f AQI TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week . DAILY EDITION it Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN Managing-Editor the result that five miles of road was completed and plans prepared for the bridge across the narrows. Then the government was defeated and the Conservatives started out well and carried on the work, completing nhnilt twn milos am flnlnrr rrnc5f1of o Hlo u-nrlr nn nnnthav SALMON GOLD MINES LTD. One Chance in a Lifetime Strikes are FOLLOW1NO IN RAPID SUCCESSION AT THE SALMON GOLD MINES. Stewart and Premier people are all excited over the latest find Just announced. Samples are running very high In free gold and D. Campbell, superintendent of the Big Missouri, went over to see It and was much Impressed. In the first ditcevery of the Salmon Gold main rone general average values roterlnr a length of 300 feet, width 10.9 feet, at present prices of gold is $22.00 a ton. whlth means that for every foot of depth there is ore pf a value of $5318.00. With the main ore body Jujt uncovered at 200 fret lower elevation than the present workings, it the ore body continues with the same values, the .ore will have a value of $1,173,300.00. The vein at the 200 foot level has a width of 33 feet, well mineralirrd. Vein No. 3 in eight open cuts gives an average value of $17.10 for a length of 310 feet and a width of 337 feet. Four more parallel veins have been discovered, total of veins 12. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edsoo, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are gusran- , teed to give satisfaction Try a , ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wr I also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oata and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, IS -J Phoned 3t CITY making the Capitalization. 3,000.000 shares of 50c par value. Only 1.450.000 shares 'outstanding Including this offering. Shares selling now at 20c each, prices will be advanced to probably 50c by the end of the month. C0LLART & McCAFFERY LTD. Sole Agenls Prince Itupert, B.C. Transfer Phone 950 Hemlock and Spruce per cord, delivered $6 COAL FOR SALE 1 Furniture and Piano Moving EDUCATIONAL SITUATION IN CITY 1$ REVIEWED AT PUBLIC MEETING; TO BU LOOKED INTO BY CO.M3IITTEE. Continued from page one) smaller fee wtthhi the means of the parent or guardian. Fifty dollars The Letter Box GET ALIVE TO FACTS Editor, Dally News; The remarkable fact that the rhanirMi In the social system In : was too much to expect people who RUssja jn Italy, in Germany. In the i were unemployed or almost unem- v 3 A te centralized first In $5.00 1 ployed to pay. If the older popte strengthening the authority of the) .10 who had managed civic affairs had sUte tnence Its Intervention in , ii I received the kind of education economy to regulate the! Wednesday, Sept. 27, 1933 wbJeh parents, of today desired to nic factors. ec uku iiiuuim, incjf tiuwu nut the U. s. A, tne industrial n iraveidriren the city into the hands now endorsed by the iTim WHO BUILT niTii m m,,- THE iiTiTtir HIGHWAl . 