this Advertislne and Clroiiatlon Telephone , Editor and Reporters' Telephone Member ol Audit Rurraii of Circulation' DAILY EDITION norm. PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION ...nx THE NEW JUpGE Congratulations are due to Judge W. E. Fisher on his appointment to succeed Judge Young in the County Court. He is well known to everyone in the north country, seems advertise nent is r.ot puCllsru'd or display ea oy the Liquor Control Board or by the Government if British Columbia Ml TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 7SO.ono,000 j lhe mure I like snow. 5 Tfteniholaiutn Ih HealinCream . CATATJRH, SORE TI IRQAT, ETC. FSAOm. IN CANADA. Man in the Moon It was at the Burns', banquet recently someone remarked that a Scotch kiss was the kind she liked, a was close. England always was ready to take my limerick for this cotumfv Tne was not quite correct so I asked Jake to fix it. thief Who was forced to resort to reiiaX. There is no need to steal To get a square meal. Far he's living beyond all betial. D' ntist's Wife Why do you open ' he door of the waiting room when I sing? Dentist-1 want to show other flu 'iits that the noise Is not made by the patient In the chair. Prize Answers BOTH SIDES OF TROUBLE Company lias Exhausted Cash Reserves a,n,d AMust Borrpw tyoncy to Carry On Producing Dissatisfaction Fertile Field For Active Work fit Tom Brad(jr in Sowing Seeds .of Jlisconlent ANYOX. Feb. 7--If neither .side Itives way tfuritn tlie present dls- and the big lut 01 lhe giAU runby Company remains closed 'ox an indefinite period. mich want and suffering will result." says the Herald, at the conclusion of an article on the strlKSc here , . .. which commences last week. "Tni- Jtwioiw Uve in Prince ttupert ebmpiny's statement tl.a: they, cannot meet Jie deminds o. the strikers and continue operations must be taken sei lously. It Is well-known to everyone trnt the copper market has been In a demoralized state lor the pasi eighteen months. They have practical-lv their nUr nutnut for thr ttmtt to be well fitted for the position to which he has been an- , a flyer. That's I".1"8 what T.a.1 made made her he.r great- great. and a-iif sumo, either in iioihted and doubtless will uphold the tradlUons of that Today ;ardon. trhe is mmZ metaphors soil in the are swim. mixed. Bet "nitcd ste. ; Ayo. 1 j .1 .it. . high office with proper dignity and dispense justice with an even hand. Ve are glad to know that a local man has received this today day appointment and especially one wlio hds pioneered in the j-,,a by claries. awaiting buyer. At the jpresent ... . . ... time refined capper is seAing in The chf ibe cwUnen 4Wtof Nw y k at , seams Id be 11 cilttlne of L 7L Mit Luxd his M tik "Z Z Z.nZLiTJ mm. Ncm let who see can M t-y u in cop-, Deat mat- per It would be eheaptr thtn to buy It in e etien natket i .n Jake says Wl like to cut hVs taj- make It. Atid&.n pnase Is that ary on oawroay nni oui mares the cash teerei of h ennpanjr The conduct of -the huge demonstration t Hyde Park, " . &Z2U'f2K London, Sunday was an indication of the manner 1n which prince rtupqrt )m started but aoiw with bfWed money, which the British workingman does things. It was one of the wen enough titfe wjk by havin the ans ith iaUrest rs At be largest events of it kind ever staged but there was no tot the fall hb aiani. This jawiet 4h ecanpany u pay-trouble. The London police had the arrangements well in lsJjalr jLH be M,J n9 8 "" hand and the demonstrators were not inclined to be law- nmptt breakers. , men. The'iWtay an lully aware That little neighborly buffetinc that tOfUiam t Aayox are not tp Pi?nTPQT at Anyox te8t week eeoM to w good as or stabW be. but doe 1 ftAlULiUo t liyjifjoi ! quieted things down. Or was it the 0 preKtlt eogfKRSlc cooditkuu state - - I airplanes humming overhead that that they eaMOt bnivove them. The teachers of the province are nrotestinjr against the had sooUiing effect on tbeaorvea? The Men's ide . new scale of pay adopted by the provincial government. In . . riiw JltlSl fL making their grants to the municipalities they have adop-R. IOllOWJng as lae scale on whicji uiuy wm iwunc lhe mountains and the glorious them : Elementary teachers, $780 a year; principals of su-; quit of the strets. penorschools "affil 5(fnio'rlifgirchools, $1100, and high- cl fpnpliora 19nn i One of our friends has contribu- 'Municipalities ai-e told that they may pay more than the ted JJJJJ a rate set by the government but that it they do so they will get no help from the government for that increase, lhis be closed That there has