r.rv ;, rr ffl33 S Tl RDAY SPECIALS SWII'T'S or llirUN'S' e BACON f 'Ho- Wrap i i, oiuiino out Jccf I 'ver lb. I! tron r k f or 20c tew eal j J i r t 25c 1 All And sfF DAILY ON Her Dr. Wood's Mrs. "I aa tlty all I to A Norway Kerway Pino I ksve Syrup drag Prira r.SS. CATAI KVt'ltY TUkSDAY. 1:M P.M. Kail, did Wcypolntv affirm Vanrourar Tboradaf sa vrvrntr rvr.itY Tiit'itso ay midnight. . Vancouw Ssmrtay m nrr.tnf i.. Port Blmpaon. Alio Arm. An Jot. twan M Naa Him point SuaU. a at tlCItt WI.NTKH EXCURSION RUC ROUND TRIP, PRINCE IllPERT TO VANCOUVER. SSL ,il e la Irb t. rHarn HmII Marrti SI. IM. . ii ftM4lBf aB uHUt and UcMta al - : r. Kl TI NT AHI.Nl'': mf rmr rhwr SM Announcements m uno Pate. 17 v.il Feb. H Pood Kn st Unkvei. 'la Tint Dftnr- iro. WbLtV, ft. 19 ii tell. MMM Jlftl ; ' uii-p. St. Fetorl Par- -v. Pe. H. HurMUy actMMOoe- DrklR 111' lfaue niiut-(fctrn, MM& 'i' .i Mirch 15. T ir!iv Qig guppcr und 17 ' Sprlnf Sale Apr or Bale and 8lai. MACKENZIE FURNITURE SPECIAL i" K 'i .tr.tr), Wulnut Plnkh An: . r-,,,1 r,, ,,.,. i. 821.75 PI' t.- S DELIVERY -ZJr I 111 cuoirr no. 1 srrr.K grain rr.i VEAL BEEF PORK I MS Prime KU, lb 15c LEGS 16c 11). Kump Roast, lb. ... 15c 12c lb. Shoulders Round Rone, lb. ... 10c Shoulders llc lb. Blade Kiln, lb lQe 7clb. SH'IJTS or M.'KNS' 8c 9c LARD Oc I b. Packet i'Ivkst of.ti.rrY goi.dk tip OIIAM.K I'KKOi: TK.t ft. FfneM Alberta W 1 lb. Slcrllnr Te, I for $1.00 )A)in Pork Chops I II. fur 25c Spare Ribs 3 I In. for 25c Phone m THE SPOT SPECIALS Five Children Had Heavy Colds M. Arwaauii. Ktaamctoa. P.E.L, wrltoa: tka saatkar of fta rkildrra, sad tart wiaUf kad Wavy (aid. trWd all kiaJa af ardlrta, bt aoa tm4 tkai aiark geud. At ! 1 rat Ir. WaaaTa Plae My raw sad ikair k4 to tfia-apaearaal I Mr It tka Ut aaagk kaadteisa aver boaikL" 33. a Uultj Urgs family i!m (5t t H aad faral ator; pat p o!j ky Tt T. Utttmra Cb-, Ltd.. Toranta, OiL UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S xnwfi laava Pnoca Ruprrt far Yanaotitar" Gunnar Selvig Announces That He Ho.s Added n Grocery Department To the Hulcher Shop Ntow mi can pet all your r-qirenU at on place. Vary low prte (oi- casta only. All grarrrteN delivered with mtat orders Gunnar Selvig Mi Thirrt Atf. Phorrf ,5 FOR SALE Fresh Fish Daily Aboard Hcln II-Cor Ray Shoe Repairing Urine your show to tlw Shu-Craft flatWacUon Oasrantml M. MacAKTHUK third Ate. N rf dral Hllc. THE DAILT" NEWS PAG? TZQtaW LOCAL NEWS NOTES C7.L.D.L. Danca Pcbv W. 4t I For day am Aichl Taxi rr-vice Phone 32. tf Paaf Amour win sail on the aa. Princess Lotfe for Vancouver to- ntirht. Th? big ratrehlld plane under charter to the poflce department; eft this afternoon for Anyox. j Anyone having- castoff hose or i clothing which they are willing to, donate to the needy phone Red 1738. tf I The Prtules Louise U tluc to arrive lion Vancouver dt 4:18 thU afternoon saallnK on her return .rip at 10 p.m. Tle Saivage Prinees left today for Masnett to fetch the body of a lesMeat who died there and whose body is being sent sooth. Theodure Alan Reddell was aa- trnt to two years m prrrrten-Uu-y j by Judge Robertson at Pouce