DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RCPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA PBDmced Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Newt, Limited, Third Arenue f ' B. T. POLLEN . . Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Mirny, by mall or earri, arJy period, paid in advance - For leaser periods, paid is advance, per week By ma, to ail parts of British Cokuabia, the British Empire an! United States, paid ta advance, pet year 1 . By mail to all other countries, perVw - u ADVERTISING RATES Tranent display advertising, per Inch per Insertion Ctestlfled ad-ertistag. per word, perlnsertton Lags notice, each tasertioa. per agate line Local readars, par insertion, per ime Contract rales on jppfleatton. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ef Audit Barrio of Cirealations XftTHIXfi TtTTT COXFEREXrES K 58 Saturday, Sept $5 00 :c 300 9.00 140 es 15 23 MARKETING IN PRINCE RUPERT Orderly marketing of garden products has been carried on at Terrace for the past two seasons by individual growers but no success has so far been made of any general cooperative marketing scheme. It Is a scheme of that kind which Commissioner Alder is trying to bring about What is desired is a scheme which will insure to the ' CTOwer a reasonable orice for what he grows, a ready mar ket and which also will tend to bring about a steady in-i Labor Day Celebration At Kitwanga Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4 FOOTBALL, RASEHALL and BASKETBALL FOOT RACES AND ALL OTHER FIELD SPORTS ETC. 4 Cash Prizes to AU Winners. Dance in Evening in Community Hall Eterjlxidy welcome. A good time .guaranteed. Event commences with big parade led by band at 10 a.m. Kitwanga Sports Committee HOLIDAY RESORTS When Coming to Terrace Make Arrangement With Swain's Transfer & Terrace, B.C, I To Greet You. i Wc meet all trains, freight tie paatsngsr service anywhere. Lakelae Lake and Lodge, new ! boat (H. A. S.) now in service I on the lake. i Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, 81.00: $U per head ! additional. No crowd too big. Na job too small riCNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Place to Holiday Finest of fly fishing hunting bathing and boating. Arrange for transportation with W. II. Burnett, Terrace, B.C. Rate from Terrace to the Lodge Including host service: One adult, 81.86; each additional adult, 81-50. Write or Wire W. IL BURNETT We Look After Your Wants Issues Challenge LOCAL NEWS gggggggggtePIKi iavd BILLY BAGSIUW Local boxer who has chalmga to Nina Qurvteh. also of Piawe Itoyort, for another batrt wbJah wtM woeaWy take ptee meattfc at the Moose Club create m the amount or vegetawes, irmt, poultry ana eggs , gym. Baaahaw dafaated ouoiefc shipped from interior points to the Prince Rupert market when they mat mat a year or so It does not necessarily mean the opening of a retail store - bot is more likely to mean the appointment of a broker here to represent the growers. He may be a broker already in business at this point he may be a farmer from the interior or he may be a local man not now in the business. Almost everything depends upon the growers making the right appointment It is quite possible they may like to appoint a man who is already in business here. That will be Sport Letter Box MORGAN REPLIES up to them. We take it thai Prince Rupert people will co-, sport autoc, Daay News: operate no matter what they decide on. in rep ta the letter vaiefe ap- . I pearad m yew paper yeatorday re- , gardkag toy aartntnn of Ntaa Oar- This is an age of conf erelices. The latest proposal is by J Jjjjj J fTSS Hoa W. H. Dennies, provincial minister of labor, for a k -T-ITthtT1 ta what conference to discuss national unemployment and state regardtes um dofaats vwen Ntaa health insurance, minimum wages and other matters of as had at ttj kviwat of baafa Bag-interest to him and the working people of the country. 