey. we , M ' usie m Onbun Island Tk- " lkai Carotiia D . Iniww cf fortune! Oee Mupatln Oaotoftt. Jar a iM m toe Ute ImI Jaalf of the for rent. Will mew you in ISLST pw .n lb. Sortn Bast otrr of .liaMnn -A. To 9 thence South eo oheana. Utaar Wast N.ilMiM: Okw North S3 cans-. taeooe fcu jo aha Mn W ptarr a ImImiIm atld eonUkinlnc 60 !. 1 more or :m. fr the purpose of rJe-4 uw aAd i mitt eeeout immmm and I or i natural ( Dtn turn aaui day of Jwif. ims CAMUW D KMUON FtmfMtrM AND NATtlHAt OA AOT Neflre of lulrntUn la apply la IsaM l.lnlauin miA ainil.Hi KlrhU In ateeoa Unit irtlnn DMtotfj Qurvn ObarloUe Oroup. BC and 4t-uair on Orahaaa Wand I Tato aodfw than OaraliM P BeaaaaM of Portland. Ore . aorupaUon OeoMdM. intends to apply for a leaae af tS rMpki to -eater tfce Wet half of 'uUou diarrihad laode CuHMnrrtotni at a poet pteaied ISf tbe aotrtli '"M earner, of aeotttn fTU Tp tbance Jtorth so cbaUM; Mi him taet 80 ehaJna: thenar South SB uhaj '1 beewe Wee SO abairui to aiare af 1- oojtaainc and couiaaiunc M asm., mare or lea for the purpnae of raia-1 la and aetftlM theeeaaM prmleM and tort natural lav Dated tb la HUi ar of Jnrr. ISM rAROtr4 n saiMAwa 1 errfnixuu ad watukai. a as act i Nollee UnleNtieM U .ay4r la .! retreieaim ami sltM.gaa Klfbl In tena land Weawalieai Watrft of Oueen ChmrUOH- Oroup. B C and alt i J0e in oraha-o huiki Tae MUae that CMOlm D nt Portland Ore. orrupatton Intends to apply for a lease of lb rHrht to enter the Wan half of the faUaysUW .air-atbed aaada OaantnenciBai at a post pleated In the North Wert Oarnee of BeetMa r Tp tlieaee 'TkMtth M aalaj. thrrjee. Eaax ao cAMM. tnejane wnn Jm enatna-thenoe WeM SO rhalna Id peare of be ad cortaaaptna- MO more or leaa. for the puimee of raar 'ray and setMna; thereout prVneut iciri natutal gaa Dated tltia aath day f JUily. JMS CAl.gt o ftUMANB PBTrlOUljU AND NATtlHAl. OAS AOT Nellee ef iKlenllen to -apply la lr Irin4enai ami Naweal-a JIIsM In aaeeam 'tsum aaAiaftrax Watrtet QlMeii CNirtotC Or-np BC and alt uaJe on Orabajn Island Take notice a. Oarolu D af PsftUnd. Ore. eeMStlon In tends to apply for a loase of tlM-riffht to enter the BbM half of the tcnowlnr. dearrtbed land Oterunonrior at a pes planted to the North last aortier of t.otlon SI. rp. (. Uttnre North SO rratina: We-4 SO rhalns: thattee South SO thenee Baat SO SbaJfta In pakee of ' III Skeena Und fterordlna DMdrt of ,' tHHT'i "5 fST- Wtieen Charlotte Oroup. BC and alt. T. 1. .,mm i ucie un oranam island Take notice than CanHut D ! of Portland Ore . ocnipatlon Oejloast. Intends to apply for a letae of the right to enter the East half of the foUowina; daarrthed lands Commencing at a post alaaMed In the North Baat corner of g-otton 28. Tp '.hence North 80 chains: thence Wet St rhalns. tv.e flnithaW ehirna. hence Bast SO rha,ns to pUre of be. baarlnr.inf and roirtaeninf StO aom , nuire tit leas, for the piirSMhe of raja . liW aid tetuns; thereout Jete4iu- inl ion natural sa ' Dnted this asth day nf July. I Ml. rHol.t)H D PMMffNn. tn and tHtarm thereout petrol -um and i or i netitnu pa Dated thla Mth itiy of .fury. ISM riAROtiiM d etiurm rrmOLXUM AND NATURAL OAS ACT Vol Ire 'if Intention lo apply la-laetj I'ririiUHiit and NatursWraa . Hltbla In Steene iid Rr':rdlrN( tHsmet M bmren -ohartnatr Orvntp. BC . and alt usie un Oraham Island Take notke thai Carol ua D. Bnunons of PurUsnd. Ore eariapatlon Cenails IrUaridn to apply for a