ii.. 77 - JAXI - 77 -A TOMMY'S) o H, fi tol Theatre Block D a Night Service r. "'ikon 7-P tr ' Hitistrr of Ubr to Lnter Previa rial Eta-iton Contest at Ubec-UnlonlU . . ' new on continue lo tain force. " Nrkel. MJI, a P 108. tiufla. as 141. '"''van. ot. 11'Mnf 1 E 111 r ""iituint II. 'nn ft F "!"K. .32 Oils Halibut Arrival Summary " " n ah nnn a . . v -vtisn None. American 2rooo aui B 8 and 5c. " VW Cold pounds, t&t Bread Carriers m Wml Tomorrow's Tides High ..... 9:22 am. 18.7 ft. 21:05 p.m. IS 3 ft. Y Chrysler Car Low : 2:25 ajn. 8.1 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 14:43 pjn. lOJ ft. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1933 PRICE: FIVE CENTS " ELECTION ... , ; CAMPAIGN GAINING FORCE PATTULLO ADDRESSES LARGE MEETING IN VANCOUVER Prince Rupert Field Will Number Three It Now Appears Evident to Move Towards Nominating Either Bowgcr-Donaghy Independent or Tojmic Unionist Although "Dark Horse" Possibility Still Exists Barring the possibility which will exist up to nomination m Mctober 12 of some sort of independent entering 1 '.Id. present indications are that the provincial elec-' Mi;n-st in Prince Rupert riding will be limited to the 4 . uiivady announced candidates T. D. Pattullo, Lib- W Rudderham. Co-operative commonwealth ., (Federation, and Chart Chapman. I United rroht. Although rwaon are Denmes ( to Run llJ1"" R-v-ovr! Qnof ! a view to the entry of either Bower-Daaahy tmieeendenl ot a Tohnie UntonM candidate. As eawUon day spproaehea. interest aa the caaamJcn continues to an tra sttv and maanatalain a Lata III1 an f behalf 1 lhe Wid little wjrirwo HiA pt "''--rj Candidates t. other northern rM- r :! niea mtntater of labor!. . .w .... . ' T'"mlt tenwwt,l jnMBbw ,n AtUn there ire ftre in MS..M! nlonlat nionwx candle caramte le in .. ...... . r,g tn the fortheemlng announced Vancouver Stocks a o Yaneeuvrr li,: II B "..:a 92',. B V. X 44. E k- Kner Con, M. Oold. 1.11 I't'nrinc. Ml. . River. MYs, ,, 01 lm. .04. ".!). . M ' Bur. J4. ''' Son. ngV. ' Silver. M, r- Five. 114. r 1 wile. 1M. f -i Idaho. .It. !' . !. ii r m :-; '"s 18. 1 12 r Creat. 4. 1ler. jOT. vo'. 44. Toronto ""(In. .01. .IV.nMo, .12. : Patricia, J, Uk, Jg, taw fWd W. i. AasiU. Liberal. T. J. Matnton. C C F . and H W. M nokdon. T W Falconer and H. F Ktln. Independenu la SkMM there are thm candi-da tea E T Kenney. Liberal; J. E. Panter. C C F and Dr. R. C. Bam-ford. Independent Oamioaca haa tour eancttdataa A. M. Manaon. Liberal. A WlnaOe. C. C. F ; 8am Cocker. Bowacr-Doo- ay Independent, and Louis D. Tkytor. liadopendent Tbtre are free Candida tea enter-ad in tort Oaortt-K O Ferry. ILiawral: A ataotair. C C F ; Dr R W. Ahrard. Dowasr-Donaghy lude-aandwit; C. P. Deykin. Indepen-4ai tad Wttltam Mahony. United Front 8a far there la not a single Tot asftt0ionk la the field in Ute CANADIANS GET WORK OTTAWA, Sept 27: (CP) The Dominion Bureau of Statistics et tiinate that 250.000 Ca- nadians have been reinstated in employment since April 1. During August 22,000 persons left the army of the unemployed to resume work. Are on Strike of W,k' DUonlfra M Out Yesterday In City of pidUdelphfai nmr nKfJHIA. Sept Tt Over- ...-,. r.i n.imeroua bread wagons land (he making of a number of ar- .rots featutod the "r fT-Cmy of bakery wagon drivers strike ,ln UUs city s u mi's and Gold to total 11M numb "i!: manding union rrroRnu.o... v.. and new werk Storage. BJk rfuma. a 41-hour Wage m-alr SENTENCED TODEATH David A. Umton to Hang on December 15 For Murder of III Wife BAN JOSE. Cal. Bept. 27: CP David A. Lamaon. Stanford University pubtUhlng house exeeutite and former resident of Red Deer. A1U ha been sentenced to hang at San Quentin Penitentiary on December 15 for the murder of hU wife Isst June. He had been convicted a few days ago by a Jury here of killing Mrs Lamaon by bludgeon-tng her with a piece of pipe at the bathed Sentence followed motion of defence for a new trial. FIFTY DEAD IN TAMPIC0 Only Three Days Food Available in Mexican CHy Damage Widespread was eattHntra ism Htm mi ci least fifty persons were killed aa a result of the tornado and flood disaster which visited this city on Monday, injuring thousands, ren dering many more thousands homeless and causing millions of dollars damage. Such parts of the western and of the eMy which were not destroyed were submerged under from ten to fifteen feet of water. It is believed that there are only aaowatt foodstuffs to last the stric ken people of the cKy for three days. Other eaajiaaaotttes alone the Maxteaa oamat are reported to have been daatroyad and seVeniy da maged. Report of the casualties and propertf loss are aUll incomplete. Seventeen convicts made their escape when a Jail waa levelled. MERGER OF PULPHRMS Three Big Wshlnton Concerns With AveU of Ten Million Dollars to Consolidate SEATTLE. Sept 17: The merger of three Important northwest Washington pulp and paper com-1 pantos with asseU of over $10.000.