Bar J'.SIV 1933 not daily' miW iUUI a to Something New! Ginger Fruit Toffee, 39c lb. i ilbert Nut Clusters, 49c lb. SHAVING CREAM and AFTER SHAVE LOTION Special at 50c SNAPSHOT ALBUMS From 60c and up Ormes Ltd. Zfi Pioneer Druqejists V..c Kttill Store I Sjua'jv m TO FRY chom ft. I row. ( UF U Fit Olio W apt R(T) 5c 25c kit rrr TO ROAST suou.ntR j nc m:cr. ib. SHOULDER 1AC LAMB, Ib. SHOULDER J9r VEAL, Ik, IWSTON 5C niTT. ib. Phone II Hi It . 1 . spcciaw Phone 63 TO STEW VEAL lb. LAMB lb. BEEF lb. 10c 10c 10c d mm 25C immskct (( rowx oon IIF.KF. lb. p.r ib. 441, 18c sterling TEA per lb. 35c. STERLING NUTTER 1 49c FLETCHER'S llonrv IUkfd per Ib. HAM 40c RfFisi which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRIXCR RUPERT, R.C. UNIOtf STEAJfclIirS LIMITKD , Btvnri ) prtno Buprt for VneHr: D? V mi'A BVtHY TCKSliAY, 1:30 VM. "' vannouvtr Thursday plni. TDn,,ftNA Kvuuy FiuiiAr muVniciit. Vanrouxtr Monday ajri,,, f HUln,. u, Port mnfMl. 4,, rm AnjMi awn a lit. rmtl(m rnttrdln. til miii. uui ttnkMa kt i"ntt ltuPtt Agency: Secohd Af nue. Vbm 30. LOCAL NEWS NOTES attrerMdrt Brne. for Wallnaner. Glass, Paint anV'Muresco. " J ' Oct the best radio refcepflon pos slbie with Wettlhgbaote tubes. See them tested aru labeled at Mc-Rae Bros. Taxpayers please note that Tuesday, August lit, 1033, to the lait day for the payment of General Taxes to avoid penalty. 177 Q. W. La Idler, focal manager of W. II Malkln Oo. Ltd., returned to the eity oh the Prince John this morning after making the round trtp to Sieweirt o.i company iHWtoHHH. ' Mr and Mrs W. L. Stamford and family of Dlgby Island, who have been holtdaymt In Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the etty from the south on the Prince Oearae this morning. Mtes Bvelyn Fahbern. who hu oct-n paying a brief visit to the city aalls this evening by the Prime John on her return to Queen Char ktfte CHy. Miss Margaret BeaUie sails this cvenme, on the Prince John for Queen Charlotte City where she will nay a visit with her father. Oeorge D Seattle. Miw Ire e Mitchell and her rant Miss Jean Hoed, of Vancouver and Miss Jean Qrteve left thi morning for a vtatt of a tew day to Carlisle, where they will x meU of Mr and Mrs. A. D. Ma the ion Indian Agent and Mrs. James Oilleu and family of Maasett. who have been on a trip to Vancouver. arrived In the etty from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning and will proceed to the Islands on the Prince John tonight J J Payne of Prater tt Payne who has been on a combined bust oes and pleasure trip to Vancouver ind elsewhere le the south, retur nrd to iheUyPTKhr 8rtRcVWte thta morning Mrs. iwyne aso bbi- Uy are remaining In the south Am a while longer. W M lacktock. local manager of the Canadian Bank of Oomnvweo. returned fco the city on last night's train from Medicine Hat, Alta.. where he has been paying a visit with his mother. Returning to the city, he made a brief stop-over at Vanderboof where he formerly was located. With a falr-sised list of erv C N R steamer Prince Oeorge Capt H E Nedden. arrived In oort on time at U:M this morntnt from Vancouver. Powell River and ocea Falls and sails at 3 o'clock thin afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she wM return her tomorrow evening southbound. Traffic conditions In Chicago a; a result of visitors to the World' Fair are reported to be terrific anl suggestion are new being made hat visitors to the great exposition would be wen advised to leave their Mrs at home and travel by train Congestion in the streets of the Wmdy City la reported to be beyond belief. There are literally thousands of ears from all over he United Stales and tree park ir anywhere within the limits of .he city to practically Impossible It has been neeeasary to hold up -an twelve and fourteen miles out of the city. Announcements Eagles' picnic. Orassy Bay. July Catholic Baaaar Octorxr 19. Presbyterian Fall Bamr-Nov. Anglican W. A. Uastar. Nov. 18. CITY Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, delivered $6 COAL FOR SALE iSirnllure and PUno fvinr For1 da and vice Phone 32. Railways. un tmt. nlcht Tail Putt you on your fetl Mn F. o. Dawsoi and and : m the Canadn MUsJeaatt RoHfV several weeks Mlas Eileen Patmore is leaving on this evening's tratn for North Bulkley where ahe will spend a holiday visiting with friends at the Pioneer Ranch. Come with the crowd on Sunday to the BAOLES' PICNIC at Oraasy Day. Cars leave Eagle Ilall; Exth Ave. and MeBrlde street; and Rid ley Home, 10 ajn, to l pjn. Pun, Sports, Prizes. Cdyr Band In attendance. Tea, Coffee. Mil 1c and Sugar free. Adults 50 rente, children free. 178 Father E. M. Leray O.M.I., well known and poular district priest of the Roman Catholic Church, ha-i accepted an Invitation u addrea the Prince Rupert Gyro Club a. Its regular weekly luncheon next Tuesday. He will speak on axn of bja experiences In. Prance dur trg the Great vVar In which h served In the ranks at the French army. SPRAINS Sub Miaw4i Im gdf. h rjjtwc OF RUg3 For drunkenness. W A Mathe Intention of making a leisurely motor tetxr throafh the country. eventually roaehirg California. have become anamouxed of Crea-ent Beach at SummeHind on Ok-inagan Lake They are planning o spend several weeks there. Hotel Arrivals Royal Joe 8tetn. Vanvouver. Howard Bull ard J. Lsreneea Savoy iMaey. Central William Jones and Mia. J. Hu :hes, etty. Prince Rupert F. R. Wilson. Invemeas: O. A. Donnelly. O & Welterdonald and Pat Mcllroy. Vancouver: W. John stone. Ecmonton: B. L. Perrln. rlty: Father P. Champagne. Jones' Family MEAT MARKET rhonc 937 Loin Veal Chops 2 lbs Rump Roast Veal per lb Sftvoukier Veal 4 lbs, 8tewlH Veal, 2 lbs. 1 bunoh Carrots Z Rolled Shoulder Lamb per lb Slewing Lamb, 2 lbs. 1 bunch Carrots Pork Chops 2 IM. Slioulder Roast Pork 4 lbs. Boiling Beef- 3 lbs Sirloin Upper lb. Slrlbln'Steak- 2 lba Leg Pork per ib. Prime Rib Roll per lb Tomato Sausage per h. TheMarkefc Retail prices current here at present are as follows: i Vegttables New Potatoes, H.C., 8 lbs Beets, bunch r Parsley, bunch . Turnips, 3 lbs. bunch , , ., Carrots, B'l. bunch Cucumbers, each Sweet Potatoes, lb Hothouse- Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. No. 2, lb, B.C. Cauliflower, lb.. 5c to New Zealand Onions, lb Green Onions, bunch Bermuda Oniooa, lb Green Bearfe. lb. Asparagus. B.C., lb. .. Oartlc. imjJdrtK!. per In. -. Green Pea D.C lb. RadUhea. bunch Vegetable Marrow each Apples Wlneaapt, fancy, lb; Friilts- j Valenchr Oranges, dhz. 20c to . .. j Lemons. Cal., 20c to i Grapefruit. OaHf, 5c to . Grapefruit, Florida, 1214c to .. Rhubarb, outdoor, 0 lbs. Plums. 