133' v-.br -3 vNDONT RISK CHEAP BAKING POWDER P?AND EXPECT DE- rPENDABLE results; SAYS MISS HELEN O. CAMPIIELL i h t.iimH Olttti C7ujan Imiliun MAGIC c--- i-t quit '4 of a cent more per baking ttun t-ie chcapeac inirnor Diking powdars. u; - ! uw tni nne-quaiiry renting powder tire ill autMfuctory rnullt? Vi '.rS NO AI-t'M.'"niUMaiMiwfi(Mfry r ; .jar.mw that Mask Hakln trnmOtr . alum anjr harmful JnftvJicnt. Jasmine LIQUID CLEANSING CREAM LIQUID FOUNDATION CREAM With a Magnifying Mirror Both For 55c MJ In Canada MENTHOL SHAVING CREAM and Combination Screw Driver 65c ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF RILEY'S TOFFEE In Bags at 25c Ormes Ltd. JiiA Pioneer Druggists J.t Krssll Store Phenes 1 II Sailing Lints, Keerrationstctc.,an rt quest Very Low Rail Fares to Seaboard on sale Nov. 20 to Jan. 5 Return Limit o Month. F"i- IiUormatmn call r write City Ticket Office. 158 3rd Avenue Prince Rupcrl, B.C. v-mmi ANADIAN NATIONAL I'NION STEAMSHIKS LIMITED 8t.mfi PTloc Ruptrt (or Vanaouw ,s CATALA EVERT TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Falls, due Vancouver. Thursday PM fi CAHln v, ft)., ,. r.r.m i-iiuiAY .Min.Mliiir. J" f jUvcr Monday m, to Port Btmpaon. Alice Arm. Anjos. Bir iM waaa i " raatton rt(amin all MlUtvaa im) tcH at -Jnpfrt A.ency: Second Avenue, rhnnc 5M CANADIAN PACIFIC Sl,,mf" lcv 1'rlnce Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean nils and im- .... Way Port: For VavV'iV.:.. Uf'We. I'rldays 10:00 p.m. I MOl'VEU: dlrrct: fL 1 -s LUlsc. Oct 18. IS: Princess Noruh. Nov. 3 I p KAN' WRANOKl.L, JUNEAi: and SKAOWAY. w.i-. a, at, i i lllLcns iiuiiu" W 101 ,lr,rvatlons and Information ' i L COATE8, Opwmi Agent, Prince Rupert, ".C. D RAZAAR UNSUCCESSFUL (CentlnueairomrPage ,1) Lean.miiOreen St.. city. Fifth Prize No. 280. W. Schrei-ber. Royal .Hotel. 81xih Prize No. 001, A. Murray, Schooner Sea Maid. Seventh Prize No. 1142. N. Orat-ton. Prince Rupert. The first three prizes were $50 eh; fourth, $; firth, $15; sixth, $10, and-seventh, $5. Rbevt Mexley and -.Ronald 'Allen were Judge in he grand drawing. 'Othrr-Drawings Ton of coal donated by M. P. Mc-Caffery. won by Mrs. M. McBrtarty ticket No. 191. Cake, donated by Christ tn Bakery, won by 3. OHbert, ticket No. zv. Afgiian. donated by Mr. R. E. Moore, won by Mr. Jos. Oeron, tirket Wo. . Hadlo atool. won by Mrs. L. Aim-dio. ticket No. ffl. Ham. donated by R. E. Moore, won by Mrs. Hubert Word, ticket No Si Coffee, donated by Mrs. L. Ama-Idlo. won by The Bisters of St. Jo seph, ticket No. 3. Scarf, donated by Mr. Arseneau. won by Mr Hubert Word, tteket No 17 Pillow sHps. donated by Mrs. Ward, won by Mrs. Ttws. Priest USket No 4. weater. donated by Mrs.Bateher. won by nes UvMoon. tteket No 10 otl. donated by Mrs. MeCaffery. won by Jack Mettatty. tMretlfo. 17. ' Jflcheon set. eomtd by Muten jof :8t. Jowfjh. won by T. TrsMer, tatfcetNott. ! Men' slippers redi. donate! bv Q. C raeneau. won by Ttuai. JU1- jlincer ticket No 45 j AfKhan d(in4edbyiMM. DeJons ,won bv Mrs. Jhier. tteket 3Io. 13. Cui4i)M.deiMtedbvAlra.'MiiB)et. won by Mr. TlKHpp. ticket JJo. 41. rnur.ran -by doe nMiett.OSo. Its : H 4loated b Mm. Burbonk.' wombydidn 3bos Jiitt.2.,o. Ooke. KMtaaied by Van's Baketa. won iiy MUaT Jfeteota. KoM. Load -of ;XVoad. donalfd Joy mr. MrCaftety. ec .by vMw Jinn a Johnston Sweatrr deaated by ra Room, won by Frank 4Qtoat Neaaeace. dsoated y Mrs. P. Byrae. won by Oeoe lUriow. Doll 1-nd.Jcunk. -k'on,byileth As-tori, ticket No A, Why stay RXJN&OWN? . VQESf i .4 Fruitt "TV aal? tklai sIki ktM at a tWi no la ih. 4kuaikl Ut far iaril (trunUa akM la a ra-S a ka. M rinlitH., aaiwvs abnat Ki.ii..