PADS TOUR TOTS DAILY NEWS OXO SAVES YOU FROM MANY Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Toombs Radio Service All ILLS in OF INTEREST TO WOMEN We ire repeating, for. limited time onlj . the offer of a British-made, 1 3 " aluminum cooking ipoon for the return cfonly 30Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, Sc. Peter Street, Montreal TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED :LACi - .Makes of Radio 'Work Guaranteed Phone: Blue 901 RECORD Twenty years In the one store shoemaklng and repairing merits your confidence, and we solicit a continuance of your patronage In our new store. M. MacARTHUR Third Ave. Next Federal Blk. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. i Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total cspsclty 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill snaMlnlngMachtnery Repaired and Overhauled Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. 1MUNCE RUPERT. B.C. Hatless Habit Is No Offence Itut Rare Head Added to Policeman's v Suspicion' of Drunkenness ST. JOHN. NS.. b 7: During warm weather the mjile of the cies is apt to be seen outdoors with- I out a hat. Some hardy wtpbt even .eschew headgear in 'he wbfter. The I legality of this practice came up indirectly in court here. It is not an offence against the law yet to go bareheaded on the streets. Magistrate Palmer told a defendant who appeared in the police court on a drunkenness charge. The defendant had stoutly maintained that he was questioned by police "only on the point of not wearing a hat." "Were you drunk?" the. magls trate asked. "Not a drop, Yottr Honor. They j only asked me about my hat. I never wear one." Officers who made the arrest agreed they had mentioned the absence of a hat. but said the defendant was staggering and giving off a strong aroma of nun. "I only had a bottle of medicine, and have it yet." the defendant protested, producing the medicine from a pocket. "I never wear a hat, Your Honor." "There are some people who don't, I notice." replied the magistrate. "That is no offence yet. I'm Interested in whether or not you were drunk. The weight of evidence la against you. Eight dollars or 30 days In Jail." FISH CASH & CARRY SHOP Fresh Filleted Plat Pish. 2 lbs. Flounders. Briue & Sole, 3 lbs. Crab. 3 for Smoked Black Cod, per lb. Oolichana. 3 lbs. Smoked Halibut, per lb. Oolden Fillets, per lb Smoked Salmon, per lb. Second Street 43c 2Sc tfc Tells About Russia Today Dr. Durant Give Interesting Lecture in Vancouver as Result of First-Hand Knowledge VANCOUVER. Feb. 7 "If I could have come back from Russia and told the American people that It was a paradise I would have been the. idol of every woman's club in the country, and should have had vast audiences everywhere. Hindus himself told me that there is hard ly a city In American which would j not welcome the story of Soviet success rather than the story of misery, despotism and sadness that exists there." This was one of a number of statements at the commencement of Dr. Will Durant's address on "Russia As I Saw It," at the Vancouver Theatre, which aroused a small section of the audience to pronounced opposition, and heckling. That audience, over which R. J. Cromie presided, filled every seat in the house. It was while the lecturer i whose wife is a Russian Immigrant) was describing the tragedy of starvation, poverty and misery which he and his wife found when they visited the first considerable Russian city, Omsk, that the interruptions from the gallery became so vocal that Dr. Durant. during a momen- 20ciiwverntnent by his own country 43c! despite the fact that that govern-Hcjment was the most vicious and ty-'Sc rannlcal government on earth to-JOciday, because such recognition would enable the American people MTILL!E THE TOILER" OH. ftUftlSLBS I HAD A. 0XtET vTH OIAMJE LAST MkSKT AND HB VTAJ"TOD rn t'UOPOSH TO Mff BBPUfB I MAT V C MAMCK TO -niLL HIM O VUAM I I rTi mm tj 1 I MO KQ6tT5 " a "A MONTREAL IMPORTERS CUT RATE Shoe Store Now Open For Business With Greater Values Than