1 'Of the. bondholders. He thought the Trades and Labor Council of Can- There are people in this city who see nothing good in the comraiS65onIer going bey0,nd ada .was the outcome of an orderly . . . . . V. . J? ntuvrc at Mit from a mnral rvtvnt . . . . . . a i i work that T. JJ. rattuiio has done for Prince Rupert They Vt. a hVh e IZZtSZ fSS tremlsts, nJ havfr never admitted that he has accomplished anything, crimination against the children of 1 hey have jeered at him, sniped at him, maligned Jnm in the good old way told about by Charles Dickens but that he ever did one good thing they deny. Such men weaken the cause which they support In fact, they are a menace to any community. Take the case of the building of the highway. We all know that when Mr. Pattullo was elected in 1916 there were very few cars in Prince Rupert and very few who no Communists, no Social-1 ists: there was no display of foree. workers and In a democratic society MussoUnism or Hltlertam. The there- should be equal opportunities Democratic way hat been sof Helens.! ffcc all ohlWren. and will be suflleteat I No Reason For Tax. J. S. Black pointed out that the the and economic factors are Ngw iMldenQF nartor Tlew. dose coajnUsstener. oa taking office, had depend" on the political factors. , Hej 70, tf accepted the mill rate set by the wuml in Pw" ' .iT tta- By changing the outgoing council. This Included the Aftl im-it a cvt hv th ttrhvi1 Kna rH exnected to use a hiphwav. It was looked unon as a need- fnr th mrrimt VMr Thi MtimatP the state can change social rela- less expense. But Mr. Pattullo did not think so. He set was accepted ad w suifieitot for um and ociai '"f1 about persuading his colleagues to lay out the highway -f: A. of between J200Q and $5000, No ... , . . h 1 by- i. this was done but eventually the Oliver government agreed iaw heen to of to the freneral nrincinle of a hitrhwav through Northern Tiritish f!nlnmhin ami rnmmirtprt thpm;plvp! tr its onn. than cduMtinnai nnrmu& Hnw democratic band tft work. cfiiirfinti Wnvl- u-nc cfrt.tart in o emnll unii. oe ntttil.. for tkls VMr at Imftt he roulrf nat not bv rCUrftjlg tO OU pftnClplM u u . il i L.-.i-.i ..I. m ht ihw houid h an rsnn and oW theotw. but by uai eer- uuiniun was uruugnt in line me worK was speeueti up wun , . r ' " vT. v n isu ca ssa H(Mi VMVwa vaa- dren, City Treasurer D. X. Matheeon was dens and social eonsVUana la the U . S. A. The unfailing action of true elslng a tenulee hman will-power Inetoed f xerv the nation and the mast. Wlwit fcs moot usgently needed u dwnt ;i"d gave a casefe statement of school finance. The school rat of 18 miUs ntw. mile, and 'building the bridge. Then the equipment was Xhe goremment grant of sis.ooa iadi'Waaifem erumMe but moved awav or allowed to be stolen, the camD dismantled addi t thi mA tntat the n,r.a. i the wrrrrtiea. m the J. Shenton, O. Lawson and Rev. should be weighed thoroughly, dls- C. D. Ciarkcu. criminatory legislation removed' Finally the meeting decided to ap- ifrnm the statute book and the point a committee to thoroughly School Act amended so that the Investigate the whole situation and children of the workers should not report back to a future meeting be excluded from high school edu- which would be held under the cation. ! joint auspice of the various