in Tides Tomorrow s Today's Weather 015 a.m. 21.5 ft. 12 57 p.m. 20.7 ft. 6:46 ajn. 22 ft, 19:03 p-m. 4.5 ft. ENGINEERS Mldr h ItoirM of f'nIIIm. slli,rnf r. IL and tti rmlotre H s rtvmu &t OllrvA im.m. it.. UUTIk s ur I IIP HHi KUM MlU ' UMUfd ''s jjl '""iD.ired with m. ,. me revenue for V ..... "dnst IMiw.W'Tn nnths of 1M2. N0 f APEH MONDAY abiJ".'.', I"1" 'bnr Dav and a if it,,, n , wl be no is lUlfl H Mil - O against 5.87 in the same uhI !nrt ititn flnnun at Klnvtl Ttinn(i VleM the farmers and irak gardener-, of a as attempting to take off for BagOad in an JS- JTV i , a nw world's distance non-stop flying iJJttri the opinion that. If Prince Rupert hi 2 tCPi The " headsd by i Perth. Ontn on "ii firemen and nsdian Pacific i'ommendd that hiy mltafttt for rhantM from before tktr af ii Job. KVPWITC IS AHEAD W Collation, somewhat llelow fr nm ti.i Shosn Good Lead -- was ever sotne. to amount to ariv hto FOUL PLAY i SUSPECTED Mystery Surrounds rindlnt of Woman's Hotly in Vsnroufer ltam! ll VICTORU. 8pt. 2; CP-Mystery surrounds Um death of a woman beliovod to be a Mtsa B. Brown Of Vanrouer whose body was found yesterday in a disused watt aovth of Crofton Tied to the woman's wrist ws sultcaat. The well tn which the body was found ws cove-red off with plank ing Tht curcumsiance may uw eate foul play, the poilec my. The body had been tn we water tor six weeks wfTaTheT IMPROVED 19H So far thU year precipitation lm totaUed 5145 inches as .iu jj ih in the tint eight monlhi of IM3 wiule sunaltlne for thla year to daU has aggregated ,040.4, Hour in comparison with 687.4 hours in the correspond.. period of 1933 silvInIjcoppkr on new york mart . . . mil tlif "Ppear Tuesday! metal market today Copper cwa 9t 9c. GAR WOOD margin. thln. It wtwld be through the de Htopment of the adjacent coun' r People here must expect to supper the people who supported them V they did this everyone would t prosperous. The Oommlssloner pointed to tJh" Ftaser Valley where they had an exeettent system of marketing The the sostth. fA votee: -Better " If they purchased these products everybody would be prosperous. The dtoeusston arose through the reading of a tetter from Oeorge Or m of Vanderhoof. secretary of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central BC. asking Prince Rupert to anoolnt a deJeeate to discus the question of marketing at a meettne to be called In the near future at some central point rreddefit T. II. Johnson said he thought the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce should take considerable Interest In the matter . Vice-Preetdent John Dybhavn had been told that sotne local mer chants would do everything In their power to oppose the movement. Thomas McClymont mentioned past efforts which had failed and J. W. MeKlrtfey refused to accept the arjootnunent as delegate be cause he did not take enough Inter est tn the matter. It was then that the Commissioner roused himself and delivered a broadside. F. A. MacOallum spoke of the tm-Dtovemeht In the farming districts of recent years and strongly favored closest possible co-operation. H P. Pollen told of discussing the luesttofi with a prominent local re- I taller who expressed the opinion i Uiat Ute growers could best serve ' their own interests by appointing a ! broker to handle their produce m Prince Rupert. He would keep hi close touch with them and with the I t MA.avKMnfta n nst ntfttL4 tHtaf lUCnl TO4 Vs" ! wnw Weather in Prince Rupert 4 in that tne marketin: was done In an or- month of Augat this year was dfry mtnner and under beet pos- good deal better than tn tne n'jilbk conditions, month last y ar The sunshine for j j puW)Ury panted to she ex-August this yr totalled HIS hours Ufnt turkeys now raised In the with 2 hour MM l M compared lnlerior year while prectpiuttoii thla August ( At thp conclutioll of the discus- amounted to but a u,t'" , Sion It was left with the president t monwi . j.i0,. WON RACE Ametlean Rarer Defeated British Opponent by Wide Martin . Today MARINE CITY. Mich., Sept. It (CP)i-nsr Wood today won the rii-.t iiarminorth Trophy race, NHW YOHK. - , Mfatlnt the nrUlsh ehgnerger. silver closed at 3ttV on Iluber Scott , b m wlde NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1933 A Couple of Lucky Jewfish '1 " ' ' fe ' I , ' . I V vsCvCS? " SHAl ft ggaSgBHsm WfcThJB sHm aftat Wgtlr ' L dBgH E tslggggl ggggggggmmggissg ggggggsgggggmggmgggHflkms sggggsggggggfl SglgSsSsSgwSgflga These lucky jew:.ii. were appar Calfl . try Mary Ardc ;e and June around the ocean tor yars with LAKELSE 0G0P0G0 Two Glrli in Stillness of Night Witness Column of Spray TF.lUtACC Sept I: Can it be that Ogopogo has paid Lakehe Lake a visit? Two loeal girl. Miss Colthurst and .Mis Sherwood, spent the ni(ht in their boat in tne vicinity of Trout lUver, where it leaves the lake, when they Were aton-hhed and not a little alarmed to see, in the stillness of the night, a huge column of foam and spray that shot up from tbe otherwise rslm waters to a height of fifteen feet and as though proceeding from some aquatic rnomter. Possibly Iakrlte Lake may share the fsme that hitherto has been accorded solely to the Mrs. W. Ross Thomson of Tei-ace. who has been vMtlng la the city for the pact week or so as the guest of Mr. and Mm. James II. Thompson. O rah am Avenue, West- view, and of Mr. and ln. J. Cook Sixth Ave-SM West, w4U leave on Monday nlfhte train on her return to the Interior. I WILL FIGHT TERRORISTS e (Canadian Prase) 4 PARIS. Sept, 2: The United Kingdom, Italy, and France, in identical ilotes today, approved4 Austria's plan to raise a special corps of 8,000 men for duty against "terrorist elomonts" within tho country and on the Gorman border. ::y ca:i: a: Ci'.oiina Island. WOkjna Many poor fish swim out getting a break Uke this. COMMITTEE APPOINTED N. I. K. A. Code to Regulate Oil Industry Coming Into Effect This Week-End HYDE PARK. New York. Sept. 2: -The appointment by President Franklin D Roosevelt of a committee of IS members to supervise the code for the oil Industry which becomes effective today was the chief development In the National Industrial Recovery Act program this week. The chief duties of the sm-ailttee will be to regulate working sondittons of the industry, fix prices and hear complaints which may be made. Sons of Norway Dance Enjoyable eventv Person in Attendance at Affair Last Night in Odd fellows' IUI1 A very enjoyable dance was held by the Sons of Norway Lodge In the Oddfellows' Hall last night, about seventy persons being in attendance at the affair. Accordion music was furnished by Julius Welle and dancing was in progress from 10 pjn. until 2:90 ajn. At mWnlght dtllcioua refreshments were served. The committee In charge consisted of Mrs. O. Wick. Mrs A. Dybhavn. Mrs. K. Slatta. liana Knuteen and Peter Nome. Halibut Arrivals- Summary American 49.000 pound, 7.5c and 4c and 7.8c and 4c. Canadian None. American Arrow. 31.000, Pacific, 7.5c and 4c. Ansa J.. 18,000. Oold Storage. 7.8c and 4c Ame, 20.000, left tor Seattle. Prince Rupert Raining, light light southeast wind; barometer, 2920; temperature, 52; sea smooth. PRICE: FIVE CENTS AMMKm'AIIAN A1DMAM JC VI1 1 ET OPLEY-RICHFIELD MINING COMPANY ORDERED WOUND UP f f, . I enerai rrancesco ae Pinedo Meets Flaming Death in Taking Oft . I. f tl f- Wlf H t dwi wiaior rcnaiics in iiiirniiic i ianu roi uwinir urasn II I 'I. 4 li 4 : 4.. 1 XT Ol.. Flight (o HaRdad Today BRooKlYN. New York, Sept. (CP) General Fran ! j incHi), famous Italian airman, met a flmninc x ' i was w aev ifnii evais iiivk n a naiiisi a i i u: . i .1 et i . m ai a fcx Un tn I Ul rot JNj thero Riding k..' : r will hare a can '.-!''. ir. AUta riding " r.drid organiser b . r "iriMhy "non-: .. ihu morning 'till non-eonv lbUtly of the maiatlng a oandl- - '!n riding - im) visited Aayex miH tostfgh ' ii n for a visit EM0TINH J ItobUr TMrtr of Australia Win WjiUgt S!Uc IJron Jy Healing Ted rhrlp TOHOVTO. Sent 2: Cr Itobby raarrr. clant Antlralian, Ut errninc won the world's pro-fnUonal cullinc title by defeating Trf rM of InfUnd In a thrfomlle rare here by 440 yards. rearer's lime n IS minutes and H second, one minute and It seeond better than rhrlp. ALDER GOES STRONG FOR MARKETING Urges That, If Prince Rupert b to Amount to Anylhlnr. It WW Be Tbrouch Development Of Territory Much Discussion Spurred t?pHH'0O Ofl on 0 t.ylrtv when his heavily laden nlane faited