D' December 14, 1033 7 s A- 1. (HI 1 i Ham. Dlcnlc. first erade. lb. WnilT AOS I Ha lUl av rAfA "161 de fOH 08 A rofi ti: F0RSaJ,E HU-- good itnc safe. ,0n at DaHy News. Phone Oreen 81, fur At tht adverttoment PAINTR113 S. K. S. Tune in Topics1 HIGH LIGHTS tt: PAiflTlNO and p3perhant1ru II 't, Phone Retf Ml TRANSFERS. -.C!LRONS Transfer. Dry blreh, xt akpine Furniture mot HAIUnRESSEU rKRMANKNT WAVLSO! Outt Curli Ulfi 8tja J,T .SON BEAWTY SHOPPH iimhmc mii: O nil 14JSJ sas. tin joel loe erna" wii'r a ChW rir- HC or Dasrirt Ur ,a4 fo at Uv tMh ,t u oa . m l-ra Sa. ui n l ao -P"4 Wi:UNi;siAY. DI.C. U , 8 30 - - Jolm MCrmV?k. KOMO. 3tt - On Man raiu4Vy. KOMO. ,'. . r oo -VrleU. PECK . ' P oa-Cow,by.'CKsN,v. THitRsiuv.nttV1 :00- Show Host, KO ? 00 -Foot Hilt BChd qjXiN. 8 oaOhot 8torlKOM4 c 15 Old lime Mitstd CFlfN'. FRIDAY, WJG. 15 30 - Lyric 8tae Gems, CFCN. 8 15 ailmote Circus, KQ! 9 15 Concert Mlnbtutfts, KPO, and Remember H(e ((r yo H miKlern, ef(kkn n4 reliable Radio Sep Ire Superior Radio Service Phona Ulue 3ti S3G ?pd, Ae. LOOK FOR Tl lHlWKR V'J - r , I - i AdrartUs in tns Dady Niwi : i uc mat net Retail prices cutter,: here are u9i$ lb. lb' Vegetables 4I ok yft $oa . pW Kwn. 9 it , W, Rom. York" Hotel. Potatoes. Uoriva. 10 lb. tf 10 it. present. Roller Cans-' f Hothouse f J 0 lufanteed singer. FOR UK NT Ship Arartment houtekeep Tomatoea, No. 1, UJ . M-ukM Bt,yM gprouU, lb, Onions, 8 lbs .. Savoy Cabbage, lb. Leeks, buach. O a rile, Imported, per lb. y,.A nuwiy rsnjvaud. 141 Cabbage. U. C. lb. urn- Hone Hert 421. Cal. ljert Le44uee. fc to - " - '" 1 1 1 ' -l UialKlowar, tg . U.O., ea FOUND .Hubbwd Squash, lb. I Oreen Pepper, lb. A "pair' oi UKUt toa'SVUT t ' 0n ,b" ,uJs. Iwo , about week, v. . .... mAt hull, m in, Kt, " 1 1 J ; . .1, .. r..llu Uai'i nfflra unH ' 8 lb. (Paratay, buacr; Tnola, 10 lb. Parcnipa uatlfw walked, ( m. Celery. HO. hearse to Applr WfUe Haeaaoa, ia Box Box DeltalatM -C ;KI Hit aUf , Uox Paay ioM Vox lr.uit Weat IfidW Oraaja doa. 3e t Jap Oraaiea, box . Lemoas. Cal.. orapattuit, OoM.. 6e ta iajaalca O rape! rait, tach Tc to . irtu iu t fj ay u! Pears. Anjou. do. i-j.a vuw bc "'Mpomftranalea, each. 5c to ;arW-T4att VlSla- - .mi. ur Blun Bun MM MM iwhiot -i . Lnuvrui w. Ptovr. 48'a, No. 1 hard Mat geeond Patent . Pastry Flour. 10 lb. 4e to Aust. PMtry Hoar. 10 IN Honey .39 2.50 5 .00 .1 M .H M .or, ,i Mrlnleafc Keda Fancy Wrapped. 31 It. , 3h ! 24$ OfteM (loldeo a ad Bom beauty, (a nog bulk, 4 lbs. M ' vaappait, 4 DrteoU. lb - IS, to AnolM. dried 14c. to bteaoka paatod 12e. to 3t rhmf OnUrto aollda, ew, Ib. ate k nUrto, matwo w. J&llttMon. lb. Mlmm. lb - fPrt. lb. Feed .18' .37 Pork, shoulder, lb 16 Pork. loin. lb. .22 Pork. Ick. lb. 32 Veal, loin, i Vee, shoulder, lb Uce-f, boding, lb. "fJiBeef. roast, prime rib, lb. UU bv SALK- Brlek-llned dura fioek, 12.10 to 2.40 1 HCBh IV. Afl,w.r in excellent eo-dHton. Carrels. BO. buneh 04 1.1?' W f"' lh lb. .20 .20 .12V2 .12 .08 .18 .25 .15 't-amh 20 Lamb' Chop 50 10 FUh j Smoked Klppera. lb - .15 3 i Salmon, Ireab. lb. .