''it rtax 7 wo DAILY EOmO.H THE DAILY NEWS. a.vcr tMiii - Kximij cull ma PhUie tvejy Afters), feurpt 2iW4r. sy Prlate Maert Dafty r. Ltoaitod. Third AtM ft. r. raid x&arte-fctfN0r SCBSCKIWIOX HAT US 67 parte or BrtOan OtoaaaMe, the Sraasa Esnprer uw 0UMMl mm u arfvaac. ser 6y Rift to an other CMmuttit ptt year ADTEBTISLVa RATES TraJU&f da- adt enssteg. per toae. pr tMrraaa OllMfW atfrerisstng. per wont per Wi i iH -. Legal a arts i 1, ech fcstegUoa, pec a rate Hae ... . - 1 saa. pa insertion, per Mm . Cootoet raw an aypMeaUwa. U(Ur and KtynUrf Tel?bne . M A4mMr aad Crfwitta TrlCfe ... W Meatier f AadK Bwni ef (3f4itiM CONFERENCE ENDS Hie imeh Untied world economic conference from which to Much wai expected ha ended, temporarily at least, with praetkaJty nothing do. After much talk and much 60itij)!If)K of data and many conferee between individual nation all that has been achieved is to find out that no agreement acceptable t aH eetrld be reached which WowM tend to benefit the world. Each nation had it own endi to serve just as in the individualistic state each per-fon has his own end to serve. And yet it is possible the conference may be the beginning of an era of eo-operation between nation. The frank (!tfmsloji have bad the effect of letting each nation know where the other Mauds and what can be expected If the conference meet again, as is suggested, it may evolve a workable plan but, with conditions improving everywhere ami with some of the European government in a state of flux, it seems hardly likely that anything important wf!1 happen. When the next financial crisis comes will be the time for a follow-up. TRAIL UP MOUNTAIN The announcement made the provincial government yesterday in this paper that & planning to put the unem ployed to work on the trail up the metmtaln pretty good rieWfev.'fo do that camps win not be necemary. The men wffl )h able to continue to live in the city and the work is one that will appeal to every citizen. The trail is needed and Uidre i need for the men to get gradually Haek intoi tftifhtog for the time when fhey can once more command , full time wages. That time win soon be here, no matter! What the jefmteU say. KEEN FOR NOMINATIONS It will be noticed that outstanding Liborals are keen to secure nomination for mats in the Legislature. Some of their upporten are no keen that they forget the, usual amenities of puMie awembly. It in a good sign. It indicates that they expect Liberalism to be triumphant at the next ejection. NoIkhI)' ha heen fighting to xecure a nomination to the Tolmic or the Bo'.viter or the CoKiierative Commonwealth Federation tickets. DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Friday and Saturday N". 1 No. 2 Kill ROAST KEEP FRESH KILLED FOWL KOLLED 9 18C b : No..1 No. 1- KOAST VEAt pouk tENOERLOINS PWU.- . p.r lb 25C No, 5 IN0,,H c lib; LIVER and 1 Ibi UACON rOT ROAST BEEF I .! 20c perlb : 10c . . COOKED MpAT SPECIAL Rolled Ham, lb 35c Head .Choose, lb. tin .20c Koaat Pork, lb 35c. Jellied TonRUo, lb. tin 35c Luncheon Loaf, lb. 20c RJood SausnRe, lb. . .20c Phone 0ne QUnS?vled Service TvVr " ufcla-n Eh(.iqiq Do yovt Mad tbe elOHnlfitd advcitiKcmcni7 aaaaaanT saaaaaaaaaV WRICLETS ntUHANO MAP FT I or tiT ether fuse it vank kiriax si oat. A t nil, VXtdLIY S Man in the Moon Good iftmHa Are ym !