. 1 V ' i t n'lnj e- PAOE KX .thh-tjaim; Npwa ' . . . .... Thurtday. n .. .' -i 1 Gifts for-- Xmas SHOES Pnappv Shfs for t;ic Snaopy Mis; tn 1'uup wet T-SWapi jpikr hceij, to.uud ,g. kid & patent leather gO 9 ny. J3.;5; special ?Jsc? Women ? Smart. Attractive 'jrrs .;f-. vts in bl.:ck and brown calf mi J kid leathers. reg. $195 $2.95 up from Smart Strfet Oxfords In black ana &jc,..n new shawl tongue. up from tJfWJti Women's High Grade Pumps and Strap Slippers, finest quality kid. smart iittractlve leI?nf vrj' dressy in med- :m '' ana Cii reg. 55.45 S2.95 up from Don't Be Disappointed Buy now! Our larse stock bought of Lcckic Slippers and .Moccasins is sclliu? fast, "liny at Home." Our prices cannot be beaten. Lcckie's Footwear stands the test Slipper anil Moccasin Specials Women's Oenulnc. Hair Seal raoa-asms reg. V.i.Ob ti from Women's Boudoir in fine kid. ail co.ois, rea. 32.50 GO up from uc Women Boudoirs, rubber heels, reg. B6c 69c in from Misses' and Children's Genuine Indian Made Moccasin?, reg. $1.95 7?p up from .. a OK Misses' and Children's Boudoirs, reg. 85c QQt UP fT Tl O V U .MADE UV I.F.CKIE-Men's Women' Ski Root, oil tanned cl-ron-.e Ud leather double ir douMe thed. Absolutely waterproof, for Everyone Pictures, a fine assortment to choose from, excellent values at from Uc to $4.00 Hecipe Cabinets 51.00 L ll.'.S Loose Leal Recipe Books $3.00 Fine 1'laylne Cards, gilt edg lrle packs Me. "Sc. $1.00 dcible $15. $2.M In fancy cases .51.25 k $2,60 GckxI Wtltlng Paper Is always appreciated. We have a large assortment of attractively boxed papeUrles Including Eaton Crane & Pike's paper of distinction 35c to Sl.Od CUT RATE SHOE STORE - See Our Windows Gift Suggestion Box. Cameras . $1.25 to $5.50 Folding Kodaks S5.00 up Dine Kodaks. Home Movie maker . $39.54 Photograph Albums GOc. $30 Leather Bill Folds and Pu.-sc $1.00 up Fancy Trays .$1.80 to $3.50 WATCHMAN'S Pens to 310.00 Pen & Pencil Sets $3.15 to $15.90 Card Tables. Hourd's na-S2.7J Uonalty advertised 'Maple Leaf" brand ..St.W to $7JS0 VISIT TOTLAXD See the latest dUplay of toys In the city. Everything plainly marked at lowest prices. Flectric Train SpecialTwo only American Flyer Electric Trains Including transformer, all ready to attach to electric light socket Fxtra special price $7.50 VISIT BOOKI.AND BUger and better than ever. Children's books trom 10c to $3J0. Books lor grown-ups. latest fiction. Star and Blue Ribbon books, popular reprints, all at puhHahrs, prices. Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books. Technical Books. Coot Books. Nothing gives more pleasure than a well chosen book. Here -you can select Just the right book to please the most dtlf leult on your Chilstmas list at Just the right price. Gift books for everyone, from 23c to $6.00 LADIES' FUR COATS We received a shipment of Ladles' Fur Coats, in latest styles, at very attractive prices. We guarantee these coals to be as represented. Your Inspection is cordially invltrd. Buy or order your Coat or Neckwear with confidence here. J. CLONES Opposite. MrCutcheons Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Game heads a specialty. AH work guaranteed first class. FtRS MAJ)E UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, H.C. Third and Sixth St. Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal Thai Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 Doll Carrlaees from S4.00 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Gifts That Will Last t Chesterfield SuIte-C6Yrred all ovei lit mohair r ' l.Vf. Carpet Mats Good assortment bolid Walnut End Off Tables ?4td PhoilO 775 Thiivl Avnmm n x f SPECIALS Women's Cloth Zippers Highest Quality Cashmerette In black & brown Q-f QC XJ U Reg. S2.9S Special Women's Kubber Overshoes In attractive blue color, four dome fasteners Q-j ne KS. $1.95 Special V'" These arc real bargains. Snap 'cm up. . SHOES ten's Huii tirade Press Oxfords, reg. $4 93 C lr un from t?jttJ Men's High Grade Calf Dress Boot, reg. $4.95 CO Qr up from . O&tou Uckle'a Solid Le.itii. ; wk BooU CO QC "g si aa yutfO Men's Romeo Slippers tn k.d, M ick nnd brown CJ-f nff reg. y ifl no from t?JLtt M'nM Knatlsh Felt SMni"- reg. $1.95 Qffp 'n from jUKs TJovs' lwl Youths' FeM Rtiu- r-ers. res. 31.25 fiQn un f rotn . . Uvt Ire Prceo. l)ioint on Cltv ScrJn t rtt Uatp sh'M- Store and "Intreal lmprrtfr - 3rd Avenue Comj)are Our Prices Telephone Bridge By Moose Women rlay Enjoyed at Fire Home audi Moose Hall Last Esening In aid of the Christmas Tree fund, the Moose Women held a sue- ; ressf ul telephone bridge last night with play at the Moose Hall and , fire private homes. Hostesses for , Uie evening were Mrs. D. C. Schubert, Mrs. T. O. Moigan and Mrn W. O rim aeon. Mrs. P. M. Crosby and Mrs. Percy Cameron: Mrs Ole fitegavlg and Mrs. R Olke: Mrs. A. Ohrteaorg and Mrs Hugh Smith, and Mrs. Bam Haudenachlld and Mrs. Sam Hougan. Prtee winners were, ladles' first. Mix. Sam Haudenschild; consolation, Mrs. J. Morrison; men's first. y Feero: consolation. R. Strachan. ; Refreshments were served at each home. Phone 933 Phone 933 De Jong's ; Cash and Carry I Tor Friday and Saturday Garden Peas Choice 00 Quality. 3 tins for O&K, Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes Qn per pkg Malkln'a Best SLICED PEACHES Size 2' i's, per tin MINCE 29c MEAT In III Bulk. No. 1 Quality 2 27c lbs. for j Brunswick Sardines 26c 5 Uns for i Granulated Sugar 75c I 10 lbs. for . Aylmer Corn on Cob 27c SUe 3's, per tin ..m ...... Nabob cut Green Bcans 27c 2 Uns for JU Soap Flakes 18c per pkg. Roman Meal 34c per Pkg California Black Figs 25c 3 lbs. for iSunkist Orange- Large 24c j size, per doe. 3 dozen 69c r for- v--mI 1 Jamaica Grape FrulU- 25c 5 for Red Emperor Orapes 15c ', per lb, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Armour Salvuc Co.':. power tug! Salvage Princes, which has been in I Vancouver for several weeks rccciv-1 ing repaint for a broken erankithutt. which mWMp th vesaei uffarl while cngawf in salmon packing to Nuinu cannery from the Queen "hnrlotte Islands during the full. Is leavtng Vanejiuver today tor Prince ; 'iuoort and Is expeeted to rrneh1 her home port here early next -veck. t i A small party of butinM and "frs.tontl men is leaving this ftemuori al,ird Captain (leorge ?!lU!" power boat Mancaret I tn vit Portland Canal points over the veck-end. retunUn home Mond.iv .nmnlni They will make calls it "iowart. Premier. Anyox and Altc nn The party will consist of Olof fia.'uin M.P W (J FuIUhi. Captain s Wit-oii, A. MrokKbank, H F ".lasvy and H F Pullen. Capt Wil '.:) is Ruins: north for the especial -uttHwe of visiting Canadian U-cion branches. Olof Hanson is to .iit his coaatituenU. . Bouag held over for a week Im uuf oiiver, (7. N R steamer Prince Inh.i will b here next TuencUy ht or Wednesday morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte lands and will sail on Friday night ) her return aouth over the lame ulc. Capt. Dan McKlnnon. regular .iaMer of the Prim e John, is now 'turning to command of the m- 1 after havbm been off on annual acation. Can Nell McLean, who 1 .io been relieving during has ab-' nee. ia iiow In command of the reamer Irmee George in place of Capt. Harry Nedrten who is taktii hU animal hojiday. Maurice HAtte-on. who la omi aing til liiHtMtBt .Wtory on behalf of the 8uo lnMiahing Co.. is visiting the city for a few days. He was In this part of the .wintry In Itll. 1913 