- .20 llsllhut. 2 lbi .25 131 Smoked Halibut lb, 15 .25 1 (White Fl?s, lb. .08 Zi j Dates, bulk, lb.. e to Lajnpn ami grange re - Citron peel Prune. 30-40, lb i .. Phwm, 40-50. lb. .... .... ,12Vi 10 .15 .W Prunes. GO-TO. lb II 4 taaiaina. Oal.. aaecUcaa. lb. Qunoatm. Ik hVhaat, AlMafA 1 Braa M .44 9 ISA iMIddlrncs IM JtbMrte - J XSftlOats - TO Mlvtrnm O4.0htts 20 2M Crushad OsU M DsjrW .96 UMTtof Ml aa Qpate 9bet - K .4a! Scratch food .10'Hsrley Chop - 1 Ul NuU 401 Armonds. TftrrMOtma. lb M M, Ahstonds. shetted VaiMdas .X M " CHRISTMAS PRESr-NTS lsfc Peaple vryw4te are aon 16 sldertnc the quostlon of ChrUt 4- mas praaenta. Ooe oi the most wekotno weU a lormer Mtrac Uo. Per lar 300 10 30. I K subscription J Comb Honey WWte. 10 lbs. Surar Yellow. 100 Km rrn BQ. Ftaah Extras, cartooest Loaai aaw M. doa. Fresh Seconds preserved Extras, doa. emu. Fane, cantoned, lb. Na.'l Creaary. 3 lb. Lard lb. He to Meat Tujkn. No. I Alberta, lb. Foal No. 1. lb Hoostinf ChlekMi, lb. Ha, slked, first trawie .30 7.W .40 M .. . .53 8i . M .30 vae 4( art would ba a to the Dally News. In order to co-operat with our tm4n who wish to keep ajftse In the minds ot tstatr f4nlc tk. a Uvtllec Of the naaple of the Pftete RupeK Abrirkt. we are making a.apo- aitl half-rate for peopl hvln snitalde the dlsuici. ii sant. ey t t a aerson who la akeswty a sub- sertber to '-be paper. send In $1 50 wUh tbe name of the oeraon to whom you wish 4; to donate the paper and we 4 see that they get it by mall for one year. "TILUE THE TOILER" -rwei BiNK uin Ml MO -IVUJ LtT'S TA!" PIM out wr t txow T aAt .yarngTii x ' It DtN r eitiffj, rtuK'iy-rVJOD I Unk atcw OUT riuin LAWOS, X I feotBi-6 r7Tr" T& zuvt li-Tl M ) . FN CtLOCt:- MOW I DAY- , -rVO t tJlDM'T p-4 QO rack VA ?U. g (( CT I -re T,fc IyL'. fcW you imeJ lpiclp iife 1 1 i TTTE DAILY NEWS Montreal Goalie For Glasgow Rangers Winter Time Under The Matterhorn Here Ls O. L. Jenluns. l,.rm-i Montreal sorrer sUr. arrllng In Oiaaapw where h- n scheduled to play goal for the famous OUmrow Rangers. Jenkins enjoyed qo little fame as joalio tor Montreal CJ4.R. Steamship Sailings For Vancouer Tuesday Cataia 1 30 pnt Thurs s. Pr. Oeorge 10: 15 pjn.i Friday as. Prln. Adelaide 10 pji. ' Ss. Cardena . mkmkfht! Dec. l and 15 as. Pr Norah pm. from Vaneouvn Sunday aa. Cataia pjn Wed. as. Pr. George 10 a m Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide pjn Ss. Cardena PJ as. Peinceas Norah aon. Dee. 11 and ta-aa. p. Monh a m For Anyos and Rtewart Sunday- ss. Catula 8 pjn. Wednesday ss. Pr. Oeorae 4 pju. From Anyo and Stewart- Tuesday- ss. Cataia 11:30 ajn Thursday ss Pr Oeorge 8 pm or Naas River ana Port Simpson, Suudaya. Cataia 8 pm from Naas Hirer & Port Simpson Tuesday- ss Cataia 11:30 ajn tr Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Cataia. 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:15 Ffiday-as. Prln. Adelaide W p rr. From Ocean Fsli Wednes as. Pr. Oeorae 10 ajn. Friday -ss. Prln. Adelaide p.m. 3s Cardena - P". from Skee na River Prlay- rs. Cardena PJ. 