-ur- I . raltt Sara kva n , J aMtMMlaal.4iwa4 aatoaS tiul armt lmKlm. M4in1' .. i juauu. ".. tktr NjiyAMaaW fc. Il wofWOI Jva.' Fruil-m-ti m . . mUJmgmfr C.N.R. Trams r'nr tlteiEast Mendaye. WeerHesdays and TY1-days 30 pjn. from the lUst Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn. '.THE J5AILY ;NEW8 10CALNEWS Young .peoples' dance tonight, Elks' TIall, 9 pjn. Adm. 25c. Sllversldes Bros: ,for-Wallpaper. Olau, paint and Muresco. Meeting Prijice Tlupert BWiarti Asdoeiation, .Empress Club. Saturday,. Oct. .21, 8 pj3i. 244 Mrs. Jaek AVoods (Annette Stone) sailed iajt . nkht on the Prince George far a business trip (o Vancouver and AWctorla. a- J. W. McAuley, locomotive fore-ihmii tor the Oamdian 'National j Railways here, soiled ktat slight onj lhe Prince Oeorae 'for a trip to1 Vancouver. Re and Mts. WtHisHii A. Delap. wtio arrreod In -the oMy aarlker in i the week from TeJofWVfm Creek,' where Mr. Belap is missionary lorl tne ARgMcsan unurcn,are. wana on tonight-'s train for lloiUax where they will embark November 5 on board the oteamer-Tenrtiand for a trtp'to HimJand and Ireland. Wantsto Change Her Screen Name Joan Kloiulell tValka Off. Lot When Miklio Executives Fail to See Ke toXje tViUi Her HOLLYWOOD. .Oct. 20. -Joan DIeadelL wU JtRewn jroen actress, who changed her jxtvate name a few weeks 040 by manyUui Oeorge R inws a camera aun. likes her new nacae so srell thau she also waau to make UJiar aesaen jume. YestoMiay she walked ..off the lot when studio -executives objected to her intention to do this. "If I am-sUllnx to takes enanee." said Miss BlondeU. "J think they should be too. I like tBatnes' Announcements .Recreation Club Scotch ttna Oddfellows Hall. October 30. Hyggas Bass fir, October 27. Tennis Club Hallowe'en dance rolic October 37. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea Oct 38.. The Utile tjtedheciper" Uniten Church Nov. 2 and 3 nrasoyteresn Bsssar Nov. 9. Nov. 9-10 Cathedral Dramatl- I Society presents p.,,,- 4Aet Comedy "Or. Or. Susan.' Susan.' CaUredral Cathedral Hall. Hall. Gas In The Stomach pionc 9.-,7 Oaa In tha .atomatrt. balchlnr, sour walar bcaari. tatln afiar -atli, tc , can ka-ovarromv -wlthtn Ihraa inta If you will laka a llltl aiaural.d Main.tla In wat.r aftr ou aat Tha .oftUoarr iUauralad Uaaaola ou ran r al ny drua atar. will tMtrTM't arl4 atomat'h and atap arid In-SUaailan Imniadlaltljr. Trjr It. and aa. PRIVATE TUITION Private tuition in high school subjects to Junior matriculation, and tn senior matriculation, English. French and Latin. Phone Black 109. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Kent Ko8c,Cowan & Latta. Phone 4 BULGER HAS NEW STOCK Makes Happy Purchases on Ilecenl Trip aULowfrrieeftfltefore 'Advance "'Yes, I bought a Oot-cf new stock while in Vaneauvor. 