EDWARD5BURG RDWN BRAND I he DRHJYRUP gnomical f liiH .l IkTPIVl A nnilrltliinrt u im tJf iiciuui v FI 7 iweet for the TMI CANADA II AKIJI CU LIMITED. MONTREAL Xmas Stationery Aberdeen Bond The (lift of Distinction From 50c l'p PLAYING CARDS at 65c, 75c, 85c, S1.00.S1.50 and $2.25 MARROWBONE CHEWS U( (;RK K. VANILLA ami ( HOI OLATK Special at 30c pound Don't Korpct to Vote on Our Doll Contest Ormes Ltd. Jit Ptonrcr DriQtfists Vtir Krimll Slr Phone (I & St GIFTS FOR LADIES lrec, IJrurrle. Ilmicry. Hankie. (ikive. Scarf, lite at moderate price. lUrcaln In Coats and Hats. Come and f rl A SUNSHINE SUSIE FREE "DEMERS" Oiiie and crt a Sunshine Suvle Coal Prices Alberta's Rest Lump !t"p!! Allrta Rest Kkk Alberta's Rest Stove J;"" iVmbina Km nZ Dry Jack and Cedar, per load Local Wood, per cord wm HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STRA.MSllll'S UMITKI) . mimh. lent. Prin. e RuW V m,"r T-S.S. CAT A I A i:IKV Tri:SIKV.I:MI';M: -nnrj nitriHitn. t.s.s. tAuiu:N. i;vt:uv ikioav MinNiyn- M WV-T - IM. H....l, A... A-. HPWIAt WInVkU r.XCUKSION rati;, ko 'NO IK hlnc i. MeaH and Her . nrhv jdj KrP.:itTr l VA(MH'VF.U,-f32. Ihe limit MW'h 3l. 198. On Nov 10 to Fb rrttirn f "1 "'r CANADIAN PACIFIC Ocean Falls and via Sttsmers te.ve Pilnre Ruperl for Vanc-ouver ' tVav rorls: , Prlnceas Adelaide. Fridays 10 00 p.m. Tin VANrOUVIR: direct: , , ialh Prinrcw Noiah. Dec. ' ' 1 , . ; , . I ., . s K A(S V A Y. KETCHIKAN. WUANli:i.l.. Jl'Nl;" ,. ln-Low Wh. Jan. Dec 13th. Princess Norah. n I H turn Winter Kicurslon Fare. Vanrouvrr Ticket , on nale Nov 10 in. ' ' F,' V34 Final r"i urn nmii """ -.. nr Capt. Tony Martlnusen. well known local halibut boat owner. and Mrs Martlnusen returned to the city yesterday from a trip to V.:. ouvcr and Seattle. lildrens Colds Pi uneciceu witnour -' w VapoRus Mjn An liif Morton tonnerly of Anyox and now residing in Northern Rhodesia, was a passenger on D'h... rit lli a Mum I iiwirva VMtr- day going through to the smelter tovn where she.wfll spend the Clnlotma and New Year holiday season in the course of a visit to Canada Her husband was formerly master mechanic for the Oranby cv at Anyox bat Is now in the M-ivire of a large mining company in N nemesis I) B. Finn, who Is leaving bis post as director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station to lake over a similar position at Halifax, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club to the Commodore Cafe today. President John Dybhavn was In the chair and tuok occasion to vole the regret of the oiub at Mr. Finn's departure ant to extend to him best wishes lor the future. Mr. Finn for a number of years has been an a;- ' I I ..I w club Hotel Arrivals Koval A Richmond. Vancouver; Billy ihe Jap. Porcher Island. Central R. Cunningham. Vancouver: C. 8 Flewin and O. C. Brown. Port Simpson. j Prince Itupett R H. Seelye. Seattle; Slvert An-; dersen. Decker Lake. Lee Wing j Port Esslngton RED ARROW SODAS 1 Qrt per pkn OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ftp per lb. COFFEE ""Victory" OJp Blend, per lb. EGOS B.C. Extras 0 Qdp Scott s Cartoned, dog KELLOGQ'S ALL BRAN, pkg. " NABOB TOMATO .MUCK 2 tins LARGE JUICY , LEMONS, doz 21c 13c 33c RlTRAK SIMCCIAl- fi BC Gninulatci Suu.ir 'Limit 10 lb.s U HEW8 OOB TSMM .THB DATL7 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Batketball tonight .Moose Hall. Tonight's train, due from the eat at 10 p.m.. wa reported thU morn ing to be thirty minutes late. Ill VJ .t -'W IT.' l-ll .1 tllii A. Frebourg- e( Edward Llpsett Prince RirperO Ltd. staff salM tonight on the Prince George for a vacation trip to VancouTer and elsewhere Hi the south. Rotary guests today were R. L. Mcintosh, F. Dlbb, II. N. Brockleeby. A dress length makes a practical gift. See the display of silks In the Dollar Store Annex on Sixth Street. ALBERTA BUTTER 2 lbs. FELS NAPTHA SOAP 2 bars TOILET TISSUE 4-os. rolls. 3 rolls DIAMOND "A" BACON, lb. NALLEY'S HONEY-12 -os jar FLOUR Graham or Whole Wheat. 