'For (Juen Cturlatte Uland Dec. 1 and 23- ss. P. John M pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands Dee. JO ss. Pr. Jofen a m. For Alaska-Dee. 11 and as. Pr. Noinh f m I"!. MUCH BETTBC. A VlTUFFV OTRCt AMD. ANV JLJO- VMHBM tVWAViTS I TIVLCj C. N. R. Trains Tor the Dat Mondays. Wedneadajn and Fridays 5:30 pm from thr liist Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pjn Guide to Correspondents Ctxe Doily News welcome correspomlenoe on live topics af the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the DOtni. The long-winded cor-rcapgodenl 1ms no place In modern Journalism. Etery letter must be signed oy the writer, not necessarily tor publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to ihe waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character uMMt ae the aiaaature ap-(tended for publication. Letter shoald be written on oe side of the palmer only. Jorraspondents mi's' avokl personalities and the lunguaRt houid be such at would be allowed in the ordinary rules of Costly Knowledge- ( VMHO'S mac r . UU UVrtlll KH Kl vr"T7Lsf I com! bach room THI KANk VST A Question For Bubbles CSOQCi CrretHF t syppos -,HATE MAC TK PoVS MB VAIOULD 1 . .... 7 Mail Scheduh It's wmtt t.yiin In Si-itzfr!? 4. Atui wiiit.'. .-p.wts enthusiasts, are flocklnt? to the mouu'iin rt- nibljc w iiiduijji- ihilr tancles 'tnkd tr.e snoaz-eappad Asps. Ia this snapshot w.e sae three ski-iasa sketching a fon-Uall that leads to the famous Matterhorn. t t'or the F.at Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-dajei 4:30 p JO.j From the Val Tuesdays, Thuradays and Satur-, days - -- 1 or Vaucouver Tuesday K:34) pm. Thursdays 9:15 pjn Friday It Dee, 1 and 15 4 pjn Mondays and Wednesdays tby train) 4:30 pm From Vancouver i Sunday P-" Wednesday W am Fridsvy . - P-W. Tueadaye, Trmsedajg a4 Satur- days (by train) 10 P-m. Dee. U and 26 ., i . -ai. For Anypjc and Stewart Sunday Wednesday 7 pan 3 p ro. From, Anyox aud Stewart-Tuesday M: y TtMirsday pro For Naat Uiver and Port mwv-Sunday 1 P - - From Naas River an pott Iimrwjj Tuesday. 1V3W am 'FoC Queen Charlotte, Island--Dc 1 and 3 From Queen Charlotte Islands-Dec. 30 - - t4 ; The Daily News can be pur- ebaied aV e Post Office News Stand. 323 f Granville St. Vancouver, Karl Anderson. Prince It Qeuire. B.C. R. W. RHey. Terrace. B.C. General Store. Aniox. f SmRhers Drug Store. Smith- o.rs. B.C. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD O&MJtlnr, three Dry Decks Ttl eMClt ZI.OII taas lot Shipbuilders and Ship Repairer Sterl and Wood Tesstla Iran and Brass Casting tlfatric snd Acetylene Weldlsg M-ian Derrick for Heavy UfK sawmill and MIolngMtchtnery Kepalred sn UverhsaUf surgiyaHHSwa aauwwwaaaaaawpsj By Westover. k Sua 1 1 riw;.T X NIM All a. .i.vf II i ft tvi .e"Jt" Mm r. J I cva uvea imm"- n R'i iHSO I AMS -4 Nl .'Ifl LB III M WT m, 1 II jm rr ' r - - n a i i y jv a . w nr-vJia kr j v 1 ( 4 i