-.1'! t PAGE FOUR BIG SHIPMENT OF New Leckie Shoes Third Avenue Our shelves are piled high with a new shipment of Leckie Shoes w hich were purchased months ago at the low rate for large quantities then prevailing and arrived only this week. They are Seasonable Boots and Shoes For Men, Fine and Heavy Footwear For Women Misses and Boys All these arc being priced to give us only a small maririn of Drofit. Our custom- i"l"2 Cmf 4 lift lumnfii nf s11t trrrA tsatMf Owing to the popularity of the Leckie product the factory has been increased in size in order to meet the steadily growing demand. Prince Kupert is one of the markets for the Leckie Shoes and will continue to be as long as the present high standard continues. Let us show you. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Prince Kupert T. Clegs, inspector ol air brakes Lieut 0. Newberry. 8alvaUon J. A. Hartley, safety Inspector for for the Canadian National Rail- Army, who arrived In the city re- the provincial government, who ways, after a rtait to this city and eeatljr from Regtaa, sails tomorrow hat bttm on a visit here on official district an official duties, sailed by morning on the Princess North for duties, aalkd by the Prince Oeors the Prince feeorge last night for Wrangell. Alaska, to Join the corps last night on his return to Van-Vancouver, at that point. couver. A Brief Synopsis of Liberal Policy HEREWITH is a brief synopsis of policy as laid down by the Liberal Party of British Columbia, In istmventten held in October, 1932. Many matters of interest, not specifically set out, will require consideration. The principles enunciated are indicative of the Liberal viewpoint, and are broad enough to meet every question within piovlncial Jurisdiction. The Liberal Party exists as an official organization for the purpose of formulating and fur-taertac measures that will make for the well-being of each individual member of society, and the welfare of society as a whole. Innumerable questions, both of public and personal character, can be properly treated only through the agency of government Oevernment Is not an ordinary business, but carries responsibility to meet every problem arising from our complex social and economic eon-dUteas, in order that not merely a few, but all of our people may live in reasonable eomfort. The Liberal Party pledges immediate action under the best available advice and closest study. August, 1933. T. D. PATTULLO. 1. Profitable and permanent Employment is Uie most Important question facing our people. There should be co-operation between the national, provincial and municipal authorities and the Canadian banking system to establish the necessary credit to carry out a broad programme of constructive and useful wage-distributing public enterprise, and to further the health, education and well-being of an our people. An Economic Council should be established, the membership of which shall consist of representatives of the various avenues of endeavour, sueh as-heafth, education, agriculture, labour and the Industries. This council will be appointed by the government on recommendation of the interests Involved, and will act In an advisory capacity to the government. Amongst other things the council will study Industrial and social effort in the province and suggast means to correlate these efforts. It will famHidrlze Itself with intra, inter-provincial and foreign trade, and will eo-operate with the other provinces and the Dominion. It will also study sueh questions as production and consumption, and the marketing of our products, the number of hours of work per day and days of work per week, the standard of wages and commodity prices. These questions arc of .national as well as provincial concern, and British Columbia can take the lead in urging co-operation with the other provinces and the Dominion as a whole. National Unemployment Insurance should be established upon a contributory basis. 2 Our Financial position must be reviewed. Current expenditure must be kept within current revenue. While maintaining the credit of the province, effort must be made to reduce capital ehargec We cannot continue to pay exorbitant rates &f Interest for money. 3nTh Taxation Structure must be revised with a view to reduction wherever possible, Including exemption In the lower scale of wages and salaries, 4. The health of each of us is important to the whole community, and a measure of State Health Insurance should- be made effective, not only to preserve health, but to reduce costs both-to the average citizen and to Industry. 