Coupe lor breaking into the X Oliver Word has been reeetvtat br hm Be, liter family that Jsmsw of Sioux Lookout will be k trte I m Jime to aUMMt hit IMMTa noral hew MdSSatof. Anvus MalMf pfeVd) as he Cam Mas: umO rhargrd to Ifce mornlns 1 bance. He was remteaittf taM0 amafwWaftOM at 4 o'clotk. Jack Maas XfeAae Mai Ltf ktft lat night for Vancouver where he will take a course with 'he Victor Radio Company in ser- vicln radios. H wfl be Mray iev- enl weeks MM Mfore set Saraahag 111 pay a brief am k Vtctatla. C. N. R. Trains FWr (he East Mondays' Wednei rn days 9:30 pia From the Cast Tuesdays. Thuradaya and Saturdays 10:15 xx. JONES' Family Meat Market ! Prime Hib 15c I per lb. Rump Roast JSC j Per lb. j Oood Put Roast ' 10c 1 per lb. i Jhouhter Lamb, I Nw. 75C Peaa. I tin -. i Leg el Lamiv- 20c per H. T-Ikane Boaal - 20c par lb. Loin Lamb 20c per Ul Loin of Port 12 Ac per lb Leg ol Pork 12ic per lb. Shoulder f Veal 50c S lb. Leg of Veal 15c per lb. - Lota of Veal 15c OFT lb. Shoulder Pork. 4 tba 50c Apples. 4 lbs Spare Rib 10c per lb. Pork Sausage 25c 2 lbs 057 - Phorje 957 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edaon. Alberto and i Uulkley Valley Coal are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try ten of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Darley. Prince Rupert Peed Co. SR Phones 558 CaskctbalJ tonight venditor lum. 7. Valentine Dane Moose Hill on n-lday, e.M, atfsisitloo 25c. ATTESTfttW. 31as delegate meeiiitg, l'tiay, f'tb. IT. 8 pni., at Hays IlluoH, 217 SrcUnd Av Pffncc Rupert. 40 Pl&b will be given away at the Salvation Army Citadel tomorrow between the hours of 10 and 12 a.m. and 4 and S p.m. Radio announcement from Seattle last night stated that the prlct of milk was advancing in that city from nine to ten centh a quart. lULCERS.BAD LEGS; OLDWOUHDStSORES Minidlmiitr Mtaitf ly Ztavluk. Public mcbtlnf Moo. Hall Siin- day. Feb. vt. 8 pm. fj?fer.d AnyoK Strikers Mine Workers Union ft. M Wattetaaai was .sentenced tta MtMe Maw km ttw sentltntiarv V JvGzt Rotoertaasa Ikv BC4Ke Coupe far the theft a QJOD Darcel wfcleti be took wMat aVaar-vin the pa master at M. Mm. wb giaiinl Hteir bulb early In the faff a taday havina fae aaiisfatUas) f aaaftw a num ber of then eeatiag afcrouirh the eeoonat DaftodUe aast tulios are r-o-wkag to alaitteaevf pUees where h awtyw hs ilsmsMMaravi Thv have bean etowlna beneath ffce mom tor they fhawr op dami- y the now Is off the RTO'ino In ore D'vm 'by see above th; T0ial several aaehs. ii laiaaBaaaaBBwjBaaBn Your Dollar's Worth in DRUGS CERTAINLY in dnes goml de-Iendalrle qimtitjr conies first! lint yoti do4i't have to pjr fancy prices te get the best. Highest quality drugs are not sold at cut prfees, but you can always buy them here thriftily at the lowest prices consistent with reliable quality. 