i Phone 77 TAXI (TOMMY'S) Stand, Capitol Theatre Mock An; time, anywhere, 50c Is the fare. 7 Passenger Chrysler Car Lj:d ri (whirls ha botrll - , . reported by Robert uiiian of the house :i the regular monthly fiir hospital board last temporary work was ty Ben Dalgarno. rnmmlttee also reinstallation of an elec-i" the office of the lady ''Ht as well as two elec-i nd two toasters else-1 building The wiring ' ut by A. T Parkin. ftNr CUAT - i VJS U14V A WINS RACE '' ii . . . -.tain ini m .Manrliester 'frnber Hanillra scond, Soldat Third .niFSTER.Nov. 25: (CP)- ' 'J' Tlt n. a long iwig shot, snot, won won the me Dulwich Hamlet 2, Newport i various polnU on wve uouniy . Prince Rupert General Folkestone 0. BrUtoI Rovers 0. u result of leaks having ..Zr-JKi PROTECTION OF WORKERS Exploiting of Ubor Surplus Not lo He Permitted by New Provincial Government VICTORIA. Nov. 25: "CPi-If any employers in British Columbia are found to be taking advantage of the present surplus of labor, the Minimum Wage Act will be Invoked against them. Hon. George S. Pearson, minister of mines and labor. states. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Nov. 24. CP Wheat was quoted at G2toc on the local exchange today Fred Hardy, who has been on ft . -i vanomiwir and Se- vacation wi w November Handicap 'tMle. returned home on the Prin Fare AdMlaMe last evening Twenty-eight Ivprsea Hardy Is remaining ,for a wnue wng". In 8fp Sfoilg Mit SK" 5 Low 2:20 a.m. 7 J It. (l)Aflfnitnntt I tTTl nnltmn A v mxmvi-m nm T 1 ft U '.i viv i Aii tiCiiNiKAij uiui loll LULUWIJIAo NEWSPAPER I I " " l!,273' - PWNCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDA Y, NOVEMBER '" 1933 mut fivk ckj ' AN I K M Ml I A nil MS M A A A m A. ULll GUILTY TO ROBB ri I I t n. i iii i , OF VANCOUVER b'iNK ;eor:c Crowley, Kenneth Kcakins and George Lalondc Place Themselves on Mercy of Court Will Be Sentenced on Thursday of Next Week V M'nt:VER. Nov. 26: (CP) Geo. Crowlev anil Ken. i r.ikins, who were arrested at Calgary, and George . r . . wno waB tanen into custody at Winnipeg, appear- j ij.u t euuii iieiu hub iiiuming anu pieutieu guuiy ic hv -f the Victoria Road branch of the Bank of Mon-: : Monday of last week and stealing $3600, the most money was recovered on the trio being arrested , ; re remanded until next Thursday for sentence. LLED IN AIRPLANE .. . t tin When Ship Came Down a - . a 1 1 1 I - la names in Illinois : A III . Not 26: Two pi- i.i. 4ko and a stewardess : , city were killed yea-w n cight-pusarnge. ;nrrt commercial air .! in a field eight mUe .D'l burst into flame i.' paatengrr in tin ' Ulir. ' waa wttntaaed by r i who stated thai ' he machine caav f the engtne p- r--j to fanning. U 1 lNALIaL YANK GOODS .I...- a lk..Mnl llnlir in II Imposed by Canada N.i 25 CP Actlor n exchange dumptnr iM.tU from the U niter .-Una or kind made I Kn taken by ttw Comment The SnV neclared the United to poasMB vara of 1M iiHdlan currency for nnfR Af 1 Local Hospital m r. H.Mi UL1.II. trill !- ; !(. OIllllglHIg 111" " T lie Done Ne t Spring Clr trie Fillings Installed FIRST RD. IN SOCCER Sixty-Four Team Met In Opening Of English Cup I'lay LONDON. Nov. IS: (CD-RtanlU to the first roand of Use Association Football cop tie tasfcy wtr aa follows: OaJstaborouch Trinity 1. Altring-ham 0 Workington 1. Bouthport 0. Rotherham United I, Southbank St Peter's a. Scunthorpe United 1. Accrtngten 8Unley 1. 9. Barrow 4. Doncaster Rows S. Coventry City S. Crowe Alexander Walsall 4. Spsnnyioot t. Ootoafaaod 6. Darweu 1. York City 1. Hartlepool United 3. Sutton Town X Rochdale 1. Newark Town 0, Tranmere Ko vers 7. Cheater C. DarUnttcn 1. Lancaster Town , INockport 'oonty 1. North Shlelda S. fcarbarwsfh 0 Halifax 3. Barnakry S. Carnate United 1 Wreaham 1. NorthMapton Town S. Bseter City 0. Queon'a Park Ranters I, Krtter-llnfO. Ilford S. Swindon 4. Bath City 0. Charlton Athletic 8. Klngatonlana 1. Bristol City 7. Crystal Palace 1. Norwich City ft. Cheltenham Town S. Bamet 1. Torquay United 7. Margate 1. Watford 0. Reading S. Cardiff City 0. Alderahot 0. Northrieet United 0. Dartford 2. Bournemouth 3. Hayes 0. Clapton Orient 4. Epsom