1 went there on purpose to meetithe pfbntativfs of the big wholesale houses and make my selections before the advance in prices." That was the news conveyed by .John .Dslger. the local jeweller, on his return this week. IMr. Bulger says there Is a definite advance Jn prtees of which be was notrfted and he ajot south in time to buy at the old sates. He brought back some of the newest things in his line and is now offer-lug them to Prince Rupert people at such prices as to give them the advantage of the low prices and the newest designs. He Invites inspec-tten. 243 JCCali UU. CREAM MILK in POWDER FOR ' COUPON N Canadian Milk Products Limited, Yardley Hou$, Toronto PicMt tend nc free booklet "Canp Cootinj." A. Win there, who is Identified with the maintenance of way service of the Canadian National Rail ways st Houston, and Mrs. Win th ere sailed last night en the Prince Oeoeae Jot s trio to Vancouver They wsU return to Houston shortly. and sroseed to Halifax where the will embark November 37 aboard the steamer United States for a trip to their native home in Denmark:. Why Envy SLIMNESS? , MiM tM J. tin. In UW: 1 Oil mi flrl. wct. I .ml. M J ml IM hlMulMMnuuiMikiDimakii i'iaaMulvikaMiikiM,rwl " 2 Ta, brant pMW J Uwt HmH ttm m Ira. .Mi. tokm .a! l ,r dm t, mtmt IiiiwmiIii. a-e lb m iSuyat dut) kdau U) b. ii.lwi.mW IbiiianNmaiitaM. I S.hn lkM limaMli, tmrt- fet m-ud wr. Tim Tinar a (.Ml omid (W Cm tahrv, r.VLrn, Lmr 1 S-fchnwiw Salt fmi ytflir dryi.t 4nMBi.t It. i.. tin. .,. H, , .i ml fj(k k . Nfw. Uff. brtt!. s. , Afriu. j.-in: Hwui . li.i r i ni... i 1 LADIES! Special Attention! We have a Large Assortment of Ladies' Shoes These arc .all well made, of smart appearance .and will wear long. This opportunity should be seized to -save money by buying at these low prices: Ladies' Shoe, Teg. $i$0, reduced j2 59 sxsa Ladies' Brown Rubbers, reg. $1.00 7C0 now Ladies Shoes, reg. $5.o0, 1 Bootg for Men Weraen reduceti K3 Uf 1 and Children af Big QA'VV to J Digceunt B.C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED Next Frizzell's Meat Market Phone Black 321 (li2iSEp Developed i Singer Sews Forward and Backward It is a three in one Sewing Machine, Darning Machine and Embroidery'Machine This is the latest model of the best known organisation in the world. Twelve factories in nine different countries. One of these factories in Canada. Branches In every city of tsaportaswe. Regardless of age Singer parts always svaissble everywhere. Call and see this saw model or phone for s demonstration. Liberal allowance for your old machine was sol ass of make. fufn 1 1 1 iimns aj.ii. , i l nniMSE w. w. fx at. sta. 10 . i Jones'Fami,y MMi VEAL NclSteerBeef fifo MEAT MARKET CfjtB c t Phone 95J llJSgMB, if" 151 Kump , U, . . . ,5c t 15c , ,. , EFFICIENT H ZI 1 i j Iiulkley Valley Lamb i j) tl extra special iTl"m" 18c. 'LW l Pot Roast Yi,,. Brisket T' IOC; PlUnrai H '! 1 I Loin Umb Chops iCHo The most e"lclent 111 f H I 1 PICNIP HAMS 5EE-S33rW n A n tr 3 lbs. service is the more i Vie? tSfflMk PORK XI w ' R ! economical. Our new VI p i fhs .1 W Rumpoaet- TSSg H frU&m BVm iw1' est in rvicing. as IA 1DC 1bs V 1 BACK 3 lb ni'TTFR lb. -35c you the best Pot'BoaH- H A CON Mb. 4 lbs I orK AN In Piece 20r A R1 1,UU (10 CHOPS J5c T-Uone Roast- 5c' prSjerrtaBsU8 Cv fr lb- SiSojn Tsteak-" InMallatLschee?- fVS 5Qc ll l1 . i rttiisa f ways m ll ii Round Bteak- OCn Jfc flMYI i .i'S trt WW .rr Fresh Milk and I""" JlftPi wrssMwasws - TS" ro1 Z" 50c I Radio Service Pork Chops pn- 33R Second Avenue r 1 J . A. O.BARTLETT K . 1 T C. H. IN3ULANDER f, eswrnmrnmrnsamiimmmmammmsmm i Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edton. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Go. 58 Phones 5JI !M1 E? as :. 1 'Art til iiii M - i.i !K . . 2 X S3 i I i SB aa. ' I k i a J -i a u a it i H a a 3 I m a 3 3 B a St 3 3 a