2 lbs Strawberries. BC crate Bananas, lb Cal Cherries, lb. Watermelon, lb I Canteloupes, 15c to (Watermelon, lb. Dried rruits White Figs. lb. - Black Cooking Figs. lb. . son was fined $36. with option oil01 balk, lb, ... .8c to fourteen days' ImprUonment. in ; Lemon ana i. range reel city police court by Magistrate Citron Peel MeClymont yesterday. Arthur Prones, 30-40. Ib. .... Hlnes was fired I8vh four days' Prunes. 40-50. lb . option, on charge til stealing aj Prune. 60-70. lb. ride on Nationa' I rutsnns. Australian 9eeeas,iD ! Raisins. OaL, seedless, lb I Currant, lb famHy sfVjaWho left V VlYh the Phone 957 35c 50c 25 c 18c 18c 10c AprleoU. lb .5e. to Apptea, dried 140. to 'Peaehee, peeled . nc. to Flour Ffeur. 49, No. 1 hard wheat 3& M Si X5 .06 .15 JO SI 48 .25 .05 .03 .10 25 20 M Cal. Cabbage, lb .1 , B. C. new. lb. - .M B. C. Head Lettuce, 5c to M Spinach. B.O. JbB .10 3 10t i 1 ,'5 .40 .10 20 -251 basket 101 221 .15 1.85 Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to .. 01 Ants. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. J5 Egn B.C. Freah Extras, cartoned Local 1ww laid, doe Butter Fancy, cartoned. b iMt. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs Honey 30 M 2 Extracted Honey, per Jar 20c to JO Comb Honey J5 Cheese Ontario seHda, new; lb .25 Ontarln, ma tare, lb. .35 SeBton. lb. JJ Stem. I. - 45 Roquefort, lb .90 Uorgnhaotti, Ib. ... -.. iO Sugar White, 100 lba; 7.55 YeHow. 100 lbs, -. 7.05 Pure, lb .17 .Mrats Fowl. No. 1. lb. . 3$ Roasting Chicken, lb. .... .. 2t Ham, sliced; first grade71 w. . 33 Ham, picnic, lint grade, lb! .1 j Bacon, side, sliced beet grade .. J5S Pork, shoulder, lb .13 Pork. loin. Ib 22 Pork. leg. lb. - .22 Pork, dry salt, lb. - 29 Vat tAtn IVi .25 Veal, shoulder, lb! 15 Beef, pot roast, lb. Beef, boiling, lb. l3o to 15 4Cn Beef, roast, prime rib. lb jo X9l.nef. steak, lb. 20c- to JO 50c 25c 20c 25c Lamb, shoulder, lb, 22 Lamb, leg. lb 2S't Lamp Chops, Jl Fkh Smoked Klopers. lb. . . .19 Salmon, fresh, lb 2k ! Halibut. 2 lbs 3 Nuts nr. ' Almonds, shelled Valenclas . ..50 O DC California soft shelled Walnuts M' i Walnuts, broken shelled J'v Peanuts v- - l .Valnuts. shelled halrei .? Feed Vheat. Alberta 321 ' Bran IM Shorts 1-69 - - 4hl!lMiddllnas 1.90 OaU loCiFlo 0 Oat Chops 1.93 I Fine oat cnopi i.a i Crushed Oats 1.M Barley Barley Chop - 1M Laying Mssh 2J Oyster Shell J.w Oeef Scrap -- M An Ice Bex Cake that will be the envy of your guests . . J30 UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED .10 25 .10 .12H . 