been dissatisfaction for some time Is well known, and when m ejtnert labor oranr such as Tom Brad ley visited the camp, be found a IS WJloleaie slashing and is hard on the members of a very In Prince Rupert there once was a fertile field for further sowing the important profession. seed of discontent The closing of tte plant tor a lengthy period would be a calamity for the whole north, and It would be a serious blow to th gonejra business of the whole ?ruvtire Boy Fined For Peddling Liquor My unelc in Venice is sending e undola How am I going to play Flfie,en-Year g(.l prisoner Orln it? When MaiKlrate Says You don't play a floqdojta. y'" "$100" th'ow H over your shoulder like a hawl " COBNBR BROOK. Ntld.. Fab. 7- .. " "77 Z. . PMtap he new had heard of I a Dove an. siiw me mr o $10o peHiapi be thought l ;me new maia. i wnt f ((mHl M yt to i and truthfUlBeSft. kitt' anmv ILmt tAA hnv "Yes. madam." the maid. nfM mfiem Hqw 0n : And if anybody calls wtm yon are -rn( - mmm. in nnd you say you are oat, which tne -nlence. sn 111 come lint? U nUuLmt nnl nlll hnt ilttr r conviction he toM the magistrate he bad done so to find out who Informed against him The in- fArnuip1! vMan uk tA 1H iif - in In Eixainiiiduuii c viminnfiriTl fct that he had mat the accused by ippmntrnent durtng the last fewmors and punhaeo from him SAINT JOHN. N.B.. Feb. 7-Bome Vr pupils In the Saint Jolin High School have quaint ideas. Here are some answers they made on examination papers. "Nitrogen Is ven Inert commercially" "When 'a lighted match is submerged In 1120 it will not go out." "Copper forms about four per cent, of the air.' "Some of the rare-t gases arc helium and radium." If you stay shut tip In a small room for a long me you will nie ol suffocation. This proves that there Is carbon dioxide in U.e air because yuo breathe In tte air and breathe it out again, and as carbon f'.ioxlde Is a poison, the above experiment proves that there Is carbon dioxide In the air." ."Resonance Is the revival of jound."' 'The exllaratlon of sound Is two feet per second per second." Advertise In the Dally News Questioned by the magistrate. the boy did not know nether he sold liquor by day or by night. -Do not lie. Utile boy," aald the magistrate. But the boy remained silent. "I have been a magistrate for 22 years but you arc the first boy to eome before me In connection with dealing In liquor," continued His Honor. "You have established a record. You m aythlnk of that in future of that Is any consolation to you, It Is not an enviable precedent to establish. I do not now how you feel about It. I Imaeln bv the rrin on your ffcee that voi do not realize what Is. happening to you." Asked Is he had any defence to nfer, the boy replied in the rwws-ilve. It Is understood Ms lather Is arranging to pay the fine. "The uHlrpab goal Is try of Heaven on earUi." Baldwin. BILLIARDS February 7 Les Canadiens vs. Kmnreas. Pebmry lOJeweflers vs. Cold atdraffe. February H Km press vs. Cold Storage. fMbrmary 17 Lea Canadiens vs. Jevefleni. February 21- Cold Storage vs. Lea Canadiens. Februay 24 -Kmpress vs. awal-lera. February StLea Canadians vs. Today's Weather . Terrace IS abov- -Clear. Atynaah Cleai. calm, lla Anyox Clear, calm. 18a. StiwurV-Clear, taim, 4a. Hn ml too Clear, north wind, 3b ffmlthcrs Cloudy, windy, lla. Burns Lake- knowing, blowing 17a. Langsra Part cloudy, fresh northwest wind, heavy chop. Triple Island -Cloudy, calm, sea smooth. Dead Tree Point- Overcast, calm; batometer, 30.40; temperature, 34: sea smooth. Prince Rupert Part cloudy, calm; barometer. 30 52; temperature, 3d; ;ea smooth timbuck" fomented pen riots KINOBTON, Ont . Frb. 7 - Tim Book, former leader of the Com-nunlst party In Canada and four others, helped to instigate the riots that took place at Portsmouth penitentiary last October, It was stated today In the evidence ag-lt Wlllard Milllch, convict at the lenltcntlary. who was committed 'it trlr.l on the charge of "being ilotoitsly and tumultously assembled toKether to the disturbance of '.l.c public peace." SPORT CHAT AOvuncement in sport u Print Rttpeit is very slow compared with other towns of equal aixe It is not a 4U action of talent that Is hoMttng "them back or a grau deal of talent has bera shown here in the past few Than what is Is that katpe Sean. iusagt bade In the sttafcs? In USc-inc with the younger etowd and eon a few ol the cider ajtottgnatn we aan piet us a few f ite leaaona for the standstill The larger cities or even the smaller citls of the south find it easy to keep sports alive Of course the main upkeep of sport is Inter-town