- inc ( Mart liver mm U a M Of MS) m XorUi VlMMmr. Jaaaaf by the North Tummr haa latakgaaiil aonethang of a aohntoal recant To beat H wtB be niniaiy far seme corattattaey to aawaaaete three UberafeL w0 be lime) Use monWat. O of at pretty f is ao aiooeh at Tbea there u aaai Coetar f who U em powlWy the Itatelt fMtka my have a man in the flaM. The people of the provteee wfll be awtinc aav their aaapa to ear where thit northern eansUtaeney hv. CoajaUaaoDer Aider vfll have aee that quick action la taken In re-BMNlnff the ram on Third Avenoe m order to be a good exanrbie to the! re or ine ciuaena. The three Bowser campaigners. W J. Bowser. Dr. George Hall and DugaJd Dotiaghy. are known In the oath as the peripatetic trio. Major John MaeOregor VC. who Is running aa an independent in Mackatune riding, declares that. IX be la elected, his supporters will get no patronage from him. It teesu to me I have heard a story something like that before. Tieae are days when "Bay British" seems to be a popular slogan. Jake looked over, our advertising column recently and ran off the following: Hark the herald angela sing. Blrfc a Pineapples'! just the thing. Luscious fruit in Empire grown, Plneet golden slices known. Live on It and it alone. Hark, the herald angela am. Here's fruit fit for any king. j Mail Schedul I , For the Lait Mondays, Wedneadayi and Frt dtya 8:30 p.m. ' From the Kait Mondays and Baturdajra 2:15 p.rn. Thursdays 10:20 phi. For Vancouver Mondays .,.3 p.m. Ttmiday 12l30 p.m. Friday 11 p fin Saturday 4 p.m. Saturday 6 pjn. Monday, Wedneeday and Friday (by iralni 8:30 pjn. From Vancouver Bunday - ,, , pjn Monday a.m. Wedneaday 11:30 ajn. Thursday by train) .10:20 p.m. Friday 11:30 a.m. Saturday (by train) 2:15 p.nM For filewart and Anyoa Sunday - 7 p!m Friday 2 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuday 11:30 a m Saturday 6 p.m. For Naai Klver and Port Blmpion Suhday 7 p.m From Naas Hirer and Port Simpson Tuesday. ..ll:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islanda July 14 and 28 0 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands-July II and 2d a.m. Friday J TSX DAX2.T JCTWB FAIR BOARD LEGION IS IS ELECTED VICTORIOUS AaU Meeting ( Nrther BX. Defray CLD.LlUlia Inter-AtffraMrat aad lade-flrU ertr. CHr League Sttr AMMqtiM 3tUUk XjlU Eiei Asao- eiatlon. at tta aajana iiMeUqe. last truce baagae Uat eveniag Se-Mgfcu eVrteal P. t Wirmtg TO- dor Ctty !i faothaB mure It Sdmu. Bm Morgaa. C p. vac a tme4 aad hHerest-BaJatno. Bettee Oahamei 9alM m game, aartlralarry m tXc first Frteet T?1gfca r. Staoe. Sa Jay half, ahe earf of wteh aaw the score and Fred Beadier ta '-he txwl af esje.aa, Vlth tfee wwd. hal aad eraatag yea, la- atht in thetr favor the Legion ran mrdtalery faSiaitaa the aaaanl avtv ia h seeead haU and eia-genetal metise. the new board of rtf th vtrtwr ieH te 'f a t actie.tsn. if ear are to fee at. Uats year, more aauebasar- 7 a new vxxtf oil aa ta-odnesa of some tlH incurred ai a reaak of the oprrauonof the at.fi two yeaua. The general aaeeung acceptsd tte fmanfial atattmrai of (he sec retary. W 11 Kaoee wM ed a defata lav HM of Soma. The aaealdemt. T Z awaab a bifef faai mum u bit jrhat the ahowfjar lor mat year was not se bad vhea) a was mkea Ma .wierattoa that rreaaU fbe t3C ggSg ea thaat the ear anelam. There ba4 been aa fvaaa wABe tewaae frw da- gat istnayta had been grewtty He tmbbjbi faded ttatt eae AaanetaMa- amid earry aa wMb seme sort as a show that year He that a afoaid be poadblt to dear aft the indtedaeas watch meed the Aaaoetaato Thaae areaeat ai the aaeethsg at- ehtded r. E. Wetaag. W 7 Stone. Poaglaa rrtertl r p Bateeaa. B4Mer. Horace Oahamet. Joy Bert Marfan Orae Stew art and W D Vaare 'S NAMED PRINCIPAL Father Rivet te Saeeeed Father Ceeala in Chairfe of Lejae Catholic Sthool Father Loots Rivet OAU fanner well known Roman Catholic Church priest of thla district and for the past several years sta Honed at Daw-aan aa pariah priest, has been ap lointad principal of the Indian In-laatrtal aehool of the chureh at e)ac near Praaef take and