. U saW. Pbly Josej whch ,mMl ,tt!rl 11 ta " m ! October had been smouldering ' r oU)Uy mn I into a riot at Kingston Penitentiary Ti i m Inert all wore their under- j fr many years. I safety helmet, which being criticism of Inspector OUbert ' H':cd of tough fibre, proved a1 smith, acting warden of the penl- i rotectlon from Wows. Ji'v arrived at the Beach at 7 n.it tentlary at the time of the riots featured the reporta. On Investiga 0 Plane Smashed As It Landed in Harbor and Men Rescued By (Iranby Boat Engine of Junkers Plane Went Wrong and Refused to Work A targe rn-i of tiranby Bay is frown up ami it is very difficult to get in and out of there just now, according to Paul Armour who arrived here this morning with the Salvage Princess. There are six planes in the harbor and two steamers, the Mogul and the Griffco. Several of the planes were to have left this morning for Vancouver but they seemed to be trosen In. Captain Armour said that he picked up the big Junkers plane at Klncoltth where the men had been working all night trying to get the engine to work. He waited tor them some time and eventually took them In tow and left them at An yox. i Captain Armour reported that the te! everyone oolne on shift tlon it would appear that for many . -,.. kh tnm nir .nri h. - pped The whole Anyox plant 1 years the wardens and staff "must j pontoon, smashed The men Aboard w ( oiiiDletelv closed axcent a have gradually permitted lethargy' w r - . . VHrilVTV wuv vw timim mm of the power house. I to overcome them.' Air Force Plane Covered Half of Distance to Capetown and Expects To Beat All Records For Distance LONDON, Feb. 7: The British Royal Air Force flyers, Squadron Lender 0. R. Gayford and Flight Lieut. G. E. Nii'holetts, attcmntincr to set a world record for non-stop dUance flight, sent n message at 8:35 this morning that Jj their position was 2770 mllos from Cranwell, hngland. fruU plane operated by Jack McConachle at Anyox had been smashed. The were picked up by the O ran by boats When Captain Armour left Anyox everything seemed quiet. Sewn men had been sent out on the Ca- tala and he understood some of the ringleaders were being brought to Prince Rupert PROGRESS ON FLIGHT PARIS Feb. B- -A nwrsage pick up by the Orly Airdrome near said "Captain J. A. MollUon skff fhun fcH Acmrllr Mammw 111" I) hlllOWtta trnvrtllmiranntliUMml SOU til 01 tliecmiiUOr for vftla Clsnsma. Rio d Ora at war the North Nigoria border and they hoped to reach 0.35 a.m today on the Engiana Capetown, a distiulce of 6,198 miles. "'"" (nu British Liberals Independent of The Government LONDON. Feb 7: A declaration of independence from "National" government by the Parliamentary Liberal party was voiced last night by Its leader. Sir Herbert Samuel, at a luncheon given tn his honor by the party whips. TARIFF IIOAKU HAS IlKBN CHOSEN OTTAWA, Ont,, Feb. 7: -Sir Oeorge Perley announced yes- 4- terday that Mr. Juatlee Oeorge Sedgwick of the Supreme Court of Ontario, Onartea Her- bert. a Montreal business man. 4 and Milton Campbell, Prog res- 4 A Written Guarantee Tomorrow's Tides For One Year With Every ,l..'!i . 0:28 a.m. (7.4 It. mm Goodyear Tire 12:00 ft. p.m. -201 Sold Br Us In 1933 A . 6:00 a.m. 0.0 ft. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. 18:50 pjn. 3.6 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Chevrolet Dealers Phone 53 J t UU IJ- ....... . i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1933 Japan seised Shanhaikwan railway te to the north of China. In January this year. '1' Thn olt. Chinese tower received the sp nl attention of Japanese artillery and Infantry in the tlRhtlng which resulted tn occupation Japanese soldier j u:e shown on the biv ol the shatu.- d irwnry. '2i Japan's soldiers wounded In the bs'Ue which resulted In the occupation are shown bem placed aboard a mititan train to be ufc?:i back to the hospital at Chinchow, headquarter in Manchuria ol the Japanese eighth division CLASH WITH POLICE WAS STRENUOUS ' I the dash at Anyox be-'i men and the police the ll Mid which arrived today ' ' tight occurred when about mem left their quarters at m to go to the Beach for inly. At the foot of the hill ' mine road they were barred n ull number of police. A fight "i and although the police rctlly outnumbered and put! mug resistance they could i the progress of the miners. injured policemen were i i d and stricken to the i They are badly bruised and mi nut seriously injured. One were arrested at an vox am) pitt on malaspina 4 ANYOX. Feb. 7: -Four men were arretted here yesterday In connection with the clash between strikers and police which took place a few days ago. They are being taken 4- south aboard the Malasptna. Revolt Flamed Into a Riot Under Official Neidecl OTTAWA. Feb 7 According to the report of Superintendent D. M. Ormond of the penltenUarter branch tabled In the House, the Ice Interference With Activities at Anyox Where Granhy Bay is Frozen