77 TAXI - 7; .1 (TOMMY'S) tt g ' SUnd, Capitol Theatre Work Day and Night Benrlce I 7-rassengcr Chrysler Car ; t Germans rut on Trial For Lives TriiU In Connection With Burning Of lletrhUac nulldinti Start In Lelpslc 1 sk Germany. Sept. 24-T . r ire taking trial for thttr ' i acted with the burning ' 1. htug botldtnp several Vancouver Stocky a d VsneouTer r m : iuri. jo. i-i oau D ' X 43 1 ''!"" OOI4.3.M. ''rovlnce. ML Rim. .Mlfc. in 02 Jim. (MVfc. ". 41. , ' g star. JM. Silver. .04 fc. rive. im. Oreille. 1.1. r Idaho. U. ""T. l.Jg. MrDonaW. J8. A "ft. Oetfc. 1 18 r crest, .Wfi. '"I'le. .48. y "-water. sn W .V.Tly, ,08, Oils r''"rt'i 01. H l;C 205. rr.lM. r noifi. .n. A r nn , as, r 1 'mi.nt, IJ F''rling. 37 H. Toronto A ' xnnrtria. .02. ' '" ''nurin. 12, '"i Talrlela. .72. f't'-iMt Laks, J2. ""nnina, 38,7.5, Ehriint, 132, J,1'" Nlrkel J0.55. Wt ,n;"1n. .88, "". 1.10. Vancouver Wheat AMrouVErt. Bept 28: , . 3 tiuotod ftt 84kc on the c-r e',r?an8e terday. being up W0RKLESS IN STRIKE Unemployed Itelief Camp in Ontario Closed Up and Men Will be Housed In Toronto LONO B8ACH. Ont. Sept. 34 A a raaalt of the strike of seven haodred nan at a federal unemployment camp at Lakertew. orders have been received from Ottawa to etoae the camp and the men have begun to march to Toronto where aeeommodaUona are being prepared for them. Kingfish Declares His Enemies Tried To Burn His Home NEW ORLEANS. Sept 24: -Senator Uoey P iKlngflahi Long states Usat three attempU have been made by hla enemies to burn down his home here. Two of theae at-tunpts were made on Saturday wet, he declares, ana one several months ago AUSTRIA HAS DICTATORSHIP Chancellor Dolfuw Takes on In-rrraett Powers Following , Pollllcal Crhls VIENNA, Austria. Sept. 24: Con-frenlerl with a grave political crisis, Chancellor Dolfusa haa made him-lelf 1rtuar dictator of Austria by drastic reorganisation of his cabinet, It U officially announced. NO HAI.IHl'T SALE No boat bcln Kt with catches. .u s.ir ..rhuilbut on tho "us nu.rn.nif. i local fish .-vi..."-- She MEXICO CITY, Sept 20: (CP) Mexico's resource were mobilized today to aid the storm-stricken and floodeo city of Tampico where the estimated dead and injured are as high as five thousand. Many thousands are homeless and enormous projerty damage has been done. The wind reached a velocity of 125 miles per hour and 1 - .. lcveUed the civic hospital to the MOLLISp.NS PLANMNO TO Sllir rLANK HUME f T TORONTO, Sept. 34: (CP) Unless the weather clears up UjL MJ In wntati Car Jesses A. and Mrs. Amy Johnson MoUtaon have born planning to make a long distance flight from Here, e will be shipped back to Brig- land to return to Canada in the spring. Mrs Molllaon am Id yea- 1 terday. Dr. Henry Sutrallo, Former Presi dent of University ef Washington, rMrs in Seattle BrilliantCareer ground. The customs house was also rased. Other buildings were damag- 4 1 ed or destroyed. DEATH OF Wa Honored by Univrnity of B.C. And Other Institutions SEATTLE, Bept. 28: (CPt-Dr. Henry Su stalk), aged 58. Interna -Uonally known educator, died yes terday in hospital here after a week's illness which interrupted a national tour as chairman of the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad .vancement of Teaching. Seven I years ago Dr. Sussallo was removed las president of the University of Washington by Oovemor Roland It. 'Hartley who accused him of mixing education and politics. He had since been with the Carnegie Foundatloi. When he became president of Uit University of Washington In 1915. the university had an enrollment of 2,000. but attracted little attenUon outside the state of Washington. Dr. Sussallo Immediately Inaugurated progressive program ot development which eventually placed Washington among the leading unl-verslUea of the country. Its enrollment had Increased to 7.000 at the time he left the presidency. In ousting htm the board of regents, which was appointed by the governor, lauded his work as an educator and gave him due credit for developing the university Dr. Sussallo was born In San Jose, Cal- August 22, 1875. Graduating from the state normal school at