organl- Mrs. a. E. Oulick suggested that, zatlons and societies of the city, ln the meantime, a drive be started The following citizens were elected to obtain work for boys and girls to this committee: Rev. W. D. Q. to enable them to earn sufficient Holllngworth, Rev C. D. Clarke, money to pay their fees. Mrs. D. C Stuart, 8. D. Macdonald Amonii others who spoke, lnclud- and D. A. MacPhee i inn '.he chairman, were Mrs. L C The meeting adjourned by the jtEby J O, Williamson. Fred Hunter, singing of the National Anthem. FOB RENT An Ideal, centrally located Han tor !-. Private partlea. Daisojaets, etc The EUcj Hall is now available at a very (eaMroble rate. Sec J. ScoU lot further tnfermaMos. lw FOR RBNT ftve-room cottage on Third Avenue. Oood location for anyone wisfcinc to reside elose in or for a tea room, shoe repair hem elothea weattnc or other small buctoeas. Phone 98. mimiiit Mitirr or ti.r. !l TIIK!I PKKMi: I OIKT HI' HRITIM roil Mint HA lUltS. Judamtnt CMtar. ttfTios .itr: TtWBtw baik sae . . . . t. . . " Tnara w oa onrrao lor ... c.iuri or maae i neip uio-e pu- r. mln to tU WO about UxUy , PtrW'c Aucfoi at nc a :n tha Wlnr pils who were unable to pay ! T. noss Mackay thought It humiliating to have to go around col such a plan would carry more weight and do more good than many people thought. The situation iT How would you like to read an Bng Man prize wtrwec? lecting money to pay for the etki- ; Laat, near Hlha.te archway, m cation of children Prince Rupert umbreiU biormc to a gentleman was really in a better condition w1tn B m aDd an- lvory than most municipalities and the fondle." commttelontJfe task, was really not , so difficult Yet the whole economy j -Annual nU. now going on. Don't , plane appeared u be to cut down where to be e heated-come the schools. The outgoing council. ln nfr9 : when It set the mHl rate and- ac- J , repted the school board's estimate. ' had obligated Itself to raise the' ' money. This oblloatlon was still the . flrt charge on tbe commissioner's , collections The bondholders should ! i accept their losses Just as business I men were doing every day and as j other people are doing. I He demanded an Immediate sale ! ; of all property hekl In Prince Rupert i bv the orovlnclaJ government. One ; block alone would have brought In I enouab taxea to pay the deficiency jln the sinking fund and current ln Ideblerlneas to the bondholders. Would Pledge Candidates Ex-Aid. Oscar Larsen advised that the citizens Should concentrate In demanding from all candidates at the forthcoming election a pledge to amend the School Act so that there should be equal educational opportunities for all children from six years upwards. The commissi tn-er considered that Prince Rupert was an outlying district engaged ln fishing and mining and their children did not require a high school education. Ex -Aid. S. D. Macdonald agreed Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 3. Drooklyn 2. Boston 5. New York 3. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAUUK W. L. Pet New York 89 59 .601 Pittsburg . 85 07 Mi Chicago 84 08 J3 St. Louis 82 69 .343 j Boston 80 70 533 '.Brooklyn 84 85 .430 ! Philadelphia 58 00 .392 Cincinnati 58 92 .387 AMF.1MCAN LEAGUE Washington,. 