-1 000 was announced yesterday. The firms are the Rainier Pulp ii Paper, Co. of Shelton. the Sound View Pulp Co. of Everett and the Olym- j pia Forest Products Co. of Port I Angeles The consolidation is to be-' come effective March 1. JESSIE IS FINANCED Development Wor kto be Continued Throughout Winter on mil i Known Smlthers Troperty Reporting that he had concluded negotiations wlUi Vancouver and Seattle Interests for the financing of development work throughout the coming winter on the promising Jessie mine on Hudson Day Moun tain. L. S. MeOlU. wall known SmU! thrrs barrister and mining man. ar rived in the city on the Prince i George this morning from the south, and will proceed to Smlthers onj this evening's train Mr. Med 111 has I been In the south for the pant j month on mining business I New Sport in Germany, Playing With Machine Guns Here is ample proof mat Oerma i- preparing for war or aomething Forbidden by terms of the Versailles treaty to carry out anything that would sugg armed ml itary display. Oer-tatkes her milltray Uaining worx into athletics, and here soldi era are seen in a new sport. The ooect is to place the machine gun on a raft It must have been a hot day by the way they are dressed, or maybe those are gym trunks Nice Pleasant sport, playing with machine guns! Liberal Leader Again Advocates Program of Work and Wages Here Predicts That Premier Dennett Will Not Dare to Come Defore Parliament Without Plan For Dig Public Works Undertakings VANCOUVER, Sept 27: (CP) "I'll venture to say that Mr. Bennett will not dare to come before Parliament without a plan which will include a big public works program," declared T. D. Pattullo, leader of the Liberal party, in addressing a large meeting in the Auditorium here last night. Mr. Pattullo was advocating an expansion of credit so that a public works programf . might replace unemployment with , . , work and wages. The Liberals, when Prpcirf nnf Hq Vltl (T elected, would look toward a round ' & table conference between the pro-; vtnees and the Dominion which, he ' thought, would result la the Oomln-1 ion lending money to the provinces without interest for public works programs Mr. Pattullo stressed the need for education and saM: "At Prince Ru- NEW YORK, Sept 17 The British pound starttsf elated at $4.74 on the local fofeega wehsmt yes terday The Canadian dollar at 97 9-16c. There re nearly ISO castles ai- lu (' ho-Slovakla. (or lv Family Reunion Koosevelts are Gathered In Hyde Park Today. Chief Executive Coming From Washington NEW YOftK. Sept. :-FraMeat pert we find boys and glrU who i Franklin D. Roosevelt arrteod bare have reached the sunt of sixteen be ing compelled to pay an annual fee to attend school. The result is that a number of studanta have dropped out. The situation la an anperaUve challenge to piaaont-dar methods to meet the situation." Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar on overnight from Vashlngtoa to attend a family reunion at the Hyde Park home of the chief txecwUve. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NOT TO MOVE AFTER ALL New York ExchanRC, proposal to move the New York Stock Exchange from here to Newark. N.J., on Oeto- bar 1, was abandoned yeeter- day foUowtag the Yetotng by Mayor John P. O'Brien of the proposed new brokers' profits and stock transfer taxes. Educational Situation in City Is Reviewed at Public Meeting; To be Looked Into by Committee Following a general discussion of the educational situation in Prince Rupert, with particular reference to the action of the city commissioner in imposing a fee of $50 upon pupils sixteen years of age and over and restricting educational facilities to children seven years of age and over, a large and representative gathering of citizens, meeting last night in the First Presbyterian - Church Hall with Rev. W. D. Grant p. H Hollingworth presiding, decided to ,(iVen vOnVlCtS appoint a committee w uwrougniy i . investigate