r 10. 1933 II' I'JtEE ill WUAKFAST 14 c Ill Kl ROASTS in i 'l.'V 111. 'i: u'i: it i oN I '. ' H..IU: v t .i i it in si's 10 lb. P.ML ttl.'KF 7V sunn) 02 - Phones - (i:J Hi i ill H 1 Hi II). PORK ROASTS 1 ol c BUTT, & II, lj2 IAMR LAUD swifts or 9' oainers pkr , ForSifcak t & Kidney t PIE ''H Slow REEF j Mix KIDNEY nruok I - J 18' , Dr. WobdU Norway Pine SVrUp. Cold On Chest Dry. Hacking Cough Wr. frmak B. Lugu. (puces' Av . Ua4 Oit, wntv "Er ml-r it it my icirtio t tktrk a b4 fld. I hat It in r krd, i4 It tl ohur don ril trttlM ui my ctni I kloty (ft a dry. harking ou(k from Wrk I rkM (t rtllf uktU I gvt ny Utile si l)r. W(w4' Xorwty l'u yrp oat of tk n.lJi tta raaiatt" frW U. a tttM) Urc family flu t&tf at all tfref, sad tarral tm; pat Bp oalj by Tl T. WUa C&, Trto, Ost ' Hg me uruggisi v 11 PPPyV x Alwdya preftafed to sre vou I WmffiEf ! play thKrlf of the 'Min- I Uk ule dan in, guarding your I I iltJgnijVr iiMltit.ihat U our nrtoe. B 10 I tslP rfr bi and (tay oal. We wain- I I NEr lalfi eompirle stSHM oi drues flHB II fir your every nem we oner m' B ; Ii. HE) to the flrrHM dettendsMe A M E kEMbL cfUlr at thf fafrest prleen. ""afll f HT (irt Into the haWt of railing a tour drug need. H k j BJMMurr I yg 0RMES LTD. U I HHsgaagaa I B'l ' I '.aaaaaaaasw ine nonrrr urutguis j h i I Ell - ' UNION STfiAMSIIll'S MMITKI) Stramcra ivi Prttiot auii' vnemiw -TVS l,ltni:MA KVi:ltV Tt'USltAY, 1:J0 P-M. it, mi) Kn!U !imI Wrjiolni. ainnin; V ani-nuvrr Thuraday aitnuiii . T S VHNTUni! IlVr.UV TllUltSI) AV MIDNIUIIT. Arriving Vanrourar aundair ni ,irnlna kr Milling, rrt Bptn. Alh Arm. Anywi S'rt and Naaa Rmr pstnu. annrtay. I pn M'FCl.U WINTER EXCURSION RUI3. ROUND TRIP, IMtlNUK RUPERT TO VANCOUVER. $. On Mir N'Ht im Iti Irb tS. rHurn limit Mrth SI. ISS. ' inrnrmition rviatding an aalllng and ticket at I'HIM-f. HI I't.KT Atlt.Nt : !rtBd fiiu. H I'lMlif .US Realize how good for you is a cup o BOVRIL try having it every night before bedtime it will totie up youi system and strengthen you, THE DAILY NEWfl MOB 7HMI A. H. Macpherson sailed on the Plihce fcliporl this mofhffi ifr LOCAL NEWS NOTES VaaoouTcr. Boys' Bind Scotch Jance, i db. It!. I O.O.fc. Hill.' Seotett drcliesir-a 2t M. Anderton of Pacitle arrived in town on, last night's train. , Tom Bradley-was taken into ;us-! I tody at Anyox and is being heJo 'for Investigation. H Hnrtnesaof Stewart sailed thU morning oa the Iflnee Rupert for Vancouver where he will nweci-d. to New Toils taking a boat from there to Denmark. The Cardena left lat nilit for Vancouver av mlamalit. She wir. itro on the iotk In VaneoHTcT to: her annual inspection and the Venture will take hftr puce mt week. Annual meeting) Radio Acsoeta-, Uon will be head City Hail. FHwav February 10; im at 3 p.m. A' Radio owners interestt-d asked t- intend. hUier membt-ni or not 'i: 'adcatint Htatltm for north t !e dleuMted. 