eotapatitlon n Prince Rupert that Is Use one great drawback Wf are so far from any town and I Inter-town sports were arranged U irlre of snmsportaUon la too nigh tad woMtd coat more than any porting association could stand then asala there are no taesVuea 4at spots No nor track for tar runnani except a rooky grand en which one aalgbt easily break or aaUe. No gymnasium lor winter training, no shower baths for per ieptrlng athletes. In fact noU.lm she would give any of them th incentive to gain athletic prowess And the one thhig that Is sary for the malting of champions Is real coaehes who know what they are taJMna afaoat in Rumh . northeast wind, have plenty who can give advice but w" wo cMn reauy make champions This is a true statement for we need only to waU-h the progress of young fellows who have had the Tuesday, Fcbn I in fAOE TWO THE DAn.Y NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. ritlNCE lilirEUT - UKIT1S1I COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince UUpei Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor S.UM&C.lllt'TION .KATJKS City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid tn advance 5.0'; for leaser panoas. para in advance, per weea By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire nttd United States, paid in -advance, per year 3JK) y mall .to all other countries, per year ... 3.00 advlrtisino iiatks Traitstent display adverttshu nor inch, oer in.-ertton .... Classified advertising per insertton.'per word . .. Legal notices. eech Insertion, per agate Ihje - Local readers, per Insertion per aw Contract rat mi apotieatlnn. 1 4!) .0" ! ?1 OtlKK UAMt-S. fHt Lidy Skating Champion Officiates ' 1 F jj anr "faf.r- of fof Canadian puoic t . ' avi- WhrD to booMy Vtaffl irotu f ttr eame on ;he ice tor an exbibltljn game at 8t Morils. Ivityfl- Ad recantty, toAWi ntn ,, , ly (tfutifif pxtnp'.on. did the fcHtfrt. BADMINTON LAST NIGHT . Results of la t nih' dmIBUb-Un tames were as follows: ' tfaipert Club, f; CX&Ji. i Skecna. 4: CXJIA. a. Kupert Club, I; Skeena and An- Lgiican o. Bheena, Weens and Angli- awi. 0. Tadles' doubles tn the CNRj. are not imptovec by mcreaiad us Rupert Club U yet to be wages and board and room redae- IPTd Hons, that the plant might as well! A League Standlnr Rupert Club Ske-na C. V R A kena and Anglican 32 31 SO s Fjr$.t Gajne of New Junior Series W&n by Bullets The Rookets campl classed a pkk-upsenur iNudunball team by a i. of 66-33 Moal.-y led corluf with 2" po.rt, -y ef the ytrkiaxr v. . M POWI U The fbt Kanse or i ertCfisa won by th n Aces staiierl fast and like sure winners Him ' mlbed In the second h.. ' ame 17-13 Shrubvil oaMMa for the winner the Aces made numrriu rtts team-mates but thf. core the neceassn iv thjam In the wta miu: Moose Leading Cribbage League The Moose are now crlbbage as a result M league fixtures Tiw last night were a full. Canadian 1 -ton I I ' 1 Seal Cove 10 taglr : Orotto 18 Flks 9 Empress 16. 0wtfts I ? Mooee II ktusketcf i pribbage Standing opportunity to go south and thef?!' wonderful progreiw they are making jnaer training. The young people of Prince R-jert have to make their own way for the public at large do not fhwi It possible to give the support that la necessary There Is the Spartan Athletic Club sponsored by young fellows, although Just a young or-raniaatton is struggling kng and It la passible if the members had the right coaching a ohempfen might be found. The basketball teams of Rupert have not as yet bad a chine to demonstrate their skill against ledd-tng province teams. Many local young hoop tosaers Itare gone to Vancouver and have become hlgh-hahts of southern tedms. And If It were possible for a team from this city to go south It Is probable that It would have a good chance In the provincial championship games. CRIBBAGE February 13 Canadian Legion vs. Orotto. e4 ,Qove vs. Empress. I.O. O. F. vs. Swift. Moose vs. Elks. EnRles vs. Musketeers, Empress, Moose Orotto Bagles Oddfellows ifgeketeers impress Canadian Legion nits Witt's deemed properties to the village. F 79 74 73 72 73 83 (IS on 4J which "Uberty nnd union. forever, one and David Webster. 0 4' c Stewart Makes Cood Showing in Annual Statement STEWART. Feb 7 I ' ftnaaektl statement of -of Stewart shows a i" will be the envy of all ' elpaltties U sltows asset so $9,749.04 and no ItubiJi' PtHng the year Jus' 1 total Income was $5.28! l Ing the year U)e amount 1 hand Increased from 31" ' beginning of the year t v" the close. The assess Include ui " money On hand, fire ii'i" and offce equipment , .IP" Uirli'. ml linn" in' insepir-' VI'! Die IhI