I agx rorz SUMMER SHOES for Summer Weather We tiave a atrrc t f Munrurr toreadeae, bin. nUMHWf t4rt VtaeS) . t6MM 4S M MMH Wf ITT Wlmu tk(W si aVi ay ea ie parefcaaed efcewaerc- Hum m aiit juijWi b tttr fact jnw wsw avievear nt a a Met - Tnis or RiraiJie; Shoe. Boot or Oxfords, all caors. Price 1.10 te S1.45 M? rw RvX A Oxford. ?oxi range of sty u choose from. Prices $2.45 3.95 Mr.'s Black or Brows. Caif arid Grain Leather Work Boole. Paneo soles or ieathcr. Prk 1.95 3.65 Cut Rate Paint Boiled Oil and Turpentine have advanced about 35c a gallon in the last few weeks. BUY THIS INEXPEN SIVE PAINT Now! Gallons ...S2.79 Gallons .51.59 Quarts 89c Kaien Hardware Yaur Bjat NeedK a Radio HC u ::;U;. of oar r .;. roar boat No B r C ftattartcs rcqutr-rd. operate dlmtiy off aay tx volt liCbttng or igalUoo A damooat ration at our abop will convince you of the umplleity and co-nonUcal opera Uori of tola art. Superior Radio Service JH Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 p. o. iios m A O. DARTLETT C. II. INSULA KDER Uet quick rnuiu wltn a want ad. 1 aweest ui Bmuwrn were Women"? or Growing Girl Tennis or Running Shoes, any color. Prices 95c 1.15 Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Strap? or Oxfords, all colon and styles. Prices 59c 85c Women's Latest Style in Sandal?, color to suit your Price dress 1.75 Shoe Store - P PLANT LIFE OF RUPERT il Ewa.t oat lav Kt gnat K'mc ycatctaar aa all toa Sflef taat ac a fra ctf the yaaou d Tmtx Rapm tfafUlct 7 Sacaart KQaWry. a anaSaau 4 af mtncai Dr. W I KerziD pre Ob eaca taiW at Ox o putau local ocittd i af dat cfw-aerry peat ant aad bat tetaoJV T af taeae Hi apeatnafl. aa aaaart eatais the aaaatw aad tbe bourraort Ttaeae ptaata acre al. coataaoc V. aB aaa-ArcOr raanin aata a that nafatntnt at Pttee Eapert aat amh aUgbt rartatagaa The croa-aerrlea are stUe bizrt berries on a ttay Vom-tnmuit piam wnirh form tiie eairf veceub: food for the Zaturao 'A Laoraiior SU yean aco after, the ieaaaincs wept tBroiMCh the north eoor.try Uke a platiH' utA dectroyed ai: berrlea. a Sweaae VAUwtd amvr.t the faa-MBO Thu dieae er.'-: 'jj reaalt fnaa .'r jf t---, f'Md The aaadea iu (jurxJ rerywbef i. the m o irVifi a ktnd o! z'. f 'a mt..-ta adhered L..:.? fAlr around the rieUti. at.yjj t' - . v-nU-Q by mean of y-reted . Tje butierwort Uv werev-c k..'d of murllace ar.o :tt Jr .f. fVahy leaf curs-! uround inject when it waa trapped Vtr PtiUbury dilt with the nw. of climate. l,owta; that omp maimer weather waa doe v njm preanire area forming In thu rtritorbood At tunet thia waa re-olaeed by a hicto preawre area when dry weather followed. At the eonelaalon. the thanks of the dob were conveyed to the apeaker by the coalman. TILUE THE I 1 -awawavas . . 1 1 thai we UwM at mhni I B Boy and Youths" Running Shoes, all A vies. Prices 89c 1.25 Ladies Fine Dress or Sports Shoe- any color. Prices 1.95 2.95 Xie" and Children's Patent Lea her Strap Slipper and Oxfords, black or brown calf. Prices 98c 1.65 2SPaVJaBCuaaBaaalaBBaT SafjBl Vancouver Show troupe Had Good otand in Kupert There were awd eea aetb Tataoay axtf W that weak what The ITiiftii aa aayr at the Meoat HaS The r SBMB af anak aad an akin ery accept aad oa each eve-akas tiawe wat a daaee feattraag -he peppy "ftoythai Via dan,- po- The ahaw troape