2. ,!( A vfrr en)ortbk oantt was held la nlfht in th OLD Hall tr- nuic wai retidrred by the Metla- jKaiia orenfHri. lotn oi fun wa 11 ' diirinv ih nttl'HMi hwtln? : Vm hundred ooop'e at-i erd tl. The danre started at p. m. umI :oottnud until t am. Announcements iioy Baud ScotUi Dance FWj. 10- HfeU In Ihc ?lty tercky on hi, MlLlta Abbfcrfeifftrrv lMhe( Feb boat Hammlnk Bttd on buintt l&HanHrimenU.Onu0e: fjadlealHi connection with relief tor the '. FWt 81Wi rtaTtll B4llM- ""'T' 1 u aBi , , 1117XTTT-XI UI .UUim. wici" L7Z ELtZtV dllU FW Htti: PrUbiUrtae Vatfcnttnii Tea FM) nwry H. Mo VaMtttee Oirtee Fb 17 Suprr-tMritrval. rb 17 Food-mn-Freek at Flrat United Oddfelrs-wt Oki Time Dance Febniarjr nth Rehektth Urk!ge, Wat. Fell, ti ' CNR A. annaal ball. Moose Hall , , February M. Old time Dance. St. Peter's Par-; tsh Han. seal ct. Feb. tf Rtyal PUrjsiellrMhre Bks' Home' M inh 7 Admlsaton Sfc. ri bafat-daae. Ntareh Preabytertan aftrmf Sale ApH Catholic Spring Sale and Social. pril Iftth. --3SKSi. Purity Brand Italian iWW OLIVE ! OIL OUVt for your heallli Iteaikonable Price - w- Aik Vobr r.rbcer. SPECIAL For FEBRUARY Only Shrllon Steam Oil Permanent Wave S2.50 :uul up Including Sliampoo Mrs. Ilickcys Heiillty Parlor 121 Second Ave. Phone 301 Next. Clapp Block Fresli Milk and Cfeami Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 Basketball tcnlght Andltorlum, 7. B fr day afidfliiHlli T3; jttf; vii'Hh5ij if ifee SHariiS&t ifli 0 H. fefcifc this niwfltr1""8 1116 9 psn frDjfltftff$iriaeil6rfatirl. -- Tf fifthecs bstiU arlrttl fto vmOtowtit and w4fcriiht at 2:4ft ttttt alternoori. sulllng at 10 rjxfl ort rH rtnTii triji. , - YOUR LIVER'S MAKING you FEEt our of sorts Wake up yodrLiitr feilt - Nd CalohJH jitede & m ttal II. ar wbkl ija'i Mriii hi. hi ! W tml Uli-iM UUlal rMi UlU. or tui. or " ' it: nnm ana uifiwin miaw wtiu ! ham mtm tit the efty in csnnee- tion wtl: (He rjlhdHiH. Setanttrr sama' ur nwnmt wi trw Princ1 RaiMH ft tf lirrfi. Pul Armour who left on th dianf vVeVfntaday tolfeareh for Uir i nMmlmr haJlb bWlt Helta It. returnee yeeftfay on the Cardena 'from BMcdatt TWry rodrtd no trate of the boat. D. A J'jluuon. chief saanelllor oi mt Siawt-Ki atr4 nor.kecDcr. ar- 1,1 hla aadr" to the Ubrary iphettf ami t ainOunt of scrip 'emMtm HaMaXtaVa in the city was $13. W whlfch was a part of the sum of UifidQ owing Ih the city an I rteinlty. Of that amount ) 10.000 s i Bemt paid thU week. $100.00 A month for lifo, at any age you wtah for a irt cents per daV thfbrtnatlofl wtthoUt oMagatlfln. J. A: 3IORK1S The Manufacture' Life Insurance Co. JW Serond Ate. I'hon ;g PEOPLE GO TO MUSSALLEM'S lKcabSe they kntttr they tan tire rirestt Stoek SheJted Walnut 2 (J Smyrtft rigs- 35c 5 iba. 3tm iiaisrh 23c t lbs. 39c! per lb. .. ' Otnltl 0I fW-Svlbi bkg. b ( H ttlh tirimUjm for 0 Ceyftrt-lndk Tea 2"-lb Oq, pkwHft &saweet 00 u nits? Ritftfen Baktng Powder nrf 1.1k tin llirf 5-lb. Url $1.20 Maxwell Haute Coffee per lb. Helns SbodNa Tontoefa Ketchup 45C Picnic Hams lie per tb Helns Peanut Butter In 25b glass Jar, rag. 45r. tb clear B. C. Oranutated Suaaiw fOw 10 lbs. 1UU Eggs Prosh FirsU, doi. O A n Fresh Bacon. 