U .hk mmmi momfe moieatc tack r t vl oil thO Concrete runway tO Crash into a Utth to any marketing scheme Id i li r a & ' i i AN I 1A f. FOR ATLIN TITLE IS CAPTURED by on or two remark- Finis To Be Written On September 11 for Well Known Concern 3Ir. Justice W. A. Macdonald Issues Order in Supreme Court in Vancouver Certificates Lapsed and No Assessment Work Done VANCOUVER, Sept. 2: (CP) On application of C. F. MacLean, counsel for Jacob J. Lechtzier, financial broker, Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald, in Supreme Court today, rixed September 11 for the hearing of a petition under the Dominion Winding Up Act for the winding up of the Top-iey-Richfield Mining Co. Ltd. The company was incorpor- Ketchikan Fish Men Visit City r H C Nunan. manager of the New England Fish Co. at Ketchikan, and O Bergseth ol BeatUe, who is en gaged la fish KetsWka: were overnight- visitors in town. having made the trip here from Ketchikan in the Alaska Southern Airways Lockheed-Vega seaplane "Chlcagoff." piloted by Bob BiHs They arrived at 9 o'elock last night from the north and hopped off at 8 o'clock this morning on their return to Ketchikan. During their stay here, Messrs. Nunan and Bergseth talked by long distance telephone to Chicago. Old Country Soccer ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Birmingham 2, Everton 2. Chelsea 5. Wolverhampton Wan derers 2. Derby County 1. Blackburn Rovers l. 0. Sheffield Wednesday I, Arsenal x Sunderland 4. Stoke City 1. Tottenham Hotspurs 3. Aston Villa 2, West Bromwieh Albion 3. Middlesbrough 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Dlvbion Airdrleontans 1, St Johnstone 1. Ayr United 3. Hamilton Academicals 1. CeUtc 0, Hearts 0. Cowdenbeath 5. Clyde 1. Dundee 8. Queen of South 0. Ulbemkns 4. Kilmarnock 1. Motherwell 2. Rangers 1. Partlck Thistle 0. Falkirk 3. St. Mlrren 1. Queen's Park 2. Third Lanark 2. Aberdeen 3. HAYWARD IS INDEPENDENT Senior Conservative Member For Victoria to Seek Re-election In Coming Election VICTORIA. Sept. 2: (CP Reginald Hayward. senior OonservaUve member for Victoria city In the test Legislature, announced today that he would run as an Independent at the coming provincial election. "iied six years ago, according to Lechtzier. and acquired several mining claims near Smlthers Including 1 the Red Top, Lucky Boy, i Wesley. Last Chance and Francis ftroops. The petitioner alleged that !.. . .. these claims had expired through IL C - Wa and O. Bergseth .L Here u of ffee miM. cerUncaUs Orernight. Making Flight With and UUure to record assessment Pilot Bob E11U k EXCURSION TO PORT SIMPSON (oodly Number on OuUng Today In Spite of Rainy Weather Conditions Their spirits, apparently, little dampened by rainy weather conditions, over 200 happv local excursionists left this afternoon at 1:30 aboard the steamer Prince Rupert, CapL Nell McLean, which Is making a special cruise to Port Simpson. A local orchestra is being taken along and there will be danelng aboard the ship. A softball game between Prince Rupert and Pott Simpson teams waa also being planned. The Prince Rupert arrived in port at 9:M this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falla nd' fW her Leeds United 3. Newcastle Unt- return from Port CImhuh a a A t . i Leicester City 0. Manchester City fa Stewart whence she will re- Uverpool 3. Sheffield United 1 Portsmouth 3. Hoddersflesd Town, 0. i Ktin urir souiiiooumi tomorrow i evening. Today's Weather f Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer. 30.W; temperature, M; light swell. Triple Island Clear, calm, sea smooth. Langara Island Rakibtg. light southwest wind; sea smooth. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 54. Alice Arm RamtBf. ealfh, 54. Anyox Raining, south wind. 52. Siejrart Cloudy, oalm. 49. HsseUon Ciear, ealm. 48. Smlthers Part eludy. ealm. 5Q. Burns Uke Part doudy, calm. eeeeee, WHEAT POOL WILL OPERATE ELEVATOR PROIlAflLY FOR YEAR e . At the local Chamber of Commerce masting taC night a remark waa made indicating that the Alberta Wheat Pool had again taken, the elevator for the coming year because the staff had been notified 4 that their irasttieiH would pro- bably be good for the yer.