0RMES LTD. The Pioneer DrujjUU Use Purity llrand Italian Olive Oil v V"'" I With your food. J. f ristftD It is the beat lu- I brkant for the layatem. It wlU ilnsure good health And 1 i i0o"T? Whw by lfi5--i ' physician. Very -" low price now. Pel Rruno Oistrlbutor Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOB FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile No Calomel necessary For rt to fed ImMi and happy, row hrm mitt pour two pounds of liquid bila iuw aaar boU mtty day. WitbtMt tliM bMa. amnU n. To dtfrnrtnu Maw rlinunatiua. Yam aa Ixdr. (inr imwaadaasi. Mow aa you upmt to rmmx up a aituatiaa Ik tkui aottipltly wit atar buwct-moriiK Ktha, oil, minaral water, Uiatix eaady or trwiaa- ua, or rmitkfT Tbay doa't waka oa jMaar avar Voaaaad Carur'a Uttt liver FIBa. Paraly 1fUBh. Mr Vi4aad aura iwwrta A.k lar Uiaia Hy aaa. Keluaa aukautatea. 26a. ai all drwuiata. M Catholic Ladies Successful Tea Many Attended Event at Home of j Jlrs. Fred Ritchie Yesterday The Catholic Ladies' Aid held a very successful tea nd sale of hone r ooking at the home of Mrs. J. F Ritchie yesterday afternoon The !readent of the Indies' Aid. Mrs. H ; McEwen, aa Uteri the hostess in tot? receiving of uhe many gaeste. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. J. Lome McLaren ntatrtaal by Meadawnas W Oration M. P. MeCaf-efry aad Miss Baabeau. serviteur being Mrs. MacBriarity. Mrs. B. Car-tin and Mrs. E. Kinkaid. Ma. R. E Moore was In charge ol the honw cooking stall atmisU-d by Mrs. H Ward. Mrs. F. Batcher acted as cashier. The raffle of a preCly bridaje covet was won by Miss Lorna MacLaren With ticket 114. S100.00 A month for life, at any age you wish for a few cents per dftv Information without obligation J. A. MORRIS The Manufacturers' Life Insurance Co. 25 Second Ave. Phone "it ..a.aic-atB.n..i st. s araiaiini SATURDAY SPECIALS Buitaa- GQn l Hm. tor U7, Ta. 10C Leg a. Pork. 5 ft. . ncn it Apple, 4 lbs ' Loin Pork, 4 lbs. fiOp Apples. 4 lbs. Dal Spare RJba, 3 lbs. aCn it Apfslea, 3 lbs d-itil. Shoulder of Lamb 14 C Loin of Lamb 20C per lb Lamb Chop QCTo I lbs. for Shouldrr of Muttaak 1 2 C Legs of Matton 16C H-lEI 20c T-Bone 8teaka AO MeJU 3 lbs for sirloin Steak- AZo 1J, 3 lbs for Uver. 1 lb. Qfip Okll, Bacon, lib Rsrbbita- Off, oer lb. Bulkley Market Phone 17S isrsa I a Sjraj Baaaj raraTsrrw FISH CASH & CARRY SHOP Fresh Filleted Sole. S lbs. He Flounders, Brille At Sote, 3 lb. 35c Fresh FUleted Red and Ltag Ood 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Sliced Halibut, per lb lie Red 8pring Salmon 15c SPECIALS Sliced Halibut. 3 lbs. for 34c Fillets of Halibut per lb ISc Ooilehans. 4 lbs ror 35c Second Street Phone 851 SPECIAL For FEBRUARY Only Shtll.m Steam Oil Permanent Wave $20 and up Imlmllne Shampoo Mrs. Rickey's Rcauty Parlor 131 Second Ave. Phone 301 Next CUpp Rlwck ANNETTE'S Clock Sale , Saturday, 2 to 4 6 Only L'ntrimmed Coats Q7 Aft Clock Sale Special vtf.UU 5 Only Knitted 3-Piece Sui's QS A A Clock Sale Special ffleVU 17 Only Dresses Sizes 14 to 20 AA Clock Sale Special W&JJ 20 Only Pairs Shoes Odd srzes Q-fl A A Clock Sale Special qiaUU 9 Only Leather Handbags . 