flu Miss Nellie Lawrence Teacher of VIOLIN and THEORY Phone 177 315 Second Avenue West PRINTING . Office ' Supplies Rose, Cowan & Lattai Phone 231 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 The AUCTIONEER racking Crating Wrapping & General furniture Repairs list your goods with me Phone BIscs lit GEO. J. DAWES Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating thres Dry Docks Total esssclty 20,0(0 tons. Shipbuilders and Ship Repslrers for Steel and Wood Teasel Iron and Brass Casting Electrie and Acetylene Welding 9-ton Derrick (or Heavy Ltftt BsvmSl and Mining Machinery Btxalred and Overhauled RUBBERS ARE CHEAP AND NO ONE CAN AF 44. FORI) TO BE WITHOUT THEM. WE HAVE: Children's Rubbers at 60c. Mens Rubbers at - 90c. Today's Weather ! CONFESSES Terrace Heavy rain, south wind, Alyansh Raining, calm, 40. Anyox Heavy rain, calm. 42. Stewart Raining, calm. 40. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 39. Smithers Cloudy, calm, 45. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 37. RADIO SEASON Enjoy the full season with your set tuned to maximum efficiency. We can Insure you of this by having your set gone over now, and ad-Justed to first class condition, as Inefficient operation Is a poor Investment. Battery sets modernized with the new economical two volt tubes. Superior v ffl Radio Service 336 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. O. BARTLETT C. H. IN8ULANDER m WIH I T0JHEFT Joseph Faricelll Gives Up $113.83 Which He Had Hidden After Burglarizing Store Joseph Fartcelli. halfbreed, after confessing to breaking and enter- ting the Hudson Bay Co.'i store at I rest, Jed Provincial Constable Andrew Grant of Hazelton to a place l in the bush where he had secreted $113.85 which he had taken from the store, divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been officially advised. Faricelll is to take preliminary trial at Hazelton on a charge of breaking and entering. Be Careful With Your Eyes A Floor Stand Lamp Will Olve You Eye Comfort While Reading Stand and Bridge Lamps From $6.95 Complete Kaien Hardware Is Close to You as Your Telephone PHONE: 3 MTILUE THE TOILER" r,?e at 5CCTT.'Mera rr s O'C ICCK MOMPAV MC7BWiNi6 ".Machine Gun" Kelly. Wanted For Kidnapping, Surprised and Taken by Police MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Sept. George r Machine Gun") Kelly, notorious gangster, who is wanted in connection with the kidnapping of Charles Unschell. Oklahoma millionaire, was surprised and captured by police officers early yesterday morning in a bungalow here. As Kelly slept, the house was surrounded by the police, one patrolman entering and, armed with a sawed -off shotgun, taking up his post outside Kelly's bedroom and arousing the bandit. Kelly came to the door with a 45-callbre revolver which he dropped, on seeing that he was covered, thereupon surren dering. With Kelly, who admitted hit Identity, wqre taken his wife and two men companions. The police were able to capture the bandit as a result of a Up whkh they were given by a 12 -year old girl whttr evidently with a view' ta diverting, suspicion, was being used to pose as the daughter of the KeUys. f Kelly, shortly after his arrest, boasted that bo Jail would be able to hold him and asserted that he would soon escape. He Is believed to have been implicated In a number of murders as well as kidnapping cases. The gangster's wife stated that she was through with Kelly and wished to return to her home in Oklahoma City. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK. Sept. 17: CP Bar sliver closed at Sffcc per ounce on the local metal market yesterday and was down to 39c today. Copper was unchanged at 6c a pound. LOOK OVER YOUR Winter Garments NOW! Ladies' Costs CI fln Cleaned and pressed Ladies' Coate with fur 1 OK Cleaned and pressed vlt- Dresses, no sleeves 1 flfl i,UU Cleaned and pressed Dresses, with sleeves 1 oe Cleaned and Dressed Men a Suits and Overcoats $1.00 Ideal Cleaners s- a ci ... . ?y?y. ot-o TMIMK TMEea HEBB "eioc, THIS Ihilb Or OFPIGa PIC.Q. IS IS &OIAJ OIAJ KS r-MDMOBODV 1 W A40BODV tM Si I I Wi sCLTH L A TUB OPF1CP OTRCa sts-r VET j 1 MAVWieg Y- r Combining sophistication with comedy. "Double Harness," a new and finely acted talking picture with Ann Harding and William Powell In the leading roles. Is being presented at the Capitol Theatre here the middle of this week. The play puts a new complexion on the Jimlllar hutband-wtie love story plot and to said to be ripe with human interest element. The story tils how Joan Colby (Ann Harding), with her younger