1 111 ffv Sweet Potatoes 25c ' 3 lbs. , Fresh Spinach 25c 3 lbs. Terrace Mcintosh Apples Nice flavor, small alee 91A9- for the family, per box MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store We deliver ill orders, $t or over 317-19 Third Avehu West P.O. Bot 575 Phone 18 Thf! pYluce John !s expected In irem Anyox around throe o'clock iCiiiMMM fjord It ati Hi firtm ihfe' aflemotf a 4 o'clock itM W b. rtii t' . b:. oi Ed-firrlittl: .1teal 5fsttt.lry or ,hc -ptlt UHfel of :tfcrti Uamda. rill arrlrH 1 9attirrtay night'. iHtth ana wU pfe in the B?.p- the tifwi05d creamery butu-; Iterh Ih PiJShfs admtljemsn) yesterday fijia hare rnrt fi' j fbr tfitee pyohdl. Hie orft inal copV a ntrt tffr legible and the nine jwa miiktrt for a zerb. Mr. and Mr 0 V. Stnidar l ar-W Ittreti Ih tttfc rtty lH enSfl frcrto: lf:c Mr. 9iii"hl. who 1; rne. oi the leadtiig Wneinien of the' isirawberry tftim !11 stay ovor: here until Monday crmiaj Mrs., SundaHl 111 to serath totritht. i e1 A im&t 4l tm fen tio camf ui from Allyox last nleht have twvni Dtiytna tidfcfts to Lai ope at the local trrrwportatlcm otfltes Hoteli Arrivals 1'ill.NtK IlUI'EttT IIOTCL M. Andenon PacifL- O T. Sun dahl ant wife. Terrace; D. Ron mir. Bams Lake: K Foherty, Van derhoaf: J A. Knox. Vancourei Mrs. Carr. Montreal; R J. Ha Wannipeg . JONES' lamily Meat Market irime Rib Roll. 4 lbs. S1.00 No 1 Pure Jam. 1 tin ghotOder Park. 4 lbs. 50c Apples, 4 lbs. Shoulder Lamb 5 lbs. 75c 1 Oreeiiaabbage .. Leg oX Park lUc per lb. of Lamb 20c per lb. T-Bme ROasU 20c per lb. Htunfi Roast-- 15c per lb, PotRbaet 10c Der lb. Port Chops- 25c Tomato Sausage 10c Pork Sausage 25c 2 lbs 957 Phone O'J ffinoN SALE On Saturday. February It. at' 7.30 n-m.. a our New Location Next Bttlkley Market 3rd Ave. Conalstlng of Electric Range. Dining Room Table. McClary Oarry Rant. Toronto Couch, i Dreaseta. Bleettk Waffle Iron. Hot Plate. Single Bed. Kitchen Table and Chairs. 8 Cushions. Push Cart. Beds. Pictures, and Mb)ecll&Hous Articles. NOTE If you have anything yrtu would like Mfe to Sel at this sale, send or Ihon before 4 pm on Saturday. G. J. Dawes tHE AUCTIONEER rriONK BLACK 120 " ' 1 AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP 4 lerane of IU Natural Flavor! Ajlmer Vegetable Soiip fs mai! from garilen-freh vegetable . . . vegetables grown In the fdmoii Fraer Valley of Britib Columbia. Yton can taste tbe