San Jose In 1895, he received his bachelor's degree from Leland Stanford University In 1KK. his master's degree from Columbia University In 1002 and the degree of doctor of philosophy In 1005. During these years lack of money frequently forced him to give up his studios and In the Interims he filled various educational positions. After receiving his doctor's degree he became professor of the (Continued on page three) SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK, Sept. 26: (CP-Dar silver closed at 30ic on the local metal market yesterday, being down almost two cents from Saturday's close of 41' 3c Copper was steady at j vc. me same price at oaturaay j Tomorrow's Tides High 8:00 am. 15.8 ft. 19:30 yjn. 18.1 ft Low i:oo a.m. 5.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 13:05 pjn. 10.6 ft. V XXIV No 224. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS CITY OF TAMPICO IS IN SHAMBLES NEW ORGANIZATION IS PLANNED FOR PRINCE RUPERT Five Thousand Dead or Injured As Result of Storm and Floods In Mexican Metropolis Monday BOYCOTT IS THREATENED Ritler Method! In Hcgsrd to Labor v. 1 r r. la Germany Critleiied by A. I' L. Leader HlNOToN. DC ept 24:-. ixiyrott of Otnau good i rd suits to predicted by nrrni. prwsastU of the Federation of Labor. ', ires pottetoa of Chancel-if Hitler in respect to labor ...in to be "revolting and 8" Civic Hospital and Customs House Arc Razed to Ground; Thousands Homeless and Property Damage is Enormous Train Crashes--Storm Destroyed Bridge lBrKJgHBgL-jUr alFiHrKZaaaaasasH The icom .:iv: f :'.ip Crcstviit ;.tr:;f;i ,-u-g Southern B. R. train, whx .'1 rra.t d through a brlcfgr ovrr the eastern branch of the Anaotsta Biver. :ar Wa-hingMn. i. show, rmbeddec In a mudbart white overturned Pui.man l.ttr thr prrma-ent way. The engineer and fireman of the trail, were killed and 13 passengers Injured in the accident which 15 said to have been due to tho .storm uprooting t he bridge. North Vancouver Leads Province In Number of Candidates Offering For Election in the Legislature NORTH VANCOUVER, Sept. 26:-This riding seems to be leading the way in the number of candidates hoping to secure the one seat in the legislature. While four or five candidates is not uncommon in different parts of the pro- tiui.v, icu.1 vuuoniutrin. v uuusis ui rcvt'ii nominations with the possibility of another independent and a labor entry. The latest additions to the . list are R E Bray, who announces himself as the "poor man's" candidate and George Lewis the "sane system" aspirant. PROMINENT 0NTARI0N Mr. Justice W. K. Itancy. Former Progressive Leader, Pa&ses Away at Age ot 74 Was Reformer Served as Attorney General in Drury Government and Later As Leader of Opposition TORONTO. Sept, 24: (CP-Hon. William Bdgar Raney. B.CX KC. ex-Mi A., former leader of the Progressive wing of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, and tor the past few years Justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario, died on Sunday at the age of 74 rears He occupied a prominent place In pub lic affairs for a number of years and was a consistent, courageous fighter for his convictions under all circumstances. In private life he was a aulel kindly man. Ho was born near Aultaville. Stormont Cmmtv nnt December 8. 1859 of Huguen and United Empire Loyalist stock The Raney fnrm adjoined the farm on Which the late Sir James Whltnev Continued on PageF-.ur COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Louis Poulain Sent up at Ladysmith For Killing ot Robert Syme LADYSMITH. Sept. 24: CP-Louls Poulain was committed for trial here yesterday on a aharge of murdering Robert Dougiis Syme who was found dead on the street here recently with a knife wound in the heart. Testimony was given at the preliminary trial by three Poulain children to the effect that Syme hart tried to enter the bedroom of the two young Poulain daughters. Poulain will be tried at the Su preme Court Assises at Nanalmo in October. DISTURBANCE IN ALASKA Nightly Firtliquakes Near Anchorage Followed by Thunderous Roars snd Explosions ANCHORAOE. Alaska. Sept 26: (CP) Nightly