Ever COME AND SEE US We will guarantee you goods at 35' . less than anywhere else in town. fry silence, said: , ' i At Gun Point "Wherever I went In Russia the military had complete control. All the grain la taken from the peasantry at the"polnt of the gun. Conscription such as Ik unknown in any other J country is In force in Russia, and there Is compulsory military training In all the schools. "One of the greatest tragedies In Russia is that there are no alternatives." Until within the last two months no Russian could leave Russia, and the new regulation which enabled him to get out by the payment of the equivalent of S250 could not really make any difference, because such a sum re presented a fabulous amount to the average Russian IH0AT . . . Here's comforting relief without "dosing." Just rub on VapoRus Montreal Having Medical Session Of Great Import American College of Physicians Meets In Canada to Discuss New Discoveries and Uellefs MONTREAL. Feb. 7: The year's accomplishments in the field of medical science is being reviewed at the annual clinical session of the American College of Physicians as sembled on Canadian soli for the first time and opening yesterday. A thread of physiology both normal and patholbglcal runs through most of the papers, indicative of the Increasing Importance physiological studies are taking in medical work. The physiological activity of the cell is presented from both a theoretical and practical standpoint while the difference in chemical constitution favorable to various diseases and the manner in which diseases may be influenced by altering body chemistry will be discussed thoroughly. The John Phillips Memorial Prise Oration was given last night by Dr. William B. Castle of Boston for his series of studies showing the rela-tlonhlD of gastric digestion to the pathogenesis of anemia, the demonstration of the role of extrinsic fae-tors in hematonoleais. and finally In the demonstration that the extrtn- I had presumed when I cameto hrrflk down some of the barn- Uctor PnUclous anemia can here that Vancouver was a cltv1 .w. v i.n(..i- be obtained from yeast as well as which has Inherited the British traditions of courtesy to a speaker. "I Mve promised you twenty minutes at the finish, when you n ask me any questions, and when any Oommunlst among you rsn occupy the platform If be like. Le me assure anv Communists in the etjdienee that no rou? can sympathise more than I do rith them, because X I" ave , suffer--d the dislUu.ficrment of having bee.t to Russia." . " This answer war meted with-a ot from th rmllenr "Oo on lth your mtserl-s" "All riiM." -rrmnien .Dr Dtirint. as he re- -vrrr. his ea. "u that Is vour Attitude of mind It will h useleM for me to attemo-td do what I have ben brought' here to do give vou mv impressions of Russia as I foaad-lt." i A Challenge But this was he final Interruption, ajift jatifeaudience gave the speaker a nfflger round of applause as he stoollup again. From then on he was given a very good hearing. As be resumed he said: "I feel that our system is leading us Into as great a tragedy as that of Russia, God knows if they ooulc show us a way out we would accept It." Dr. Durant did not paint the whole of the .gre Russian experiment in sombre colors. Some things that the Soviet had done, he said. In the midst of all the terrorism and tragedy that pre vailed there were of permanent value. Some Benefits It was the first greet attempt in the socialisation of agriculture. It might be described above all else as an Industrial revolution. "It has Drought a certain unity and peace to the many warring nation within the great Russian zone. It has brought education to a people traditionally untutored and Industrial discipline to a people naturally buy." It was producing a new generation which might be unlike anything the world had ever seen. He was strongly In favor of the recognition of the present Soviet that It is iv Am rvrfnt which i ultlng closely uurani made were the following related to Vitamin B. The prise will be presented to Dr