5 A general and effective review must be made of the Educational problem, rejecting any proposed organization that Involves a caste system. We must facilitate the intellectual growth of each individual member of society In order to equip him for his dally tasks, and for the enjoyment of such cultural pursuits as may be in keeping with our social customs. Triangular disagreements between the school boards, municipal councils and the department f education must be adjusted, and our whole system placed upon a sound financial basis. 6. The financial position of our Municipalities is of Increasing concern. An equitable adjustment must be made as between the province and the municipalities, and the municipalities placed in a sound financial position. 'An effort should be made to settle our Agricultural Lands in order that more of our crtl-sens may be self-supporting. Agriculture as a whole must be put upon a sound and profitable basis, and made capable of sustaining and dtreet-tng Itself. In line with aU other national, basic Industries. 8 Continuous effort should be put forth to assist industry in Marketing its products, in timber, agriculture, fishing, mining and, in fast, every operation where it appears that useful service can be rendered. Our highways must be kept in good condition, both for the benefit of settlers and the tourist traffic, and expanded as circumstances warrant. In this connection a llichway noard should be established to make for continuity of policy and to inspire confidence in impartial treatment, 10 A Public Utilities Commission should be established. 11 A National Central liank should be established. 12 Social Services, sueh as Mothers' Pensions, Old Age Pensions, etc., must be maintained. Abuses of administration should not be allowed, and injustice through mere technicalities should not be permitted. 13. The Peace Kiver must be given access to the Coast. 14 In order that the utmost Freedom of Action by Members of the Legislature may be assured in respect of questions before the House, it is Liberal policy that a government shall be considered to be defeated only upon a straight want-of-eonfldence motion. . IB The Dominion Government will be asked to place the Province of British Columbia upon a basis of equality with the other provinces, and to this end request will be made for a Itoyal Cpm-mission to ascertain the extent to which the Province of British Columbia has not been given Equality of Treatment wltbhhe Other Provinces of the Dominion. 16 There shall be a permanent Voters' List to ensure that all eligible voters are enrolled. 17- The Leader of the Liberal Party Is given a free mandate to choose for his associates In Bftvemment, men of character, ability and standing having regard sdely to the public Interest. THE DAILY NEWS FHjJn USCIATICA rWack tb pailful part wall ' with warm waiaf . (has rub im 1 1 plenty ml MimoT and l you'll (! barter! ARE WEDDED AT TERRACE Miss Mildred Kirkpatrirk Krcomes Ilridr of Norman Moorchouse A wedding of much interest hare and at Terrace took place at S o'clock yesterday afternoon m the United Church at Terrace when Mia Mildred Kirkpa trick, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick of Terrace, became the iride of Norman Moorehoase. second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moorehoase of this city. Rev. W. Jt. Welch officiating. The bride, who was given in max-iage by her father, made a pretty jlcture to-her wedding dress of white satin with veil and orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of Ophelia roses and maidenhair fern. The nuple were unattended. The church was filled for the orrssinn Following the ceremony, a re ception was held at the boose of the bride's parents, wedding breakfast being served to relatives and immediate friends. Mr and Mrs. Moorehoase arrived in the city on last night s train and will take op residence in the groom's new house at the cor tier of fourth Avenue and Bier' Street The couple will have tin hearty eongratulatlons and r' wishes of soany local friends The greem. who Is Identified v. v W. R. Love in the electrical bustix here, has lived in Prince Rut : since early boyhood The bride h.. also lived at Terrace with her pai ents stnee girlhood. NEW YOIIK METALS N8W YCjRK Oct 16 '-Ear silver closed at MUr per ounce on the local metal market yesterday