lae of the nam to enter the Rant half of the MhrarJnc dewMbad laid Cotninenolnv at a punt planted In the Siuth Kaot comer if Section 9 Tp. 8. Utenre North 80 halna. thenaa weal 80 rhalns: thence SViuth M ehaUas thtiK Beat 80 rhaina lo plafe of be beglniuns: and eontstntOf -BtO im mpte or lent, for tb pticpoae nf raJs tag and iK4nr thereon t petmleiuri iiu.Hr -tarn uanaiH J. CflUaans . an naeafai jm. of Portland. Ore oocupattot) OetjtoUt.l Dstad Uila,Mth dr qf July IMS intends to apply for a lease of th rktmvm t rvrMfsi rlRM to enter th. West haM of the I 1 following described land PETOI.BUU AND NATURAL OAS ACT Commencing at a H,t pUnted mi,.... the North West Corner of BeHon U ! N",lf' ' Inlenllon In anplr tn Iraw rririiiriilii Jinn aturnl.lua Hlili a In Skeetia tsxvi Keenrdlng Dlatnn nj Wueen UtiaHoUe Oroup. D C . and usie '.n Oraham Island late nonce uiat carntua n Enimm.. Inir and eWJn tliere.ut petroleum ' Port lapd -Ore nooupaMmi OeoliaiUi and ( or i titnra4 ma Intends to applr or a lease of the Dnted this 2tn day if July. IMS . 10 rnter the Bast ball of the CARO'.UB D IAIMONB rcMowtiHi sseeuMd Iwula: 1 Qwneneina! at a poot planted In Manure For Sale $1.00 a Load Delivered DOMINION DAIRY Tn a. thenra -otith 80 nhslni t)iei)c West 80 rharn: thence North SO rhaina 'fcepre East 80 Muuna to piaos of be- hrlnnlnf and c.irrUwnirur 840 seres ' more ar .less, -lor .the purpose af rais-Int and Uln therootil pHroleim ard (or l nituraj Dated hU Jftth rtsy of July. 1011 .RAnnuje) n kmmonb PJCTftOIXUai Mitt NATUltAL OAS AOT I Nntlrr nf Intention lo apply to leaae ' Trlroleiim and Kataral-(u Jlldrta i ; in. BseeDs xasd Hraordhx JDklftrt of iHuwn OharloMe Oroup. IIC and alt IlisXe on -Orabnm JsUoal. i I Xak notice la oaroliM D RouniM if Portland. Ore, oocuniitlon OenItJst. Ilnlenuls to apply far a .lease nf th. I right to enter Uhe Wet tvalf of uJ 1 lutUnnng dencrtbed lsrwls " uonunnnain ar a post planted In I tlie North Wast tturuer of tinoUun SI, IfTp B. Die nee South 80 chains; thenre Fist 80 cImIus: titetioe North 80 ehslna-thapas -Wdat SO ichsltta to plsoe of be. iletinnn and contolnlnx flio orr. mure or ,sae, -yor Die purpose of tats-lor and getUriff thereout petroleum and fori natural gat. Dated this 28th day of July. Ii1l CAROLUS D. IUUON8. P1LSENER there you will find good cheer . . . B.C.'s favorite beer (proved by largest sales) encourages good fellowship, 'Contentment rand satisfaction atdl times. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Alan Mftwora and Bottlers of: . 4iUT(ju iiiu,ANii I', n. c. itoiiiiMiA.v nmm 4AMI flltUAM STOirT Ihls adtrertlaement u not publunod or displayed by the ii Control Knanl nr i.v the ivernrrven of Itrltiah ('.lumtii SAVOY HOTEL Prtnrr Rupert . Leading Familv Hou-1 Hot H Cold Wjut In all Rooms A. J. i'lU'DIIOMMIX Prop. -8PSC1AL WINTER RATUfi S12 Per Month and Up Developing and Printing rVnd Your Film- !:: ' WKATIIAM.'S I'JIOTO FINISHING lUpId Srrvlre Tfinre Koprrl The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED lack co: I'rt-pnrfd Dally ll Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE HeJiulile and economiail re lairing of all jnaken of radio "uuninUiod" Phone: Blue 901 Coal Prices Alberta's Host Lump J-JJ Allerta;H Kent Egg OjJ Alberta's Hcst Stove -J-JJ Pembina Egg lrf Dry Jack and Cedar, per load JJ J,ocal Wood, per cord ,kU HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580