97 31 .855 New York . 83 50 .815 Philadelphia 77 68 31 Cleveland 79 74 503 Detroit 73 79 .480 Chicago 63 83 .439 j Boston 60 85 .414 j St. Louis 35 94 .308 M-r-'h 4a rj (VLrtw IdM. 3 rhalaa. tlwaar Soaah SO throe aaat BO rhaina to ara ar law. for tha ptma of ra'a-S Md arrttna 'Jhou patrUruoii d tori natural eaa Datad thai sath M at Jura. 10M. K7KOU1HI AND NATtntAL OAS ACT Neflra f latrrtllaa) la aaaft la Im Prfrafraat aad Nalaral.a. Klahl ta fearna Land JUrordioa Dadrl af Waa orwflowr Orsm BC and It nMPsam Taaa nctlra that Chndua D of Portland Or. oorupatioo OaesogM lnt-d to aar for a Uw af Mm nt tha BaM hair af in draerihrd landa: 'thr fSvrt iwm of VasZni 2 t. a ;natM worth at ebahw rhaina: Itiw Scwrh SO afcara Pat SO rhatlM ta alaaa of ha irvarut aad rontatniSf " or baa Sar Mm paraa af line 'ld atlni Ihaiiulll ,-rui ijrt natural ga at 1 mb rHe r4 iOf ItM t f4Mttia n Mil um. Ooa of tha audrtM f raatar. Prhsaa u- PRTROUWM AND NATURAL OA ACT Mat. B.C the Ucanca XtlWt to cut ' - MUM FM of tftwa. Krnrses Orf at lalrailan la iW; Id) Uiv aod Oadar on aa araa MttsMtad rviraVam ai4 Naar.fa nl(M Ctatkwai Br Danrtn Bouhd. Qhta ' bl OVrqa land Rardtdf DHIUrt ar Obarlcue talarda land Dxtrtot crarkata Oro BC. aad art- Olr raar tvsu ar aUovad for nmI '.' "'nrir. strand of tuahar . that Chrattn r Ssruiiaaa -Prrrtatd aa oaa waWa ta at. rorianj Or axuatiaa n i IiiSm Taan Uka auraw m Marun wmr " u W' a laav of rutm t (Kvtrr to hr opaoad at thr fhjlrt ii Mikrr ta Wi haH mt IvTur cf auouon and uwM aaar fwadrf SuMliad hdrai UATrn MiTirr; TAKE NOTICE lht J. n. Wnrxlworth, ddrM 3847 lutnt Orry Road. Vaneou. tar. BC, wlU apply far t llcanat tottkt and um 300 ou. ft. pr Moond. ssd orr 100,000 aera frai out of Ounf tka Into Surf Inlrt. Tola batos ui rrcotvlltlonln of conditional warrr it' "na 175-3. Thl watrr will ba unrdfor towr purptara. Thl notlc wm pwalril m tha ground oti tha thlrUnith dy of Jiinr. 1W3. A rofiy of thU tf-Ilea and an appHeatton purnitnt thrr. O atwt to Um "Watrr Aol" win ba ftlrd In th offlra of th watrr rroordrr M Prlnc nuprrt. Objactlon to tha an. ptlosMon may be filed wuh tha tld watrr rreordrr or with th Omiptrolirr I Watrr nighU. ParllMncnt BuUdlnr. trtofi. dc. within thirty dan ttur h firtt ppertnr of thl not lea in l newaixpar Th dm of thr rirat iiibiiraiiiMi f thl nutio la Julr ' it 133 '', j b. woonwoRTif, ijpiUao4 "no 'h aad 'art aaturai 40 tSa J tttr thr hM OMMnanrlna at a oaa - i Purtbsr particular may hr dhnhvd; y Mrh Wm rjMrmv nf B.air If fseas IB Oharf arartar VtetayU. Btt. JV Uf Baush M raJc thtw rsr ia lalNH hnalis. tYtata rM(frrt. SO Ahrtna. thanar Narsh SO ehaias TtU OTICK IHtrrtnn and TAKC NOT1CI that TWr Ukr SfO-dkSM LUL iMISttncI ftoa atfdrraa U rl IVmbMtan Bldfl. VrMorla, BO. wUI mppl; for a Heme to takr ahd n Tan 1 10) ruhtn faat par wutful of wa tar out of RtunmU Orrk. wMeh ftowt North rlr and drlia UMa Ud Utt Paatn iboui 13 mora North af IM( Ma-MMirt Mlrt. Thr water will ba dlrrrtrd at s pcl ateat taSO itwalra handradl 1- bt-fore antrelng TWW tata and m1D br turd Car mniBf Hd pawrr purpoart was ta mna a'wrwii aa naa Latt Srndloatr muting claim. Spring No MS aad MoMrrr