Downs 2. Oxford City 1. OlUlngham 5. London Paper Mllla 0. Southend United 1 Mrs. the south Herbert Marler Old Country Soccei (Canadian Preesl SCOTTISH LEAGl'E lint Division Atrdrieonlans 0. Hibernians 3. Ayr 3, Dundee 3. CcMic 3, Third Lanark 1. Cowdenbeath 1. Partick 1. Hearts 1. Clyde 1. Motherwell I. St. Mlrren 0. Queen's Park 2. Hamilton 4, Queen o'f South 4. Kilmarnock 1. Ranger 3. Falkirk 1. Aberdeen 1. St. Johnstone 1. Second Division Brechin 3, Albion 1. Dundee 2, Alloa 0. East Fife 3, Morton 0: Bast Stirling 3. Dumbarton . Edinburgh L Arbroath 3. Forfar 3, Dunfermline 3. King's Park 3, Ralth 1. Lelth 3. Montrow 0. Stenhousemulr 3, St. Bernard' 0. ENGLISH LEiGUK First Division ' Aston Villa 2, Newcastle ,3. Chelsea 1, Birmingham 1. Huddtrsflcld 0, Arsenal 1. Leicester 2, Leeds 2. Liverpool 1. West Bromwlch 1. Portsmouth 2, Manchester 0. Sheffield 1, Blackburn 0. Stoke 1, EvcrUm 2. Bunderland 4, Sheffield Wednes day 0. Tottenham 1, Derby 2. Wolverhampton 0, Middlesbrough t. Second Division Bolton 3, Portvalc 0. Bradford 0. Bury 1. i Brentford 2. Notts 2. Burnley 3, Bwansea 1. arlmsby 4, Hull 1. Manchester 2, Bradford City 1. Nottingham Forest 2, Fulham 0. Oldham 1, Mlllwall 0. ' Plymouth 0. Blackpool 3. Preston 2. Lincoln 1. West Ham 0, Southampton 0. AL SMITH IN FAVOIl OF SOUND MONEY NEW YORK. Nov. 25: "It may be .unpopular but you can put me on record as being In favor of 'sound money. " So said Former Governor Alfred E. Smith yesterday In a state- 4 ment published In the AUantlc Monthly in regard to mone- tary problems. He declared that he was In favor of "eold" rather than "bologna" dollars. I The Happy Warrior also de- 41 PLAN NEW AIRPORTS . S. Government Contemplates Spending $1 1.000,00s In Pro-vldiag Landing Fields WASH1NOTON. DC, Nov. 26: The United, States government an nounced plans yesterday for the establishment of two thousand new airport and svutton fields in various parta of the country for the purpose of eneouragtng private fir ms as wen as providing unemntov- mtnt relief work. Under the program as outlined l0.(XXy00 would be expended on such field and employment would be given to fifty thousand persons. Takes Pleurisy w Illness of Canadian Minister t) Japan, Suffering From Pneumonia, kalends TOKYO. Nov. : (CPI-Hon Herbert M. Marler. Canadian mln later to Japan, who has been Hi for four week with pnetimona. ml toed an' attack of pleurisy y eater y. PLAN NEW INDUSTRY Nevada Interests Talking About Employing 400 Persons on Vancouver Island VICTORIA, Nov. 2s) (CP) The Department of Lands Is preparing Information concerning several thusand acres of land on the West Coast of Vancouver Island following application af i. T. Read clared .hto belief in private' ZlVTlT" mrv,.m. f J. I wbo utM that h represents , Ne- v a aw - iiv tai v a. visaiii" plating buying it. Read states that the interests he represents plan J lumbering, fishing and shipbuilding opera tions giring employment to xome 1 four hundred peopU. Fire and , six-room houses for sile in knnrk- i down form would bej among the : products to be turne out i ( PASSING OF 'RUBE' HULL Former Editor "Rube" Hull, veteran' newspaper man of the nrovtnce. who formarljc. edited the Stewart Nem for IL W.i M. Rolston at Stewart. dM her Setting Up of Quebec System in R. C. Advocated Ity Victoria Election Candidate VICTORIA. Nov. 25: CP) - Adoption by British Columbia of the Quebec system of sale of Rght wtoea and beer In restaurants was advocated by W. C. Moresby K.C, Con servaUve candidate for Victoria in next Monday's deferred election. Mr. Moreeby expressed fear that lifting of" prohibition in the United Stales might prove serious for Can ada with the threat of a flood of bootlegging because of lower liquor prices there. Winnipeg Mayor Re-elected With Large Majority WINNIPEG. Nov. 28: (CP-Mayor Ralph Webb was re-eleetea mayor of Winnipeg yesterday with a majority of more than eight thousand over his neareet opponent, John Queen Labor. Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK,Nov. 26: The Canadian dollar and British nound sterling both declined sharply in the iuohi lorwgn exenange market yesterday, the former cJoslne at sms ! and the latter at $5.20. The French franc closed at .0622. 