and Operation of Planes Difficult LATEST ON THEJ5TRIKE Meeting Tonijht to He Held of Those Wishing to Go to Work ANYOX. Teb. 7: No more disorders have occurred In connection with the strike since the fight with the police on Friday morning. Heavy police reinforcements have arrived during the pail few days and ample numbers are on hand to preserve order. Eight strikers left on the steamer Catala" yesterday morning, being ordered out of town by police, live men have been arretted in connection with the police fight on Friday. A meeting is being held tonltht at the Reach by those wishing to return to work. Eight men were taken out on the fishery patrol boat Malav piiva. Police planes arc arriving and departing. Tom Itradlry has not yet been ratitht. No more parades have been held by strikers. MeonPetterson Once More Heads B.C. Fishermen 4- slve Member of the House of 4-1 NEW WB8TMIN8TBR. Feb. 8:- Commons for Msekensle. would Leon Pettersen of Sunbury was re- 4 eonatitute the new tariff 4 UutMl nraakdant ol live n.C Fteh board. ermcn's Protective Association at the annual meeting of the orgranl- 4 4. Jsatlon here. FISHER IS SWORN IN AS JUDGE Loral Man (Jets Appointment As Successor to Judge Young In In This '-District VANCOUVER. Feb. 7 William Edward Fisher was sworn In yesterday as Judge of the county court of Prince Rupert by Chief Justtee Aulay Morrison. Judge Fisher Is a native son of British Columbia having been born near Victoria. His parents came from England around the Horn. He was educated at New Westmln ster and served his law course hi the offices of Charles EL Pooley. Mr. Fisher's law practice commenced In the Carboo and then at AUln from which town he came to Prince Rupert, where he has since c sided He was here right at the vanning of activities and has practised here since that time. General Motors Pays a Dividend NHW YORK Feb. 7 -The dlrec tors of Ocnrral Motors Corporation vesterday declared the regular quarterly dividend of 25c a share on their common stock. PRICE: FIVE CENTS VANCOUVER POLICE CHIEF DISMISSED FROST TAKES HAND IN AND ADDS TO ANY0X TROUBLES Scenes After Bombardment and Capture of Shanhaikwan Vancouver Chief of Police Dismissed by Commission Yesterday Colonel Edgctt Let Out Following Hcarinff of Charges of Inefficiency Brought by Mayor Taylor Crime Rampant in City VANCOUVER, Feb. 7: Chief of Police C. E. Edgett was d'lHmissed by the police commission yesterday following the hearing of charges of inefficiency brought against him by Mayor Taylor. The motion of dismissal was passed on the casting vote of the mayor. It stated in tho preamble: "The commissioners have received information that ... X icre were 95 houses ol prostitution. 105 brottegKinK establishments and i 40 gambling places operating In the i city and that 448 major crimes were 'committed In 1932." Four detectives of the morality squad were suspended for two weeks without pay. DEBTS AND INTERESTS DISCUSSED rrobletn Will be Studied by Com-saitte of House of Commons At This Session OTTAWA, Feb. 7: The banking and commerce committee of the House will study the problem of private debts and interest rates, it was agreed yesterday by Hon. Hugh Guthrie. He supported a motion by , Alfred Speakman. U. F. A. member for Red Deer, which asked the support of the government to submit to a committee the problem of debts and Interest rates now weigh ing so heavily on the people of Canada. Election Also Prussia Called BERLIN. Feb. 7: The Prussian diet has been dissolved and von Pa- j pen Is now practically dictator. It Is expected that the country will ' strongly favor the Nasls in the coming election. New British Offer to Pay Lump Sum in Settlement of All Debts Is Likely to Result From Visit LONDON, Feb. 7: A new British offer to settle the United States war debt by payment of a lump sum may le the result of consultations between Sir Ronald Lindsay. British ambawwulor to the United States, who returned home yesterday, and members of the cabinet. The suuib mentioned ranged from one and a quarter billions of dollars to two billion dollars. K ... Sir Ronald on his arrival in Lon- i'ttfM don drove direct to Downing Sireet; where he at once went into consul-taUort with the cabinet. While he was Utere the French ambassador abx) called and while the eall was supposed to be casual he was admitted to the consultation. ! wnue 11 is unoersiooa mat tne United States will deal individually with debtor nations there wtll be conferences among the latter as to the suggestions to be made to the government at Washington as soon as the new admlnUtraUon takes I office. ATTEMPT I NQ TO BEAT RECORD OF AMY JOHNSON SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Feb. 7:-Vletor Smith, a 19-year old South Afriean aviator, took off from here at 7:10 this mora- Ing, In an attempt to beat Amy 4 Johnson's record for the Brig- land to Capetown flight Amy's 4 record Is tour days, six hours and 54 minute.