8h,w " wtie aad it is. as be kaliovo in confaronoM! a: n mpans nf Aflnratinn Kilt fc !rt Ntaa ahauM j ii..n.. rtP tUtoata So tomato mn aaa unwiif ot geinug uiiiij;s uuue. usuauv nicy aic things ham aJtttle aad ahw rn latf- an excuse for putting off. What is needed now more than mm to urrpiayn and the good f a conference is the appointment of a strong man with a the sport, i am prepared to matefc good majority in the Legislature who knows hdw to do Nina with ottker Bagaaaw or wto-things. In the past the member for Prince Rupert was prepay to match i fi., J, i v,,tV, mtU' nfln. a wlth anyone his poundage In wigcijr tiiauuuiwvai . .'"iuk w..vb.. ...uw.o north. So if B J. B. thinks these ! sions, minimum wage ana worKmen s curniiensaiiuii raws. can repeat the performance of This was done without the appointment of any commis-a year or so ago. with Nina, wan sions or holding of advertised conferences. If the same here's their chance. 1 am prepared man gets a chance he will put the unemployed to work and p"" tn boat and can as pay them wages instead of a dole. That will bring better i.y" how- umes ior everyone. T. O. MOftOAN. BOOTH SCHOOL LINE-UP The team to represent Booth Memorial School against Borden Street School In the Junior football gams, one of the features of the Labor Oay f porta on Monday next, will be selected from the following: Oay; Nelson and Ritchie 'captain ; Mat-samoto. CohMsl and McOralsti; Cameron, MaeOonald. McLeod, Me-Msekm, Keteey, and spare. Bob Pbr being th keep?r of a disorderly hrose Una Martin wait toad 880, wrtti option of thirty. m' L-iprlso -went, by Martte MeClymont hi zJty noi:e court y-trrtay morning. Samuel Masse? SMfrrkrtandeni of &e ciJjr telephone department. Um Hi i hi m tat Prica4 AcWjude f or a uto to Vancouver. - ni . 1 A T ..4 .nil Mr W E. Flshrr sailed last night I n i lie rrurf5 aa ouver whept ly wU) attend acbool. Mis Rutliana Wood, niece of Mr.i nd Mrs. C. E. SUrr. returned to the :yon the Princess Adelaide yes- d vrdiv afternoon after spending Vr. summer vacation rn Seattle. whoi! Mrs. A. a Av" Md we been sptndfcig Uje summerf J v ,:;on vigittne m Vancouver and 9 vi tori?. reejtnx to the city franli v-u'.h on tr- Princess Adelaide wi"dav aftaatuxin jj !! ury Club Tharaday afternoon In- j eluded Judge F McB Youg. Capt 7 S Wilsofi. Arclue Tteonqwon.il Ilarry xUiod. Ted Kergta of An-vmt and laapeotor Mm SaJraat of the prevteotal patios. Ttetfada; aifaft train, ajrhrtoz on. ttee at 8 8axk from taw Mt, bfwght Ut qajle a aaaabat a aa- ttres tma Skfoaa B&m aary solata wha Wapead a few daya In sowq factoatng the etoatof dv of he saasea's operations at aome of he fish paekbag plaats. A lette tram the Kamvaa Baard of Trade asking ibe Prtocc Ruper Chamber of Oammtwc to aid in nurkrttne kal wtaas last night brought from. Prsskteal T l John wn the. hmatlon that as adver-sement tn the local papers wauld hate been the more effective method to have takes. The letter was Wed. Baseball Scores National Learoe New York 3-!L Boston 9-3. LUal.lsbrf2. i 3. Crttrattl 7. Ameriran League Wasbtacton 3. Philadelphia 12 Boston 4, New York X NO WHEAT MARKET VANCOUVER. Sept 2 CP - I The whaat market was closed here and at Winnipeg today FALL CLEANING This is the time to get curtains and drapes freshened 'up for the winter. Winter Coats WW be needed and be cleaned. should Ideal