aiming etahna and ad Jothlng olaima. Tola Bouar waa poatad on to ground on tha stti day of Aoguat. IS4. A roay Uil natlrc snd as appllra tlon purauant tharatti to Um "W. Ur Ant" wul br fUrd In ttta efftra er lb War Reeordrr at Prtnra Riiprrt. ao. Ob)etiona to Ui appUeatSaa mar tx fllrd with the aM Walrr lUrardrr at with thr Comptrollar of Watrr Kihu. Parllamant ntiKdlnts. Vletorls. BU. within thirty ctaf Krt tha flut p-praranea of this netlca In looal haw-paprr Tine LAKE BYNDU.AT LTD.. Aoplkwint Ir W I. Jt)towki. Ant Thr data of thr flfat ptjhtlratlon of thl notlrr I Auguat M. ISM I "mt v rnaina to Dtar af r. i aa 'aaMantac Dated this Sh dwv of Julf. VMS, CAKOtue O PMMOtS PTHOLWM AND NATURAL OAB ACT Slt." U LraM rnMrani and ar,.H. Hll.u Qt-an Chariot: Urotan, IC tMaN. ua'a on Orahmm lalataV .."nL!. OMoltta D BramocM r ? for Wo af Um mZTi,? JMOUiratid StO arrra, la far thr Mm of rai. anj ar thrrrout prdroirutn iiaaurai gaa. f thai Mu dsv t July. Iftaa. CAROt,tW D, KUUQNS. PETKOIBUM AND NATVPAL DAB ACT tlra luiriiiHMi In ipaly la lcr Prlnilruni and Saluml.in. HIIU In Bkna lum HrrxdJrtf DHrrVt of Oman Charhitta Oroup. DC titd all- " on Oraham UUd Tka noMra that OaroltM D. Etnmotw or PortUod, Ora.. gaautiUmi (Vrotogtai munda to apply for a laaar of tha fMrnt to rntrr thr WM half of th h-Oowint daarMfaad iMtda: CctninMietskf at a r1 Pol In N-wth Wrt cornrr of Brdion S. Tp B. InrtMW South SO rhaina: thrner ' 9 arUt; thrnor NaKh SO ehain. I Wrat St) rhatn tp plaea of br. orgniMUtiK and oqMairdng 640 aorta. niorr or t for th puepoac of ra- njf grft thrrrott pHntotai (ori natura) hv D!td' thu JSth day ei Jula. tnt. OA HO I. US D EMMONS .t"T rii xscr. Mirnu. claim Crrtlfltale af Inipratrmtnt TAKB MOTtCE thal. W II M.arm 'J hXnrra wrlllUJaU No, 47ST. Innd ? Uy from tha ditr hrot to apply o th Mining nacordrr for a omin vy of Unvrovrntrnt for U puruua f "Atairuug a crown trnt of thr naim AND ftirthar Uka notira'lhtt action undar Brcttou S3 of th UUkatU Atl "" b rommrrKVKt bura lha laauanca "fil rantfioata uf ImprorrmrnU, Oata 33rd July 19JJ rlflt Inarrtlon luat 7 iss. Ot S4TrtlMraOt At Wednesday, Septtnbci .'? CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENll Per rent, fr sale and all other small advertisements In this section charged at the rate of : te,ta a word per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is Me wor4 No adwlisewcnl takcu for less. Uum Mc. FORSALR TRANSFERS SHOB UK PA IRS FOR SALE good iffVce safe. Can CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furnt. I-OUI3 8HIBIO for ftnc t be seen at Dally News. U ture moving, wood, coal, charrs 318 6th Street. f for rent. tf ' - . . . ' PAINTEltS PLANTS and FLOWERS HAIRDRESSER - ; - . PAINTINO and Paperh:,nviBi LARGE variety of plant and flow- PERMANENT WAVINOl Holler. Phone Red 802 1 ers toe sato. W. U Sherman sr. tf. cluster Curl; Latet Styles I FOR RENT W must gal alive to the fact that HOUSES F. W. liart. . . . ... tallortAsf the f f? F atvle. W must . JOHSJ O w or leg m oo.uuu. ot uus - 1. rni : 1.. :ii 4. 