the whole matter and' report back to a future meeting to be held under the auspices of the various organisations and societies of the city. The following were elected to this committee: Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth. Rev. C. D. CUrke. Mrs. D. C. Stuart. S. D. Macdonild and D. A. MacPhee. City Commissioner W. J. Alder was among those present at the meeting and briefly reviewed the financial eendtUon of the etty, defend ing his pohey In regard to school affairs. Mrs. H. B. Eastman, president of f- the Parent-Teachers' Association. rpened the meeting and then asked W D Grant UoHtngworth to act as chairman. City Commissioner Alder review ed briefly the financial condition of the city, which caused the provin cial government to appoint him Escape From Pen Deputy Sheriff Kidnapped and Forced by Jail Birds to Drive Them Away GARY. Ind., Sept . 27: Seven convict shot their way out of Indiana State Penitentiary yesterday afternoon, a number of them making their getaway by kidnapping Deputy Sheriff Charles HOI whom they forced to drive them away in nia own ear. commissioner Siurethe banks re- niiw Bept. 37: A late fused to lend money to a defaulting f sellteg yesterday forced munsctpaBty. he had to carry on as Prtee number pf beat he could. An Intensive cam- ldta ocks In trading en the palgn to collect taxes had enabled New Yofk Stock Exchange. The in-hlm to pay of f the current floating dutfUI age at dosing was Indebtedness and aU back Interest 97 4J- " Rtt eled at an arte the bondholders and the city has era& ot 42.11. off .4; attttttes, at been placed in a much better stand- 39 8- 011 21- AaA bonds at 84.44. off ing. Neverthelees hundreds had 11 been unable to pay their taxes and , after eutttng all salaries as far as they could posetbiy be cut. he was. faced this year with the task of raising enough money to carry oni the schools untU June. To do this: J? Ilrr,tr, Get Together and Vote for an n high school 1 s 10 yearn, Un,nlmouslr For Rfp. of and over H 100 pupils paid this fee j Prohibition Uw u wouki ysua oww ana uw whin be of material help in paying aal- arte. Ftfty-two had already paid this month, about forty-three having not yet paid. About 10 of these would be unable to pay and he proposed that a movement be started among the dUeens to raise $1006 to take care of those papist He himself would take care of one pupil and. if necessary, of two He was aa much interested in the education of the children as anyone else but his policy was decided on. the fee was there and would stay at least for a year. Policy Criticised At this point the commissioner was criticised far his policy regarding beadnners. It was stated that pupils who would not be seven until June were admitted to the Borden Street School, while no such beginners' class was started m the Booth Memorial School. This, tt was held, was discriminating against children tn the east end of the city who were too far distant to attend . Borden Street. The commissioner replied to this criticism, although! painting out that he was not present j to reply to criticism or questions.! The commissioner then retired D. A. MacPhee quoted amended Section 140 of the Public Schools Selling Flurry Forces Security Values to Drop Colorado Records Official Wetness DSNVKR. Cola.. Sept XT The tate of Oelorsde formally recorded" tself in favor of repeal yesterday when fifteen wet delegates, following the recent referendum, gathered and cast a unanimous vote In favor of ratification of the new Twenty-First Amendment. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Set. IT: CP 1 Wheat waa quoted at ollfe on the feeal tjrchanee yesterday and was down to 61 He today. ; CHICAGO WHEAT DOWN CHICAGO, SepC IT: Wheat future were down from le to a(e at the close of trading on the GhJeagQ gram market yesterday. s UNITED STATES REFUSES ' TO STOP NAVY BUILDING e WASHINGTON. DjC . Sept. 17: -United States formally advised Oreat Britain raster- day that It would be unable to 4 Act and emphasised the fact thati suspend any part of the naval 4 this section required that provision "f beildtng program which I new be made by school board so that under way in thai eountry This 1 pupils of Grades 9 and 19. whose '4 was In answer to a suggestion parent are unable to pay tuition ' 4 along these lines made by 4 fees, may have the advantage of the Great Britain last week. school either without fee or at some Continued a fe 2 e a