troape eonaataas af MBe Leone Charles Paraar. Bad ,SBer. Oaarks HcwVjq Bert Xer-jahaw. Berhert Horaer aad the La 'SaBe Sattera wis oaaunae a nor-'ihcm toar wtueh a to i&eiude atopa at Aeycx Stewart Hyder Xetch-kaa aad other poatu aad tatends to mims.am-i mmrrn am mrT am on the vajr aooth The aforjae comffi:tl which aa-auted the Wrig rre eonauted of ir Biife.o wts, -3 at 3i4.rtr (J c:iz,'jr.i- for fe D C Sehobert who prrudenj at the door JIL CRLAM MILK m P&OXSl TOR COUPON N Candr M.ic P"d.i LiaC j, yrotcy HeuM, Tofceso Keete tend free oooUct "Caen Coeaja." 14 TOILER" I i at r .4.4 HSUCB IMA1 OlAtl OP VA4ATBB VJ VMAMlBOj x,t Mr .jtr c ( I MB aaaaaar-Ba TEI TUTIT 5XWS TtAa- 'CAVALCADE' IMPRESSIVE Capftetf Theatre (tnM La aad ru nor tuiiiim Ite E. Basil fas? Lefc ratter CaasaBr a TeaSy k ere.; nr- -ai nr Ct;c-a ?a.3e km crpwdad aac - tf r : lot s aprsuax iSKMHBf B Prince S hTT IhllTUrf S fiat So as hitutuc mm ill itto XMat -jaac that S M i ju be aaaeS iwl far a sSBf rant sat at tJuviM he nm jcir of flat xukscti of the ftfstt ef Sb rr-sry 'izrr? year at Uie Ttat BW ri TwesUK2. On- lr7 k BBBUic u abr a2ajr eC a rjrf BafSafc ;aa.'j CTaaca4r oBAtBr tin jmrtrmir BMcmi it decaSB.7 a. 'Jtx wfurr. at tex 'jm Ike iiriT of m-ar jb eat- ,ii'iiiiib fey- fttya-Um o& ax m- Grea: War ae n aftcmatfe TU azi'j&al sot a a : r. eaaaB&aay a ictrf As la tte war at tae- riL S in'iiWii' la a Maea - at Bt apicnSW Saaar Bar Maar atftar vt -J evoau aa t jccaaos at inr eeouaj aj a at iruiKii Saai art xe. Tar ast.o lac aatsare Dsaua Wfc?-ar cm a Haaaai ar Many at. the Tie of a fttat Amy affter of Great Wan aaS aa- af whaai at kat k BB BcaMTBtaaa as 1 j( the Taaaj wbQe ta etacr a aa SxsjKUee Day a the Oreat War Mm Wyxtyaad ate the eaat .-jQoarJi Ctae Brook Irene Str-vr a Maraam Harrm a caac !aeuy fraaa. at aa-, other nof aaa beaawr of the eaat Caraleade r-i. wofaoat Tided aa a . ck ' rm vroald SCHEDULE x Ji i nxiLi TCX B. Traaa aad Keato Here te Ckaare Late Neat Maath a to October 2 fall errtce gmBg three a week ht 1U be eflaruee oa the leeal hae of the Ctaaiaan BaOoaal Baflwaya. a la aaooaceed Oader the fall taae-taaat. traim vlfl leave for the cart laooday Wednaaday aad Satarday e&ifas at 7 9J aad arme Taea-iay Thoradajr aad Sunday evenings at o clock. The fall ateaaatr atrrtee. effective Aagaat M win eoaUaae to grve two talimga per weak ketwetu Prince Rupert and Vaacoaver. Under the all aff aervtce to be perfonaed the vewieia Prtnce Rapert and :' ' Gax there wal be armaa ',xt. Vancouver via Powell River r.d Ocean PaUa Wedaeeaay aad 4turday aaoraaaji atxtS o'clock and aaUlnga fraai here for Vaneou-ver rU Ocean PaOi and Powell River at 10 pat. Tharadays and Vandayi The aVaawr arrtvlBg WaSaaada nnttag faaa the aoath alB au at it ocaaek that eveaaag for An rax retarnksg bete at e-iacfc Thoraday iianlin while the aoamer arn.ng fiaai Vancoover feuirday aiornksg will sail at 1 iclock that evsaiag for Stewart md retam here at S o'clock Sanday weening The fortnighUy aerrte aa at pre-eai Between Vaneoaver aad Prtaee via the QMeea ChartoUe will be asaaita Inert dnrtoe tha fall by the itaiairr Prtaee John Service I I ThV OkV O WA.TSB I -MA.rct l aTy I os ' v -4 aata'lir !ACTRESS eas-i is riFAn Lwwc (Km Bafte Fhwi A,y aa Age of faaa Bni T GSJDOMLK OaL, My a Bk Lunar vnrssx fMM mwmj