10 .15 2Z jo! AS .10 .13 .15 .IS .M .17 The next time you wsnt to serve s cfcsstrt that will be s success with everybody try this recipe for Chocolate Ice Box Gkc. 3 iqutrct untwtcfened choeMt4 broktn in mll pieces i cup franul.tcd li3M )i cup botitn? wtcr 1 cupSt CkrltiMiIt( 5 53 yolts H cup butter 1 cupconfectronen'sujii 1 H teeipoons veniHe 5 e$j whites, stiffly betteti 1 doten ldy finjeis Whipped attm Put the checoUt and sfulitJ ivjar Inia top of double boiler, dj boilin j w.ter, let sUnd over hot w.ter until hocollt it melted. Brine the St. Cktrles Milk to saldinj point end blend with the chocoUte mixture. Add tne e.j vtVf one .t a lima, bc.tine well Irf etch volk it edded. Cook i nurture it tmootk ertd thick. Cool. Gm the butter end beat in the con fectioner!' tu.r ydu.lly. Stir intd the chocolate miituie, edd viniile end fold in the tbKly be.ten ej? wkitet. Line the skin end bottom ol sprin) c.te mold with the Udy finjen. Cover the bottom Uyer with hell the chocol.te Mlinj, dd enother leyer of l.dy fineen, cover with the reminder of the chocolete WUnf, put in the ice bos end let sUnd ovemijht Unmold end serve with Jmiih of whipped oeem. Thit it only one of over e hundred delijhtful recipes contained in "The Good, Provider Cook Book. Send your end eddresi to The Borden Co'. Limited, 50 Powell St, Vancouver, end e copy will be meiled to you. tie 73onfoH ST. CHARLES MILK Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE good tfloe safe. Oan! be seen at Daily News. tt .930 Plymouth Coupe., eB41ttoo., like new. will sell at a real sa.j crlflce In price WALKER'S MU SIC STORE. VEWL.Y Renovated modern flat HATER NOTIfl. TAKE KOTICE ihett J. n WoodwortO. Ktfrn. ssa? Poetxt Orev Road. Vanoou. -vr. BC wUI atpty for Meane sotaat. 4 Mfw leo ou. t pee eccond. mi Sort 100.000 acre feet out of Cuaar Lak lata Surf InM. Thla Mas Use rvaiidMolsstc Of raaAISSoaaJ water tt-! ceaee 1W-S. Thla wcaee wui be utedtor. bowrt fUTpexm Thla notlee waa poaeee' In t irouad oa to U.trwte. day at June. 133 A copy of thla nostra and an application pursuant there-, tO ead to thr "Water AdS" wttj be Med la Use oftfc of the recoedee H Prtvwc Rupert CH)1ovi to the ap-; fimm may be SUed vtth the aald: tr reeortter or wSSh tha OoittrtxaDer ai vmter nighu. raruaakrat Buadirajir. YKaarta. BC. within thtrty daya aHer BHablJMktlon of tht ncalpe te Jul. I" ' J B WOOD WORTH Applieas , The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping At Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your gobds with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 I Rand Block. Max HeUbroner. tf: OOOD Loeathm for small business 1 In centre of the new business! I I 1 w- tr-aww.vm HOUSES-F. W Hart tJ; HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! "Oil" tt-50. -Rlnglette" $3.M. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe .... ... i TRANSFERS CAMERO.VS TRANSFTO Furniture moving wood, coal, chairs for rent. tf PAINTERS AINTINO and PaperhangtofT ' Moller, Phone Red 802. district. Third Avenue. Will ren- ,- ovate to suit tenant. Rent only, .-..x o TrPoorx-rV $20 a month. MeClymont. U -CLEANING & PRESSING i'RICES reasonable Benkendorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of Ho. 1 Bulkley Valley. We h also v sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co: II Phones l$i QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SHINGLES The Rest Made 4 No. 1 5x, per thousand $4.35 No; 1 3x, per thousand f $3.85 Green Shingles, Air Dried Retainer AU the Cedar Oil HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If you Ioic anything, try tt classified ad.