and 1913 and has a sister ."Mm. A. Holland, liv ing at Masnetf. The Sun recently took over the directory from WrlK -ley's. Week-End Specials Royal City Xinuj Hamper 69c vaiuv fur (lnciuoe few hamper s with your order) Alberta kgj Seconds 3 dm. Swifts per lb Bacon -sjliced 1 8 C Nabob Coffee - 1 lb. un Pure Breakfast Cocoa 15c ler lb. Roger s OoUen Byrup 49c 5-lb. Uu Crtsio 75c 3-lb. Un Bleached Sultana lUUlns 18c per lb. EiiKlUh Plum Pudding 50c 2 lb. Un Cranberry Sauce 35c Mb. tin Ferrera Fresh Cream Cheese Cfn ner lb OXJK, Smyrna Presli Table Figs 15c per lb. California No. 1 Walnuts- 25c per lb. Spanish Table Raisins 30c ler pksr. Jamaica Oranges Large 30c sle. per dojs. Free Delivery Alberta Market Fifth Street rhonr 20K SfW WHY BAKE XMAS CAKE? It's easier and "hotter to buy it at VansTBakery Makers of c, class Bread, Cakes and Pastry FOR SALE Fresh FLOUNDERS Aboard 'Unome' Cow Day GIFTS FOR EVERYONE Read, Buy and Save Solid C.old Genuine Diamond King's from 512.75 lo $I."i00.00 Watches, from $1.00 up. Hamilton, WaiUiam and Elgins are the leading standard watchets for accuracy and dcpendaidlity in the art of fine time keeping. Alarm Cloekn, from $1.00 up Electric. Mantl, Wall and Grand-father Clocks. DOWN-STAIRS STORE FINE CRYSTAL - CUT OLA88 PI.AIN OLVSHWARR DINITKKWAItC P1VF f'WKKtKY- BRASeTWARK NOVEI.TIEH I'l.UB BAGS AKHOPACKt- - 8U11 c , SHKAKFKK and WATERMAN Tens and Pencils Desk Sell. Your Name Free in 22-K, Cold. Hundreds of other attractive and useful gifts WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Ol'E N EYENINdS THINK IT OVER We ran sive )u money when buy from ui FKUNK8--3i-W 25c I lbs UKlLU PKACUMt 3 I ha 8MYKNA WUITE nu 25c 4 1IM. BRU8SBL8 SPROUTS- vr lb 65CFHE8H WirACH 3 Iba. I UTEt, VVHEAT I tier nk B 29c! 9c I 25c I 13c I 40(iAYLMRR PCWK Si BKANS OP,, A)K, TalU.3 Uns JUILAKU SAIiUINES 25c Uns I ECONOMY BRAND COFFEE Fresh Ground per lb TERRACE TURNIPS 10 lbs. . . PARSNII'S 6 lbs. 25c 1 ECONOMY BUTTKR 77c 3 lbs KOOeV Fresh PulIeU g p " per cord Complete Slock of XMAS CANDIES.! "Lj I...... - 'JHJA I IIW,II,.MK, IIII SM NI'TS.i I I HiS, irrC See us flrt. We Accept City Scrip MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" M7-19 Third Avenue West P,0, Bos 37J r)one 1R II NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Proprietor . "A UO.ME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince nupert, n.O Phone 281 p.o, Box 100 WtllNKSOAY and TIIUKSDAV TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 AdinhMloit - 15c & 50c MARLENE DIETRICH In One of the World's Great Love Stories "The Song of Songs" With Brian Ahrrne, Lionel AImIII, Alison KUIpwortli, A 'it,m( B, Colored Musical - ''NLUTSrJtV KHVaiKS" I'AUAMui NT MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist Give Him HMDAY and s Sterling Silver and Silver Pl.r. H . ov Waie and Flatware, jui. j a cording to quality. Sterling Silver and Fancy T... Ware, popular prkea. Ladies' Hand Diiga and Novell v t :;. Idiw', Mhwet' and Children i hrellag. Table, SUnd ami I'Toor Lamp . derate prices. Something to Wear you Men's Gift Tie Ilnxed 50c up from . . Fine Arrow Shir Ik Doxed CI OS up from VXt7w LAMBIE Where flood i - Fancy Woolen Ilor up from "u Drowlng Gowns We alo hn-plete line C up from V1'" & STONE Clothes ( os Um 25c! WOOD! WOOD! ll-In. llloiks, drllrrrrd ncr cord Split, Ready for Stove Pr cord SJaC, Kindling VHIU Phone Hluc 825 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Bdson, Alberta Qt Oulkley Valley Coals are gun'"' V" veed to ghf satisfaction Trj S8 ton of No. 1 Bulkley Vsllev ' Ca lso sell Timothy Hay wnnl 5J)1" Usti and Barley S5 VpvA Co t rtione Ml rata The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.