4 GERMAN rillVATK IS SHOT BY AUSTRIAN PATROL AT FRONTIER e BERLIN, Nov. 36: inter- national complications loomed yesterday as a result of the shooting of a German army f private by an Austrian border patrol at the frontier. The Gc-r- man soldier was skllnc at 'the ,A time. Berlin Is demanding re- , A. J 11.. I 4 PLANNING TO TREAT WITH BERLIN DIRECT hoped that the way may be paved for Germany to re-enter the conference after It rea- semblea In mtd-Janoar. ON DISARMAMENT -f LONDON, Nov. 25:-6ir John Simon, Foreign Secretary, an- nounced yesterday that Great Britain had proposed to France r that, following suspension of the Geneva disarmament eon- ference, disarmament negotla- tions be opened direct with Germany. By this means It is CASINO AT NICE BURNS .Million Dollar Resort Built by Frank Gould Destroyed by Fire NICE. France. Nov. 25: Frank , OoutaTs new S10u.eweatno, build ing of which had just been com- I pieted and which was about to be of .Sfrvart Wh. ... ,.. 7 . V-X. .. . we uCTiiuym oy lire yea- ... . iviuajr At Vancouver g VANCOUVER. NovJ 2. (CP -IREC0GN1TI0N IS UNLIKELY yerterctar He a patient tulfmTBt h, rrfsldent Roo,fVfU T. '"J" lnCUrW Flowing Conference tVlth hosplUl here following a stroke of , Cuha MlnUIre paralysis. .1 :. B00ZE SALE vW2S israsesu. w SfafelTa not imminent, aaid Preel- n prog Drurresa FOR CAFES i dent FraRklsn D. Roosevelt In a ifaBirmrm iron tnr summer wrutt house here yesterday. Th sutoment followed a conferr enee earlier In the week here be-A-een the President and United trn Minister Wells to Cuba who -ently arrtved from Havana. Wells will not return to Havana meantime but will be attached tc ttaf Department headquarters a! Washington. Moose Dance Is Enjoyable Two Hundred Persons Present at Happy Affair Last Night Tlie dance In the Moose Hall but night was the scene of much merri ment with about 200 people danetnt to the tunesome strains of Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. The committee In charce Miudb- tcd of Joe Slaegard. chairman. Re sisted by Cecil Morrison and Char lie Lemon. Sam Haudenschlld. Nek Gunderson. Ted Rorvlk presided at the door. Mrs. Stegavlg and Mrs. Wlngham had charge of the refreshments. ADVANCE IN ALL STOCKS NEW YORK, Nov. 25 -OenenU advances were recorded in stoch values on the New York Exchange yesterday with almost all Issues sharing In the advance. The day's turnover amounted to 1 JttgDOO shares. The Industrial average at closing was 99.52. up .93; rails, MM, up .66; uUllties, 24.09. up 1.02, and bonds, 70.48, up .79. GOLD PRICES SAME WASHINGTON. Nov. 36: (CPI Washington and Montreal gold prices were similar today at $33.76 per ounce. Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. Held of Bella Bella, who have been spending the past few days in the city, sailed by the Cardena test night on their return down the coast Mr Held is In the fisheries service at Btlla Bella. REPORT ON CONVENTION II. W. Birch Tells Local Hospital Of Recent Gathering In Victoria Hospital finances took a leading place In the discussions of the re CLUB DANCE IS ENJOYED ')ne Hundred and Fifty Prrsons Present at Affair Last Night A highly enjoyable dancing party .waa haU at tkx. PHim titina niukl WARM SPRING. Oa. Nov. 4Ii night wttai about JM persona musk wm by Charlie R- orrhestnr atwf danet wef from 10 n m until l -m; m President and Mrs. John Dyb-i3 vn rrcrived the guests. Decorations for the occasion were ' feature, splendid work in this con-iccfion ha vine been done by Andy 'rknrer. the steward. satstcd by wives of members The committee In charge consls-d of Q. p. Tinker, chairman and master of ceremonies, W M. D lack-stock and G. A. Woodland. Booth Wins Over Catholic School tnter-School Hoop Game Ended This Morning in Score of 38 To 9 For East Siders Booth Memorial School defeated Annunciation School by a score of 38 to 9 in an inter-school basketball game this morning. Bremner. Brown and Peterson were star play ers for Booth and D. Montesano. M. Bussanlch and B. Blaine for Annunciation. Bmie . Pltspatrick was referee and Severino Dominato. timekeeper. Players, with individual scoring, were as follows: Booth uootn -Cameron -Cameron 6. 