and gold at $29 IB Copper strengthens: up somewhat at from 7'-r to 7 9c Today s price for silver ;.' rlosini: was jb-V' and lor cipp r ,'-. an 7V BEFORE YOU BUY Compare Tliee Prkes. lie Fair to Yourself. AH Our Goods are of the Highest Quality BANANAS S lbs OlNOtR 81 APS S dot PILOT BR BAD S lbs ORANULATWJ 0VOAR 10 lbs LEMONS per dos PINK SALMON 4 4 this BOONOMY BUTTER - Our own brand, I lbs. MINCB MEAT QU. per bottle .... OXO CUBES large tin SUNKIST OHeVKOBS- 4 dos LETTUCE each APPLBS Oood and red per box t lbs HOWNTRBrs COCOA per tin 35c 15c 50c 75c 19c 25c 73c 39c 25c 85c 5c S1.49 25c v" 20c C ic li BRAN8TON PICKLE8 nOp &vV per bottle HILLS BROS. COFFEE (An per lb. "it JUTLAND SARDINES Or 4 tins Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store M , I' I. , . It .. .. . .nicir miliars nave more i;enis" 17-19 Third Avenue West , P.O. Ilox 575 Thone 18 BIG BILL ' ON SCREEN Two Features and Opening Episode . . -1 I iff-.-...! J,, f'nrtlfnt ' Theatre Patrons This Wk-End Two feature pictures, "Under the Timto Rim" and "Gambling Ship." on a double bill and the two-reel opening episode of the first talkie serial to be presented here, "Clancy of the Mounted." a thrilling yarn of the Canadian northwest, go to muke up a full and attractive program at the Capitol Theatre for the end of this week. "Under the Totno Ron." the cast of which is headed by Stuart Br-win. Fred Kohler. Raymond Hatum and Vema Hillie. Is the story of a Rowboy who just couldn't do anything right up to the time a girl laughed at him and made him low-his temper Ttw scorn has the effect of making him a real bad man and be breaks up a saloon, seises the boss' daughter and carries her off with him The picture reaches a breathless eUmu as Irwin faces a posse which has set oat to get him for abducting the girl, on the one band, and a band of cattle rustlers, on the other. The action of "Oamhling Ship" Is wt aboard a gambling ship with ary Grant. Hearts Home. Jack LaRue. O lends Parrell and Roacoe Kami playing the leading roles Orant is the central figure as s big -shot eastern smmbler who meets m old Urn'- enemy LaRue in the west i vi-t " h;i" follow being rapid mot ' tn , .. mm siBaaaaaaaaai ffW Active people of all ages en- oy the tempting flavor of elloKCi l'Kl' Ilran Hakes. Made of wheat. Nourishing. Eapy to digest. Plus iiraru Mildly laxative. Delicious with milk or cream. The flavor of oeffer bran flakctt PEP hah ruin Enjoy VK often Weak. fast, lunch or supper. Your grocer has it. Made liy Kellogg in London, Ontario. tra il x a u bm a in m i : kKt but. SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET PROMPT SERVICE ASSURED Liver, l lb. & OCrs Bacon. .1 lb 4 DC Prime Rib Roll fOJ per lb liSaC Round Stash oi 12C per lb...... Rump Roast -f n i per lb XilL Pot Roast qc 4 lbs ODC Hamburger OC 3 lbs -"Ol Stew Meat nr 3 lbs . Spare Ribs o- 3 lbs AOK, H'e Deliver Phoiir fif.n I. IILUTIX a rm vmmtm trntmrm i an i: ri R Oet quick result with a want ad Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 8:30 Admission 13c Si 50c leaturr V- ""OLD?? lib T THRILLING WESTERN COMKDY Ko.M Zane Greys "Under the Tonto Ifr 7:30 & 10:00) With Stuart Irwin, Vcrna Hillie. A Paramount p The Prise Sap of the Mexican itordrr Gpk T Cl(J ST "Gambling Ship" , Fl'lSODK NO. 1 OF THE GREAT CANADIAN snuu "CLANCY OF THE MOUNTED Starring TOM TYLER and JACQl 1 LINK UF.a METRO NEWS DIAMOND T SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Local Veal Kwwt Lejf Veal, lb. . ISc Roast Loin Veal, lb. . 15c Veal Chops, lb 15c Sh ld r Rst. Veal lb. 10c Veal Stew, lb 5c Local Lamb Shoulder Ku&st Lamb Jb 15c Lamb Stew, Ih. $c fresh SALMON, lb. 2J)c Quality Service Tc lr .v i- u launi- walnut Ken 151 SO & U'j mi for quirk Extra Sped Round Sv. Hamrunp Carbrili;t -Bonele.- lb. Cottar 1: Ayrnhin I; Headchc. - Iarn K Boiling ( Poultry Phone fipL Phons I'ionccr !:' MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Clearance on Odd Pieces al .,,38.50 $32.5' A new shipment f Chesterfield arrived. bet qui. JO lb KAKMC l'i lb '-7 Third Avenue T COAL The Economical Coal OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Hume of (lie Fisherman, Lofter, Miner KOOMS J10 per month, $3 per week, 60c per night KHOUI.lt ISATIIS Third Avenue Phone 946 JIMMIK C1CCONE NEW 35c Practice Economj Get from 10 to 25 percent more U m m all units tor your iuel dollar. Order Bulkley Valley ROYAl HOTEL J. 7.nr. r . ma noxtw1 HOME ah nil 50 Rooms H" Prince R'1! f,;ll!