PAOE POUR New Shipment PROMINENT ONTARION (Continued from page one) was reared. Mr. Raney's early education was acquired In the log school house near hie home. At the age of fifteen he became clerk in a village store and at eighteen he was country school teacher. For a couple of years he was a newspaper reporter In the state of Maine and in Kingston, Ont. He commenced the practice of law at Kingston in 1892 having graduated from Trinity University and Osgoode Hall as a gold medallist, it was not long before he transferred his activities to Toronto;. He was long known as an Independent Liberal and it was as such that he lent his aid to bring in. the Conservative administration of SifanMa-Whttney in 904. . The parmunentary Career of Kir. Raney remmenced when the Uni ted Farmc$Ncame into power as the resins of thV election. When the Drury Ooverntaent was formed he was the choice Tor t he-portfolio of Attorney-Oeneral. a seat being BUY STRIDER'S HIGH-CLASS SHOES Has been received and the shoes are bejng put on the shelves today. These are made by the people who formerly manufactured the Slator Shoe. There is no better shoe on the market and the price is not much higher than that paid for the less valuable makes. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue found for him in the riding of East Wellington where he was not opposed at the bye-election In 1920 In his ministerial capacity he set ' out to abolish patronage methods Mr. Raney came very much In the ; limelight through his vigorous Icy in regard to the liquor laws. Al ways a crusader against wrong in any form as he saw it, he directed Mr. Raney was married in 1686 to Jessie A. Fraser of Wesjton, Ont Four sons were born to them Paul I Fraser. Norman and Alan Paul was i killed in the war while serving as an ' officer in the Royal Flying Corps Bulkley Valley COAL iveep iuui v,ttMi ai nume I j Part of Every Dollar Spent For Kulklcy Valley Coal una tcsa Keturns to Prince Rupert Your Dealer Can Supply You QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Best Made No. 1 5x, per thousand $4.35 No. 1 3x, per thousand !$3!o5 Orcen Shingles, Air Dried Retaining All the Cedar Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Trinre Itupert PICTURE IS INSTRUCTIVE Large Audience of Women "Damaged Lire" Men Tonight f1 Ch?nI T1.1 Two capacity audiences made up drink traffic and the evils of race ! Melttsl,ev of th I track gambling. He had many llCapHol M night for the i some of whom regarded him as a presentation of the social drama narrow-minded reformer, but they all had to admit that he was a fighter and a tireless worker for whom criticism had no terrors. With the downfall of Drury In 1913. Mr. Raney found himself Sees Damaged Lives." Tonight's presentation will be for men only. The dramatic pic to re In both eases is identical but the medical lecture on venereal diseases by Dr. Gordon Bate, f amowr's&eeisdlst in this tin , leader of the opposition with a mere , ri)fhU afferent for men than ) handful of followers. (for women. I. Hon. Mr. Raney was appointed a -n,, rfrtnu tt,if u u.-hh4n., I"?!" oC SC1?. ,rt "'Ttbrant document human hopes (Ontario on September September 16. 1927. L and .fears f,K. the or ZL.- story a. young married couple who thought they would never be able to laugh again, that everything was dead against them and that everything In life was henceforth to be a dull, colorless mass. How the clouds lifted for them is unfolded in the picture which points a highly important moral and. together with the lecture, disseminates valuable Information on a subject regarding which many people are, unfortunately, most Ignorant. II. C. EXECUTIVE TRADES CONGRESS WINDSOR. Ont.. Sept. 23 The executive committee appointed by the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada in session here is as follows: C. Herriott of Victoria, chairman. 8 D. Macdonald, Prince Rupert. R. W. Nunn. of Victoria. A Mclsaacs of 8 pence's Bridge. Be Careful With Your Eyes A Floor Stand Lamp Will Oive You Eye Comfort While Reading Stand and Bridge Lamps From $6.95 Complete Kaien Hardware As Clove to You as Your Telephone PHONE: 3 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Bepttabtr M , SHE ATE ALL-BRAN TWELVE YEARS WITH FINE RESULTS Delicious Cereal Relieves Constipation Read this very enthusiastic letUrt "Something like tleven Metres years as. I tgo eatfnr Kellogg's AlX-ftSAN. When I sUrted, it was called simply Kellogg's Bran, and I believe it was one of the- first products of the kind on the market. "My friends often laugh at my fondness" for AuBran. It gives such a clean taste in the mouth, and I do sot fed satisfied until I have had my All-Bran. "If the Kellogg Compaay should eTer stop manufactories: All-Brah, here is one who would ba greatly disappointed." Miss Amy Person, (Address furnished upon request) Science says that All-Bran provides "bulk" to exercise the intestines, and vitamin B to further aid regularity. Also Iron for the blood. The "bulk" In All-Bran Is much like that of leafy vegetables. How much safer than taking patent medicines often harmful. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily for most types of constipation. For serious cases, try it three times .dally. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Sold In the red-snd-green pack-ape. At all grocers, Mad by Sallogg in London, Ontario. MANY OFFER SAVE NATION United Front Declare They Are Only Dona-Fide Representatives Of Workers 150 Candidates Nondescript Independents Are Peculiar Feature of Present Political Contest VICTORIA. Sept. : These are now very etoee to ISO candidates In the field in British Columbia in readiness for the election which takes place November 2. The feature of the recent nominations Is the large nuaMr of nondescript Inde pendents who are entering in the hope that they may get elected by a minority of Use electors. It is pointed out here that there are still a good many supporters of the Tobnie acsralnistraUon in aU parts of the province and most of them are looking for jobs as deputy returning officers and poll clerks Until Joe election la over they will support the Tolmie regime. A speaker for the United Front group In Asberni took occasion to flay all political parties but his own. He mentioned the broken up eonidtkms of the socialist party, groups some of which were holding back from the C. C. F. He claimed the United Front was the only bona-ftde representative of the workers and poor farmers. In Albernl-Nanaimo there are now free candidates Oeonre S. Pearson. Liberal; Dr. Lyle Telford. C. C. F.; Dr Q. A. B. Hail. Bowserite; H. W. Cramb. United Front, and Dr. R. B. Dter. 'straight-forward, out-and-out Independent." The Port Albernl News editorially remarks: "'experienced schemers and funny Idealists are more prominent than ever before among those offering to lead the bewildered people out of the darkness and mire." Hotel Arrivals Kojal ' L. Kelly, city: I. Lawtar. Ketchi kan; M Bahama to and K. W. Inure, Osland. Old Empress James R. Rndtand. etty. Central Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson and Olc HaKxTg, city; L. O. Mud, Vau- eouver. Prince Ilupert Mr. and Mrs. T. Wallace. Sun-nyside; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pugs-ley, Claxton: J. W. Morrison and A. Aldous. Oceanic Cannery. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone in MEET FOR CANDIDATE: Campaign Gathering in C. L. D. L.I Hall Sunday Night in Support 1 Of Charles Chapman 1 Charles Chapman. United Front1 candidate for Prince Rupert riding 1 In the forthcoming provincial elec- Uon, W. II. Montgomery and Fred Garner were the principal speakers Sunday evening at a campaign meeting at the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall In support of Mr. Chapman's candidature. The speeches were Interesting and considerable enthusiasm was displayed by the three hundred or so persons in attendance. J. M. Dunn occupied the chair, the meeting being In progress about two hours. indianTs" arrested In Connection With Burglary of Hudson Hay Store at Kiiwanga; Nothing New at Dutedale It Is unofficially reported that an arrest has been made In the interior in connection with the recent burglary of the Hudson Bay Co. store at Kltwaaga whan an amount of rash was taken. An Indian la understood to hare been taken In custody As far as can be learned here, no a rrets have yet been made In connection with the burglary last week of the Canadian Fishing Co 's office at Butedale when the sum of $673 was taken although a number of persons are understood to have been questioned by the police. WH1FFLETS From the Waterfront The Armour Salvage Co. a power tag Salvage mini, with Capt Paul Armour in personal command, returned to poet early yesterday I morning after having delivered the I big pile driver of Albert & McCaf -f ery to Stewart where it will be used j in a wharf extension job which is 1 being undertaken by the federal department of public works The Princess with her tow had left for Stewart about noon Satuidav PRESERVING WEEK Don't Delay the Idea of Preserving Requirements. This is the Opportune Time. For Your Benefit We Offer Heal Values at Kedured Prices Preserving Peaches fancy quality, crate Picservmg Prunes Q-f nn Fancy Quality, crate vLtJ Preserving Pears Oood Q QQ and firm. 40-lb. box V v v Preserving Citron per lb. ...... Preserving Olnger nq 1-lb. mould AOU Concord Orapea large basket' . Perfect Seal Jars Q4 en smart aise. ner das. vXeOU Perfect Seal Jars-Pint aise, per dos. Robber Rings Red and nr white. 4 dec. wl Parowax 1-lb. pkg. Bconotny Jar Caps 40 C Certo For your Jams and OQn jelUea, per battle BO. Oranumted Sugar on t tZ ner 160 lbs VliD B.C. Brown Sugar 10 lbe S1.77 6c 79c S1.23 15c 72c Buy now. Don't po(pone. The season Is getting short. All Fruits and Vegetables st low prices Free delivery on all orders $2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" M7-19 Third Avrnue West j P.O. Bos 575 Phone II t?TT WILLIAMS & DIANE Wed. It Thurs, "Double sTTI am L 4 I I gfJ ag W TONIGHT "W fk MEN : r-W) and, i SINCLAIR Also special added pictures of Instruction. Ik u kwKnfiSSB Developing and Printing Bend Your Films Direct to WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING lUpid Service Prince Itupert " ONE UKOD. lO ADMITTED AUo "PAKAJIOl'NT PICTOKIAL IT fjif y " ')y""" '"V 1 9 8 f L-JL HEATS when you need it COOKS all year round payment will deliver one to your home. Balance on easy terms. A COMBINATION Electric and Coal Rand When winter comes, whv r wuete and discomfort of Booking? Pikn thiamarvel. ton rangsgjym cooks n.-heaU the kitchen at the samr tag coal or wood Never luu-range that does two jotv -Own one for the convriiM-! nomy of year-round eler:. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner IIOO.MS J10 per month, per week, 50c per night SHOWnit BATHS Third Avenue Phone 94S JIMMIK CICCONE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarctll, r r'f -A HOME AWAT HOME' Rales SI 00 sp 50 Hnoma Hi f, & I 1 V1 Prinr Rimf1 E Phone Ml P GET READY FOR FALL We Can Supply You With: Saws Stoves Roofinjj Lanterns - Stove Electric Lamps Cross Cut Saws Axes iVdf? Heaters Coal Oil Ammunition Weatherstrip 1'ilinK Outfits Hickory Handles Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 225 Third Avrnue West rhont MissNellieLawH Testhe" of VIOLIN and ThW Phone 177 S15 Second An