,.,, f'V fury 1, 1938 OMMENT ON ANYOX STRIP Herald IlcaAOJis Uut Town us .-v? (..iiiM.of the present Mxv inquires the Allcr some nf our ro.uur . ituujly y prtks-,. .utUuift J'" 'liOUiil , us Soon a.s CHiiMht iy the workers ex-i-iu Iiu to better thir , hers again will iy hi iiiuUilt for more i i!u- strike. Out t.k- wt-wixjlnt. the cause of Ait optntoti. is u pro cm trade c8jire.v,i(in itr d the entire world copper with every .miy that Is produced .iM-.trd of price It v. K . .ma tow rnw. if pro- , ,'l Oil If It Slop It Low Wkttr-. menus undard of living. A .ml of living breed .Mm ii a thousand men .i fo.npuct urea iu it , . oattnt U bound to !. run atop It. The r .uer or later, wltb a ,iunK. the smoldering ' .niie and an upheaval nimhl mty. ye, but M wasn't fanned bjr .itor there would be ' lent not In Anyox, '.,, but the labor . '.im are also a product ' depression It Is dr-a hen dissatisfaction Ik-v can raccesvfulry . Bradley would never i coming to Anyos If . n 10 eenu a pound MrLeod, representing Brands, went south after a visit M the I 11 rn. !' u't neglect those ! cuts and bivisoa. i ' soiivetimw de 'P seriously. Kt) l ipplv of aiUiepUc uifly. have ffcfn-ii for all little all !!'. For wrioii8 11U . however, we i you to see your I "( or awl fill hiM pre-i I t ions hore. W 1 1 ATS in a name? Anywhere from ?10 to $250 in Mapc'i great Mystery Cake contests! It's up to you to tee Itsw much you can win. Miss Ethel Chapman originated this Magic Mystery Cake . . . it's new, delicious, easily -pat together, and pot a bit expensivel Surely you can tliink'of a good name to call it! Read the recipe. If you like, make up the cake yourself. And be sure to use Magic Baking Prcscriiiliiiiis'. . Filled from fresh, pure riruifn nocord-ng to the dkrutsa of y.uir docior Oirmes IM. Jli Ptonccr Druqptsts UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOltVUlt S32.00 RETURN FROM FORT 81MP80N $35s35 RBTURN Hi rim ed lUIra In VaitWurr abm aly trwni Inlrrowlrtotr ft. Spr-i ul TlfKrts n Hale ileiween Norember 10 anil fbruary M I;irlus)re (lood (o Krturn Up to Mif 31. Children, Half-Fare sti:ami:u$ irAvy. piusck kui-jiut aiiii. VANCOuyi.K S. CAUDF.NA TUILSDAvi 1:30 1VI. TJIIinsnAV. IM. ss. vi:ntmu: ' TiiuiLSD.y, it suit. sunhav. a-m. Tlc;keU and All Information From I'f'nre Ituprrt Atent, U. j. SMITH, Sftul Atf.. 1'li.one 8fi8 r Puraej-s .8. (iarlrna stil S. Yen lure Do you read Uie dasificd advciiiscmi'iils? Women of Moose, whist. Feb. 14th. 1 and Presbyterian VslenUne Tea Feb hruary 14. Moose ValenUne Danee Feb 17 8UDPr-.CfAival, Feb. l?-Food-Fun-FtoUe at First VtUted. OddfeQjsws' OM Time Dce February ITth. Iteeekal? Brioae, Wpl, Feb. 32. CXil A. sruiual ball. Mease HaU February M. oki Time tjasjee. St. Peer's Parish Hall. Seal Dove, Feb Jr. Ploneors banquet-dn nee. Maick 10. (fetfyllr Spring Rait and Hoelal, Apffl IBUv i toe ph'ajmB WGJI A NEW MYSTERY CAKE . . . another ' LOCAL NEWS NOTES Baukethall tonhxht Anoorrum,7. at 8 SO and sailed for Vancouver and waypolnu at 1:30. Archie McOoutrall of Anyox was a passenger aboard the ss. Catala this afternoon bound for Vancouver where he will complete his studies in the University pf British Announcements Hoys' Band Scotch Dance Feb 10 Eagles' Anniversary Danes. Feb. 10. Refreshments. Oents 80c; Ladles '25c. Annual St. Valentine's danee, "ambsai Cftapter. Mb. 14. For day and rice Phone 32, .Mtcd please attend. Sift tofinhw three tlmea the Sour, Malic Baking, r1e aad aalt. Beat efti yolks and I white (aatlnf, 1 white for f roetlafj. Put butter lato mliliH bowl, add autur; pour jbollln water on the abated chocolate, attr qakfcfy. and when melted add to butter mliture; add beaten esse, then dry Intredlente alternately with mflk. adj eaalllai beat all together. Pour late w ftrcaacd caka tin and bake In moderate oven. Powder, as Miss Chapman recommends. Always uniform Magic gives unfailingly good results. Not surprising, is it, that all through the Dominion Magic is the favorite of cookery experts and housewives alike? Names for Miss Chapman's Mystery Cake must be sent in by February 28. Dori't delay. You have as good a shance as anyone to win a prize I When you bake at home the &'f new, FREE Gillctt Product, night, Taxi C. N. R. Trains For Ibe rati Mondays' Wednesdays days - - i i "1 M A. Myrw was a passenger on - the Calais this afternoon on tier Dan Badich. an oid-Umer at An aouUibound voyage yox is the aucretary of the Muser's Union. C. E Barnwell of the fisheries of-, ... flee left on the CaUia this after- A. B. Cusnwkng was pasawnfer noon for Vancouver. aboard the ss. Catala this afternoon lor Vancouver. ars. A J. Downins Is in town (or a fet days (ran Shames having ar-1 A. R. alelver. reoprtrti secretary ived on Saturtiay's train. jof the United pine Workers' Union. 