7bT CJck Sale Special G Only Tarns ami Scarfs r7tt Clock Sale Speeial 20 Only Felt Hats QC0 j Clock Sale Special Atfw 15 Pairs Bedroom Slippers Q4 AA Clock Safe Special iaVU SATURDAY, 2 to i Classified Ads FOR SALE 4U8T SELL Lot 42. Range S. Usk. 87 acres, also LoU K-38. Block 9. Section 7. Prince Rupert Indefeasible titles. No iwasoaabk offer refuseo. C. H. Hkskman 3333 Brighton Avenue. Victoria B.C. FOR RENT lOU&ES for rent. Bottom price Phone Oreen 196. JKWLY Renovated mooam fast. Rand Block. Max Heflbrcoaf. V .'ERNON Apartments. 139 Seeonr Avenue. Ilouaekeeping rootns newly renovated Phone Red 421 tf TRANSFERS AMERON'S Transfer Wood CoaJ moving, chairs for rent tf HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING JlJ te apt Ladies' Mens Hair Cutting Nelson's Reaaiy Shoppe. PIANO TUNING 'IANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's M i sic Store. PAINTERS FAINTING and Paperhanglng. Moller, Phone Red 801 I EXCHANGES VILL trade Dodge Sedan in good condition for Shingle Bolt or Apply Roe Mackay. VILL swap a corn ol wood, work in home or store tor comfortable chair or other furniture. Apply Box 16, Dally News. WANTRD to swap for boys rubber tired. 4 -wheel wagon, large siae. one Boy's 3-wheel Ti (cycle In good shape. Billy Ptlford. UQ 9th Ave West or Box 531. Bed complete with spring and mattress, heater complete with pipes and stove-board, coil sprint n4 mattress for full-sited bed, camp bed and mattress, exchange for Cord Wood Blocks Phone Red 92S. For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Price W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 519 Exchange Block ' al r 4 b WANTED WANTS) TO BUY Chesterfield, pmst to m good condition, cash for asKable article. Apply Box 185, Daily New. WANTED to buy for cash Single sewing machine Treadle with attachment, mast be in good cedttaML Box 531 PUfoUL 140 Ninth Avenue West. LOST LOST Glasses on Third 'Ki Finder plaare reiura to Daaky Neva Ofute. PERSONAL OBNTLRMBK Purchase PevaoBal Drag Sundries by Mall Bargain Price. Assortment of fifteen High Orade European Importations sent postpaid In plain wrapper for $ 1.0ft Catalagne Free. Adults Only. National Distributors. Box 443. R?gina Sask. 1 pf - LbAMNG . VfVP cV - pprccTVP I KbbbliNla PRICES reasonable Benkeoderf, Third Ave., nest door to Dally New. -iom:unmi:nt luii ob act .tones ep htrumtmon fob con torr to TitAjsgpcB or bkr nottok is raatn am bm as tb ISth day at MaWMn Sjass the R-i natna(l te apply to UjaUcmor Obntaol Boaaa far r aanwiat as tvaaafrt of bear UcanorNo. 3451 aad Issue, in ra- aaaot at praralaca balng part of ttu MUldtnf kaown a Oantral Ratal attvata at th earorr ot Bartnth atraat an Ptrat Arrnu la the OKy at ttlDoe Bo- aft. van ill). Twatv (IS). TtaWtrta (l) aa PburtoBii rH). a Meak Ttai (10), Sretioc oar til. Map tat, Frmot Em prn Und KatMraSlob OMrlot of tba rfivtnoc of OlHMt Octusstaa. ffacn Osnural H tl Umttad. Ucenoa to Cora Pbiaaim mark of Frana atBwt, Brk tkth OoluinMa. the trauaferraw DATKL at vrum a? Rasart. mm. I Brtuati oa. tamkta. Uita latb oar aj Jaauary. 1M3. OOfaA a. BLACK. Applicant aad TraAaferrra. PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone S3! The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me (JEO. J. DAWES rhone Black 120 : "l Ai ft! iM r.v .! t.i III it; .it :iJ . t ' m ! a . u IT M! I i. . u "I i: i !' l t I r, tr. v -.1 1 -'a. i