Cleaners Second st Phone 818 Thaw Uiv. a raCU I lir . rk vrapoM to nk mm m 1ih rm f ki Vnmn M W Era inial Nw MKtf (Wf -, Ud, Wi Ch tkil, M Si v""" r ar ro F-H S, ri ".iii.ii., 1 "UINDtD TO THI tOfVLAt TAStt" L Jal JTI n ii Aircraft Transportation A Four-Place Eastman Flying Boat Based at Anyox, B.C, Is available for pagsenger and charter service throughout this district. For Information Write or Wire J. MacConnachic, Pilot Anyox, B.C. IS n i i a n ! acSiool upemng supplies CUT THLS LIST OUT PUBLIC SCHOOL Mule Book I.. Orade S Musk Bo u. erode 4 Uu Book Ht. Oracle 5 Made Bank If .. Orade f No Can. Caaamanit) Sont Baak. Or. 7-1 Iteftinkin lanage &xtk 1, Or-d 3-4 Doaiir.i'in Lmgiuigt Bjhi'. il . i idt- a-C Domaisn Unaoage Book tl! . Oi 4 v-8 Cn. Ooograhy for Sua:or. C civ 5 Canadtar. 8:hooi Atlas Ontie 5 u,) Canadian School Geography, o we " Oxicket oa the Hearth. Orade A E3am. Bnglkth Climmar. Crace Ooldoa SUats. Qgade 7 new History os Canada. Grade 7-8 XaMCaioiand Xtog of the O. R . Otade ? 8ewc from Irrfatig Havho-n-. Orade L;.dy of the Like. Orade 8 VolM of Cauda. Orade 7-8 Treasure Island. Orade i Bmek Arrow. Or.uk- Hayhroadi DIrttoBftty. Qradr i up f .35 M M .75 S3 M IM .n M M M MS Jl JM M M M 3 M Exercise Books, best avail ty papr - t: I for Ue; doae.i .at lie: 3 for Sae: Mr: 2 for .IS Bjartf Oovara Mc and 78 F eves Paints, acheol qua ! it y .48 Reeves India Ink .. Jl REFERENCE THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST OF SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES NECESSARY TT:: AS WE HAVE NO FldVRXS AS TO HOW MANY HJGH SCHOOL TBXT BOOKS ARE REt, SUDRXTS SIjOUU iCAVE THK1R ORDfSS WITH US AT ONCE SO AS TO RECEIVE P) snvicx. IflGH SCHOOL Orammar for Saeondary Schoo! i's Jranch. Part I. 8iepmnmVM Paaoeh part IL . Chemistry Manual Schuol Algaara . ?.-acU;ai CbamiaLry F:rnch Reader for B etiutpr-E.crnn.'.ary Oeometr' H. S Phyaioa Piactioal Physics Hurnan Physiology HVrt s World Progress MtoateenUi Cantary Paetry ... . Book of Qeaaaad Sdtanae Physics Manual Can H. ft. Arithmetic Cumposttton Tbrungh BcadJBg Intro Composition 7Mh RwdtoJ Bk I roars raaittan f or e oniM Kjrinapped ly''i- Caaaar Macbeth eanas ftom Sttakeapaara . Poems, chirfty narratrar Svketlon of fajBali Pet m Loose Leaf Boots ' nae Leaf RtftUs. 19c. for 2Se I it -M M : 141 Mt i ", : A i r, i ; iH 1M 1M i:, M ii Ai Jl H II 41 ' M :i Fraser Stationers - 3rd Ave lnilitonQRANrS BEST HHO CUP ABLE "The Original Fr Sale at Yrndo i.riliri ft."- thdr lti " LUjuur tri B-.r.i. ? fVjttT St. Vanranver Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord delivered procurable jra ycorcii innsKY I JSL !k R"CMT IN F1NCST 8 MM HKHLAND MALT I i I ThU ;..!-.-t:-.-trif.t - -.,t ' ... . -s .l;yt-ti l the I.HU..r C'-Hfol I', lull i.r t nr:iinn , I Hri'i'll (,'nUllllliu . CITY SC COAL FOR SALE Furnltare and Piano Meting COAL! COAL! ur PaiBMMw Bdson Alberts and bulkiay Valley Coals are guarao- e Vu gi MtMaetton Try a ' of No l Bui j ValWy W '' -41 TMnathy lUy Whea' (tat m Barley Prinrt- Rupert Vvcd Co. Mt - fhonrs 858 When you drink BO 17 you drink the Strength and Goodness o Prims Beef mi55 it ciue La wreucc Tearhtr of VlOUNandTHEOR! Phone 177 IM Second Avrnat Knt Miss D. Hogan Will Reopr PIANO CLASSES md PRIVATE LFONS Tuesday. Septcrrbcr I Phone Black 232 311 LADY BEUTY SH0PPE SPECIALS FOR At FST Steam Oil rfrmanfp! W $5.00 and 5;;K) Marrelle U Curi with iUk Csl $1.00 lihamtM and Fingt Wirt 75c riKLsn- WcCan (Jive ov Toronto and Xv outer Values on Floor, Table and Bridge Lamps :-Ught 0Uiki Lamp, at l.Lltiht Bridge Lamps, at 7.95 $6,95 Prlctd Compute t( tilBbrt Won't You W BoinetlB!'' Kaien Hardware Easy Tc