Deportations Cattle at the Convocation of the "There have been more ceporta- College tomorrow night. At the tions U Siberia in any month on- Convocation Sir Andrew Marphall. dtr the present regime than there professor, of the history of medicine have been In at history of Rus- at MeOIll university will deliver an Ha SJAcfc" the time of Itfuu the address (in "The Source of Modern Terrible." ; Medicine J Sialin a man of remitted coinage and astounding will power, has destroyed all (he elements of capitalism which Lenin had rein j trotrttoed with such beneficial re-' uls during the dosing period of hit regime' and be hus done this in , fac- of the disaster ana starvation which has accompanied the change, and in the face of repea ted appeals from committees who have watted upon him from all over the sourrtxy." , i. Limited Acquaintan ces 4g rt no. SOT L mANtel Vrl p i viawal foe II JONES' Family Meat Market Pot Roast of Beef. 4 lbs. Potatoes. 10 lbs. Shoulder Pork. 4 lbs Potatoes, 10 lbs. Leg of Pork. 4 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs. Lamb Stew. 4 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs Round Steak. 2 lbs. Potatoes. 10 lbs. Ham. No. 1 per lb. Sirloin Steak. 2 lbs. Potatoes. 10 lbs. Loin Lamb Chops, 2 lbs. Potatoes. JO lbs. Leg of Lamb per lb. Shoulder Lamb. 5 lbs. Potatoes, 10 lbs. Loin Pork Chops. 2 lbs. Potatoes. 10 lbs RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter Melt A E BROS., LTD. Km iwi Tc Lv, CNSj Ave .y5 i gggggg tu v a. a Ar r i v r i n - i sv mr.xrm FINE PLAY AT CAPITOL "Jack's the Hoy" Well Received by 50c 50ct 60c 50d 50c; 15ci 50d 50c 20c 75c 50c, 957 Phone 957 ! BBBsszssjBKBnnitigiiiii 1 Larie Audience Last Night Is On Again Tonight There was a large crowd out to see the picture "Jack's the Boy" at the Capitol Theatre last evening and everybody seemed pleased. It was so different from the ordinary run of comedies. It was a burlesque cleverly executed not altogether unlike the burlesques of P. O. Wode house, the famous humorist. The Charlie Chase comedy was cleverly funny, so different from the ordinary run of short comedies It seemed almost a pity to have two comedies so good on the same program. The same pronram Is on tonight Tuesday, February 7. aiksutiaiuBiiaia MO.V. Si TUKS. TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 T.M. Admv 15c & 50c 1811 The "Sunshln Kim. rv. v vonitdij, JACK HUI.RF.RT i " InrkV: iriRn,. With .CICKLY COtltTNIlbcr . Keial Picture. Singing "2 Loads of Fun H Comedy CHAULIi; CIMSEitl "NOW, WE LL TILL OM j Novelty-"BLOCKS k TACKlD- reaiure oiaris at 7 It k j WEDNESDAY and TlllKSDIT' "MAID OF TIIK MOINTAIX WEDNESDAY HKVIVAL "DANCi: Tl AM nr CHv psimS.:: O.K. SHOE SHINE PARLOR Dr. Wood's Norway Pint Syrup Sixth Sticet OPENS FOR BUSINESS Thursday, February 9 One of the mur-i up-to-date shoe shim- i Northern Il.C. Indies and jjtnt.v Price, 15c i 1 ; : I After Whooping Cough Cough Hung On Mra. T. Vppra WUIsrrf 'i. wrfUi: "T" yrt lj mj ri) M v lag (k 4 Sf(r that s naaTT ttrxl U aaag wkWk wtwr44 m very n 1 I read (boat Dr. Wawl'a Karwa T - Prrrr sad taaiifet I mU it s tna! it .U a fur gittag it U lata for s wklU fsalrc:.t laft lata eatlraly." PrW tie. a Uttk; larga family all 65? , at d tiraf asi gfaaral iIkhi pot op by T 1 MiltMrm Oo, LH, TraU, OsL Trappers Want Best Prices Of course they do. Kvcrjonc wants as much as be can Ret. Why not? GOLDBLOOM Tin: iti.i.i Oil) tint: Pays the lilihet prices snd sells liU fur coal and oilier f jr4 st the loaett. That Is the wav to do bulue in hard lime. Call snd talk It oter DEPRESSION PRICES Kbit Coals, per ton $11.00 & (Not Nut Coal) Lump Coal, per ton 12." Loose Coal, $1.00 per ton lew. All Coals arc In n dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coal HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Daily News Wanl Ads. bring quick Resnb NOT aXACTTLvj V0U'B MOT -y BOY I MAO OTJTj-JJfbijlov BU-OVM AlUA.ltO TO vi mt evfeow n i s . 'on -t ten r I iiii sa . ,aam.r vs vawiser a i a AM) n i i By Westovor. 1 -TV-(ly ri .- . . . ... '. I V Ws&sfS p lenii