sister. Valerie Lucille Brown), married, realizes that she had better stir herself if she Is not to be relegated to the old maid class. By a ruse, she finally lands John Fletcher, a rich man play boy, interesting complications ensuing in her fight to retain his affections In whkh she Is eventually successful Other prominent members of the cast include Henry Stephenson and Lillian Bond. The play to elaborately mounted. Agriculture is virtually the sole source of Egypt's national wealth PRESERVING WEEK Don't Delay the Idea of Preserving Requirements, This Is the Opportune Time. For Your Benefit We Offer Ileal Values at Reduced Prices Preserving Peaches- fancy quality, crate Preserving Prunes fancy quality, crate Peeentac Peats Oood and firm. 49-lb. box Pruning Citron per lb Preserving Ginger 1-lb. mould Concord Grapes- large bosket Perfect Seal Jars quart sise. per dot. Perfect Seal Jars-Pint stse. per dot. Rubber Rings Red and white. 4 doc Parowax 1-lb. pit . Bconony Jar Caps per dot. v Certo For your Jams and Jellies, per bottle BC. Granulated Sugar QH 7.45 AC nar 100 iba QlsltJ s - B.C. Brown Sugar 10 lbs S1.77 $1.20 S1.99 6c 23c 79c $1.50 $1.23 25c 15c 40c 29c 72c Buy now. Don't postpone. The srahon Is getting short. All Fruits and Vegetables at low prices Free delivery on all orders 2 or over MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Hate More Cents" J17-U Third Avenue West P.O. Bos 575 Phone IS PROFESSOR ROY annouw, I. hi openl' at MuxsuUem' Orocrry He desires to let the public know that he will read their cui'v graphology and answer aiy four questions they want A "Timely" Reminder! dooo MOCAJIAiCil Boa ' -M wkat xo woo mean GOOD MOf2jlV? nOi:- V.OWjTa ALMOST Atr2BADV7 Wednesday and Thursday r1 i PAOE POUR THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Beptnabtrw Why Get Colds? or Catch the Flu ? Colds arc becoming prevalent and flu is also reported in and around the city. To prevent these, keep the feet dry always by using rubbers. They keep the feet warm and save the shoes. The cost is trifling. CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue Prince Ilupert BAMFORD IS NOMINATED Former Conservative Will be Independent Standard Hearer In Skeena HAZELTON, Sept. 27: At an enthusiastic meeting held In Hazelton last night, Dr. R. C. Bamford ot Smithers was unanimously selected to run as Independent In Skeena riding in the coming election. Members of all parties were present and Dr. Bamford's nomination was moved by O. D. Parent of New Haselton, an old time Liberal. Dr. Bamford had been previously nominated as straight Conservative candidate In Skeena riding, this having been prior to the decision of the provincial Conservative executive not to participate In the provincial campaign. GANGSTER CAPTURED NEW FILM PRESENTED 'Double Harness," Starring Ann Harding and William Powell, Here This Mid-Week TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Feature Starts 7:50 & 9:50 Admission 15c & 50c Two Men Charged With Possession Of Stolen Goods "whm ot, i none bjb jmjjjjjjgg j ajjjjjjpjjjjjjjjjSJBjjjj IsajBaMssl FRIDAY SATUUDJ? "Lookin on th. "right Sid A ZIPPY. INTUH.UIMJ, ROMANTIC COMEDY 1 1 1 1 1 K I . r. H A kNkCM v w aiiii(Uj Starring Ann Harding & William P... n rw sii m Mi a raihe Release Comedy LAUREL & HARDY in "MK & MY PAL" p.m. m...i.i "iiivwiiivf: vtMl Till" Mfiftwo ..-...... 'noii ...... ..w ..... ..... nt U f, f days and relet r, j j The provint ui; (. secutlng the ras. j Lennan is apsca.' .: ! counsel. Mrs. J. D. Fras4 1 v i to Veix ouver n-n .... . . .. ,. ! of the death of h.' i : Having been brought to the cltyjU) um , on Sunday nights train from Inver- ( Vrtnet ,of, (. noes where they were arrested by ' oompunled horn b , B t 1,1 c, Provincial Constable Robert Gibson. i J. B. Hamilton wh- v John Anderson and Andrew Sorest-1 I son appeared before Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson In C. N. IL TKAI.M provincial police ruurt here and For the Eat were cnargra wim naving suuen Monaays. w ni . f4 property in their pmswiilon . namely days a net bPlnniMwi to ,i Japanrne The from the 1 '.a it-two men were remit ndcd fur tight 8'Uiday T ; At this time of year wc offer exceptional bar Kains to clear our I'scd Car stock. We have one Truck, two Light Delivery 'Cars and three Passenger Cars in Excellent Condition. Ford Dealer BUY- S. E. Parker Ltd. f A TAP OP WOttK WVQMB HERE VgT? Tl I Bl' S 1 V Phoned Bulkley Valley COAL Keep Your Cash at Home Part of Every Dollar Spent For Hulkley Valley Co' Kcturns to Prince Kupcrt Your Dealer Can Supply You By Westover.