Today's Weather lomorrows lides mmm Prince RuperU-Part cloudy, light High .11:28 &m. 22A ft. northerly wind; barometer, 39.70; temperature. za; sea smooth. Low 5:15 am. 8.7 ft. 18:22 pjn. 2& ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMHIA'3 NEWSPAPER 1 W - - - - v XXIV xxiv . No No 289, 289, v PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933 price: '.five' TO WN TOLL OF LIFE BY COLD Seventeen Perish In England and Eleven 11 In France in Storm Twelve Mcmlwrs of Crew of Small Freighter lost Off East Suffolk in Frigid Tempest Which Caused Ship to Founder Today LONDON, Dec. 11: (CP) A bitterly eold gale lushed r British coastline today, taking toll of seventeen liven. T.velve memlerH of the crew of a small freighter were (jrouiufl when the ship foumlerwl off the east Suffolk ..ast. Klfven live were lost along the French coastline an .1 result of the Klorm. WAS DONE CAPTAIN TO DEATH IS DEAD jijiirr Chalk It. Smith, Well r-.du Soclelv (II. I is linked Up Known (W rHel. Pa In at Ate of II Willi KMUne or AV'U Known i , Va.aeeswef iirntburiftiY f u ,cr, Capt C l.arle Smith . I 4. rASAl.:NA. 11. I H.-A jeaj . srhed tmm tlrl vertl know. oM pOol. ! hre ,1 .rUld yesterday with U yesterday 55. irM""i ' k r lvturn alter he ruin been snoi . . . .. w v many yrar before being anpomiea .-.mi-H leatli Police u, thr pilotage he was master of ' ' hTJS 5 ihr ""I. Hl-m-.lp C and he -irr - irdererl ahnrUv after 1 o'clock r i Mlay efrnlnK as he was enter-e hi car which he had parked In thedral driveway aeoat a hloek y from his office wtrteh ht Is nryed to hae left a few minutes .I filer lie was shot twice, onre be-" d the ear through the head and p through the rhest New York Stock Trading Day Is Irregular Again NEW YORK. Uec 14 -wurlty values again closed Irregular on the New York Stock Bschange yesler-i.u after a dull day of trading dur- ir which 1.330.000 "hares changed 'muds. Tle Industrial average at l'"lng was 100.99. off ; ralN. 41 M. off 48; utilities. 24 45. up 08. and bonds, 83.59. off 01. UNITKH STATIC (501.0 WASHINGTON, C. Pec. 14 j TIM -The United States Treasury mire of Kold remained unclwnged I day at $34.01. The Montreal price was $31.80. 1 Ir J. II Carson left on last cv '"lugs train for Smlthers wh"re lie will (iend the week-end. Will Santa Claus There are In Prince Rupert loday r ! He "1 , ( f" C, I rh T1 rrmv II wondering If Santa Claus will come I. them such as the Sa ' ' to be little hope unless some organism makrs ,t possllde. While .here are a num., r --,11, in me city who are looking anrr vatlo,, Army will. IN wide appeal, .. 1.1 lip.' nf hi demise AGREEMENT DIFFICULT Breach Between France anil le-land Om German IHarma-mrnt Demands Iteportrd PARtH. Dec. 14: A sertou. brr.ich between France and Rug land over formula for meeting de nunda "f Oermany In connecUon with the disarmament problem ws reported in official quarters yesler-riav with rrnce, apparently, con. tinutng Its laolated stand on the question. There was retteenre In all qimitrra to comment upon the matter. MONTREAL TONG WAR iSi Chinamen Are Injured and Sixteen Under Arrest MONTH KAU Dee 14: CP -As 'result of a batUe among warring tongs, three Chinese- are In a critical condition from hatchet wounds. Thrrr oihors are leas seriously Injured and sixteen were arrested Ma morning Come to Them? .r.. , . to allnul to all not otherwise ,,1,,....- i.mkrd looked ( """he Army ha funds but "ZJ& Ihn are a.klng for help to bring '"i,,, make a del-entertain ChrWrnas 1, a great many youngsters on dollar. them a send lar go a long way. If you can't afford, more, SEMWH) MS CLOSE Maybe Hitler Is Not Teetotater If you look doviv :.! ' uv ;' liueur glav Iliilcr hx. aJ. . of the buy day of tuc rtd!l. . 