wUl arrive here within the course of the -text two or three week from the Yukon Territory enrtmte to the nterier to aaaumf hat new duties, father Rivet will succeed Rev. ft-'her Nicholas CocoU OM1 who -will remain on the staff at Le)ae. Father E M Uray OMX of Hewart la succeeding Father Rivet as pa rah priest at Dawson. MRS. ALDER RECEIVING Home of Wife ef City Commlwlerier I Local Social Centre This Afternoon The home of Mrs. W. J. Alder. wife Of tie city commissioner, u local social centre thU afternoon. the potation being Mra. Alder's first rbeeptMn alnce her recent ar- rival from Victoria. Ladles present Include many old frierid. of Mn. nraer, ww neraeu Teatcira nre prevloualy in the early days, with whom are mingling more recent realdenta of the city. : Presiding- over the tea table, which are prettily decorated with Iceland popples, lri.i and rosea, are Mra. J. C. (icLennan and Mr. W. H. KlncQde, Servlteurs are Mrs. 0. W. Nlckcrson, Mrs 8. P. McMdrdle. Mrs. A. tl. Nlchok Mr. O. II. Arnold and Mra. William Crulck-shank. FF.ltFF.CT BKIIKiK HAND IIETTEREII IN SOUTH.. O LONO. BEACH, Cal, July 28: A local bridge player' ha found that there Is "better than a perfect hand In the popular pasteboard diversion. Till player was dealt thirteen spades and immediately bid seven pade. An opposing player bid seven notrumps and made it. Thu Ihe "better than a perfect hand." A.". t f4 ns nail tan LetoB- scored a 3 u 1 rttaai 1 over CaniHaw Labor De- CaMseaxll oeesanhsrortht wtth abe AaM and oadr aaal kaT tha De- lHM. IiJihIii isaisaian tmm n.,. IMefcaaa aee raajnnntla lar the two Lecloo goals in the second naif Oetn nawea wii referee and T Overt and J Kelly The hne-aps were faaate wCfl be week ta wMd aa the CWf Leaeae FOOTBALL LIVE-IT . The freiat were m Cam (Wan Labor Beeraee Leacaei Kwnt: Goatee and Mee: Hit Me-' Kay ad Owadma. Bje. Diekeaa. Caeaoaki Lakkert aa Ucaire. Camadtaa Leaaaa Plefre; Stttea and Oarrie. Oreer HaaoVn and OwJker. Murray. MerakL Dsek- eaa Batraakh and CMoaadtr. I Baseball Scores I ' N'atUnai Learne , Broakrya 0 New York: 2. Beaten 3-1. PtaatHielehta 4-1. erateago - Pittabwne 1 1S( LewhTl Aaterlean Learae . Paaadtajhla 2. Boataa T New Yatk 1 WaahineAoa 3. 81. Loots 1 DetroH 9 CleveUnd 9 Chicago 1 ' CANDIDATES i ; NOW IN FIELD Liberals Now Have l; Bontcritr Fail to Namlrute in Courte-nay: Mordea For North Vancouver VICTORIA, July M: There are now 81 candidate definitely in the eHy are yet to neminate a number I more. Liberals have deftoKeey chosen 37; Totevle UnionfcHa. 3; Bower- jte nen-partltan candidatea. 8; O. C. P., IS; various brands ef Independent. H, and United Front. S. j A recent effort to choose a Bow-serfte candidate for the Oomox rid-. tng failed. A meeting for that par- j pose was herd at Court enay after' Official Organiser Joe Merryflevdl had rounded up the men for several ' day prior to a vlaH from the three leaders, W J. Bowser. K.C.. Duaald Donaahv and Dr O A. n HaH The attendance was so small that It was, decided to postpone nomination, la I hU addreas to thoe present. Mr. promises 10 onng aown popular measures but was running on hU rfcor1 and lt WM hu Ut tltcUw Mr. Bowser prophealed that Premier w0Jd defeated In hbi own riding of Saanleh. Word from Nprth Vancouver seems to Indicate that Oeorge II. Morden will run there In .the Tol mle Interests but he has not yet'V In line with Winnipeg and been officially chosen. Jock Loutct will be In the field as an Independent and J. M. Bryan and 11. 8. Wood have both been nominated a Liberals. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Two yacht from Tacoma wera In port overnight on cruise, to Alaska waters. Last evening the JQ-ton Outcalt of Tacoma, with D. Rum-mell in charge and thirty-two Sea Scout on board, arrived enroute to! Ketchikan. Yeatcrday afternoon the Modesto of Tacoma. with its owner, Norton Clapp. and Dartv of six on board, arrived In port from the south, alio being tnrouto to Ketchikan. The Modesto U a ll.tnn .vessel. . . Mr-.mmm. rtufaht notT. 5 ' r 4h' i jor : &Asi at i Ue liuteiiimt&t of bin-ih 4 .l a. LOCAL NEWS Utts Mary MaefW ten Uua for the aoaih aa bjottday Roy Lancaster ia aailing this af- tarawan an tha Prince Oeorge fur Aayox where he ha taken a the Ciraaby Co. Mm. WiRtaaa Martin (onnerty of (hit elty and tor some year retul-mg in Um AaawW. arrived m the city thai week from California to pay a tlatt with local friends M P McCaifery. who has been spending a eoaple of weeks with hit family at their sammer home at Quallcum Beach returned to the ctty from the south on the Prhve Oeorge this morning Mm J. W Miaaolb and ana aad daughter ion an that anacaaa train Tor Lakeiae Lake where they will take up raaliliaau for the remainder of the vacation season Coi. NlchoUs haa purchased Caat W. P. Armour's summer home thaw An Official list of aattsaafal students at recent rrammsUons of the Toronto Conaartatory of Maaie in Prince Rupert haa bean received at the Dally News offlee. M confirms , muri. te-r. i -hw .... Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm. M. Anyox--Cloudy, calm. M Stewart Cloudy, calm. St. Hatelton-Cloady. calm. M. Smlthera Clear, calm. M. Bums Lake Clear, calm. 44. Dead Tree Point-Part cloady, light southeast wind, barasnenrr. MM; temperature. M; aaa ehopay. Triple Uland Cloudy ly wlnd; m mnot Lnarm , lnd OeereaaL ealm, "nooth. Wheat Loses Sharply In Vancouver Market VANCOUVBR. July 98 (Canadian Press (Wheat was quoted at MV on the local Exchange yesterday, showing a further four cent gain from Wednesday's price of 8 There waa a falltna aif today to Chicago where profit-taking and atop loas selling forced prices down sharply. SILVER AND COPPER I ON NEW YORK MAIM j NEW YORK. July 18: (Canadian! Press) Bar sliver closed at 36 . on the local metal market today, ana copper, at 9c. Steamship Sailings Far Vancouver-Monday . Pr. Oeorge 4 pan. Tuesday CaUVa 1:30 p.m, Friday m. Prln. Adelaide 10 p.m. 8s. Otmlena midnight Saturdayas. Prln. Louise 5 p.m. 8. Prince Rupert 7 p.m. rrom Vanceuvet Sunday as. Oatala p.m, Monday s. Prln. Charlotte a.m. Wed-ss Pr Oeorge 11:30 a.m. m ;tr i WERMIG IS PRESIDENT Re-eleted to Head Tslr Boi J Tat CemUic Year Other OfL -i Are Named FiilkMag tha annu . meeting laat night, the 1.' ted Pair Board aset and foUowlng offtrem for thr j year Hoaorary Predent T 1 p taila ML A Honorary Flrat We V: Otof Hanaon MP. Honorary Serond Vlrr r W. I. Alder, city cammiw PreoVJent. P X Werm Tice-PreeioVriV W P 8t Honors rv Secretary Hsaagan Secretary. W r : gny. mitt be nar night hye priaatiat. Clans were dtsraftaed fnr thing in the nature of ; a show and carnival during F ., K -:X which haa been set for ih i August 14 Another meVthtg of the bt c be aaaf next Thartdav AdveetUe in tne DaUv News Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Deck TaUl capacity ZMH teas ShlpbuDden and Ship Repairer fr steel and Weed Vessel Iron and Brau Castiag Electric and Acetylene Welding tAa Derrick for Heavy UfU Sawmill and MlntngMacblnery Repaired and OverbaU4 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FltOM IIOME- Itate 11.10 up 50 nooms, Hot A Cold Wat ? Prince Hupcrt. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Dox 193 OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the Fisherman, Logger, Miner ROOMS $19 per month, U per wrek, 50c per night SIIOWEK IIATHS Third Avenue Phons 94 JIMMIK CICCONE