1 i ... . , ... ... C.C.F. True demoeraav can do the with it Kxr uii.o Act. I haw caud ciuu uic uuiiv siujjjn:u. utcic il is wuuuy witii iiul uie Jeasi w 39.uw ar scnoos. ud me otner - , jj fjj, qoou and ObatuU of sign ol activity. At a time when the need for the work and swe sautl na adminwration the demand for the facility is increasing everything is shut cost n,tel $57-000 ? teP 1 of this debenUires on schools iur. raiiuuo nas puonciy staieu mat u me .uioerais are 0f $74,000. This left a deflelt of $15.- elected the work will proceed and he has hopes that it will ooo which most be raised somehow be completed within a very few years. He is not a man by taxation, or eoatribntiens, or who makes wild promises but he pledges himself to the fe8. bT Mmt othw &n- hirrWnv If oWtPfl ha will Vinvo tho nmuor tn rlrvtho nrnrlr i RWtag to a question from the OBSERVER. I Man in the Moon ! Have you tried a ctaasJfied ad- something that can be raid of no other candidate. From TJrTTZ- r past experience we know that when Mr. Pattullo sets his terest on bond except by consent . d hand to do something he is likely to carry it through. He of the bondholders and an act of is the best bet for Prince Rupert just now. GET READY FOR FALL We Can Supply You With: Saws Stoves Roofing Lanterns Stove IMpe Electric Lamps Cross Cut Saws Axes WTcdges Heaters Coal Oil Ammunition Weatherstrip Filing Outfits Hickory Handles Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 225 Third Avenue West Phone 101 lair fiava h haa a lot of thinai Parliament to ratify same. The city be would ,lke uot he hi u to had in mind tbe refunding of part ifn M Ttt. the of the obllgatkms so that only In- W4mt ef mnia Preobyterlan terest would have to be met for eensetenc some years. In the meantime the schooU could not operate without HawtibMi(h.khomarn. sufficient money. He sugatated that n thAu.iaaalfli nu. Ttiaf. what INCORPORATaD. Juagawot IXSW TAKE !OTJCr that tof auUMrttf a a Writ of P Mi-pa 4m aad ui I the ifcova Judsjanmt mnov. at w tiM-ir Mina twad at TUra Am. I I - y aulas treat AUln. la tte ftaMM ol Brit -h Cctnb'a or rmat mni tt h Mid Oooat and Chataakt ajr b f-ea: -4 An lnB. rj can o Ttawad a' fc asanffa Onto oi at thr tMfV of Sci:c:tjr H P wyma-. sis ekbibkm Bstsk Buildim. Vancauver in Kb Pro-Tin- of Mt'fti OclwaMa ivn rutt ntmcr.. tkaa U aaM I a.- 4 aad ChatUU U1 W acid a Putllc Aurtton. ht bv arwrtlT. Utnr at Prlnc Rutwrt. in Uw PTorrio of anttoH Colusakta on TxiiiHJ rnlarntb day of Oc-?r AO tt hcur of 1040 aJB Tvaxta rajiM datw at pwNce Mrravrr. m t OaictT o MMIiCS MOMHT. Ix rrVnn TttysU daf cf trpmAif. IM BHaiirr or tux cowtt w piuiice aumrr. dc PnMfitnU AMD JUTOKAl. AAA SAB ACT ACT! J South SO rhaina; Uinc : 1 ln North 80 chain Uteocr Mat SO rham to piac of W-brf S"BJt and CJOSain'.ag 4 atfM. saata oj lew. fw xiv pmw e rssa n and fuatf tharmul prtrt4Aun tod 1 or 1 natural can Oatrd IHK WUi oaf of July ISM. CAMM.ua D IMUONS lTltOUIl A!ft NATTJRAL OAS ACT Nallrr tt lafralhHi la W4 lo l.a rHNdram aad Nalunlt. Bit hi In Sanaa latm Rr rdlna DMrtet of Qttraa Ctiarlotta Orup. BC aad alt vta'e an Otafcaai Maod TM am than flarorn D Tnm.m af rMOMMV Ora. aaattpatloa O 'all ni. tntstada to appir for 1 law of thrift ta aaaars Uta SM aaU of lb fcUrtnt diatrfpid laada Ofar. iwSan at a pml nltJKnl In xb rtl Mm rorr at aamai 11. TP t. Ure North SO rttatnr WHS I of ha- J WCTROUtOM AJ0 NATt'HU ' At : i Vails f Utraitun la atad i i lHrlvm nI Naluri tl. k,.,,,. VrfU. ml iKtMilmt l aaalf Ut Lmm. la lu At .