10 lbs SWEET POTATOES- -3 lbs. 51c 15c 10c tf Miss A. Johnson sails tonight on; the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver. Canadian National Sleamsnips announce that on Christmas ana ! New Year's Days the steamer Prince Oeorge will sail from Van-i couver for the north at 12 mld-i night instead of 8 pjn.. her reg-1 ularly scheduled hour of departure I The delay in leaving Vancouver should not effect the arrival time i here on the following Wednesday 'morning materially. Today's Weather j Triple Island Overcast, light northerly wind; sea smooth. i Lansara Island Part cloudy, ' light northerly wind; sea moderate.; Terrace Part croudy, northeast wind, 18. I Alyansh Cloudy, calm. 18. ( Anyox Part cloudy, northeast wind. IS. HaselUm Cloudy, calm, 14. 8mlUver Cloudy, calm. eokl. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 4. Announcements Presbyterian Tea December 14. Sob of Norway Xmas Tree Dec. 36, Moose Hall. Salvation Army OhrtsWaas pro gram. Dec. 37. Hocmanay Dance. Queen Mary Chapter, December 38. New Year's Eve Dance Moose 1111. Moose Hall BOXINO MATCH. DEC. Mnd Main Event Jack McEvoy. "Vancouver's Flash'' Welter vs. Billy Baashaw "Rupert's Pride:"' also 4 good prelims. 20th- Moose Lodge meets. 34th Moose Christmas Tree. 36th a. O. N. Xmas Tree. 3th- -Lief Erlkson Xmas Tree. Basketball every Monday and Thursday. 7 pjn Bargains for Thrifty Shoppers More Good "Buys" in Quality Food TOMATDES U'.y ii 1 Hp PURE PLUM JAM 49p City No 2 tall tins J-VC B.C Pack. 4-lb. tin UNORADEU PEAS 4 ftp CRUSHED PINEAPPLE A p Columbia No 2 tins Island Brand No. 2 tin CRI8CO t)(n 4-STRINQ BROOMS- nn per 1-lb. tin each TEA Our "Vic tory " Oip PORK & BEANS -J fp 0 x XIVf Blend, lb. Clurka No. 2 tin 2 tins K-INU SUGAR GROUND ALMONDS- OAo 1Ut per lb : -4-lb. pkg EXTRACTS 1 Lli 7p ALMOND PASTE 99p 2-ox bottle Vlb. pkg TTDUU fWith Kvery $2.0(1 PurchaseCnrr I rKLI-i !l Dozen Sunkist OrannesriVEiL I 17c 18c 37c 22c 10 lbs. 71. frhrift Cash & Carry - Phone 179 I WI admit I demanded just about everything from niy set . . . and got even more than I asked. WLat msles it all the more rscMrisLle i t)4t I've never L)n s sutioo-buoting fan. I bought my Tona-bU primarily as a musical tbttrumtat. I wera't even looking for s lot of nations, but tbey just kpt clicking in with every turn of the dial, clear sod distinct "Obviously, the thing that first fanprustd me about Victor was ojxrate Tobs-liU . . . complete ti$ual con- all the ...ON MY NEW TONA-LITE' RADIO" "I'm the man who missed years of fun wait tag for the Ideml radio . . . but I'm being repaid eery day by performance that conilJer prct' the more I em amazed st y?BTWBmc t outstanding qualities R I'M w W- B trol of every jflormice featvre, and there are pierny posithrs aurac that you bsar " yM june, the MfMe priori i v rsdio st iU st alt tieses. ity Mitrvity that jfve me all Then there viss its wperb cswieal thooe ertrs 4tioM. Thatssoer ouality its sbSity to reprooWe sd sbove wlat l expected. e. every note, eryiUl pure, st ragftest ine rwre 1 hito w m or lowest volume. That soW me gtadler I am that I visited for D,, u rUi-u ri bsmedistely but the more 1 Torn -lite.'" JJJfjJJ w Vi.tr "Tnn.-lile" Radio lk mndra nt (II rn. Te-iW Mellt.l.Um.l.flu.l I heUrod,.,.h ' ,,l22?f!5 (. ) in nu 1 " and m all olh KtirmiJ! VICTOR RADIO ICTOI tlkllK mciiM cmi o Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 The following 1 the scale ot chart made or raaoing notice. Marriage and Engagement announcement $1. Birth Notice 50c. Funeral Notices $1 Cards ol Thanks. Funeral Flo wen 10c. per name For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Thones Green S49 Exchange Block 3. sure ESi ttleAse voul $109 I 1 I M I T I Substantial Reductions For (.'ash if atmax M.IU. VICTOR TO If V T Til Si"SCr SCW,D RADIOS & VlPKQiQ KVAC I Tfl Machines BECOKUS IVltiiaC DIUO. LIAU Ea,y Washers REGAL SHOP Christmas Card Special 12 S-cent Cards tor .. Mc 6 10-cent Cards for 50c Free with each above purchase-a sample of our home made candy. With every $5 purchase we will give free a box of home made candy. Prince Rupert made for the I'rinre Rupert maid Hoc Value For 50c BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS William Richards, Proprietor Repairing and Overhauling of Machinery Installations of Gas and Diesel Engines The AUCTIONEER Packing Cra ting Wrapplnf & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with mi Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS o chATAch REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone GI8 Hi it m : J U i i .tin ' '.tit i 1 ! 1 4t u 1i a Ml it I 'if Ml t I