1 of labor. Dr Kraiu S' ldtc in In Veterans Hold Regular Meet Canadian Lrclon In Sewlon I.tst M(ht rrogrrsa On Tluilding The regular monthly meeting ol the Canadian I virion. Prhtce Ru pert H ranch, was helo last efen- Ing In the clubrooms with a good atndence of members. President J. Preece was In the chair. Reports of the proceeds from the Poppy Day sales showed a large Increase over last yaar and the Utmiks of the I-etslon were grv-n t the Women's Auxiliary for Its activities In the matter and to the geral public for generous support. Cefwratulatlnns were slso ex tended to the Women's Auxiliary for lis very successful basaar. The returns wMl enable the Ieion to carry on even more relief anions: thr needy returned men and their dependents than last yar and fewer requests will have to be refuMt owing to lack of fmida. Owing lo Uie building alterations it was decided to hold the Christmas Tree In Uie Ragles' HsH. The list of members was again Increased, as It lias been stesdlly during Uie last year by the applications for regular membership from Hubert Ward and C. W. Dawson which were accepted. Progress on Uie building la very evident now that Uie forms have been removed and. while It will be sonw weeks before the Interior can be finished, the work can now proceed without depending on weather. Former Rupert Man Sued For Alimony in New York The wife of Tommy Hums, the luiillUL who for a year or so ran n cabaret In Prince Rupert on Third Avenue, Is suing htm for $160 a week alimony and $8,500 counsel's fees pending trial of her divorce suit. She sUI her husband was commodore, of a boat club In New York. Durns says he makes only $35 a week. GALE LASHING , w. . -:r. tu: LMa r. .: . . a-.i. a . ;.. Orm;u. ui- "ii in. -I'll' Iii tins room All). :!.- co'isr.ej I-. iJ..TI IICO BRIDGE IS APPROVED Vancouver Voter In Favor o Spa" Arrow First Narrows ldrrmn Rr-F.clctfd VAM'OI'VFIl. Drremher II (Canadian Prws) Civle voters yesterday approved plans for the ronstrurlinn of a btMge arrow the First Narrows of Iturrsrd In-Irl and site on Main Street for s ptoposed City Hall snd empowered the elty council lo maVe IrnUthr arrangement forbuild-if sorh a strurture. Thr proposal In grant a central hrat'nt franchise lo II. A. Flod of Ta-roflo. Wahin(ton. was rejected. Aid. A. C. Cowan. I.. I. McDonald (acclamation), A. (t. Harvey, J. J. MeRae and Warner Iioal were rr-elccted while AM. R. N. I'rajer lot by twenty-seven votes to Thomas Wilkinson, former police commissioner. MRS. SCHUBERT NAMED REGENT Moose Women Fleet Olficers For LiiMting ur Instillation lo Take Plate Neil Month The local Moose Women have elected office rn for 1W4 as follows: Senior Regent, Mrs. D. C. Scliu-hert. Past Regent. Mrs. Sam Haudens-chtld. Junior Kegetit, Mm. W. Ortmssim. Recorder, Mrs. l!tili Smith (reelected). Treasurer, Mrs. Jack Preece. Chsplstn. Mm. T. O. Morgan. OUer or Hears are appolnUve. The installation of officers will take place the second Tuesday In January. Wheat Prices VANCOUVER, Deei 14: CP Wheat was quoted at 59 'Br on the jlonil exchange today. After All a? CT, c !!,;-. a Wine, or Tin 6Kapu jT jo uken on one wi'-n w. minuter .ui' Lad out-ai" ' of ,lif plans by Election Officer In Vancouver Dies Mex ('If land. Aged SO, Snccumbrd To Hemorrhage of Brain During Holding of roll Yesterday VAMXUVER. Dec. 14: (CP-Mex Cleland. aged 60. deputy re ui nlng officer In the civic elections -$terday. collapsed and died dur-ng the afternoon. Death was at-'Ibuted to hemorrhage of Use brain. Vancouver Stocks iCnuitrr 8 D. JhnVn Ou) Vancouver Pend Oreille. .M. Georgia River. .01. Rig Missouri. .34. R. C. Nickel, .45. Hralorne, 9.N. , "S B. R. X, Jt. R. R. Cons, 18. Cariboo (JoW, iM. .if ' -' Indian. UMi. V X Minto. .UVi. Merldtaa. M. Morning Star. .18. Native Son, 4. National SHfW, M. Noble Mve. .WH. Porter Idaho, .01. Premier, IM. Reeves. .11. Reward, M. Reno. .81. Stiver Oreat, M: Wlil tews ter. .osHt. Waeatty, jIH. " oils Fabyan, MU,. Home, l.aft. C. k K.. M. A. P. 0o, .18, Calmont. .10. Sterling Pacific. .40. British Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange NEW YORK. Dec. 14: The Drl - tlshrndsterlligr4osedat$S.03Vt on the local foreign exchange yea - terday, the Canadian dolkr at $1 even and the French franc at $.001. ct-u CALL BRITISH COAST Alaska City Nearly ? Wiped Out By Gross : Fire Raging Nearby Special Fire Guards Saved Cannery and Patrolled Streets I Throughout Night