(ii. :. , IVIrWHni ami ainl-n Kini ' CJwrn Ourlon, or . , In krtm Lamt ;:rIUi Uttrri o ; "t cu Ormtiun ll.ul Tan not lor that OHohM D gamooa Wfltrtl t sf)r tat a ., ,M of Pun land Or. oeraka(t Xclo Jrtaht anur Kw Wi i,n inUtMta 10 appir lr a laot of the'!-Uowtit Mcrtld li.vu. r'h to mtr th BaM aasf of Uw I fwi" i II aSut Oc-nbad lasoa.' U North Wat ly, CCOMMK4tw at a aurf ataMMl lujtlt t. tf auh SO 1 i. u. , Uw NorMi Cm amr at Section ib'Mat j buwi snie nw-,, m Tp 1 WVt SO Ilimcr Wat St) fcrwmtna and ftaJM i rtf f4tMkln d-rrhwl rhaln. u- : 1 . , 5, rantatuiiiie ' ! . t. r tha aim Mr 4 thar..' M ' ndtitftfoat ratd this Mti dr J CAKOl.t'H I; mROUDU AND NATt'H' i nir af IxUalUu la aparr la Lta rtUiraw mini Slnl-u ti:'s In fltna I-aod RwitNv r Qacst Oiflati Or--i. it . ti& cm Orahara UUil Take notltv that (W J . ' j o tattaad. Or, ucnum' .. . . roratuii.. a w mi 4 tha Wa. j, landa ins at uot ... - 'it th Ootifh Wtat r-orrar T 9 thassa Hart So ' jr. n last ao clialna. tnatxv . harrr W4 SO ahwna ' ft. t or kaa far Mm- ir j. UkX Md ftla ihrra - ' j nd or 1 naturaT Oatad ttu. Mth l.r flaltnU' l int. KTROUTVU AMD NAT l K . allrr af lalmthKi l l (4v IXradraat aad N-ilmjl t . In Barona larvi "- Quarn Chartotfa Or-n(. n at nn Orafuun laland Tata taa( Car 4..- of Forlarut Our ner-i . inuvula iirh f fMtu tc rmrr tttr r-fUnanna drvrutrd Uimi CbmawtM Uir at a -thr Kart U Baat r- rui Tp S. thaoor Noutl, i Wwt BO chain thatvr N. e rraxa Caat so rhaan ' aWBIOMlIf and coot-n. -atorr or hr lor tha p-.r.. . Ing and S'hMrt thrra wt iri aaturai ( Datad thl SSLb rtr ' ' ' CA"t t ' rttrnovHBu and natvim' Vafkr lt In a lalrMlM la aii md alaral i QWMtt TharlnKa Or .iiy II ual Oraiiaia IUik1 Tak iki. that Oar (-i of rrUiMl Or . m-utjat intnida t amly for rt: in riir lha Ba' f.lowinc drrtatf laitat (' mmniitm at I--tbr- SVutti r.utt rarwr T thaoor part) SO . Wr SO rhaln thrn.r v 'hrn-a Et SO chatiia - bnfrwWng aad aMtSaV'.i' mora or laaa. for trw i"" In and artftng ivto- ' ur tor natural ga Datad thai Stth day ' CAROt I'" P UNDMI SALE DarrwKM v. rait "bwt 1 harrbr iffrr fjr ala r )rr-. t. rrdrttiialtuii r jutxV ihatirt ia lirrn a-ikrd uiidrr i frr raot rtia at-ii' ' and auvr rtl id if ' t upard by A T Pa'k" Stuart kliowti . tltr f't' BSartrlral t4nny ' T Prlnca Ruprri H C cm -tor boat tiippllra and n.. aotrlral r mn. tv lad'"1 rrl k ..ffi.- furi. 'Iktiirr... of wh'cli r- "n if m haBllf, triir aa aald prrtnma. A d-... rf aald s. i. and rltal'r'' l anv tuna uti applkca'l Krtwt t'nwui at th ''I I1' ! mMI br rr-wirrd '' Inventory n job rata ty 'hr Unw'n orr i wily at tl tr by prrpairi peat !Ktt. PWir- Miprri BC Tualay thr 3rd dy ' , ha hifhaat or any " arily arrtytad Trrma Ctah. Datrd at Pnnr Ruir' IC'h day of Biilariiirr i. K, I A regular bus line u on the Oobi Desert in N for a distance of 000 n;-1 JU A. V 4 f it IfV lr i-1 Ji For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Uji Intra Ited Raj Massage All at Raatonablt P" W. C. ASPINALL DC (Chiropractor) nretnUl fhonei 0r',u Ktcbangt Block