QUALITY'. Aylmer is sour) at Its best id In iiuri, tl. t:atvsL Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE 11.0C ft. lumber. $5 LOST Lady's wrtortwteh be-oer thouaand. Apply 511 Sixth twecn Convent and Oreeh Street Ave. East. -I MUST' SEI Lot 439. Rang 5. Usk. 87 acres, also Lota 7-aa, Block 9. Section 7. Print Rupert Indefeasible titles. No raasonabk j offer refused. C. H. Hickman 3233 Brighton Avenue. Virtoda B.C. TOR SALE bronse monolite stand - " ard electric lamp with 250-watt globe, giving delightfully soft In- direct light, particularly reoora- mended for bridge parties. Ori - r ginaJ price $47 JW. Will atii Iotj tie. Phone Blue 371. FOR RENT HOUSES for rent. Best value, Phone Hart. tf STEAM heated furnished room. Phone 781. NEWLY Renovate moo em flat Rand Bteck Max Hettbroner t' t STORE for Rent. Third Avenue adjoining Wrathalt's low rental McClyraont. VERNON Apartments. 139 Se am Avenue. House eepfru rooms ostsMtatnj4 TKnkda Dael J91 . t PERSONAL WILL restaXrfcnt man who bought steam tabje kindly eommunlrate with us m address was lost. Store Fixtures Supply IwUS. 1260 Qranvllle Street. Vancou ver, B.C. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood, Coa) moving, chairs for Tent. tt PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned 33.00, Walker's M'l ale Store 1 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Kays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Orren 241 Phones Green 519 Exchange Block tht ST" r" 'I &- i LOST oh 4th Avenue, Duosmulr r 5 th Ave. Ph3sk HO Reward. 35 WOUIO person seen taking, bare AsHer from wall af foot of. sUlrg Hyde Transfer return same arid avoid further trouble. PAINTERS PAINTING and Paper hanging, Mollcr. Phone Red 808. CLEANING & PRESSING PRICK reasonable Benktndorf, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING S1J & up Ladies'. Men's Hlr Catting. Ntte&n'S Beauty Shoppe. -tiOXtKNJItM Llttt'Oll ACT" None os amtoAtivM rort coS- SJrr TO TBAKSfCB. Of EK : n once is hbiuui otvaN that a ttav tista day.ot Obruary ncat.UM mt-ttwatgwtd MSCSat to apply to UMUqdor Oontrol Boarat for eoawnt as waniSfr of ,mt Me). 3461 a ansa u rt apcet. of praatlaaa being part or wt BUIiaBnS sums S atBKW raym ' at IV cocnay a? itb Stem ajtd rtras Awnuarfn We City trf Ptlncr Hu- Kvirm WkW! lllTftWn (ft) aaajuitnltt. t Maek Ten 410), acton Onr it). Map MS. Print Ra- HJf.fEtti00. oantaal H-irl tisgSMU. Uqmca to Oara mtaaboth B1m& at rYlnor Rupert. Drt- Coiumbia. tba traiufmc. DATkL at Prtncr Rupert. Brttteti Oo-lUSDHa. tflla 13th day u( January. 13. CORA K BLACK. Appltean: and Traaateirea. FOR SALE Fresh Fish Daily Aboard Helen II Cow Ray The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping" ii General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me CEO, J. DAWES Phone Uiack 120