6. Eastman Eastman. son Annunciation D. Montesano (8). M. Bussanlch 1, E. Blaine. Fortune, Brass, Severino; total. 9. Today's Weather Terrace Rain, calm, 40. Atyansh Cloudy, calm, 40, Anyox Raining, calm, 46. Stewart Cloudy, calm, mild. Haselton Cloudy, calm. 36. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. ram during night. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 34. rain In night Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident TO FORM CABINET Camille Chauteraps Invited to Become Premier of France PARIS, Nov. 25: 'CP)-Accepting the inritation of President Le-brun. Camille Chautemps agreed ceni annual convention of the Brl-; today to attempt to form a new wan uoiumDia HospiUls Association French cabinet to succeed the ad-in Victoria, according to a report of ! ministration of Albert Sarraut H. W. Birch, managing secretary of i which resigned Thursday after a the Piince Rupert General Hospi-itack of confidence vote had been tal. to the local board at it regular passed against It by the Chamber monthly meeting last evening. The of Deputies. ast year had been a trying one for' he hospitals from the financial Und point due largely to the reduc-lon of the government grant to ospitals which the association had een endeavoring to have restored o,its former basis but. so far. wlth-ut success although it was quite lopaient that hospitals could not ontinue to function without great-' "r financial support. The eonven-j ion had discussed, among other TRAINS ON WAYAGAIN Traffic Resumed on Local Line Following 48-Hour Washout Blockade Train or ntnnin aaraln tvlv .... . ... " j .--c.a. ..ruier sicpe wun a view. on the loeal line of the Canadian 'r"tn tb 8nt to former National Raihvayt following a two-legattxation of sweepstakes ; day blockade owing to washouts be- " purposes, staw neaitn.tween Andimaul and Kitwanga. nsarance and hospital insurance. The train, which was to have been in at 10 o'clock Thursday night, is now reported due to arrive at 3:50 this afternoon or soon thereafter while the rain, regularly doe at 10 o'clock tonight. Is reported to be on time. The eastbouod train, which was to have left at 5:30 teat evening, has now been fixed to leave at 7:30 this evening. NO CHANGE IN POLICY President Roosevelt Slakes Statement in Regard -to His .Monetary Program WARM SPRINGS. No M Pr. DrUeiotis ref reahmenU were ser-! sldent Franklin D. Roaaeveit in ed with Mrs. J. R. RUert in charge. statement yesterday, mad It clear that he contemplated making no change for the preeent at least In the line of policy he is pursuing In connection with monetary matters. The chief executive Intimated that it was not surprising that exception should be taken in certain quarters to his policies. Important Parleys Held by President Roosevelt Friday WARM SPRINOS. Nov. 26: President Franklin D. Roosevelt had two important conferences at the summer White House yeafierday. One was with General Hugh S. Johnson, director of the National Recovery Act, and the other wtth Henry Morgenthau Jr.. aeUng Secretary of the Treasury. . , . , tai'S. Brown PH-' Aimee is Helping Husband to Obtain Decree of Divorce LOS ANGELES. Nov. 26: Mrs. Atanee Scrapie McPhertoo Hutton, noted Foursquare Gospel evangelist, admittfd yesterday thai the was aiding her husband. Davtt Hut-ton, in instituting diverge BILLIARDS POSTPONED Sr! :Tn:!Lnt .th? Thursday nlghf. H.. " ltt5l,duled fixture tvuu wnaiug uir an nual convention of the Western branch of the Canadian Institue of Mining and Metallurgy In Vancouver and paying a brief visit to Oepartment of Mines headquarters In Victoria on official business He was accompanied by Mrs. Mandy. inr aeierrea uuaerd League game of George Howe. Grotto. 1 Alex Harvey, Canadian Legion, from regularly sche- was further Dots- poned from test night until the week-end. J D Bell of Victoria, who has le?n spending a few days In the i ty. sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on Ms return to tiie Capital.