Community is Showered I 1 By Sparks ! SEWARD, Alaska, Dec. M: (CP) Fire sweeping . through grass which was as dry as tinder threatened to destroy Seward last night. Fanned by a cold gale, sparks spread over the town. Special fire guards saved the salmon , cannery and patroled the streets throughout the night. There has been no rain or snow here in weeks although , there has been freezing weather. WALKER IN ! BURDEN IS "I . GOOD SHAPE! RESIGNING t'ormcr Ix-al Man Little Worse For .Being Lnl on Hunting Trip Near Nanaimo "Harry Is liome safe and In good shape" read a wire received yesterday by local relatives of Harry Walker, formerly of this city, who was rescued after having been lost for three days while hunting in the Vancouver Island woods on Mount Benson near Nanalmo. A Canadian Prew dispatch received by the Dally, News alter going U press yesterday. stated that a pair of sore feet and; sllght discomfort from hunger was all that Walker had suffered as a1 result of his experience. 1 . Walker returned to Nanalmo yes-, terday afternoon with William Cal- verley, member of the search party who found him. and Ronald Raid, win whom he had met Tuesday morning while following a blazed trail that led to a cabin. They stayed there over Tuesday night owing to Walker's bad feet. During his two nights In the bush Walker was forced to go without fire owing to hit matches having become wet. Hie young man showed amazing fortitude while seeking his way out from Crystal Lake. He had three sandwiches when he went Into the bush on Sunday and, when he met his rescuers on Tuesday, he still had one In reserve. Walker left Prince Rupert about four years ago and lias since made Ida home hi Nanalmo. He has a wife and small son. H. Walker of Prince Rupert la, his father ami Mrs. II. V TitTersai; also of Prime Rupert, his sister. ' IVVlUUlltO UI UC1I I Woman Cremated: Ist Bites Performed Yesterday Afternoon Fpr Mrs. Ksnl Takata Of Oceanic Hiere was a large attendance of member of Uie local Japanese col-1 iHiy at Haynor Drus. cliapel y ester- day afternoon wlien the funeral took plaee of Mrs. Kanl Takata, wife of O. Takata. who died at Oceanic cannery earlier In the' ! week. Rev. T. Matsumoto, local Ja- panne missionary, officiated and IMlse B. O. Lenox presided at the 'Orgaiv Following the service; Uie 1 remains were taken to Falrvlew' Cexneteiy where Uiy were crema- ted. Countrymen of deceased acted. 'as pallbearers. I British Columbia Agent General -At IrfMvdsri Quitting' Fml, Premier Announces VICTORIA, Dec. It: (CD Tremier T. D. Pattullo announced today that he had received the resignation of F. I. Burden as Agent General at London. Mr. Burden wiU remain in London until the end of January to adjust current affairs and will be leave of absence until the emi 0r the flscsl yesr st Msrch 31 ,t which time the resignation be- comes effective. LASH GIVEN TO BANDIT; Six Tears and Ten Strokes For Man Who Attempted to Hold Up Vancouver Drug Store VANCOUVER, Doe. 14: (CP) Sentence of six years with ten lashes was Imposed today on John Owynn, aged 24, who pleaded guilty to an attempted armed hold-up of a drug store early Sunday, December 3. William Scranton, Qwyne's com? parJon, who was severely wounded by Uie police at -the time,' wfll be? tried later. LINDBERGHS AT TORTO .... RICO ENROUTE HOMK SAN JUAN, Perto Rteo, Dec. 14. 1 CP 1 Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh arrived here this tftemoon from Port of Spain, and will leave to- for Miami enroute to New York following their re- 4- turn flight across the AUaaUc Ocean and aerial tour of Hfjr- ope. Hie famous flying couple V took off from Port of Soaln at dawn today and had an un- eventful flight bere. They had spent a qule4 day at Port of it Spain yesterday following a long flight front Manaoa, lira- ztl. the day previous. Titey re- fused all social Invitations at the Trinidad elty, Col. Llad- lergh spending Ute day super- tending overhaul and refuel!- lng of the Loekheed-Vejta plane which has hoW ridne Well aver 35,000 miles' drTWe enUre 4 trip. ' n; isii li m