'left Anyox at the request of the lira. McDonald of Alice Alln pa- police last week. ad whrough the city on her way to - Vancouver on the steamer CaUla. i The adjourned nteetinf of the St. ! Andrew s BocMjf wfll lW bM to the 6s. Catala arrived in port this Carpenters' Mall Wednesday eve-njornint from Arryox and Stewart nlng. Feb. S, at I o'clock. All inter- im Frl 9:Jl pm From the Fast-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays l1 V tr ECONOMY SPECIALS For Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday lleshouae Rhohorb S lbs. Swenedown Cake Flour per pkg. Wliiaor Shaker S-lt -Plain or Iodised, per pkg I. B. C Sodas Family sise. 1 pkts. Terrace TorrUps-II lbs. . Terrace PoUsoea -A-l per sack Freati Spinach S lbs. 25c 29c 10c 41c 25c $1.85 25c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store We dellter all orders. $2 or over 317-19 Third Avenue West r.O. nox 575 Thone IS ! Buckley Sends Cheery Message Congratulation Frank L. Buckley ha forwarded, ahrcMgfa Max Heilbroner the follow-1 tng setler to ahose wUh whooi he. nas asaociaied in tune past and to! jji others who have shown him! courtesies during his recent visits: Dear Sirs and Friends: ftardon me for delaying so Jong 1000 First Prize 250 Second Prize nOO Third Prize ?50 60 Prizes of 10 each Find a name for Miss Ethel Chapman's MAGIC MYSTERY Join in the Fun . . . Canadian housewives everyn'herc are naming Magic Mystery Cakes . . . MISS RTHF.L CHAPMAN, well-known cookery authority o( the- Ontario Farmer, tayt : " Mr advice to (II boutcwivet it: Lite Maic Haktn Powder. Then there it no uncertainty about your riekio." Canadian home makera will do well to follow Min Cbapoian'i advice. It it always practical. Here's Miss Chapman's Recipe. Can you name it? '4 cap botrr I cup Im granulated eutar ' tup boiling wetrr aquarta unawatt- ni rhcafafe Y-.Ila of 2 tU. white of I HA cup jrnllk tit cup paatry Sour or t cap bread Sour 2 Iraapevna Math: Batlitft fowaW fj treapoon aali fcaapovn anlila FROSTING i Bail 1 cap aoar and cup boHmt water together without eflrrteC uwtll eyrup threada wbea dropeiod front tap of ayoon. Boat white of 1 M aljfl. four ayrop tradoall; boa I aw M, boa d nr. eoaotaatljr " of eonalateocy to Ipreavd. Add I teoapoaai vaaWa (or taUeapoael lenaoa Jotro) pnd aprrad eoer cake. SpclnUe cop brokea wwl-nt nteata or alnaanda, Mancbod and apllt, .n toy. It marabnuUlowe are preferred In froatlac atlr S Into the hot ajrup juat before pourlnS Into beaten etS white. Beat to a emooth Itufl. allow It to "aet" for n frw minute, then eoread on calw. Nut meate are not uaed with the marehnulJow klnft. CONTAINS NO AIX-M. Thleetate-ment on every tin b your tuaranteo that Matir Baklnt. Powder la I reo from alum or any harmful Mafio Cook Book contain! letted ree- temptini dithet . Send for it. Addrett Prater Arenue, "Toronto 2. Contest Rules Read Carefully 1 All you (Jo it ttsmt the mvitcry lt. Only on' nlrne from each perton. 2 PRINT at ftr ttf ofynr ftfn in M (r ' tlftytm ) ?VliM Cbapmari Ijtttrjr Cake." Under this, print your lugteiriatt for a ninte. Jhta, in the Jawcr n'ftMeni tenarr, pflnt yntif jn nm a3 ?J-drraa, clearly and neatly. Do tot uit pfiuil. 3 Do not fend the cake itteff juat the name aad your own name anal addreae. It is not cstenml to kajtc the cat to enter the corneal. 4 Member! of our own orgaiaxarion or their tetattfcf are sot eligible to take part in rait coatrtt. 5 Coaavt daw FR8WARYJI, MS. Ho entries considered it pMiaurte. later thaa Febraary X nif N catrjaj conejdciecl if frwirilad wkb inaoSctaat poetitc. 