earthquakes, followed by thunderous rears and booming explosions, were reported yesterday by a party of big game hunters returning by airplane from Post River Lake. 175 miles northwest of here Movement Afoot in City For Junior Chamber of Commerce ; Formed From Among Young Men There is a movement afoot with the object of forming a junior chamber of commerce in Prince Rupert. The city has been pretty well canvassed during the past week or two and a meeting of the eligible young men has been called for tomorrow evening with the object of deciding what course to take. ' There seem to be a few who WAS DEAN OF SENATE Hop. Pascal Poiiier Was Last Surviving Appointee of Sir John A. Maedonald OTTAWA. Sept. 26 (Canadian Preisi The lasC, surviving appointee Dt Sir John A. Maedonald, first Premier ot Canada, to the Upper Chamber. Senator Basest Peferierf BX tiled' We7-o Mon. day of a heart attack. He was eighty-one years of age. Senator Poirier was born at She- dlac. New Brunswick, in 1852 and was educated at St. Joseph's College at Memrancook. He became a barrister both in the provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec and was postmaster of the House ot Commons from 1872 to 1885. He was U author of 'a number of works on historical subjects pertaining tc the early days of Acadia and took a deep interest in literary, scientific and mlnera logical subjects. A Uberal-Ooroerva-tive. he was summoned to the Sen ate In 1845. Senator Poirlera home was at Shed lac Senator Poirier was married In 1879 to Anna Lustgnan. DROWNING BELIEVED Triple Tragedy Feared In English Hay, Vancouver, Following Finding ot Boat VANCOUVER, Sept 2b: (CP) Mrs. Archie Gilford, aged 40. and her daughters, Shirley, aged nine, and Donna, seven, are believed to have been drowned yesterday following the finding of their drifting row boat in English Bay. It is thought possible that the mother may have lost her life In trying to rescue the children. Mrs. Clifford's brother told the police that she had been despondent because her husband could not get work. Was Formerly One of Heads Of T. Eaton Co. TORONTO, Sept 24 Charlef Boothe, late vice-president ot T Baton Co. Ltd.. died at hla real dence here late last week after 1 long Illness. Burglars Take $800 KELLO, M;in Sept 26 Burglars dynamited the safe In the post office here and est ,p 0 with $800 . I think it would be better to throw the whole weight of the young men mto the older chamber with a view to putting new life Into It Others ?eem to think the old men would be lomewbat of an encumbrance and It would be better to form a new or ganization. The executive of the present chamber has been invited to attend the meeting tomorrow and It It Is decided to organize, the executive ot the new body will probably meet the executive ot the present chamber with a view to cooperation. WELLS IS - CRITICAL British Author Denounces Hitler-Does Not Like Conditions In Italy or Russia LONDON. Eng.. Sept. 28: H. Q. Wells, celebrated BriUsh author, addressing one thousand persons at a party in celebration of his sixty-seventh birthday, bitterly attacked the regime of Chancellor Adolf Hit. ler In Oermany and also criticized conditions in Italy and Russia. ARCHBISHOP CONSECRATED Mgr. Emit Yelloe Elevated by Cardinal Villereuve at Notre Dams Cathedral in Montreal MONTREAL. Sept. 24 Mgr. Bmlle Yeiloe wa consecrated Archbishop of Are Adtopolts ana Archbishop coadjutor of St Boniface by Cardinal Rodrkjues Vlllen-euv in hlstoria Notre Dame Church here. OLD MARK LOWERED Col. Kojcoe Turner Flies From California to New York In Ten Hours, Fire Minutes NEW YORK, SeM. 24 (Canadian Press) Col. Roaeoe Turner flew here from Burbank. California, yesterday In ten hours and five minutes, beating tiie farmer trans- TOtlnental reebrd by thirteen nlnutea. MAYOR TAYLOR TO CAMPAIGN OMINECA e VANCOUVER Sept 24: (CP) The city council has granted Mayor Louis D. Taylor a three weeks leave ot absence so that he may campaign In Omlneca rwing where he Is running as an independent candidate In the provincial election. Mayor Taylor plans to start his cam- palgn from Burns Lake In 1 t few days