aa a slssWSsflM ssssW "sPsafJa? fcBBsssX 4s4s)yVsl deasfcua 1 rac Orvaer It IStT tt imtf. kn Louae 6acacc it tfar TfMltaTiaya&t and AagwR : IBM at u, Wine Bait Sbc aaaSr bjr lane aapeajakwr ob tfar ants Dtucn k ISSS is Ones BBtBBStf Sbv adiaTc! .avtmawt bbcb tk ttkaBtalaB aartasw, ate katf Birtf 'aoarBg.a greai aat at aac af ttar aasu c -Vakaaea t SaBBfBfaak ram" aatf aaw aaS apaaarai to a im partare at a aaarr aak ao an Haiti aaaks aadMaS "A The aiarried Maa Worth." "Bar Sow! aad Body.' -Wt nhtiiii Mew BacUad' aad te raaiini the Oaf Dnartrian Bar i mill Ban d to aaateroaA aii i i ati lea IT PAYS TO PAYCASH , Oar Prates are Always BeeMe Special For Friday, Saturday &. 3!eday avXBSjBfT TCA A: COTTtX S3.75 SS-Bl aack nXm ABrru S1.58 KOJC-AB S1.15 SITirPaTK COTP1B For 23c raaiatna, per larce un iAPAJfBSK MCE 15c 80c PABCT DSUZD APPUhV ft'- S Baa AOV, PAJSCT DSUED AMUCOrs Qq Riscurr anx- Bt- cmxu aaade ta a jlfly ty n per pt, OIL ATLMBR TOMATO C1CI The drtak for heaJth 23C WAKtB TOatATtSSB- 25c 2 Va taa 25c i Ba UTTTWCE-per head 4c ?OtW POTATOBR- 25c 13 Ba Oe- Fresh aeca 55c! 1 dox WATBR 11 11 8c PW Bj W e DeRW Order of SfcM or Over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store T- TMvd Avraae West Pil. Ret 1 fas Plus a44"!t di.aa ""T w b I Niea-s mm 1 IC3tiEVt I T aiju -e -n - J. cui.r r Raprrt Wdl Tnria ax PKTl'RE OF THE -Sh SSBB W ae 'CAVALCAD WITH CUVE BROOK, DIANA WYNY r;D Ai It Featared Players. A Fex Reka o Tke Osds S(ry ef EneUnd's raost MemorabV v r in- i can ei iiirj ya. OKr.iBars rtcruac or the clnekati A StM AttrartiM al rayaSar tntr. METRO NEWS TW itmm MajaBH-: A 9 MCTKO VEWS Mm,,- . , W. Tl ES. & WED. . . . i HOLIDAY THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Madera Part aat am Ne FHos, N 3Iosquitos Heme Caakaag Par Caeeseaec SICM Per Week ChLArra andfr 12 haif rate MADAME RAJ ALT TV. Q. C lOaada Wben Coasg to Terrace Make ArraaceateaU VTUb Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. Te Greet Tea. We an trains. Prearat ti pa-senger armce anywhere Lea aace aad Lodge, new boat H A 8 ' bow ta aerrtce on the lake Tare anywhere en the lake, one ad art. W.M; SUM per head addmaaal. Ne rrewd toe Mr. Ne jeb tee huH. PKA1C PARTIES EVERT St'NDAT 1 BUILDERS HARDWARE "Ul Knolw Sash I H Sash Cord Door Keys Door ( hains Drawer Vulk Weatherstrip Thumb Laches Cuplioard Catches Casement Adjusters RuiWintf Paper Shelf Hrackcts A A ... MaM Orders THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. MIX HUT JUflj the Oil Trrlvnuxn; .t - ... BRJTLSII EilPIi L BB .SR- "FORTY -SECOND sfiif pf RESORTS North Beach Famous Holida, r Near Massed Q. C l a rnnawVed Sha k i t:z: Apply Mrs. Dunn Sfaatet! R' LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge Aa Meal PUre to Ici::.T Finest ef Hj fahiat tssUat bathesc aad beat 4. Arraace far Uxa- p-r"a' b W. IL Rernett Trrt? RC Rates fren Terrarr U fit One adaK $JH ti b till tienal adalt I! A WrRr ar W ..rt W. H. IU RNFn Ve Leek After Ysr lV;r Door E :!'J Carrfallr lilWd For Your Health Chlrtprartle Ultra VUtel IU-i Intra Red Rr Slamte AH at Reasonable r ' ? W. a ASPINALI DC, Chtrapractor Green 2(1 Tbones firrraMl Eichame Block By Westover. ions 1 s a iMiaaiiaaBBBBaeaBBBBBBBBB) riiBBiiiiHa waaaaaaaaaai 1 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 vswrraq