6 JwJtri: Witmmz aaaet will he telectei by a cosnanittee ofibree mtaartial jatiert. The deqaiun of these jattftjtt will bt fctut 7 Prize winaen will he tanounced to al entranm within one Month afttr contest rlwoes. S In case of a be, the fed amoM of the prize money w ifl be paJ to each tyist V wijKeas myseu. nut ever since monoute stand-i 40 write, congratulating you an the choice of your present mayor I Mad coiuaeli. and again on the won-1 dkrful cx)-opratlve spirit as aaanl-' rested by their action In agreeing to . ct without compensation And 1 rui that the Rood citisens. one and ill. will support and co-operate with them and in this way show! lppreciaUon and realization of j what they are sacrificing by taking ( over the burdens of the community xi this time. i Certainly C. H. Orme and his council served you well and through a most difficult time, in fact the worst period since the city was organised. I feel sure you are working towards success and that by your ."ombined efforts you wl'l be able to stem the tide" and keep away from appointing a commissioner to handle vow affairs which you are quite as able to handle and probably more competent than anyone who might be appointed. My heart and much uf my interests are in the north and I have much in common with you. having produced and contributed to some Utile extent, at different times, to the development and prosperity of your city: further I am still hopeful that I may continue to work with you and assist in the development of the natural resources of the country which in turn will assist the , city of Prince Rupert in her progress , t Wishing those who have been elected to the highest of flees of trust that can he given them as repre sentatives of the city of Prince Rupert, their full measure of success .ia ...it V. kUJ..t A all 1 . I BUS Willi iviuvvov iafaiw atu, j lam. I Sincerely yours, i i FRANK L. BUCKUCY. "Our generaUon Is too drunk land infatuated with formulas. - Aacte Maurols. direct light, particularly rtconj-, pricbs mended for bridge parties. Ori-J Third ginai price S4 t.au. wui seu ior, &$m. ?iu. rnone wue tn. FOR RENT HOUSSt for Phone Hart rent. Best values FOR SALSWOW ft. lumber. $ VSRMON Apartments. lt Avenue. Housekeeping rooms newiy renovaieo rnone km ii u TRANSFERS low renta. U 11 CAMERON'S Transfer Wood Goal moving, chairs tor rent. tf 9 Wkrtt as iti rmHft: Address your entries to Conceit EJitorGaWtt PrJJucti, aser Aetna a, Toroneo 2. NOTFj Other f lalle Myatery Cakea com tnel Hatch for thorn In later Uauea of thi nowapapcr. Classified Ads : FOR SALE MUST SSLL Lot 425 Range 5. Use. 87 acres, also Lots 37-28 Block 9. Section 7. Prince Rupert. Indefeasible titles No reasonable offer rpfusea. C. H. Hickman. PIANO TUNING HIANOa Tuned $3.00. Walker's Mx-sic Store. ' . if. 39M Brighton Avenue. Victoria. : paiotin'O B.C S4 PAINTERS and PapertttngJng. ilflJattaX&one Retf JM our city elecUons I have been -L.tri- i-.. witw aao-watfi PT P A VT'H A'- PRP.SSINfl giooe, giving oeiignuuuy son in reasonable Benkendorl, Ave., next door to Dalljr HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING Ladles', lien s Hair Cutttri?. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe. " notice or KrrucAtioH ran cp.v-Ave. Bast. ! SSrt to muoirgt op bebb- VTYnv frw Dawit Tilwt tMmna ! . ' adjoining Wrathall's. McClymont. NflTKI tS MBUTBT QtVEM tttt OS the lStb daj af rVbrusnr nm Roaal laaittiaail. "SV aTaasBfcBSf'"rw DJTH i FT at on arat(d tratenda to prMy to WlJor OaotTo) BomrS for cannot u triaafrt of Secant istNo J451 sme la ra cl M prstalM SUa pN of afc Sjaoti W OstrtraJ Hotel tiMut W- oortvir ff Seventh Strtri and illVwaorfs ts art af Mac B- ilJTrWuHii (IS) USI. cat. Mock Tfft (10). Man ass. mM r u raMcw DtaUtcl of tt itlsh OUuaitata, from ai .t-lKOti i "tx of ftlteaTG5rel B Ota tasutrt. -J y:lumai. iht 12th dsy of January. IMS. . 1 CORA E. BLACK, 1 11C I ApjMcan: an4 TjjiarrrrO. AUCTIONEER . ? Packing Crating Wrapping "vV "Lw ii General Furniture Repairs yi a p, 1 r freSll rlSll llftUy List your goods with me 4bo,r, lelen ll-Cow Ssy GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 " 1 - -J t I II. I.I I II I j por Your Health TYPEWRITERS . Intra Red Hays Massage For Sale or Rent Alt at Reasonable Prleet i W. C. ASPINALl, D,C. IJosc, Cowan & Latta (Chiropractor) Phone 331 Green yi Phones (irrrn S I-:schanse Block 4 k U..I1UL l 'I I IL. Ull.